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<br /> ._ v� . TOGE7�7iER'4VT�fH a'tl the impmvements�+or heceafter et�an the ymgeity:and aU�easemenss,app�u2enanoes,aad -
<br /> ,:: ,
<br /> . . � , fi�ctures now or,Hereafter a part of the pmgertY-�All,replacemeats and additions shall also 6e coveied by tttis Seauity . __
<br /> -�.,".��:� : .`,., tnstrum,ent.All of the��egoing is refe�red w in this Sewrlty Ias�nmeuc as the"Property." '---�,
<br /> BORROWFR flOVENANTS tt��orrower is Iawfully seised of the�tate hereby wnveytd and h�s the,right to grant aad. . � .
<br /> _ _._5.::�s• � camrey the Y�imperty aaxt that th�Progerty is unsncu�tbered.except for encumbrances Qf record. Barrower warraats and tvill . �.�.';
<br /> �-- -- -_`-`-° . defecid generally tAe titte to che Pmpetty.ag�all rlaims and demands,subje�to airy ena�branses of recard. , �s�__
<br /> . �� � ..e.. • i :...W....�.^w".��.s:fi.i�m iv_►vananf�w7t11 IIiQ1tCd _�
<br /> ,c � .IM$12Cl7iViLm s Wmvima ututvaiii i,iiJcum�iw sv:&a+...:.o.:.o. , � .
<br /> variations by jurisdicdon to con�itnte a uniform secutity instn�ment oovering reai FroPertS'• �
<br /> U�IIPORM CUVENANTS.Bouower aad I.end�covenant and agree as follows: �_.
<br /> r� r: ".: 1.PaymeaE oi Prittdpat'and Inicresh Prepayment and Late ChaYges• Borrower shall prompttY P31+when due the �:'�_
<br /> - ' ..�' � principat af and'mteresi oa t h e d e bt evi den c e d b y t h a No t e a n d a n S+P�Y�t���e s d n e n n d e r t h s N o t e.. .
<br /> `��!''< ° `'. ' . 2.Fimds for Tases snd�rraute:Sub.lea to applicab�e law or W a written waiver 6y Le.nder,Borrower sball pay to �;:�`
<br /> .- •�,a�.' L�t4ter oa the day morrtM9 Payments are dne ander the Note.u�the Nate is paid in full,�sum E"Ftands")f9r.(a)Y�Y� . �-�'--
<br /> ..�..r�. . and assess�nents wluch msy attain priority pver dii.v S�urity Instrument as a fien on the Prngercy:(b}YearlY te�seh�d FaY�� ��:,,
<br />_ .- " �``� � or ground rents on the Property.if aaY;(��Y�Y haTard or proyerty insurance premiums;(d)Year1Y fload insaramce pre�tnms, e _ _
<br /> l��f,�.,.`.. ' � if any;(e?Y�Y �o�8e insurance Pm�nams•if aay;aad tf?�Y�PaYable 6y BorcoYV�to�.ender,.in accorctance wiW,' ' w,.t,�:
<br /> .. ~ �."' the provisions of paiagraph 8,in lieu of the paymem of mortgage insurance ptemitims.These items are wlled"Escmw Items." � � .
<br /> . <` ;` Leuder�naY,at any dme, collect.aad tiotd Fu�s in an amou�ut nat W eacceed the m�imum amount a lesder for a fede�all9 `ti•
<br />_ . ��f f related mortgage toan may reqnire foF Bormwer's escraw accaunt jtuder the federal Real Estate Seutement Praceduces Act of �N�_:�
<br /> ,. •• 1974 as azneaded firom time w time.12 I3.S.G Section'2601 d seq. ("RSSPA°);nnless aztot�er faw that app lies to't h e Fun d s
<br /> . �� '
<br /> � � s�s a tesset azaount.If so, i.eac�er maY.ai any iime. collect and Ewld Funds in an amount nat to exceed-t5e.less�a amount.
<br /> g
<br />-_ � � ' Leader may estimate the amouut of Funds dne an the basis of�r�cnt data and teasona6le��tes af expe�ditures af future . . ���'.'
<br /> �'.�' � . Fsarow Items ar othera+ise in accordance wit&a�plirabie IaNC. . � .._y
<br /> '_�` .- , The Funds shall be held in an inststatia�.:.wEiose.deposits are insured iiy a fed�ral a8oncy, � ,m ntality, or em�}► . ,,,_
<br /> � � ('mctading i»eader,If Lender is such an iustin�ticsa)or in any PederaI Home Loaa Bank.I�ender shal!app1�the Funds to pay t$e �
<br /> i�
<br /> � . Fscrow Items.Lender may not cHarge Borrower for holding and appJyiag the Funds.annually analyz'rag ttie cscmw account,or -
<br /> 1 �' verifying the Escrow Items,unless Leuder pays Borrower irrterest on the Fnnds and applicable law permits Lender'to make sttcb �' �.
<br />- ,"`°'�:`�'�:.° . a charge.However.Lernder mayt requi�e Borrower to pay a one•time chairge for an independent reaC estate tax reporting�ervicc _ �;._.'`:
<br />_ • ' � • nsed by L�nder in connection with thi4 toan, antess aPPlicable law provides otherwise. Untess an.agre�meaf is made or ' ¢;"::-�
<br /> '. � applidsle�law requiries intzresc to be paid,Leudez shali aot 6e reqnired to pay Horrawer any iute�st or earaings on the Funds. �;':.-_
<br /> ' � �Bortower and Lendec may agres in writing,however,tbat intecest sha11 be paid oa the Fuads.L.eltder shall gi�te to Borrower. , .
<br /> . •��°•`! � withuut charge. an annuai accounting of the Funds;slaowing cteciits and dehits to the Funds and the pmpose for wIuch each . . �__-
<br /> debi�to the Funds was made.The Furtds are pledged as additional secauity fox all sums secbred by,this Securiry Tastrument•
<br /> , . 1f the Funds tieId by Lender exceed the amonats permitted to be held by a�paicable law,Lender shall accouni to Bormwer � � '-=
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordancc with the reqn�rements af applscable law.If the amount of the Funds 3�eld by Leitder at any ��:;�,
<br /> . ' _ time is nrn svfficienc ca pay the Fscrow Items when dae.Lender may so aotify Borrower in wripng,and>in such case Botrower " _
<br />= - sball pay to Lender the amnuni necessary to make up tlae deficiencyr. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in na more thaa �-_"
<br />� ' ' • .: '' nveive mnnthtY Payments.at Lender's sole discretion. —.-Ml
<br /> � . � •� Upon paymem Sn full of all sums secured by this Security Inswment, Lender.shall prompdy refund to Borrower any .�;:�-
<br /> :" • �.,�'� � � Funds held by Lender.IF.under paragraph 21.Lender shall aoquire or sell the Propercy,Lenderf prior to.the uisition or sale
<br /> � • �`,<::°
<br /> _ ., � _ � �:" �� of the Property, sLall apply any Funds 6eld by Lender at the dme of acquisition or ssle as a credit against the sums&���Y = --
<br /> �.. _ f; this Secprity Instrument. . �w.
<br /> :r� 3:Ap�ftcatlon of Paymeata.(lnless agplicabte laar provides otherwisa,all payments receive�by I.�nder under paragraphs � -:
<br />— . ' 1 and 2 shall be applieA: fitst.to ac�+prepaymeat charges due under the Note; second.to amounts payab2e under paragraph 2: �;___=
<br /> � ' . +; third.to interest due:fourth;tu principal due:a�d iast;w any Iate charges due under the Note. •
<br /> _ . . �� 4.Charge�;Idens.Bonower sfiall pay all taxes.assessments.charges.�t5nes and Imposidons attn'bi�table to the prapeny �,:.•
<br /> . � .� .. • � i�� wluch may attain prioriry over tfiis 5ecauity lnsttument,anQ leasehald payments oi gound rents,if any.Botcower shall pay ' �. :.
<br /> ; these obligations in the manner grnvided in aragraph 2,ar af noc aid in that manner.Borrower shell pay them on time directty:
<br /> . ;-;�,',:. � p F . � __'
<br />-= - to the person�wed payment.Boaower shall pmmptly fumish to I,ender all nodces of amounte to be paid under this paragraQh. -
<br /> If Horrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipt�evidencing the payments. ''•_ '
<br />__ ' .: �' Borrow:r shall promptly discharge any licn which has priority over tivs Security InsWment unless�orrower:(a)agrees in F
<br /> � • , wriring to the payment of the obligation secnred by the lien in a manner acceptable to I.ender,(ba contests in guad faith the lien �_�.
<br /> �. �
<br />_- .'" � ' by, or defends agalnst enforcement of the lien in, leral p�seedings which in the Lendet's opinion operate ta �r�vent the -,
<br />��;_
<br /> ` enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the hotder of the iien an agreement satisfactory to t.ender subordinating the lien to
<br />-- � �.' � this Security lnstrument. If l.ender detertnines that a�ry part of the Property is subject to a lien which may anain priorlty over
<br /> __ ' • this Secvrity Instrument.Lender may give Borra�er a notice identifying ct.lien.Bonower shall satis�y the lies�or tatce one or
<br /> - . � more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. �.
<br />-_ . . .�� �o�aoa.e s�so �
<br /> `��. . aago 2 ot e .
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