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<br /> 'i r �:,.�.� held U l.euder far Fscsow items exoe�d th�amaancs pe�miued ta be hetd by RFSPA,Lea�ra shall � °°'':, `
<br /> `� If the amounc� y `�
<br /> Z�� .a: �
<br /> ��--`"{� � eocanat to Barrowea far the excess fimds as reqaised hy IiBSPA. u tne amamus oi iuuds�oy �i ,.-
<br /> mds
<br /> _ .l-�-'��_. ��
<br /> � an not stfffici�at m pay t�e Bssiarr�Itrms�rl3ea Que.i.ende�may aaBfy the Ba�ae+er and requiiee Baa�nw�oo make up _
<br /> ..� �<'� the ghanegesspeamiue�byRFSPA. ,- - -
<br /> � � 't�e Bsaow Fands are pledged as addioinnat s�►�or all sums s�by tBis SecuritY Insnu�uent If Banowa '" `� ��_�-
<br /> - �. '��
<br /> . ` w tendeas m Leatdes the fiil�paymea�t of alt sacn sums.Boaoares's ssxaimt st�alt be ccedi�ed wir�the balance r�mairmng far 'i . ;<<:• .
<br /> .' �� aU ins�aeat Ite�s(a).(b?.�d(c)emd anY ffi�age ins�nce P���°t t6ai I.endea.b$s aat beca�e --__ _
<br /> � •F,: abhgaDeB�pay W the Seete�y.�d Le,nQet shaII�omptlg tefanaany exceSV flmdsto Borcow� immedieietypriartn .
<br /> � .��.` � a fore6losare a�e of ine Pmpcaty mr iis acqnis�on hy Leadtt,Bonoarrs's account s1�aI1 be c,redited witt,any bal�,cx t _ -
<br /> . � nmaiaing Far all instalimc�ts€ar itenos(a),@).aad(c) � L' =
<br /> c �-APP�n of Pfayme�s.Allgaym�ts and�r paz�ag�hs 1 and 2 shaII be agptied by Lender as�oIl�w� , � _;�`�..�°_
<br /> LL
<br /> ;; �b to t�e ma�,age insa�oe p�rmi�m to be p�id 6y LeAder w the S�az7►or ta the m4ashty c�ge by�the °�
<br /> �:. ..� Se�e�yr insteaQ of the aioaddy m�age ms�oe�► 5 }� -
<br /> Y .,`.. ` �,to any t�es.s g e c a a l a�n e n t s.t e a s e h o 1 d p a y m e�f s a r g ro u n d�.a n d S n�e.Q a o d s u d o t i t e,r h a�d `� .�.
<br /> -�. . msmanceg�s.as�laae0: � ":�-�-��.
<br /> ��" �,iffi,tn�u�estttaeundertheNoL� '�
<br /> � f� � �,tu autotli�oa of the�a1 of the Not�and � `� _
<br /> ,,.._., �. . _
<br /> , �i� •�,tQ Eate cLarges dne�der the Noi� ts on the Pmp�ty.wheahec ` ` -_.
<br /> �_ ,� A.�¢e,i�aod and Otuea Ha�ard Iasurano�Boaowea sbaII m.s�e ail'uapmv� �
<br /> �� � � ;:��, naw in existea�e or s�eqneatlY ea�xed.egainst�Y����.�td cantmge�cie�,includ'a�g fa�f�r whid► , , ,�,�!
<br /> ,°c •.� �� I,eatder�equir�s ins�uamoe.'itis inswaace sLaii be maiutained fn the autrnmts and for the periads t�at I.e�dca requues. r .�:_
<br /> •• .;," ..;'�';` � Borrawet shaII aiso iasmre all�uvea�ts an the Pmgetty.�vhether nov�in e�cisteacc or sabseqaensty eaected.agaiasi ,
<br /> : ,: ., .: Ioss b y flaoda ta d�e exteat�by the Seseta�►.All insoraace sUali be c�ied wuh companies apgroved UY Lendrs. �` •� ��
<br />- 1t�e ins�aace galic�and aay reucwals s b a II b e h e t d by L e a drd an s l s tr a D'm c fi d e l o s s p a y a b l e c i a u s e s i a f a v a r o f.a n d :��"=�`` —
<br /> .. , to s fmm�CCeptabte tn.Lendec ' �+Y=_
<br /> .;-.'..�,:�.. ��� , , � �`'� . ta the eveat of Ioss.Baaawea sdall gi�►e LQader immedtate untice bq mail.I�dei may msitce pmof of tflss if not - ��-�F. : =-
<br /> e
<br /> ', ,�: made pcomptly by Boaower.Fash�ce company cuncerned is hea�by anth�r'rrcd and directed Lo make payme�aifor ,
<br /> , ` . sacb Ios4 direaIy to I.r�der,inste�of oa Bo�rawer and to Lea�der jointly.AIi as any part nf tIIe insmaace pmceeds a�aY �. ' � _
<br /> � b�agplied by Lender.at its opti�on.eith�(a}w the redaraion of t6e iudebiedaess imder ttt►ee Nate and this Sewrity ...__.
<br /> n
<br /> � y�t: .
<br /> . _ In�t,fust w any deliaqnent affiounts applied in the ord�ta p�egnap6 3,and thean w prepaymaat of pri�pal.a c , � ..-
<br /> . � (b)to fke neswiaitan or�r of the daa�aged PraF�Y•�Y�DDliratinn of oLe praceeds w the�a1 shaII not extend , _�.�..
<br /> . or postpone the dne d a f e o f the mon t h lY PaYmen t s w h i c h are r e,f�r e d w i a p a�a�a p h 2.o s c O s u g e t h e a m o w t o f s a c t i , � -�;�=-:�.��-
<br /> ... Paymeats.My excess fnsm�procee�ds rnea an amouat r�quaed w pay all antstaadiag indebtedness aader the Note . -'.�`- ,
<br /> �
<br /> • °�:�:..
<br /> • ..� � aAd fbis S�curily Instrtime�t sh311 be gaiA tn the edttity legaIly entitIed thereto. . ',�' �':;`r •
<br /> m _..�._.;. �
<br /> ��:,, In the evea�t of forecdos�ie of this Sescrsy Insirmonent or othea tsansfea of titte tn the P,rapany�at extmguishes the ��, :..<.��.-�.
<br /> . , � � indebt�edness.aU righk tille aa8 inteaest.of�swer in and m insuraace polictes in foice shaU pass t,o the p�c6aser. =�--
<br /> � ' S.�ccay�ncy.Pres��ian,Mainteannce aad t�rot�Kon af the Proper►9:Bareativer's Loaa ApplIsation; '°6'�i_. ,
<br /> ,;°
<br /> � � . l.�ho�. Bosrowea shaII accupy.esrahbsh.and vse t�e Rope�tyr as Barrowec's yr�ndpal tesl�euce withan sixty °ca3►s • . ' '`,
<br /> ' � ' after the exe�ca�on of this Se��rlry Inst�ament(or witWn sncty daya of a latea sale or t�ansfa of tke Propeny)ffi►d sbaD '•'-,-, ..
<br /> , '.'..i �. . cant�ue to�.aY the�raDeatY as Banmwer's principal residence far�.least one year aR�the d�oe of oxupancy. _
<br /> , . . . ( an�ass I.ender��amines 1D2i:equiremeat will cause andue 6arQsdip foz��aower.or uuless exteav�ng cucmnstanccv
<br /> , , . . eaist whisb are beyoad Bv�¢Q•�'s control.Bonow��11 notify Leuder of aay ea�a��*�+�++5 circums�►ces.Bonowea ,
<br /> :�-^_i::.;._
<br /> , shaU noi commit waste or�roy,damaSe ar sa0stau�L"g change fhe Property ec;�w the Propeaty m d�tea'Iosat�� ,,;� _
<br /> _ � � �f the Pnope.rly+is v�ant or aband�ned or the loan is . ,`,°<.� `-.
<br /> . ceasonab2e weaz and tear excepted.Lendea may inspect ti�Properiy' ;� ,. ..
<br /> _ in default, Lender may take reasonable ac6an m �pmtect and presesve sucb vaqnt or at�.:adoned PcapertY. .
<br />_.i -
<br />�.�`� • �. : �4R(N�cosoat.o� vagoame �b �nntata: � •+"vs�— _� • � �
<br /> _ . . : . :;� ' .
<br /> • . : ' �-�-----• • � . ' � , .. � • . � . � ,
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