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<br />-_( `,. .`.;�.� 1-4 F�II.Y RIDER ' �o ��„���� �; : �
<br /> •f� ..' �ffiCII3(I�BCIIIS 1997 ,�td i9 . ' `.;-
<br /> 1--- TEIIS 1-4 gAP1�LY RIDER is m�de thig 25TA dajr of NOVENN�BR .' .
<br /> � � � , � ��-
<br /> . `:���, mcmpaiated mto�d s1�2ll 6e deeffied to am�d and supplemenL the Mostgage.De�d af Tta.st ar Secatiry Deed(the
<br /> � r
<br /> _ � ^Se�inr t�t�of the s�me dzte givea by ihe tnndersigne�(the°�oimw�a")to secaue Bosmwea's NWe m �;. _:' .. .,.:
<br /> y:. ,4 L.`
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<br /> . ��'� Sp�+r�g ggDgLiAy SAVI�T(�S & IAAN ASSOCIATION OP GRANID ISLANA -"'�-_
<br /> _ . . Fg . t�..��� �� '. ;3�_�
<br /> desc�t'bed iII the Ses�uity Ins1=ame�leIId Iacffied afi _,�'.� __ -
<br /> .. . . ' of the samedase andcaveriag the P�+up�ty as aa -_ -_ _
<br /> . . , . �:: :,;:.�,��_�:
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<br /> R'� : " ' � [Frc,gecrynddtesa] _ ;t��-
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<br /> `F.` .� 1-4 FA1�ID.Y COVENAPtCS In ad�tian to the wveaaaLg and agree�ents aiade m the Sec�iay fnsaument, 1---. -
<br /> - BouovrrrandLeandea fmihca coveAantm�agtee as falIOw� . �'�t,'?�: _
<br /> .. ._ I!� p
<br /> - , � A.ADDY�IONAL P1tOPEBTY SU�JEC'r TO Tii�SLCIJRITY.INSTBUNIEI�P1: �n ad�tion ro the __ ,-- ---
<br /> pmpc9ny descn'6ed'm the Sesurin+Instnimegt,the fa]Iowlug itr�s are added to the Paopraty desca�t�an,and slr� '
<br /> at
<br /> ' . aiso ccons6tmte the Pmperty covercd 6y the Scwriiy Ins�nmenr b�itding materials.applsaBCes and gaods of every `-s —_
<br /> � ^ os nsed.ar iatende�to be useA in conneAion�vah tRe PropatY 1_
<br /> � � � nanue whaisacv�a noa or h�loc�ted in,on, ' _-
<br /> heama ,�Y•�• � �L
<br /> . . h.`:::-, iaripding,but nat li�d to,tAase for�the pazposes of suPP�B�Qi�� �C°0�� .:_�..� -
<br /> i'• ` ara�s,aa end ligh�f�Pseve�dan and exdngaishing apparatus.s�tty►and�scesv cantro3 apg3tam.�,Pi�biag. ��ar_=� �
<br /> i•:,' � `.�� . 4 �tu6s,waser heateas.wa*�a ctosets.s�aks,raa8�s.stoves+re&�g�s.d�wash�s.dis9osals.vuashers,��Yeas. �cr� '
<br /> � ' awnmga.stnrm windaws.sta�m dnms.saee.ns.b}inds,shades,cunains and cartain mds.a�cheA r�i�s.ca� - �'t=��"�` _
<br /> �;� � � aow or herea�r atrached ta ihc PraperiY, ail of�vh�cL. ��ludia8 . ' �'•"�'__._
<br /> �; .:.: . �,.� - , paneII'mg and auar�ed floor coverings = e
<br /> •�,. .. , replasements and additios�th�em.shall be deemed to be and re�aia a part of the Pmperty coveaed bP the Seauig+ ���,�
<br /> '� � Irsuament AU of Y4e foregomg togeth�witb the Prop�ty descrihe�in the Secauiry Insaaaaenc{oz the teaseboli! -
<br /> h� . ---
<br /> �.�. � , . e�(.s.i.a.�te. if the SeamtSr Ynstroiment is on a tease�oid)are neferred w In this 1-4 Fzmily Rider and the S� �3-,�,a,�� ."�`�
<br /> . �' . _:---
<br /> �,. � ' {�qµ4uLLlai(►l���b ' _ : .. . ` . .
<br /> � �r;; T�l7t;".
<br /> ��i�._:-"_
<br />�;. . . �:' B.USR�I�PI[OPE�TYiCOMPLIANCE�VITHLAW. Boaowes Shel! Aot seek. a�c�.QO ol�make a a,.:..�:_:_v_
<br /> °_` . , : . cLange in the�e of the Pcopeaty ar its zo�g classiHcaiion,anles4 Lexid�a has agr�ed m v��cn the change. � -_-���
<br /> Bosrowea sl�aII c�mply with all taws, ordinanc�s. regulations and reqnirements of any gav�nmenml body, `�:�;`�;"'�_�
<br /> : `` aPPlicable to IIte ProP�'atY• . _ _ - _-
<br /> , . � , � .. C.SUBORDIIVATL L�NS. �xcept as pennitted by fcdeaal law,Botcower�aot aliaw any tien infeainr __
<br /> ,... �'.'` � �j tn the Seanrity Instr�ttnent tm be peafected ag�nst the Pcapeity withont Le,ndea's prioz wriuen p�a . �F;;x�;;.:=;`�_...
<br /> � . . � D.R�NN'P LOSS II�ISUdiANCE. Bomawes sha11 mam��nsm�nce against rent Io�m a�n�o the othea . . � � ----
<br /> �C . . p;. . .� . � . . , t^ _
<br /> � .. . t�zards for wti►fi insurance is reqnired bY Unifo�m Coveaant S. . '� ---
<br /> . . � E.oBORROVDEB'S LtEGYlT TO REINSTATL"UELL�TED. Unifotm Cov.�.:.�ut 1$i9 deteted. ':�,.r." .f_-_-
<br /> -� � :�.} F.BORitO�fiER'S��tIPANCY. Ualess Len� aiW Bo:mw� otheawi�e agree in wrtdng. the t3�st
<br /> . �
<br /> ` � � .:.`.; seatr,nce in Uniform Covenant 6 conceaning Bormwea s occupaney of the Property is delcted. AII re.maining � __
<br /> ;�. � :� , , covenanrs ana a�nenrs sec ron1,u,un3foan covenant 6 sr,aav re�am in effecc � - _i
<br /> . . . , . :;;w<..
<br /> ������ , �� .�-' '�� PA11LT[9TATE 1•4 FAl1ILY 6iC'DER-Fannfe 1AaelFroddto 6�ao Unlform tnatrument Form 81T0 8/93 �;':�_,,,,�__,T, .
<br /> • �. . { � Papo�or2 . �
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