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<br /> t i.,� iE, Y .c, ' `c.i, �
<br /> � .�. � ; J.. l ' . Cc.4 , � ' 4'�" '`. '� '�_ �+. .
<br /> °o. . ' .t,. .`r . ''p '(- , ;.�G.. �. .�c ,� � s .. `F'. .:fx� .c+- G- „ .y- -
<br /> f y.:f S,:t E . �c- y r.: - �. Y .�� ,. - � � _ 'ii.. : , _
<br /> �a a • . c� :. . `` ` � _ F k �-ka.. F > ' - : ;.
<br /> � -4 T k _ - . ..' ._
<br />. f.�.r a`•.. ,` �t' _ _ ' �'" �� - 4'.Y . '
<br /> k , � � . ,�, "s � ` �_ �i'.-
<br /> , •t ,F ..4.:t. � T '
<br /> .4 ' . ' ^R' _ __ y .
<br /> .r • ..
<br /> � . ' . ''c..r�, _
<br /> _ °°:� :< �-�;:, t� ' a w�it ct execWcn m astael�sr�t ot asry sim�ar pra�ss�ratt Qe�rt�ared a�s+s�Trusmr wnicn shait . : . �`4.�,;`:`�.
<br /> �;� i : .'`:.�. , ' , ... ,:
<br /> �.' � -,�`�^°� bES�me a tien att t�e Tn�si£�t�at aatV OCRiotf tYtetent ar irtietest�tecein�nd sttc►1�. attaCttment or simitat . .
<br /> � ':�'�, ' pta�sss o4 iu�BmeM+s not teteased.trontse0.satisfied.vacated ct stayed with+n 9xty tfi0!daYs after its e�ay or IevY:ar .�� � ..`-.:���..`:, .
<br /> .. �...� ; . �� ' �:.'r'. .
<br /> � ` � (e! tt�ere has acaured a 6rea�tr cf ar defaWt under amr term,covenar+L a�me� candIetan. Orovisian. �,r'r� �� � `
<br /> t �. ,, . �er <•� " .
<br /> . � re0teserttatfon�ar watrartty ecrttained in asry priQr Q�eed af mist ar ma�egage aftec�sg me 7n�st EState. �;.'.-��._,;` .
<br />. . ..�'.'' ' �' . • ' . .. . j�4_..
<br /> -- . ' '�. �-=-�--�, fA. .QCaBl9t8SlCf!t/�On OBfdfd�/ZQ�0178d RAfRffLQQ�. 1}d41 EV@�1L Of dP.l3tllt CCCWS� QERB?�C�3N f�aY a8Cl� t1[� � `_�
<br /> ��'"T"�'� Inde� 3BCtued herebY to tre dud and Pal�ahle at�� tlta same sha!! �tereuAm� 6ecame QuB and QaY�te without a�� � `-,� y=-
<br /> - "-'--,�..� pre�tYnterte, � �'- - -
<br /> �.` . _ 6Er�anQ. ata'�S=or t��a at atsy+dtt�. '�7�aftet.Sas�Ici�tY ss�aY= t _,p
<br /> . _ • u. . � ' . � 4< . . < .
<br /> (iy eithet in persatt ot by agenL with or without�rfrt3�9�Y actfan ar praC8ed6re�,cr by a receiver appoineed
<br /> � .` Oy a cawe an0 wi�o�tt�m t�e aC�il of its�Y.e�►ter�an aM�ce Qa�on of t�e Trt�s E�ta.at any f� � (
<br /> . � par�thersat.iti its own etaa:te at in ttte r�te at TnuteG a�do am►aets wh�elt it da�ns ae�saryt ar desIra�fe m pre,se�ra
<br />: F,.,•. �,�,'°="` ,<� d -
<br /> tng vafiie,m�0�it11 ar cecr�ad�7ity af t9se Tnast�ot P�t thereof or iate�est�n.i�ase the irtcarrte Cferefrcm
<br /> �it
<br />:'`,�•:, .�``f� . ar p�ct ttse sa�uiN hereaf and.with cr witP�ous taJdng Oossessfar of tlte Ttist Esrat�sus fnr ar ot!►ennrisa cmtect tna - .. - ___--
<br /> a-:';..;.` •?. ;=''.�� rems.�and Orot�ts ther�ot.fnr.lvdtrt9 dtose Pase Cua and iu�pafd. arsd appiy tns same.tess co.+"ts and e��s at ~ ._ ,�.,_�:.:-___-
<br /> op�aqcn and coltectfan indud�ng at�omei�s'fess.aAOn aml indeDteQness se�tu�tterebY.atl uf svd�acd�as B�sia�P .
<br /> �" . � � �``•= maY deterartin� Tha er�usq uPan and taWrt9 Dossession of the Trost Estatia.ttta eatteeaon af suzh r�.issves ana --_
<br /> r���;. : i. ` �- .� _ -
<br /> �; .�:�', prcffts artd ths a�pltcaeion �f as aforesaid sRau not c�as ar waiva arry aefauEt ar rta�tai ct defau[t tae�eunQer or -
<br /> ' . � 's: imraiidate anV aeL done in �spans8 to s�uch dBtautt at pwsu3nt to suCN noaCB ot Qefat�t aM. natw�tl►s'wnQirtg Ws
<br /> , •�,°' contim�rtce in possessiart af pia Trust Esrata or tt�a aottectfan,receipc and appltc�don at rern�:issues or protits.Tnsscea : �
<br /> _ '��:f � ar BensttCmtY st�U beert entitled to exetCise ev8t11�t Otovided tOt tA aity tif tAB La�Uts'�um�at b1l I�nr upoa }��,�
<br /> a�eurranr.e ot an1►event af dsfautL inctt�Qieg tlta dght to exerase th�Oawet o�sate: � ' . .�
<br /> �:'
<br /> � r `°- _� �; . � (iiy cammencs ari action ta foredase rivs Oesd of Y�usc as a moetga4e. aoPairsC a ceceiver or suecifcalty 5 � •;�_-
<br /> � �z.. , :.
<br />-��t,=�:: '."�.:' +:'�..,£. � e�Hcrea arty cf tne cmrenants hereof: �,,,;..:_
<br /> r • � . ,.:, �'_.,_ ' -
<br /> " (nr deliver,o Tnssces a wrines�declaratian of defautt and demand for sale and a wrtRen notice af default and '������ -i
<br /> - - ..;;if;ci � ��A�'''•-
<br />-- � ....:.;:�•},.,�.; .etBCaon to cause Trustnr's tnTerest in dse Trus-L Esqie to be sotd, wniCh notiCe Tn,siee shait puse:o�e Guty�ied for . _� V• _--:
<br /> ,� :' �: recotn:n ths aPPreprtate o�css of the C:.urrty iri whicn�e Trust Es�re is tacated: or �.�=,
<br /> . :-_y�:
<br /> � ' . ,'�` (iv► exercise suc.�other ngcns or :estseCies at(aw er in equity. ' -`_--
<br /> •yt! -
<br /> f•[ ' ` � '_�r.,11 ^—' ��
<br /> r '- ' • ' �; 1 i. �adasrria by Powe►ofSaf� tf Seneficiary elec�s to for2ctose by exe.�asa of�re Pawer ot Sate nerein cart[airted, �'..
<br /> � .
<br /> ,:.. , .• •;.�.'�'; Benefidary shaii rt�ofy Tn�stee and snall Qeposit nriih 1?eut�ee thts SeconG Deed of Tnist an�acry note avtdenesng the Irtdeateartess �°�-
<br />- ' and sueh reee,pts ano evidence of axpendia�ies made an0 secsued hereby as Trustes may require. • '�� �—
<br /> w � � -
<br /> . . t. ,'`�'�
<br /> �'. , . , :�:.T�=~ (a! Upon reCeiOt of suGh no�c0 fcom HenBficiary,Tnutee shali qus:t0 be reCOtded.pubiisheti and Qelivered ___ ._
<br /> �._ rL i,. . ,.
<br /> �, .' S r�{ w Truscor such luatice ot Default and Nooce uf Sate as men requirad by taw and by this�ecartd Qeed af Tn�s� Tru�e .. =�" �._
<br /> � ,� � shall,nrithoui demand on Trustor,after such ume as may then be repuired by law and after recordation of suep Notics of �
<br /> Oefault ar'r0 after tVauCe of Sale having besn given as reQuired by law,seU ttte Frust Esiate at the time artd plaea of sale �*����~
<br /> . . -<, fhce0 by it in such Noace of Saie.either as a wtsol�a�in seaarata tots or parcels or tte�ns as Tnrstee sha11 desm expedienL , ''r _�" -=-_-
<br /> � . and in suct�onRer as it may Qetermirte,at pubiie auec�an to the highest bidder tor qsA tn lawfiil rrtonay ot the ttrtited Siates =,�=, -
<br /> �f'`'�� ' payabie ac t�e time at sale. Ti�utee shajl deiiver to such purehaser ar puret�asers thereot its goad arsd suffictent Ceed ar . .;;�;,_,:�:�=_
<br /> ` �• , Qgeds aorrveyirtg ttte OroperN So sotd.QuT widtaut arty cavenanc er warrartty.exQress at imptteQ fie r�dtats in such deed � W',,;,'.
<br /> of any matoers or facts straJi be coacfusive proat ot the�ness tRereaf. Any persan,inc�uding wit�oat limiratfon �
<br /> �` _.� Tmsmr.Trtutee or Bes�sticiary.maY purctsase at such sate.
<br />�i,`,,.,•', . ,� � . .___•��'
<br /> g�'' • � ,.-�� • lDl As may ne aerm�me�oy�aw.after deduesfng al)costs.tees an6 exoenses af Trustes zn�at mis T� � '
<br /> ; . . . inetudtng eosts ot evidence of title in canrtection wittf safe,Tn�stes shall apply the procee�,s af sale to paymem of C�D sP;a . - _
<br /> �� • Indebtedness("ui all other sums then seeured hereby,and(iiil the remainder,if arry,to the p�n or persons 1egalty ertptted -�y:° .
<br /> .. � . ' thetBLO. . � �-:.
<br /> :,r --
<br /> ' , � (ef Tn�stes reiav�n the manrter pni�.�iC�d by law Gos�ane sale of ait or any pattion of tita r�usi EsqTe. --• -- ....
<br /> '� � - 12. f�vmQ011es No!Esdrr�'ira. Tnistee and Beneftciary, aad each of them,shall be entitted m e�tcr�s P�1►merK and � � , ' �
<br /> . ' pertartrtance of arsy indebtedness ar abtigatfans seeured heret�y and to exercise atl dghts ana pawets under this Secand Oeed ot �
<br /> • • ; Tnist at�nQer am►loan Instrumenc cr other agreement or arry laws now ar hereafter in force;notwitnstanding,same or all o!tt�e . '
<br /> � ,:�'� , :. s�ceh tndebtedness and obtiga�ans seeured hereby may rta�r�or hereatter be otherwise secured.whather by moRgage.Qeed ot mrs� � � � `
<br /> � ` pledgQ,lien,asslgRmerrt or ctherwise. Nei�er the aceeptartce of tMs Seeond Oeed ot Tnist rtar its enton:emei+t.whether by cauR • . .
<br /> ' . • 8C'ffpn ar putsuartt to tt�e Qawet of safe or ott�er Ra+n►ers herein�ornained. shall preju�ee ar tn any manner aiteet T�ustee's or • . . :
<br />:���•� . ' � ' BEne4tciary's dght t�realize uAon a�entarce arty ett�er securtty now or hereaher held by Tnistea ar Ben¢fidaN•�6einp agreed tlfat .. �'. : �
<br /> �,i�I. . � � Trus�e and Benofldary,and eset+ot tnam,shall be emftled to eMoree this Seeand Oeed of Trust and arry other security now or :' :
<br /> :�, . . . ...
<br /> -. . • 3 ,.
<br /> ,.'
<br /> yM � . : --°;.=�--,-----.. ...._..,r...,_.__ __ ,..... . . -, .-------..---• . ... ,.,' . . . . _ .
<br /> •�� • . . , . . ' .. � .. � . • , . .
<br /> ' • . . _ �. � ,.. .
<br /> �:, � • . � � . ' . . . . . • .
<br /> �r . '• . � '". � . � : . � � : . ' . . _ ' .. _ . .� � :. . .
<br /> -�,., .. . . :. . �- " , • .. � � , � . • ' . . . . .
<br /> '�.�._ -.--�.�._ .. � ... . _ .. . --- . _. ..__ .._ - : � - ' � _ _ : . .. �
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<br /> ' __�. . • . : � � .
<br /> 1„ . . ' _ _. . , . . � . .
<br /> . -�-- ,�..•.,�wr�+,;tid. ,a� si.,a�c � ^.:..'•�st;y-�.i.�,.:n..;sf.�i._s,`':t +�R.- .-- _,:54a:4+....-.:tl Y. _"�...a.-y.=��- ._ . .'yh"'-'�;,�5 ��=`� „ t,i�' �.�t��r.."�•"]1y. . . . . ..._.
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<br />