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<br /> �� � 6a. �g�c or a�ses� This Lease replaces an�upers�des a»y `��
<br /> :.'':1'�C:.}F+ l�`.�.s. . .
<br /> - prior Leas�s €or said premises whf cb �he Leasee or hf s p�edecessors F;�'�=..�;;
<br /> <<.��. .���' � �n.ti�le may have held. .'�
<br /> :.,.�'..•`. .: ,
<br /> �
<br /> 7. Aetermination o Beundaries: The Lesear shail bave the �"'�
<br /> ��"� °�`}�;•��. rig2at, ori a x�easonable basis, to determine the bauaidaries betYreen
<br /> ,..:... .
<br /> �- the ikissee and his neighbors if the �essse a�d his neigh2�ors cannot ,.
<br /> ' �,r��:.: agree to auch boundary line. The lake front basnnd�ry of tPie leased • �•
<br /> �� pr@mises shall be te �he r�ater Iine as tbe same may exi�� fro� time LF`
<br /> � �a tiiae tir#th changes fn the watez ledel of �he lake. Th� bo�andary � _
<br /> `v- line o� �he leased premises abuttiag �ha Lsssor�s ccmmon roads
<br /> h h �
<br /> � . ' shall be reascnably detexzained by the Lessor.
<br /> . _ �}'
<br /> " `'-`-=:� `� 8. Peaaeful �cssession. As long as Lssaee confarms with the r-`;��:"
<br /> , .. °I. � . reguiremettts binding upan him in this Leasa AgaCeement, ths Lessee
<br /> ,, ��'� � shall enjoy peaceful gossessfon of the leased premises. � � :'
<br /> , ., �,�_ .
<br /> ` . .. �. _'.=�4;r. � �.:,,.�-=
<br /> f � �•r ���" `� 9. �mp_ravemes�ts. Tbe Lessee shall keep the leased pxemises °���•:=,..s
<br /> ��- �� ` '•�` in a neat and clean condi�f on at al l times and shall kaep al�.
<br /> � � �'�}� improvemAr►ts on �he leased premises in a gcod aonditfon of repair. ��;Lj:��:
<br /> - t �� - - S['*�r�
<br /> . .,-".���� ..
<br /> �. u� lo. �pandomaent. The Lessee agrees not to abaAdon the leased
<br /> , , �`,� , f°`� premises. � � � � .;
<br /> f y� .>�: .
<br /> � 11. 8acess for �nstallinq IItility I,ine$... Trie Lessor reserves
<br /> , , ° ;"��' the right to come. upon the� leased premises for installation of '
<br /> '� �� und�rground � ar above-ground u�ility li.nes and the making nf _
<br /> � r. ,, �. ``:•_� necessarp repairs or improvements to or abutting the leased =- .�.
<br /> -- � �-,�-�� premises. The Lessor agrees to restcre the premises to �-
<br /> � • substantfally the same condition as �hey were be�ore any such ` ._
<br /> . •� ":�- fnstallation and at the I�essor�s e ense. . �'�` �
<br /> xP ��' ---.
<br />- �` �� �� � t�< 12. �ules and Requlations. The Lessee agrees to coiaQly with � _=
<br /> � �`����� �' �� � the rules and regulations as prepared and furnished by the Lassor �; -r,--,
<br /> � , '��' to the i�sse�, from time to time. Such rulea and regulations shall _-_
<br /> " • _��; contain rest�ictions and limitations, for the mutual benefit oE _,
<br /> � aii Lessees at Ruester Lake, pertaining to the use by the sQVeral
<br /> � • � �,•��'� ' Lessees at Kuester Y�ake of tY�e lake i�self, common roads, and the . _
<br /> ��. '1 � ' ('' leased premises. It is understood tha� the basic use of the leased
<br /> 1'� pretni:ses shall be for residentfal purposes, but the Lessor may Y }
<br /> � ' ����: permi�, from time tv tfine, commercia�. aativities on the leased .
<br /> � • ':. ��� remises. An such rules, regulations and pe�m its are �s u b jea� to �"� _ .
<br /> v . . _�
<br /> - � ._ chanqe by .the Lessor, excepting that the basia� purpose oY �he �,�'>:°�
<br /> . ,; leased premises as residenfiaal shall not be abridged. Any chanqes �,:`., -��_
<br /> � in the rules and �egulations must be approved by a majorf�y mf the �
<br /> _ ` :.�,'-..`{� leaseholders present anct voting at a meeting called for such
<br /> purpose of which wr�tten noltice has been given to all leasehold�rs �
<br /> _ ... (one vote per Lease) . • '._'
<br /> .. -; •.��. " � .
<br /> �: . �. 13. Termination of Lease by Aefault of Lesse�. If the Lessee
<br /> fails, aEter ninety (90) days prior written notice Pxom tne Ieassar, '
<br />- . . � ` to remedy any dePault fn his or her compliance with any of �he � �
<br /> � , � obligations binding upon him or her under �hfs Lease Agreement, or � �
<br /> �. ' under the Rules and Regulations furnished him or her by the 7�essor,
<br /> � � � the Lessor may, at its option, terminate this Lease and retake � .�
<br /> � � possession of the leased premises but only after the follocvfng �
<br /> . � : , � procedure has been complied with: .
<br /> `,:� , . (a) A special meetiing of ail stockholders of �•-� ,
<br /> _ , Lesear shall be called by the Board oP . "
<br /> . � �. Directors of Lessar, and wrftten �notice of ��•� .
<br /> . . ". � suah meeting and its purpases be given all � .. .
<br /> - � .� � � . such stockholders. Such meeting shall be , . �
<br /> � called for the purpos� of determining by
<br /> .. , majori�y vote af the �tockho2ders of Lessor,
<br />� � present and votfnq, as to whether or not ��, . ;� .
<br /> _. . terminatfon of Lessee�s Lease should be made �
<br /> . . � because oP a default by the Lessee. At least �
<br /> �� . � � ten (].o) days written notice shall be given of .
<br /> -� . .: . an� such meeting, and the Lessee shall be ��
<br /> �, qiven full opportunity to shoa� why his or her �
<br /> � � �� Lease should not be terminated. •
<br /> .
<br /> � --
<br /> ----- T
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