<br /> - ... =.:� .�.E.. -r:'` . ....�' • .:.;�.,``��.,_.r � z 4.�!^t��..;_••.r--.�.t-",... - °_.:.i. .'k,- .t:
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<br /> ... 1 _ �. .. -
<br /> �?•� t,` , ���• ���� { u(
<br /> 1 ..`� : ..- ``�` �pro0eeds�in wntie�on with oondemnatton or other tatdng of the Property ar part thereot.ar for oomreyan in lisu oi Gondemnatlor�.
<br /> < . ,.�. . , � •.. .,"
<br /> ' ��• tsrsder shaii be entftied at its opti�oc�t�wmmenos.aPPaar in end p�te in its awn r+ams eny eGton or procead�ngs.�nd si��ll afso t .< _ . .
<br /> , , :.� � ; `r P
<br />,•�r �:::< �u;,.'��, bs erRitleid Ua t�ake any wmprandse Qr sat�rneni in connedinn with sut�ta[drig or damage.in the everrt any►portton of ttss Ptopetty is .
<br /> ake
<br /> - � so talaen or d�nag�d.Le�tder sha!)have the Cip�on irt its sqie and absotufe�dissretintb tc eADtY sU such Dra�ds. aftes dsdueBng .
<br /> :` � ;�:•, tlrarefr¢m afI a�and e�enses ince�med by it tn Ccnnec4lon with stts�Pro�ds,�Dan�1►(ndeb�dneSS securad hsreDy and 1n sucA '
<br /> i.�,�•� , `. <«' to the restora![op o#tfie Praparry upon sud►�r
<br /> • . ..a•.., order a�LenQet maY determirua.or to ap�ty e1!such P�oceeds.after srich dede�c�ssns,
<br /> �� ,.` �.,.�° - d�tons as len�r may detam�ine.MY 8PP6p�on of Piacesds to indebtedness shslt nat extend or pos�one the due date oi anY p�
<br /> : ,�Q� • marrts under ths t�tmte.or cure any defautt theasunderor hereunder.6�ny unappaed tunds sha(1 be patd to Tastor. . ,
<br /> . ' .`'r 8.�edomtan�s by Lender.Upon the ocwrrenrs oisn Evert of Qafautt hereunder.or if er►y a�d ts tsken ar tegat prooeeding .=,•;<
<br /> �� �r� r o<�-t;� ::: oommenc�d wi�m�teriaity affects Lendets i�re.st in t�e Pnopert7t,Lender may in its own dksaeSon.but without obl�atlon t�do so. � :_::
<br /> . ' . ;- and without notice tu ar Qemand upon Trustor and withon-t reteastng T�usb�r from�ny otiUgaUon,do any act which 7asior hns e�eed �-=`
<br /> 6ut faited tn do and may aSso da any other act it deems nes�ssary to protect the secudty hereoL TasUor sl�aU.ImmedlatatY upan �' �
<br /> :�.� :' ��.�r
<br /> ' _ _ demand there�or by lender pay to I.ender aU cos�and e�enses tnc�med and sums expende�by lender in oonnectfon w(tb ties exer• �.• ,.,
<br /> `t ''�-3 dse bY Lender of the foreguin9 rigMs.together wi�fnterest thereon at ihe deisu�t rate provided in tha i�ate�wi�icft shati b�&GQed i� �'-
<br /> ._......�r�w..e�.wo,��r. ��-'.
<br /> • � the iridebiedaess secured hereby.Lender st�alt not iruu�a any Rauum►oecauso oi anyuimy�:�.��.+,....--� .
<br /> �,'��' " , .9.1i�ardo�Ma�stats.Trustor shafl�teep the ProPer[Y�compl'ranee vAth aD appticabIs la�vs.�rdtnanc�s eied regid9tton3 ,: ,�r-
<br /> � •_ "` t�fatittg Lt�indttstriai hygfelte or envtronmentai protachan(oottec�vatY refemac!to Rerein as'Envtronmeni�Laws�.Tni3tot Sha11 ke�
<br /> - Environmenta!taws coitectiive reterred to heretn �-`.�..�'
<br /> r�" the P�opsRS►frea from a9 substances deemed to�e hazarttous or taxtc under any ( e very
<br /> • . . as 9�faTardous Mateda(s'?.Tn�stor he�etry wartants anQ rep[esents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Materiais on or undet tha �,"��F-
<br /> . Praperty.Tnistur hereby agrees to indemnit�at�d Jic�1d hartnless lender.iis dir�ectors.officers.employees and ager►ts.and atry sucrss� �-._,`�:
<br /> sors b LenQer's iriUeras�fiv� and agatnst sr�and aU c�aims.damages.tosses and liab�ifles arising im m�ne�ttan with the pc�sertce. � ~`�
<br /> :. , . ,°�:�, use.dsposat or transyort of any H�as Mat8rials nn.undet.from or ahout ihe Proparty.Tti�FOREGOlKG WARRANTIES ANO �
<br /> � REtt�31!NEYANC�OF'TiitSDE�D:OFTRUST. . �'`` :
<br /> , ``,�t ,10�Assignmet►t of Rerrts.TrusOor{�steb;r.assi�ns W Lender.and g�ar►ts Lendar a securtty tn4erest fn,efl present.fubtre and �"-r
<br /> • ' ' after atising rents,isstta,'s and proftts of the Propac�:provided that Trustor sha0.u�rtfi the accucrance of an Event of Detautf.herete�d9r. ���:
<br /> l.:• ` . . have the dght ta ootisi�an�ratain suc�rents.issiias aeB pcafits as thsY hecame Que snd payabte.Upon ths occxmencs oi an Evant qf ' �-�;�-
<br /> .�:,•. . �` . .�.,�._
<br /> QefauSt,Lender may,eftl�er in person or hy agent,wiih or withont brin n acdan or roc�eedin ,or b a cewtver appointed b a -��-
<br /> :•;`'f . 9� 8�1! P 8 Y K �-_.__
<br /> ;._�,� ,a�urt and without regan!to�e.adequacy of its•sec�+(ity.enter apon and take possesston of the Property.ar arry part thareot(n Ib av�n '�=_;_
<br /> �,.'• � name.os in t�e r�ame ot the Tnrstes.end do ariy acts vfiich it desms necgssary or Qasirabta to D�enra the va[ua.marfceta6i((ty o► �--
<br /> ' �' � testtsbTity af fha Propsriy.or any part thereof or Mterest MeteTn.or to incr�ase the in�me therefrom or proteCt fhe setvrity hereof and� �:':
<br /> � `` ' with or withoul taktng poss�sslon of tt�e Pmperly.sue for or othenHIse coRed tha rents.(ssues ans proftts thereof.bsduding thosa past �`"`
<br /> ' '"' ' due aM wpaid;by notiiytng tenaMs 6o make paymeets ta Lender.LenQer may apgty rents.issuea and profits.tes.s�sts and expens- �,..
<br /> �.<. _; �` ���,, . es of op�raUon and coiiectlan Indu�ling�ttnmeys teas.to any tndebiedness secureA hereby,all in sacf�order as Lender m�p detst �:=�
<br /> r�in�Tha entertng upon and taking possosslan of ihe Pmperty�6te cott�ctlan of sue�renb,issues ar►d profds.and Uie appficatton �J'_•,
<br /> • � therepf as aEoresaid sAall�ot cure ar wafire any defauft or rto�ce of Qefauft hereunder ar invaltdate arry act Qone(n�espdnsa to such �_
<br /> ' � �� �'' � default or putsuant�o such noiIce ot Qefautt an4l,notwithsbrtding the cantinuance in possession af th9.propartyr or the coltectton,
<br /> : �•` • � . recetpt and appticaGnn of rents,issues or profi�,Tnutee and Lender sha{I be er�tleQ ta exer�dss every�tght pravide�for in any ot tha �'=
<br />_ � • ,, ..., , �an l�sWments or by taw upon oaur[ence of any Ever»of Oefault,induQtng withaut limttatlan the dgnt.to exer�cise Ns povrer of eafe. i_
<br /> ;.,;:.
<br /> ''t;;•. • " F�h�,LenRer's dghts and remedtes undar this paragraph sha0 De cumu ta t f ve w ft h.an d in no way a I t m i t a t i o n o n,L e rt d�e r a r i g h�s e n d __._
<br /> . ��.. ,,.'. ���.
<br />� :;';�;•`. •: reme�iss under�r assignment of teases and cents[ecxrrAed against tho Propody.LenQer.Trustee and the ceeel��er shall be Oeble to �.�
<br /> „``,};• ' ��' accaurnoniyfarthaserentsactuallyrecefved. ^� ��:�
<br /> ' • � '' �t' .f-E-ve�s o�'Defaut�Ttre toRowtng shatl c4nstitute an Evsnt of Defaulrundarthis Oesd of TruSt � . -""�°--
<br /> ' � : � (aj Failure to pay any tnstattmept af pdncipal or inte[est or any other sum secured hereby when due; �"''''
<br /> - �� '•'. •` ��•�• (b)A breach ai or default underarry D�ton cuntalned in the Note.this Oeed af Tnist,any oi the E.oan Inst�umenb.or eny . �`'�`
<br /> � � , ,�` : other Iten or encumbrance upon the ProDerty: `=�.=-
<br /> • •� � (c)A writ of execx�tlon or attachment or eny similar process shali be entered against Tructor wh(cA shall become a 11en on �='-"
<br /> . . � the Property or any poRton thereof or interest tharein; �-°
<br />. � '- (�There shall be filed by or against Ttustor or Borrower an action under any present ar futute fe0etal.state or other statute, �;�-
<br />- •.` � tav�or rogutation teta�ng to 6antwptcy.insoNeacy or other reliet for dabtoB:or there eha►I 6e appotnted any truste9.receWer or _--
<br /> �. .',•�•-' � liquidabor of Tniator or Bortower or oT all or any part af ths Property,or the rents,issuas or pmflta titereof,or Y�r cr Borrawer ���
<br />- " shall make any general assignment tor the benefri ot creditors; °---
<br /> � (e)The sate,transfer.tease,assignment,conveyance or furiher encumbrance af all ar any paR'oi or any interest In the
<br /> ' RropeRy.eit�eswWnmdiy or invotuntarity.wfthoutiha express wdtten consent oi Lendar.provtdeB that Trustor Shall bo permit E -:
<br />- � � ' � te0 to execute a lease af the Property that doeu not ccntain an opUon to purchase and the term af vfiich doss not exceed on� ��.• :,
<br /> . . ��-
<br /> year. "
<br /> � • (�Abandonment of the Property;or '�'��
<br /> ,,..
<br /> ,. •• � (g)It Tnistpr is not sn indivlQual,the issuance,sale,transfer,asslgnmenL ccnvayance or encumbrance of more than(it e `i�
<br /> • . . . corporaUon)a tota!of� peroent of fb IssueO artd outstanding stock.or pf a partnerst�ip)a total ot per-. _ :�
<br /> _ � cent oi partnership interesta,or('d a limlted liabllity company)a total ot percent of the Ilmited liability Compa� `�
<br /> ,' �� ny interests or vaUng rights dudng the pertod this Oeed of Trust rema lns a l ien on t he proae R y. , r�•.-�-
<br /> • ' 12.Remedies;Accoterat(on Upon Defsul3.�n the event oi any Event ot Oefauit Lender may.wfthcut noUoe except as require0 �
<br />_ `=•'=°-"`` ' ��� � by taw,declare ail indebte�ness secured heceby to be due ana payabte and the same shat ther�aupon beoome due and payabla w8h-
<br /> . . out any presantment,demand,pratest or noUce of any kind.Thereafter LenQer m�y:
<br /> � • (a)Oemand that Trustee exerdse the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shall thereaftor cause Troator's tnfer- .
<br /> est tn the Property to be sotd and the Droaeeds to be distri0ut0d,all in the manner provlded In the Nebraske Trust Oeeds Act;
<br /> _ . ' ' ib)ExerGse any and ati rights provid9d for U eny of the Loan tnsWmenis or by Iaw upon accurrenco ot eny Event ot ��
<br /> .y 08feu1�end •
<br /> , (c)Commence an action to tor+ectose this DeeO of Trust as a moRgage,appotnt a receiver.or specificalty entorce eny of the
<br /> Covenanis hereot.
<br /> � • t�to remedy herein wnferred upon ar resenred to Trustee or lender is Intended to be exdusive of any oiher remody heroin,in the Loan
<br /> • � Instrumenb or by law Orovided or permitted,but eacA shall be cumutative,sha11 be in addiUon to every other remedy given horeunder,
<br /> : . in the Loan Instrurr�ents or now or hereaft�r exisYing at taw or in equity or by statute,and may be exercised concurtenUy.Indepandently
<br /> ,., .� . ' � ' or succesivery. � �
<br />�� � 13.Tnistee.Tha Trustee may resign at any time withou!cause,and Lender may at any dme and without cause appa(nt e sua-
<br /> • � . � � cassor or substitute Trustee.7rustee shall nat be liahle to any party.lnctuding without IimitsUon Lender,6oaower.Trustor at any pur- •
<br /> .. � � chaser ot tha PropeKy,for any loss or damage untess Que to rectdess or wiiffut misconduct,and shall not be requlred to take any act�on ,
<br />- ' � in connection virth the enforcement of this Deed ai Trust unless indemniflad,in wriUng,for all costs,compe�saUon or�xpenses tivhictt �.
<br />_. ' � may be assaciated therewlt�.tn addition,Trustee may beoome a purchaser at any sate ot the Propefty QudtGal or under the pawer a�.
<br /> ' '.• ' �ate granted herein);postpone the sale oi atl or any por8on ot the Property,as provided by law;or sell the PropeRy as a whole,or U
<br /> � � . � separate parcets or tots at Trustee's dlscreUon.
<br /> , ' � 14.Fsea and Expenses.In the event Trustee selis the PropeAy by exercise o!power of sate,tirustee shall be entiUed to appty
<br /> '' .� eny sate proceeds flrst to payment oi all cosb and expenses ot exerolsing pov�er m sate,inctuding ail Truste�s fees,end Lenders and .
<br /> • � Trustee's attameys tees, actualiy incuaed to extent permitteA by appticabte law.ln the event Bortower or Trustor exercises any right .
<br /> � provided by law to cure an Event oi Oefautt,Lender Shall be entitted to recover from Trustot aA costs and expenses actualty incurrod as
<br /> . . a resutt of Tnistor's defauit,including without tlmitaflon aU Tnrstee's and attnmeys tees,to the extent permiae0 by appficabte taw.
<br /> • ' . 15.Future Advancea.Upon request oi Borrower,lender may,at its op8on.make additlonal ana ftiture advancea and read- �
<br /> .- • :� :___ _._ ._.... vances tn Borrower.Such advances and readvances.wilh iniejest ti�ereon,shall be secured by this Oeed ot�rust A!no tim�shsll the �..,_.
<br /> .__..—______-__ 4 . � "
<br /> . . • ': •. :
<br /> �-� �
<br /> � __--."�.. . ._ _ . � �..��.�.�.{�...j.r���.� '
<br /> � . . ��
<br /> . . . . i_� ' �_�. _ . . - . .
<br /> . -�-,�_..�.,y--,-t.-..�w_...1�....�.�-��+_� ... ��r..�,..._ . .�.•' . . •' -
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<br />