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<br /> .':`'>i TOGEI'HBR W�TH alt the fmpmvements aow or hem,after erected on the prog�ty,and all easements,aPPurtenance�.and 'Y,
<br /> �.•�
<br /> _ .: . .. 5xtutes now or hec�eafter a past of the praperty. AIi replasemeats atsd addiuiens sHall also be cavered by this Seiviity _ :;�,
<br /> -: �4...` , � ins�ument.All of the foregoing is refesed w in tLis 5e+auity Insuumeat s�.s ttie°P�peSy" , � .
<br /> ` ' :.`��.�': � BORROW�R E:OVENANTS dtat Bormwer is ta�f'u11Y seised of We c�ate flereby convey e d a n d h a s t he ri g h t w g c a n t a n d ---
<br /> .,�' "``,�`c�� �'` wmey the Progeety and that the Fmperty is unencumbered,exc�ept for e�nsumbranoes of cecord. Borrower wanants aad�uill ..
<br /> . ° , <<-,.` defend generafly.We titte w ti�e PmP�Y 88��all ciaims and demands.subject W any encnmbraaces of record.,
<br /> �� '��:� 'THIS SECURITY INS"�tiJMEPi'P combinES uniform o�venattts for national ase au�non-auiform covenanta wlth timited "
<br /> 5(` vaziations by jurisdi�ioa to constitnie a utriforn►s�a��try insuurneut coveri�8 rea!ProFei'�Y. � �-�
<br /> 4 < r':
<br /> . , U}V ff O R h 4 G UVINANTS.Bormwer and Leader caveoant aad agnee as follaws: .. .
<br /> , �,� ``�`•;';` 'f.,Psyment of Pcincipal and Int�t; Prelrapment sud Late CLaeg�- Borrower sball pmmptly pay whea due the .��,
<br /> � :�.-�--�;.• .-� .
<br /> �`��, � principal of aad iaterest on[he debt evidenced by the Note and anY PrePayment and tate charges due under the�Iote.
<br /> _.;_. .._ �. g�nds fes Tas�asd Iasma�tce.Snb�to appli�blc law or to a wriuea waiver by I�ender.Horrower shali pay tn
<br /> = J��.pn��j�����?dnR under the Note.unb�the I�tote is vaid in fuli:a+mm!°F�mdc"1 For.la)v�tlV f2a� . �- '_-
<br /> �" aad assessmen4s which may ana�n priority over dris Ser.vrity Insavmeirt as a lien on the Praperty;(h)YearlY leasehotd payme�s
<br /> rt � -
<br /> , or ground re�u oa the Property,if a�;(c)YeariY haTSrd or pmperty insaiance premiums:(d)Yearly fload insurance premiums. . ` .-,"
<br />;. ` ' ,��` - � mort insurance premiums,if any;�and(t)anY sums PaYab2e by Borrower to Lender,in a000ndanfle a+ith � .�--
<br /> .''„,h'°"{`,� ` the�pro�vi o�ParagraPh 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insu*an�premiums.�ese items ffie called"Escraw Itea�." �_�-.
<br /> Lender may,at any time.colted and hold Funds in an amount not w exceed t6e ma*�.�,,.m amaunt a lender for a federallY �� -;
<br /> • � retated mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow ac�ount under the federsl�teal Fstate Seulement Prooeduzes A�af . �._�;;:
<br /> . .. ' 19r14 as amended fram time to time, 12 U.S.C.Se�tion 2601 et seq. ("RFSPA°),anless�other tam thai applies to t�e Ftmds �,:�_:-�
<br /> � a.1� sets a lesser ainou�.If so, LeaQer may,at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount aot_ta exceed the tesser amonnt: --
<br /> ts
<br /> . .� • � . Lend�r may estimate the'antount of Fnnds dae on ttie basis of aurent data and�easonabte estimates of expenditares of fumr� . ��'�",_°
<br /> . � . Escrow Items or othe�cvise in atcordance with applicable Iaw. • ��.-�.
<br /> . . The Fm►ds sl�atl be hel�! in an institudan whose deposits aze insuted by a fedeeral agency. instca�lltY+ or emity =' �
<br /> :`,., :�= F.r:-"°` (inctuding.I.ender,if Le�der is such an instidrtion)or in any Federrdll Aome Loan Bank.Lender shaU�agply the Fuuds to pay the. '�_;`.
<br /> e
<br /> F.,scrow Items.i.eader m�y not charge Hocrowsr for hotd'u�g and applying the Fwids,annoally analYzing t�►e escrow aaanuns,ar �. .��
<br />- _.'�•L;��. !!��R
<br /> ` ;;� :��,��� verifying tfle Bscrow Items,uniess Lender pays Barnower intezest on ttte Funds and applicabte law permits Lender to make such ��.�.
<br /> a charge.However.Ixnder may requirc Borrawer to pay a on�e charge for an independent rea!estate tax reporting servIce .:.',:`.
<br /> � ' � �ued by Lender in oonnection wiW this loan. uNess applicable law provides otherwise. Ualess an agrccment is made or �*''�
<br />_ , :, i`.'.'',, �{• applicable law requires interest to be paid,I.euder s1�aaU not be raquired to pay Borrower auy interest or ea�nings on t�Fnads., _;�`:=;
<br /> - , "-,,�.�`.�°. . Horro�vei aad Leader may agree in writing,hawever,that imerest shall.ba paid oa the Fnnds.L�nder sI�at!gtve.te.�rrower, . �`*':�
<br /> • without chasge, an aimual accoun6ng of the Funds,showiag credits and de6its to the Fands and the�cax�c�se for which each • �'�°`�
<br /> .. `'". '� ;� . debit w the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additioimi security.for all sums secured by•ttus S�rlry Tt�uutaent. . -__--
<br /> .�} ` � � If the Funds held by Lender excad the amounu perautted to be hetd by appticable taw.I.ender shall accouat to Borrowsr . --_
<br /> :_,.������� ��; for the excess f�unds in accordanoe c��th the requirements of applicable law.If the amoant of the Funds held by 1.ender at arry :
<br /> ., •: . ' time is not sufficient to.pay the Esccow Items when due,I.ender may so notify Bomuwer in writing,and,in such case Borrowes � t,__
<br /> , � � 4,•, � shall pay to Lender tha amount necessary to make up the deficIency. Boaower shal}make up the deflciency in no mare than G�;�_
<br />_ ,' ' � }welve montiilY payments.at Lender's sole discrcSon. . . �'_--�-�`
<br /> ..,._ .. . . Upon paymeat in full of all suxns secvred by this Se�urity Instrument, Lertder shall pmmptiy refund to Sorrower aa,y __--"
<br /> ' � Funds hetd by i.ender.If,under paYagrapb 21,l.ender shall acquire ar sell the Pcoperty.Lender.priar�o the acquisition or sale �_
<br /> ° �• • • of the Properry.sball apply any Funds held by Lender at the ame of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by _;,
<br /> � � � this Security Insuument. ' ' �-
<br /> • ". � � � 3.Applicado�of Payments.Uniess aQplicabte!aw provides otheiwise.all•payments received by Lender under patagraphs �°
<br /> , ' �� I and 2 shall be applled: first, to aav prepaymeat ct�arges due under the Note: second.to amounu payabte under paragraph 2; �r�-'_
<br /> . � ` third,to interest dae:fourth,to prirs:paf due;and last;to any late charges d�under the Note. • . �,:_'-'
<br /> ' � �� q,Charges;Lteas,Borrower shall pay all.taxes.assessmems,charges, fines and impositIons attributable to the Prapeny � ;
<br /> �;.�,.,
<br /> • ��, ��,' : � �"�� which may attain prie�ty over this Sec,�rity Icssrument,and le�ehold paymenu or gound rents,if any. Borrower shall pay �s;::;:�.
<br /> ., these obligattons in t�:�anner provided in parx�ph 2,ar if not paid in that maaner.Bonower sha]!pa�t��m on time dlrectly � �,:
<br /> • " �'���` �•° ` � to the person owed gay-ment.Borrower shal�prompdy fumish to I.ender.all natices of amnunts to be pa�d ander this paregrapfi. _
<br /> _ ;,.';f::��, „
<br /> - If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lertder r�ceipts evidencing the payments., ����'�
<br /> 'Borrower shall rom tl dischar e any lien which has riori over this Secur� Insm�ment unless Bonower:(a)a ees in ��'-'
<br /> , . ' � � P P Y S P tY tY 8�' �.r;�:.
<br /> � • � � � writing to the payment of tAe obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender:(b)contests in good faith the lien .�_ �
<br /> � . � by, or defends agai�� enforcement of the lien in, legal praceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the - �
<br /> enforcement of Yhe i�rn:ot(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to � .
<br /> ..•�.�:, art uf the Pto e �s sub'ect to a lien which ma attain priority over '``'�
<br /> . this 5ecurity Jnstrument. If Lender determines that any p p rtY � 1 Y ._�.
<br /> � this Security Instrument. Lender may give Horrowet a notioc identifying the lien.Borrower shal!satisfy.the liea or.take one or
<br />' ' . � � more of the actions�Lorth above within 10 da}�s of th�givin�of notice.
<br /> . . Form 8028 9190 .
<br /> . •.�� . . i�z o/8
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