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201305960 <br />AVENUE; THENCE ALONG SAID WEST R.O.W. LINE AROUND A CURVE IN A CLOCKWISE <br />DIRECTION HAVING A DELTA ANGLE OF 02 °44'27 ", A ARC LENGTH OF 47.92 FEET, A <br />RADIUS OF 1001.74 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING SO4 °03'24 "E FOR A DISTANCE OF 47.91 <br />FEET TO THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF SAID WEST R.O.W. LINE AND THE NORTH <br />R.O.W. LINE OF CAPITAL AVENUE; THENCE S44°50'38'W ALONG SAID NORTH R.O.W. LINE <br />A DISTANCE OF 34.26 FEET; THENCE S89 °50'38"W ALONG SAID NORTH R.O.W. LINE A <br />DISTANCE OF 730.67 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID TRACT CONTAINS 31,872 <br />SQUARE FEET OR 0.73 ACRES MORE OR LESS. <br />The Grantors, for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, hereby <br />covenant that no buildings, fences, or structures shall be erected or permitted on said tract and that the <br />public right -of -way herein granted shall run with the title to such tract of land and be binding upon the <br />Grantors, their successors and assigns. <br />REMARKS <br />Grantor may construct, maintain, repair, and utilize for sprinkler improvements which will <br />infringe upon the Permanent Easement. If Grantee, in its sole discretion, determines than any part or <br />all of the improvement must be removed or is damaged by Grantee, and/or Grantee Parties, during the <br />course of the employment or duties with Grantee, Grantee agrees to assume and pay all costs relating to <br />the replacement or repair of the improvement. <br />Any damages to sprinklers as a result of the proposed utility and roadway improvements in this area <br />will be reconstructed by the City of Grand Island or United Veterans Club will be compensated for these <br />repairs. <br />The brick memorials for the veterans memorial impacted by construction will be reconstructed in <br />place or relocated along the proposed bike trail as approved by Hall County and United Veterans Club. <br />Tree plantings to replace the trees removed associated with proposed utility improvements with the <br />will be completed by Hall County. No additional compensation than described above. <br />