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<br /> . . a ,
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<br /> ;�F ht, s BPP��•Dlamb�ing,`'
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<br /> . ', . � $ma�-w� sLaU comply wuh all iawe.'o�nanc,es. tegWadans and zequire�ea�s of any gov�ea�tal body -
<br /> ,1. , . , . �.
<br /> '. ; app�Dle to the Propaty. . ",'
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<br /> "C.S�IBORDIIVATE Ll�t9. Faccept as geaQ►itted y � ..-
<br /> � ' .'.�; � to the Sec�ily Ias�ase�twbe petfected ag�ast thaProDeatY witttout I.endes's Qrioz amuen pecmissien. =;,�.
<br /> �..'�. .;._' , .. ' . D RLN'F LOSS IIVSURANCL. Boimwer sha11 maimta�n lns�nance against rent Ioss in addttion ts Qte otnet � _:
<br /> r. , ha�ards for whlcfi•msurence ts s�u�ed by Unifonn Covet�ant S. ��T r
<br /> .: ; .,
<br /> s•'. �; `,;.: E."BOItR01N�R'S RL��if"FOYtEQVSTATE"DEL�TED. Uniform CoveA2nt 18 is deIeted. ;
<br /> _;��. :. ,',. .. �.B��tROWF�'S OCCYJPAPTCY. Unless Lender and B�mowa othe�vvise agFee in.wiidag, �te fitst -
<br /> � . _ ..�� seatence in Unifosm Covenant 6 canceming Boaower's ocenyancy of the Property is deIeted. AU remaining. -`�,
<br /> ��.
<br /> � ' covenants and�gcee�hents set fo�th in Uatform Covenane 6 shaU reana�s m e6.`�ct. . ,.
<br /> _ � ,� � , . , .
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