, . S . a �F . v .: 'aY-_ �.. . t:.�. .�icr
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<br /> ''7*..�` ��' f' .. F" -g � ' .c.oS• ° _... r • < � a'Y �-. ,Y .S ._' t `y a�
<br /> �—�--,--�T�z ,-�:-�-��;-.:'�_"�,.,� ��_-� :Y ;�:r-n�._. •---.'�--�- , _T�--�yF-='-��_F -,-,,--r=---xe�"`�- -
<br /> y4a1"� Y�#'- C r � �J- .9:t. � �-t� ��. .c- � .�F-'`..,' imm ..k.. � � Y —�..c_- ..' Qt r e �.
<br /> C�.; +�• . � < �. . � � C i �. S � � �. �4 c � ` ` t ol�_s', �.-7� c. Fv k�` i. .. .
<br /> � �Z •.�' , .(.o n.�� `" . �ri i. y k- . �C �; -4` : •�'. F �-.F. ��� T�. .ti..,
<br /> .r }� -�. _ �t �t � c�,� .. :• •o L �Zr.�r ` c td �. .'fi - � c, �' � . . .
<br /> ..< . . E5 c S •� - �( -� ,t'.. y . - -..1.•` � [ � C. c F `;
<br /> .f ` _ .r.' . . � :` `,* t. it_ :1 . :� �5.. . .� � .�+r ;r , c
<br />� 1 < - . • b . ' F .,d� �• `�* F� -,a. � . � t . " vc
<br /> ! 4 �t.� 4[•..k .t. . . G �` �� '` f.'� . . `Y . -t {� � - •��.J,� �
<br />� '�� b 5 ,.a.• ,� F (. '' �S 4 `i- r 1 � �` ` _
<br /> � .r.' t�• s �c " : � ,1. _ ,r [ �. ' ��.f_ . a a .� .�1 `�` `^ .
<br /> . \ . �. !l'. '.C:'`; 4 \�` .t� �!. Y a1� � �� �C.
<br /> • '�i � :. .�.u. _�_"
<br /> .._. �_ -._ .__ _" '� . " _ — ' —
<br /> � . . _ . . � 9�'°������� � � � '
<br /> r . � �
<br /> � �, .
<br /> ± � .�". c� . � � of the PmpertY ar anY intertst ia it `�,
<br /> is.l�aiasfer of the Pro�rty or a Bes�Idaf�st�e.st tn$an+��:If all or any pact �n)without �-.-
<br /> .:'4'j ..� � . is sold ar tiansferred(or if a 8eue�cial iuiernst ia Brnrower is snld or uansfemed and Borrower is ncit a natival pe �,-},�.r.;
<br /> �.... . ,� ans • in fnll of all s�s s�cured by this _--
<br /> � .Lettder's prior writtea wnsen4, Fxnder m�►y, �i�oP��+ � �mmed'iate PaYm�e� ��� fe�e�a!law as of fhe date
<br /> Et�'�� ' e.nt.However,this oPtioa sha11 aot 6e exerctsed by Leader if exerase p bY `
<br /> E �,,z� Sewnty Ynst�um
<br /> ., �;�:,4�; ' of this Sewrity Tnsi�ument• wer aarice of.acceteration-The notioe shall provide a perioQ of not �o:-
<br /> _. .;t;.,.,,� If t.ender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borro
<br /> �.: :•�f.:i. - Iess tbaa 3tf days from the date the notcec'�s d�ivered or mailed within wbich Borroweod.Le de maY im�oke�Y�reme8'ses - � �`�
<br /> �. ..,'•, : = � �ty.Ins�meni•.If Sarrrower fails to pay t6ese sums prior to tfle expiration of tGis peri , ,
<br /> p���yr�s S�my Instrument without fiuther natice or demaad on Borrower. go�w� shal! have the right ta have . �. ,,~
<br /> . 18. Borrower's �t tv.Reinst�tl. If Boxrower meets certain wnditioas.
<br /> .'_. . L� enforc�mem of this Se�sriry Ipstrument�i tu�ed at atry time prior tQ the earlier of: (a)5 days(or e�ch oz6er per�od es . �,
<br /> � t'':'.���.�:.. for teinstatea�etu�before sate of tfle P'ro�pursuaut to any power of sale comained in this <
<br />- sgpticable law may specity� �forcin Wis Security Insuume�1t:'[`hose conditior�nre tfiat Bom�wer:(a)DaYg �
<br /> `` Secunty Insav�ens:or(b)e�Y of a jad� S .`�'. -
<br /> s•; - �.endeF all sums arhich ihen woutd b+e due under thts 5easriry Y S���dses�i�curce�d is�iertfe c gtihis�udry I���� �—
<br /> .` �'�< a u e s a�►Y d e f a ult of an y arther cavetwnts ar agreements:(c}paY 3re to assare , �. - .
<br /> ��'�., ;� includia :but�nnt fimitod to.reasonaMe attomeys'fees;and(d)t a k�s su�cb�Borrowex�s b gat�'con t�a paybt�e su�irts secured by � -_-
<br /> ' that the�ien of ttris Security Instrumcnb Lender's rights in the PmPe�ty °j
<br /> ;t'�� this Security Ittstrument chall t�t[tinue ur.changed. Upon reinstatenaent by �orrower. this Se¢nrtty.l�o reinstate shall
<br /> o61i ons sewred herebY shali c+emain tLlly effective�a if no acceleration.had accw�red.Hawever.this right �.:,,`."
<br /> � r��° ` . , � , � _-
<br /> . � mot a�1y in the case of acceteration un�er paiagraPh 17. • � f_
<br /> '" 19..3a1e of Nate; ChanBe of Laa�Servicer.'�he Note or a parteal iaterest in die Note (together.with t6is Security
<br /> Insnumevt)maY 6e sold oneco�r �ts��y P¢�Y�nts au e�under the N�rand this Secun'ry�Insuvm�gThere also�y 6�e�� -
<br /> E �
<br /> �u�, ,:;�- as the°I.oan 5ervicer")that �
<br /> or mo�changes of chee I.oat►Servicer unrelated to a sate of tke Note.If shere is a chang�e'ef the Loan 3etvicer;Borrower will 6e ,
<br /> - . . given aritten notice of the change in aocordance with paragraph t4 above and applicable law.The not€ce will state the name and
<br /> address of the new Loaa Servicer and the address to which payments shauld 6e made.The riotice will u,lso eontain any other �`','�i�:
<br /> , '. .j�� information m�quiretl bY$PPlicable law. � sal, storage, or release of any ' • -�
<br /> m�
<br /> - `�`.": �=:� - 20.�ardous Snbstaaces.Barrower shaU not cause or ermit ths resence,,use,�dispo
<br /> "" ry'�"��� Haaardous Subschnces on dr�u the Praperty. Bosrower sha12 upoL do, ttoiallow anyoae else w do. anything affecttng the � -;
<br /> ,. • two seutences shall noi apPIy to the pr+esebce,ase,or �., �
<br /> :. p�Perty!that is in violataan of ar►y Environmemal Law. The p�edin8 to 6e a m rlate ta narmal �_;=;,..
<br /> .. � storage on the PrapertY of smatl qnantitles of Harardous Substances that a�e generalty rec4gnized . PP P �
<br /> � ��� residErrnal uses and.to ma�ntenance of the Property.
<br /> ' �� � �orrower sha11 ptamptly give I.endet written aotice of'atry investigarion.claim,demand.lawsuit or other action hy any =
<br />;` .E' • . � govemmeuta1 oz r�guIatory agenc�or private party involvmg d3�FropertY��Y H�O�Substance or P.iavironmeatal Iaw -----
<br /> � � of whieh Borrowzr l�as aduat tsrtowledge.If Borrower leams,or is notified by anY govemmental ar regnlatory authority.that __ --
<br /> �`' ° is necessaiy.Borrower shall promptiy take
<br /> ' .' ' azry removal or at�zr remediation of any Hazardous Sutistance affeciing t�e Pmperty , �.:-
<br /> a11 necessary remedial acrions ia accordance with Bavironmental Law. • � ��'_.:
<br /> - ��=' �' � ps us¢d��n this paragraph Z0, "Hazardous Substances are those substances defined as WTac or hazardous substanres by _
<br /> .-:.. ���.�:.
<br /> �;':=�`;,; �•°,:�.' Environmental Iaw and the foIIowing substances: gasoljne, kecosene, other flammable or toxic petroIeum pradacu, toxie _ �:Y;�
<br />- :• : • �;: pesticIdes ansl herbicides.votatile solvents,materials cantaining asbestos ar formalctehyde.and radioactive materi�locat that "_...�."_
<br /> , . th�s paragraph 20. "Environ�ental Law" means federal laws and laws aF ehe jurisdiction wf4ere the Property' r..
<br /> � relate to health.saf�y or envimnmental rotectian. � �^-: `•f.
<br /> '� •�, NON-UNIFORM�OVE1�iANTS.�orrower and I.ender further coverem and agree as follows: �••.T;:
<br /> n
<br /> 21.Acre4eration;Remedfes.l.ender shaD give notice w Borrower prEor to aceeleratto�following�orn�wer's 6reach ,,. :;�y
<br /> j , ,^..+.�. .,°•:.°;',. . . of any oovenant or a�re�ment in t6ts Security Ia�trumant (but not prlor to acce4eratton ander paragraPh i?untess r.,;::.
<br /> . app, a the default;(b)the acNon requfrerl to cure We defaaft;
<br /> ' � ucable law pmvEde.a othernrLse).The notEce st1a11 sPec;ffg: ( ) --
<br /> �•�.f�, � ' (c}a date,aai les9 t6aA 30 days from the date the notice is given to Sorrower,by wbich We defauit most be wred4 an� . � .._
<br /> �
<br />-- � �� .� ,.�:; � (d? that faftare to cure ihe deYanit as or befose We date sped�e'���s�g�Y���Bo��r of the rig,ht�to a,
<br /> serure0 by tt�s Secar[ty Instet�ment and sale of the Froperty ,�
<br /> ;��� `� ': reinslate�ter seceterauon and the rtght to bring a co�t adion to assert the non��ce of a defaalt ur anY other . , -
<br />- ; ••.�"' defense of Borrower to acceteraEtoa and safe.IY th�t 3II i'ull o�till sums securedf by th e Secar�Ln,stramer►t w��°�• ��""•'
<br /> _�' . • � � I.ender,at its option,may requfre immediate pa}+m
<br /> �` � � faAher deman�and snay Invoke the power of sale and any other remedles peamitted by'appltcalhie[aw.Lender shaU be ,
<br />: � . . .. .� h Zl,arslnding;but not ltmite�l
<br /> .� �.. . � enritted to calfleet all expenses tncarred in pmsaiag the reniedles provfz�eA in this garagraP
<br /> = �• . �;, � �,��61e attorneys'tecs and costs of title evidence. ' �� �
<br /> . ..E�: If thfpower of sate is invoked, Trustee shall r�ord a nattce of defaWt in each�licuble 1aw to Borrower,and to
<br /> --. ,. Pro erty is lacated and shall mail eapies of suc6 notice in the manaer prgscci6ed by spp ��.^
<br /> ' ';•,�',��. . . the other persans prescr1bed by app1icable law.After the time required by.app1tcnb1e law,Trustee shall give public aotice �-, .'i
<br /> c
<br /> � ' ' of sate W the persons and ta the maaner prescribed by appl�ca�rie law.Teusteer without demand an Borro�ver,shall s�
<br /> - � the Froperiy at publte audton to the highest bidder at the tlme and ptace end uad�th�e�of�allnos any parccl oY the � ;
<br /> '>�� .: ..: .. sa7r i�oae or more parcels as�d in any nrder Trustee determines.'I'�a.�tee maY P Po t.. .
<br /> � � ��•. Froperty by publtc announcement at the time and piace of eny previously �uted sate•Lender or tts designee may ,
<br />-x' � ' purchase tbe Property at any sate. � .
<br /> • . �•-
<br /> • • � � Fotm 302ti 8f90 ' .
<br /> . .. . ` , Peqo 8 01 A ' .
<br /> ' . .. . ' . . _ � .�. • ; , . . . . , '. � . . , � • _ . • .• .. •
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