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201305745 <br /> SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE <br /> Eric Lemp, who is a member of the Nebraska State Bar Association,NSBA#24096, <br /> 12400 Olive Blvd., Ste. 555, St. Louis,MO 63141, is hereby appointed successor trustee under <br /> the trust deed executed by Ascencion Echeverria, A single man , as Trustor, in which Mortgage <br /> Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. acting solely as nominee for FRANKLIN AMERICAN <br /> MORTGAGE COMPANY , is named as Beneficiary, and GARY D BRYNE, A MEMBER OF <br /> THE NEBR. ST BAR ASSC, as Trustee, and filed for record on 06/20/2008 in the Register of <br /> Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. Said deed of trust and underlying note assigned to Wells Fargo <br /> Bank,National Association. The trust property affected is legally described as follows: <br /> LOT SIX (6), IN BLOCK TWENTY-THREE(23), IN NAGY'S ADDITION TO <br /> THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND,HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> Commonly known as: 508 East 5th Street, Grand Island,NE 68801-4623 <br /> In Witness Whereof,the undersigned holder or authorized agent for the holder of the <br /> Note has executed this document. If the undersigned is a corporation, it has caused its name to be <br /> signed and its seal, if any, affixed by an officer or other person duly authorized to do so by order <br /> of its board of directors. <br /> Executed this 1100— da y of 91) hd" 2013. <br /> 13 <br /> Wells Fargo Bank,National Association <br /> 7-ahe <br /> r <br /> y:•. .rr ybId <br /> Its: Attorney-in-Fact <br /> : :. iji ; • j ! ' . ;. I : • <br /> _ !- . ..I <br /> * K M 8 2 6 9 ❑ 5 6 K M <br />