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<br /> . k t i` <•c ' - ( _ � , `'}. iX.` . 6 �i... , q. �c < < s.`.
<br /> . . 4 � t: �7 •.t ' i �u....a..�. Y` .\�.t.�`..
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<br /> 4 � '` ` . �� �`� - ' C u}v .
<br /> 'PQ(�E'�'E�R WTIg1 aU t�e iinprovemaab uaw ar he�eaft�r ecected fln the pzoyeRy.and all app ` .
<br /> �` , tbctures naw or dereaftar a Qan of ttle praperty.All m�Iascme.nts end addii�iions s6at1 also 6e coveaed by this Seauity Irisuumeut. "` � :`:.,LL .
<br /> � i `�'.` All oi Ihe foregoing is refear�ed w in this Saauity Iasuumcab as the"Fmp�aty." `.'`. }""�'` •:�
<br /> ; � `' BORROWER COYEI�A1�PfS tlmi Baaawea i�iawfuliy seised of ths rstate heceDy canveyed and has the right W granl end �`'4� Y< ,.<,.�
<br /> . oonvey die Pmpeny aad that tt�Progelty is�ber+ed.except for cacumbtances of record.Boirower w�ts aad wift *-�-
<br /> ��� �,r.• o} �=-
<br /> � � defend geaecaUy d�e title to dec Pmpecty egafast al!claims aad d�ds.subject tn any encum6raaces of cecord. ,. „ �``
<br /> � �y, . � '�4 .
<br /> - ' 'IgIIS SECURITY INS'I'R1JNiEMT combSnes uuifaim wvenants for narional use sad aon-unifomn covenants with limited � .
<br /> _ ----] �4�bY l��n m aonstinus a uniform s�curiry ins�arneat cove.ring rea!propeny. �4 _
<br /> _� _`�r� __.. ..._. � � ° � '
<br /> il"rn"�a3t�'mi i.��rr.�.iAiv"�'j.Bmiov.er�nd i�w co.�sr�E�h:�u w.:,�,�. �.{. . .
<br /> ' ' L Payanent ot Peindpa!s�ad Intere�t;Prepaymeat a�Late Charges. Bmmwer sbaD P�PUY PaY when due the =,;y-;,�=�.;;.�;^,
<br /> � . • prmcipal of aad intpcest oa the deht evidenc�by the Nate and any prepayment and late ct�asges due nnder the Note. �`�:='`=�`
<br /> Y t �``" . ._. _ . . .
<br /> { � Z.Fands fos Taxes and Easurance. `Sabject to applirable(aw or co a ariuen waiver by Lendea,Bormwer shaD pap m ..
<br /> . : • ' Leader on tLe day monthly payments are dQa ander the Note.an�thz iVote is gaid in fu11,a sum�i°F�")far.(a)Y�Y� ` ���
<br /> , •`�``�'• aad asses�ents whicb may aUaiu priorIry ova this Seciuiry Iastsum�t as a lien an the Fro�tyt @)Y�Y��PsY��
<br /> ' `' or ground re�ts on ths Pmperty.if�Y.(c?Yr,�Iy 6a�ard or R�P�Y�D�:(d?Y�Y ftaod�ce premiums.if � _ ,-_-,_--
<br /> ";•' m►Y;(e)Y e�Y m�a�e i n s a i a nce p m d n i n a n s,i f a n y;a n d(�a n Y s n m s P a y a b l e b y B a z m w e a t o I.e�d e i.i a a c x a r�m n c c w i t h t h e .-�
<br /> � , grovistans of paiagwg�8,in tieeu of tha payment of mongage ins�uance�.These items are c�led "Esixow It�." �
<br /> u E xow � - _- --
<br /> Lender maY,ai aay 6me��itect and QoW Fuads in an amo�t not w exceed the maxim�amavnt a I e u d e a for a f e d�a a l t y r e l a t e d
<br /> - � '.' ' mt�rtg�age toan may iequire for Boaowea's esaow acconnt andea the fedaal Real Estate SeN�e�t Proceduce.s Act of 1974�as :"°:�•
<br /> . •. : amend�from tnae m tbme,i2 US G Sectiva 26Q1 et seq. ("RESPA"),anle�an+ot�er taw t6az appfies to the Fands sets a les� � - �_-
<br /> � � • . : amount If so.Lender may. at any dme.coliect aad 6oW Funds m an amo�t not to eaceed the Iesser amounL I.endear rpay -__.-y
<br /> "�`.•_��� � e�nate the amouat of Fuads due oa the basis of carm�e data end nasonable estimates of expeadi�es of fimaue Fsaaw Ioews ar __ _ _-
<br /> ,,�:�� othezwtse m a�cardanee with applicabJe faa. � �" -----
<br /> � .. . �` 'It�e Funds shall be hetd'ur aa ms�tatian whose deposits are in.qused by a fede�al agency.ias��litY.os eutity(inclading ,-� ----
<br /> � � I�ender,if 1.�dea is such an msoituGOn)ar in euy Fedaal Hame Laan Baatc.Le.nder sLail apply the Fimds to pay the Fss�ow . "'_� -_A_
<br /> � �. .._ :� ._
<br /> . , Icems.Leasder a�ay not ct�ar�e Ba:mwPa for holdiag and applying the F�mds,anuualtY mialYang ihe escrow accoffit,or verifying ,.� , - - --
<br /> . �,. ,.�:..,: �m � '�'` _
<br /> y �'� ,` the Esaow 1t�s,m�tesv Leadea p�ays Bormwea iaD�si on the F�ds m�d app}ic�bie Iaw pamits Lender to make suc1�a c�e. - �;.�---
<br /> • .. However,I.end�may r�uire Boaowea o�pay a on�ame ct�e far an independr�t ieal cstare tmc reyortiag secvice used by .. •,`�.��= .�—�=
<br /> �.�,,���" . r Lenda!n connecdon with t!�loan,untess applicabte law provides othawise.Uriless an ag�neat is made ar applicahle law k.!3 `' _ —
<br /> `•�. . m q�e s u�terest to ba paid.Lend�shaU not be required to pay Boimwea any in�eacsa or eamings an the Fands.Boaow�aad ``-' -- --
<br /> :'',i,., ' _. -�•,.�_.•. -
<br /> �:�� � .,...` '..•. �t;.� Leade�may agree in wsidng,howevea.that mieaest s5a11 be paid on the Fnmds.L$adea sbail give to Bolrower,witho�charge,an .`.,�,.,=
<br /> • 'v�� �:�-
<br />�:` . . .,": anaual acco�fmg of the Funds,showing cnedits and debiis w the Funds aad the pa�pose far wiurh eac6 debit w the Funds was - . _
<br /> � � • � , made.11is F�mds ate pledged as addit'wnal sec�ity fos a11 sams secQred by this Secarity Tnsorument ': '. .':':�;�=s
<br /> t:::. : ,.. ..
<br />- � ' �f the Funds hetd by I.emda exceed the amomats peamitted to be he2Q by applirab2e 1aw,I�eader s6alY accoun�m Barsowa far :� ;::�;��. `-----
<br /> '��_ � . ' - - t6e eaccess Funds in accardance with the�eats of agplica62e Iaw.If the amam�t of the Fands held by Lendea az any thpe�s �•�. `���' �.=- --
<br /> �' :�:�.w.r '�
<br /> �- �':. . ` not su�cieat to pay the Bsca�nw Items a�en due.I�d�may sn norify Bomnw�ia writing.aad,m aach case�atsower shaU pay -�.;,':�:
<br />_ . . �'i . ,.: :__-..�
<br /> � '� w Lender the amoimt aecessary to maTae up the deficieacy.Baimwer shall make ap the deficiency in no mare than twelve �, .�,;;;�--
<br /> , . . :,.�,:�--
<br /> . �• monthlY Dayments.at Lemd�'s so2e dlscsetion. '� �_;--�.
<br /> : ' - Upon paymeut in fuU of all sums securPd by ttu�Secarity Ins�umen�Lcnder shaU prompdy refuud w Hmr�owea aay fimds �;;_''..` . i:�,`;,�-_
<br /> ,:.'',.: '' , 'held by Lendar.If,und�paragtapb 21,Lendea sl�aU acqm�e or sell the Pcoyerty.Lender,prioa to the acquisition ar sale of the ;�.j.�,:,'.��
<br /> �s`; , . . . �P�Y.sha11 aPPlp any Funds heW by I.ender at the wne uf acquisiaon ar sffie as a credit against tlie sams secared by this • �:' � '=-
<br />�� SeauitY Insvaunent ,;` � �__
<br /> �.�.. .�`',..•�• , .,�c. 3.Ayp�cattan of�ayments. Unless applicab2e law provides otheravise,all payments receivcd by Leaide,r,under pma�raphs , - _.` .
<br />_;�.., . ; ::�� 1 and 2 shall i�e applied:fus�w anY PreDayment charges due wldet the Note;second,w amounts payable undes p�Dh 2; -_ .
<br /> ' �-• * ' thirA,w interest due:fo�ulh.to principal due;and tast,tn any late chffiges dae and�r the Note. r .,..� k,�+, _"`'.�
<br /> ,• .' ,° . � 4.Cbarges3 Lien�. Bo:rowea shall pay all taxes,assessmentv,charges.fines and impositians atm'bumb2e to the Property . . .
<br /> . . whicb may suain priorlty over this Secarity lnstruraent,and leaseAotd payments ar ground reats.if any.Bonower shaU pay these -
<br /> = ob2igattions in tha manner provlded in paragrapb 2.or if not paid in thaz mara�t,Borrowea shall pay them on ttme direcdy to the , .
<br /> �
<br /> 't'�` • .. .�'. '. yerson owed payment Borrower shall promptly fnmish tfl Lender all notices of amouatv to be paid undes this paragra�b. If • , .. ..
<br /> � ' ' • � Bonawer matces these payments directlY,Bormwer shall prompUy fumish to L�adet receipts evidencing the payme�ts. . ��
<br /> � � � : ��::.�°'':.
<br /> � `;. . Bmrower shaU prompt�y dlscharge any lien wluch has yriority over this Secmity Iastrnmeat unless Borrower:(a)ap'ees in
<br /> _ ,_ writing w the payment of the obligarion secured by the llen in a mannea accepmb2e to Lender.(b)contests in gaod faitkh the lien
<br /> _ . , � � ° { by, or defends against enfarcement of the lien in,legal proceedings vfiich in 4�e l.ender's opinion opemte w przvent the . ° ..
<br /> � ; �1 enfoicement of the tlen:or(c)seciues from the t-older of the lien an agre�acer.t satisfactory w l.endea subordinating the 11en tfl . . .�
<br /> 1 ihis Security Inswme�t If Lender determines t�s aay part of the Properry is tibject to a lien which mag:sain priority over this
<br /> � � � � � Security Insuument,I.ender may give Harrower a notice idenrifying the llen.Bmrower shall satisfy the lien or talce one�r moze '. . � � �
<br /> � !.� of the actions sct forth abuve within 10 days ot the giving of notice. . �
<br /> • �'�� Fotm E�28 9l90 �
<br /> . . . �•8R(N�tezt2).ot vago2ote tn�t�atar_ . . ,
<br /> - .. , ..� , . ' . . � . . � . � . � . .. N•--�-�---^---------;• . ' '. • ' • . .
<br /> i•. . � ' ' . � ' .- � . . - . _ ' • . . ' - , _. � _. .
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