_. ` i' _ ` •;y�
<br /> . > '
<br /> . . �-a--r•--c •'rr +�X ryt-�-
<br /> ,.�,.�1 .'_ l..1 • aG • - .3-.�..� \.. .:_.:.� .h.. :C:.�=��¢�i�Yti'. _�'. .L.. .
<br /> '� ;,. �.' t 't �l__�._.13k.a,�
<br /> .�, . ( �J-z .� _.^ ,{ s_. �_ ..o- — ab n �— . - . . �' .�..n. Y�: t � .
<br /> �r` t -a--�. '--�'_�"�""��—r—C� , -',�- — �,— —__•--�-�_r _s... .•�'L .,,{_-�-.+C� . ...ti� - '
<br /> �h cy^' . C <S � � 1 F � ,c ! �c. t' . , 4 lt Yc � ' . .
<br /> „Z. _ .a�'{ � S r (' . t � �� a• - • 2t ,�'` t 3 - • `o �; —"i>r �,,y�.
<br /> �fp .4� < . .�-4c��i� 't y .5��,`� y. � <i.r. p 1�Y}�:.t�- Y• o Y. 9
<br />- �- L�c .6. c r . , r..
<br /> , t..
<br /> .�. ' . . ' . - , ` . :r�t.
<br />. _ �'ft. � ' . ;n_.
<br /> _ � ' .
<br />..�[- ��e§.. �',t't �' � - � t . "LE;`a
<br /> �� ' • Lender maY.at any Nme.co1LCt en4 hatd amounts tor Eseror, items in an a�gregatA amourn not to exc@Qd th9 ns�ssum -, . `
<br /> `+ �tr��'�. .. _ ,4'.`2�!`"._�.
<br /> ;t:f , �p����y po requtred for Sarrowefs esexasv eccouni under the Re3�Estata SettlemeM ProCedur�s Act of 4974.'12 U�C. -
<br /> � � �Z&0����q:and ttno�msnt�ng regutaitons.2a C�Part 35�.as mey may ao amenaeo trom tune to euna l'�'a'b�r ;:�
<br />- ` �� �� that tt�e eash�dn or reservo.permftted Oy R�A tor unanttGipaced d�shursements a dt�bursemants betcre thA Bart+�'af8� _
<br /> ' ` paymant5 gr�ava0abta tn the ectount rt�1y not de Dased un 8mdunts due ior the martgag0 Fnsuranes premium. � � `;
<br /> •-�`�i��`.;� �,�g.`.�� if tAe amount5 hetd by Lander far Escrovr ttams�cceed the amounts permiited to he hatd'by iiESP0.lendei ehs�a�t _
<br /> ,Y_' .
<br /> `•'.''�� •�, ` '� - ` to Borrower for the excess funds as re4ulred Dy AESQA It the amountS oi funds hetd by Lendat ef any ttms ate not a�t t0� � ,_.-
<br /> , , - pay the Escrow ttems when due tenEer may notityr tt�e Borrower aad�equ7Q 8ortower to make uR�e s�ortage a8 pertn�ted bH� `r�,�
<br /> a `FIESpA. , .
<br /> F ��.�� Ttre Esero�v Funds ere pteQged as addhional s�uritY tor all sums secured Cy this Secu�iql fnstrument if BortOr�tCti6�e� � '"'
<br /> ` '.y .
<br /> i_�*� to Ler►Qer the tn11 paymert of eB S+ucR sums,Sort�vefs auo�sr►!sl�ali be ctedited wan the botanca roma�n�8 tar eU 4isteEa�mitt� ��-.�
<br />_. - � .... - - ..a �..�.N..► ...... ....�r.e�en tneumnrw�ramw�m incraitmanf thaf t anAar��e ru�f l�arefm0 ODIIGBtBd t0 QII]I�� - -
<br />.- ' $8R1+�7. ty7. mw a�...... �..� --.�-.r.o_ -�- - �_,��._..
<br /> � F' .� , SeCrBffirY.and Levtdet ShaQ P�omOHll���Y�s9 tunds Ua 8orrowet.tmmediatery prlor to a torectosure sa18 0!til�P�oy�ly �-,_';i
<br /> _ . or Us aCquiSiUon by Lender.�arcowel's ace0uat shaD Es credte0 wtth any 6alance rema�+in9 tor eA insta�'rnents tor QemB(a),(b)� E..�_�_.,_
<br /> �. ,'�:. �� ,� End(cb � . __ -
<br /> :` .. . ����.��� 3.�pI�C81IOti O�PByflt@019.All psyments under Paragrd¢h9 1 and 2 SRai1 be aADI'�d by Lend�es PoQOVt� , - � -
<br /> ��` .
<br /> y . '•��;.. �..'°.`, F�fSt,to the morigage inSUranCe p�krm to be peid by�nder to the Sec�etary or ta the mOnthly ch�g9 by the 88Ct6�ffi�F ' '-
<br /> : , a� ,...'� fistead of the momnly mortgage�nsurance premium: � ___-_
<br /> S@COnd, to any taaes. speciat a55essments, leasehotd paYmants or ground rents, and tae, t[aod and OtR� he�ld _
<br /> . . , H __:._
<br /> : �,,"-�-i:�� • insurenCe premiums.as requiced: _ _
<br /> 3,....`:.�; : .��.. :,�. Third,to�tPJest due under ffie Note;•
<br />-�`.'-:;c;:.,:;.•'->.,-•....: FOUfth,to amart'¢ation at tAe prtnc�al ot the Note:and __
<br /> �` ��,%::i!.`a..;_..',�,� ��1�tb f3IBChetg65 Qu0 ufldCt tfle NOtB. ' . -- _
<br /> ...1•c,,:, V, . ., —:_-
<br /> � `.) • ''- ' f .� . —___
<br /> �:: w �;t,,;�; . . d. Fite, Flood end Other H�zard Insuranae. earrower snau'insure en improvements on tt�e Propert�i.whB2he► _.
<br /> ` �� ' '� '• opw in existence or subsequentry er�teQ.a9a�►st a�lr hazards, casualties, and cont�ngencies. tnctud�g fire,for vrniCA L,�tdel � �
<br />.F_.. �z_`..,.,�:,' reQu60s insurance.This'insurance shall be mairneUsed rt►tde emounts an0 tor the periods that LanQer�Ves.BGm�rnrer S1i�9� ��;`<�--.
<br />��� : ��-I . � F '. -
<br /> - } ����; '�� • also insure alt improvaments on th8 Property, whether now in mcistence or subsequentty erected.agafnst.bss by ftaa+ds t0 titt9
<br /> . . . , � �'{.�r�,
<br /> t, . , , ,;'i. . eutent naqu68d.by tAe Secret8ry.AA tasufenCe shBR 6e carrted wnh companies approved�y lender.TAe 1n6ut8t1ce pOQCf29 elld . �p-_�
<br /> "� ;,'•,� �� . any•renewals shell6e hefd Dy LenQer and St�af!tnCiude toss payabls ctauses in favor of,end in a fb(rt►acc9Ptabt9 tb.l�nder. r ---
<br /> � ' ��� . , tn the e�ent af Ioss, 8arrower shaD gM1re Lentler unmediate notice by maii. I..ander may make proqf of IOSS �ttOt Rt8Q9 � �
<br /> ` � . prompUy by Bortower. Eacn insurance company taneemed Is herehy authorized and rlueCmd 2o make pByR�eett fot Su411 07ss �y �'j
<br /> � dUecty to Lertdar,instead o1 W 8orrower and ta Lender Jointiy.A�� or any Dart ot the insurance proCeeds may 08�pp!(9d bY =_
<br />�� . ," '•',". �. ` �'';;" � Landerr at fts option.erttier (a)to tha ceQuction nf the irtdebtedness under the Nota and this Securdy insbumeat�fUa1 to eny . . __--
<br /> �',: ' delinquent amounts appGed in the otder in Paragraph 3,and therr to prepayment o!prmcipab or(b)m tbe restorattOn ar r�air ot �-:-�
<br /> � ,'. . � , ��=a;.".
<br /> • � the Qamaged Property. AnY app�atlon of the prcceeQs to the principel sh8�i not e�ctend Or pastpone the due 68tD 04 th8 , ,_
<br /> �� ` � marnhy paymen4s whtch are raterred to in Par�graph 2, or cflange tne amount of such payments. My excess 0��ui8ttca �:._,_�.;
<br /> #.;. . , .
<br /> � '.• ' proeeeds Over an amoun!�Ruireed to pay a11 outstar►d'c�g mdebtedness unQer the tuote an0 this 5ecufdy MsUUment St�aII be patd ' E-`__".
<br /> d � ._ _
<br /> �: . . .• ,��; W the entity l8gally entdted thereW. �
<br /> �: �,;�� In the event of torectosure of t�is 3ecurityr tnstrument or other transfer of t@le to tne Property thet eo4tnguCShes the _
<br /> ' �, / �� '� indebtedness,atl r�gfit.tRk3 and interest Of 8orrawer �S and to insurance palicies in torcA Shail,pass to the purohaset. ��•_
<br /> '. 'e:;5.. .. ::,., . '�M_
<br /> � ..f`..•s:..tr.,. �-,�
<br /> .M. �'tI.'�� m..'.�._
<br /> ����.;?i.�., ��:,.., Maintenance and Protection ot the Prope►ty; Sonawer's lmam __F,.,
<br /> •'; ;•::s.�;.::,:.: -, 5. Occupancy, .Preservat3o��
<br /> �•
<br /> ��- ;' �� � � AppNcation; LeBSL'hbld8. Bonowar shail occupy, estabfish, and usa Me Property as BorrowePs prinCipel ras"�3r1c9 tv$hin
<br /> ._ . ;..,.�.,r. _
<br /> x��• ° ;.;�r;: sbctyr Qa9s�-'te!the execution of this Secur�y Mstrument(or wfthin sncty days o�a tater sate or trans`�r o}the PropE�t)and 61iet1 . _--
<br /> � � � continue t¢ c.ccuOY the Property as Horrower's principal residenca for at teast one year after the�.� 01 occupan0y uni� � . __
<br /> ';�. ;:.: ;', ". � Lender Cetermines that requtrement wiD cause unQue ha'dship tor Borrower, ar untess exienuat�g��Stenaes�iSt w111CA Afii ' �,�.
<br /> �.....` �.,::..
<br /> t:� � beyond Borrower's controt. Bonnwer shail nqtifyr LancSx �'anY extenuat�ng circumstaeaes•8arrowet shaA not Ccs�R tvsst9� ,.�
<br /> � • � desbroy, rSamage or substanttaly change the PropeAy or a0ow ihe Property to deteriocate,reasonabte wear and tqar exea�tCd. �`�==
<br />�+' ` . ` ' tender r^zy inspeCt tAe Property it the Ptoperty is vacant o�abandoned or the loan is in detault.LenQer may take mssenabie _�.
<br /> ,L?' ��'� ' . � �:, 8ction to pcotect and preserve such vacant or abandoneA Praperty.Borrower shati atso be in defauft H Borrower.Qurin9 th9 f08n �.-•,
<br /> `.� ., .• �:_ •
<br /> . &pAlfcatton process,gava matertalty la�e or inaccurate iMCrmation or statements to leeder(or faifed to provide Lendet K9h My �:,_.-
<br /> ��. • : - metprial u�tortnflHOn)+n ecrnectfon wAh tt�e loan evider4:ed by the Note,inctud'atg,but not I'mrte0 to,reptesenffiBonS COpCemlt9 = _
<br /> ,' . ,' Boaower's occupancy ot the P�operty as a qrmc�2t�sidenCe. If this SeCUrity tnstrument is on a teasehAtd,QGn'�yprC► 8tIff0 _
<br /> �, cOmp�y�with the pravi51on5 0l the lease-�� Borrower eCqu'ves fes t�tte to ihe Property. the leasehotd and tea t�S'1&11�Ot bt►
<br /> .'•'. •.. . • •
<br /> N:� . � merged uniess LenAer a�rees to the merger�in writing. , �.,�.•-
<br /> �; , „ • � ' 6. CondemnaUon. The proceeds of any a�vard or ciaim �or damages. dirgct or consequent�a4 N ConnecttoR w�itr 8.ry � ,
<br /> '-�� � •� wndemnation or other taking of eny paA ot the PrccertY. ot for conveyance in ptace ot condemnation,are hereby BSSTgnEd e0d + .
<br /> '�� ' shall Da Oaid to Lender to the extent ot the tu1! amouni of the inGebtedness that remafns unpaid under the Nota end thls .
<br /> �` � SeCUrrty Instrtimen� Lende► shal�eppty suc� procee0s to tde red�cUon of the indebtedness under ths Not9 8nd tht3 S� • .
<br /> r= . . . �
<br /> :•:_• �.•„_ : Instrume�st, first to any delinquent emcunts epplied N the order provided in Parag►aph 3,end then to prepayment o!pfmClpal.
<br /> . . • My aypficatian of the p�oceeds t0 tne prmcipal shan noi extend or postpone the Oue aate ot the monthry paymants,whicb eta
<br /> ti:•`• ..
<br /> y � • , refeRed to in Parag►aph 2, or Change the amount ot such payments. Any exeess Craceeds over 8n amount r@quired t0 08y B11 '�
<br /> � � � . ., outstanding inQebtedness under the Note and ihis Security Instromeo�t snaU be Datd tc the entity Iegatry entitied t�ereto.
<br /> �-`•` , .
<br /> . �,� 7. Charges to Borrower artd Protection ot Lender's Rights in the Property. eoROwer snan pay aD
<br /> " . ,. � . governmentat o� municipai enarges, tfnes and imposrt�ons that a•e not inch,ded 'm Paragraph 2. Bonower shaq pSy Yh9s9 • �
<br /> ;�',.�. . obligations on t�me dRectty to Ine entity which is oweA fhe pay�n�n�. it 13rure to pay would adversely aNeCt LenQers InterBSt fn , .
<br /> ,;r,;� • . . th0 Property.upon Lender'S �eQu@St Borrov�er sha��prompliy fum�sh �e LPnder receipts ev�denCmg the5e peyment9. ;� .
<br /> � If BOttOwer fails lo m�k8 thg50 paymBniS 0� t�e paymoniS rcauned bv Para:�raon 2, or tails to peRarm 8ny oiher CoVen8nt9
<br /> • -•� • - • end agreements conta�ned m this SeeurAy tnstrumont,or tnere is a �ga�O=oceed:ng that may signd�cantry aHect Lendare r�hffi�1 ,`'�
<br />�'•" ' � lhe Property (such as a praceeding in bankruptcy.}a condemnat:�n ur to enforce �atis or rQgutations),then Lender may Qo 8n0 ,
<br /> ` `' , p8y whetever is nesessary t0 p►oteCt the value O}ihe Property n�d l.C�der's��Ms in the propErty,inctuding p9yment of�.
<br /> ' , ' �, haaard insuranee and otner items mentio�ed in Paragraph 2. ' '
<br /> : ,
<br /> ,_ . .
<br /> ;--�_-"_ ._ �.< �..�. . . iSat3.lM0 t8/871 Pago z��s � � �.
<br /> ' . . • �'+
<br />