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<br /> � �`£ !3.ndm4tces.AnJ►nati�to Boauwer provided fas ia this Secamry Insdru�ent s�all6e g�vea�b7+zielivering it or � �r� ti�' ^
<br /> � � , .
<br /> � ase af aaother maimd.lhe aotiee ahall t►e dareete�to "
<br /> , � iyy mailiag�t 3ry fust raags mail�anless�plicable tavr teqnices � Y 7�..4i�_
<br />—u -- . �� A�irlr+Pgo nr amr�theT 8ddi�SS BOZSOWCY Q�S1P,�2LC3�J!IIOt[Ce W LCIIdBi.l�Ap IIOttCC t8 LtII�511311� �- _
<br /> ":, . gie�by firat clasg mail w Iaader's addiess stated he�in nr auyr addmss i.ender designaws$Y nouce to�ormwer. -_ ._n
<br /> ,<�. ::
<br /> a:
<br /> - `';: An1F��I�vided for in this S�ciuCiry�at s1�aIl be deemed w have been�vea to Bormwer ar I�eo,der wheu � --� u_..-
<br /> _ ' . given as pmvided in ttils paiagraph• �sl�xU be govemed by Fedenl law and the tagi of � ``' - -
<br /> � ' �i '�� � 14.Govesntng I.s�Sew�a6Sfft'9.This Serutity -- ---
<br /> � ��..4. the jerisdicdon in wl�h the PraFertY is Iac�oed.Ia the eveat that a�►pmviston ar dause of this Secatiry I�suument : .
<br /> `� or t1Qe Note canflicts with applicat►le laar,sud�canflict sball ant�ffect other gmvisioas oi this Se�a�titY Ias�r�eni or �z-
<br /> ` ff � _ -.._..---
<br /> �-t � the Note which c�n be givea effoct witho�the onnfliaing Pmvisian.To tl�is end the pmvisioas of this Seca�iry =, .—
<br /> -. ,�f Iasi�ent aad t8e Note ate de,�la�ed to be se�rerabte. � .3"
<br /> ��` ..'°. of the Ntote and of thls Semnity , — —
<br /> .�.,: .w'r �15.�Borrawe�s Copp. B+orrower shaH be given ane vonfo� coP}► ,.���_
<br /> h � � ��� _
<br /> �+ ' 26. H�a9�S�bstaaces. Barrower sLall aot canse or�ecmit tDe prese�e.ase.d�posal•stnsaSe.or reiease
<br />�e�;f '; of aAy%zasduns SuhstaBCea os�or in the Property.Borrower shall aot do,noz allaw anyane else to do, anytt�ing �
<br /> :_ ., .. zisd� -
<br /> aff�the pmperty that is in violation of a�►Emriroameatai Laav. The precediflg two semeuces shail nat ap;tly w � � - - _
<br />', � ° , . •�`+� . the p�seace. use. or stosage tm the PropenY of small qaanddes of Hazardous,�nbstances that ate p,eneiallY _ _:.
<br /> all �
<br /> , ' �eca�to be aPPi'oP�to a�urmal�esideatial nses and w mainteaance of the Pmperty. `' --
<br /> .. �,, lawsuit ar ather acHon '-
<br /> ` . :.. . . _�.�� Boaower sbaU promptiy ga��e I.ender wr'stten norice of any iuvestt$ation,claim,demaad, .i,�,:.� _
<br /> •� ::�.r--_.;.:::.._..::� - . � �,Y �Y govemment�l or iegnlazory ager�i!mr Pnvate party imrolvIag the FropertY and anY Harardons Snbstaace ar . , � `��.--' ���----
<br /> �� Envuanmenail law of whic��aawer has mxual lmowtedge. ff Bomawer teams.or is aafified by anY govemmenta'1 . --- _
<br /> �;�r� � . _ or regnlatory awhnritar�tl�at any cemoval or other remEdiazian of suY Ha7ardous Snb�affe�the Fmpeny is - —
<br /> ' , .. . ..` ` necessary,Bormwer stiall pmmptiy take all necessary reme�ial actions ia accaidanre wi2h Eavirnnmeatal Law. -'� -�`-- _
<br /> ; � . As used ia this p�aBcaPh.16, 'Haz�do�Snbs[aaces" 2TC I�IOSL`811�1S13QCCS aERnCd SS LOIttC dP 113Z3f�Ol1S �:r ,
<br /> �. , �.. , � . snbstances by Enviroamental Iaw aud tbe fol�owlag substances: gasolin�, kemseae, otLer flammable or toxic ' , :'°"`� _
<br /> < . peuoleum pmdacts,toxic ges�des and he�bicides,vola�le solvenss,mater�als canta�ainS asbeswa or furm�tdehyde; • ; __
<br /> � aafll s�lioacdve materials. As:.sd in this patagraph 16,"Environmental Law°means federal laws and laws of the. :..,.._,.,,�::::
<br /> � � a gra
<br /> '�,� juris�c�an where the P r a petry a�located that:elate to Itealzin,saPetY ot eavironmental�on. A. _
<br /> � , .�... . ' �`�''�; �
<br /> NON•1JN�'ORM COVENANTS.Bonawer�Ixnder Suther cove�nauc�W agree a4�oltaws:
<br /> aut .�
<br /> ,::` 1T.As�gumen4 of ReuL�.Bormwer unconditionally assigns aad aansfers to I,ender all the reats and rev�naes ' �rtl, ,...�-�-
<br /> A gum
<br /> � � � of tbe Pmperty.Botrower mutwrizes Lender or Lender's ageats to collect ttte rends and revenue.a and heteby di�ts .
<br /> . , " eacl�teaant of the FmpertY to PaY the �ants to l�nder or Lender's agenu. Howeve�, prior w Irnder's aotioe to �"�, _�-
<br /> ta n
<br /> . - .. • ._- Bormwes of Borrawer's breach of aay ooveaant or�ment in the Security.Instnrment,Sonower shall collect and ��;:�;;�w•`-..�-.
<br /> ' .. receive all rents aad revenues of the Property as uustee for the benefit of Leader aad Borrawer.This ass�gnment oY . ,:: ':` . •
<br /> '`''`. � rents consdmtes an absolute assignnaent�d not an assignment for addiHonal seauity only. � .,""::�;_- �---
<br /> . . . ., -,_,_;;,-
<br /> � , ' . 1f Lender gives notIce e£brcach to Bomower:(a)aII�rents received by Borr�ve�shaU be held by Ba�mgfer as ':` --.-
<br /> . {.
<br /> c.:� .,:. . � m�stee for beneflt of Leader�ty,to be applied to the sums secured by the Securi�y+L�ssuument:N)Leader shalt be •
<br />' , . . � entitleA to couect aad receive all of the n�ts oY the Property:and(c)eacb tenani of tlie Property svall pa3+all rznts �'. "_:..--.—
<br /> ,�. ... .
<br /> ll
<br /> ' due and uc�pa�d to I.ender or Lender's agent an I.ender'a written demand to the tenant. �`* `�_
<br /> � � . Bornower has not eaecuted eny priorassigament of the rents and 1�as not and wiU aot perform aay act that would � '' � _.:
<br /> '. . � ��vent Lender from exercislag its r�ghts�mdet this paragaph IT. . . - •• :... '�` _
<br /> •� Lendsr shall not be r�:i�to enter upon,take oanuol of or maintam the Pmp�ty 6efare or after giving aodce t . .
<br /> � � • � of bmacL�to�orrower.How�ver.Lender or a jud�cially appointed receiver may do so a1 any Hme thete is a breach. - . ;;-�.
<br />�.i.►4 `��: � '
<br /> .. pny apglication of rents sBall not cure or aaive smy default or invalidate any othsr right or remedy oP Leader.This
<br /> . � asslgnment of rents of the Property shall teiminate when�he debt secured by the Security Inspvmeat is pa3d in fajl. � �
<br /> .. � . ,.�;
<br />� �'��,� -� ". .. . 8 Of 8 INiildf: " "�. , � .. .. � .
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