—� S fs '�: '..� _ _ _. �+,�0.Y .:"-h:. �"'.'�tiii�f� '�Y' '3
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<br /> -�- . �,,,i_ -• � _ t _. _.h _ ; _ E _ _ T�_ ��. . _ _ �
<br /> : 1 �._ � _ �,`_����K _ ; ` t _ , _ .5 c C...`.t_ . F P _.4ti. 'c r c w �,i� 6 4 F c { �, -.-� { +r°+'x' .`� t S .h`<
<br /> ',��;:'!' r f i u, t � 'c
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<br /> '�c.:..�..�.`" :9} R' �.
<br /> - - .:1� � ,Ee.-
<br /> �` '. . r=` •prini�pa!amoiud a4 ttise inDebDed�tess�e�ue�by tnis Deed otTru�t.no�i��u�(�,ig sur�adranoed to p�atect the asouity cf this 08ed af �``y.
<br /> -. �'•. Trust.wcQesd the ptig1na1 Prirtoipat smourR�harett�,os 8 7�,O a UU ,whiChevet{9 9[e3ter ��
<br /> ��'�� `f'. 16.Mtttcella�ouD�ravislot�s. �nst�n ailfte tlma fAr paytnertt ar�on ot a�Rize�on af ttva sttms seaued by @ils •5".,
<br /> �. ;F:` '` �;�'.;�:�� s�,� (a)�rro•:lcr I�03 RQ[ea.�e�. ti�II8bIGL�
<br /> ` '° ti .. - O�d of'Crust granted by lender ta any successar ini�e�est aY 8orrrnver�aot o�etate m retea�.tn any rts�ner. , A�
<br /> . , � . ..r.. .
<br />=�• n. ty or u�oe�na�eorra�ber ana ao�ters suocessors i�inEst�s�t.i.ender sha'J aot�e requlted to oommeaca pmose�ng� ':
<br /> sgainst sucfl sn�essor or refuse ta e�dend tiane ior p�ment or othenrdtse�n c d�y am o r t 3 z e ticn o f t t►9 s u m s s e w�d b y Ws� ` :<t�
<br />���ti.� • � L Y
<br /> =ti...:;:�"�� ��'� ;,.,�;���� o e�a o s Y�,s t b y�eason ot a�y aemanas ma�ay tnea�€�eomawer a�►a eoRO,r�ers suc�sso�s�n mtaresc
<br />�,�.. Y., ,� .. � � (b)L�nt�e Po�tais.Wiihout affadtn9 the ttaDilily of sny ofher person ifiabte fir the paymen t o f any o b II g a t i c n h s r e t n m e s r� �;F
<br /> tioned,and wtthoat affeding tt�e Qen or ct�cg�at Mis Deed af Tiust upnn anY Dart�on of tha ProD�K1/.not fhen ar theretnfa �``.M1.
<br /> � , . . it r on
<br /> �,;' ,�`: '•..: . [e�aassil as sec��1Y fat the tidf ama�ad of al!unpai8 o4sltgaNaatis,LBndat�rtay.from time to tlrrte and�e+ithaut Rotice(i� �--.-_
<br /> ^ . ``'` ' �. gt[y petsan sb liabfa.M extsM fhe maWritS►ot afier eity of the terrr�of any su�obfigaUon�.(iti�grdnt other induiger�oes. �,_.
<br /> '�, .�° ���. re t e a se or recarneY.cr ca l�e t o��8 t e a s s d o t t e c a m r e y e d a t a r ry Q m e a t L o n d e�s o p t lon a r ry Dar�.P otian ot sU at th ::-_.-
<br /> ` -----`-----.�s: ProDgnfl.(v?�e or refeasa a:ty ottter ar addidonaf secinity fot ar�}/ob�igatien herein menbianed,ot(v�make ootnDosiifuns� —
<br /> ` ather anart�ements witb deb4ms In r�latlan tl�ereLo. �. �
<br /> . .., ` (e)For�28tattrs by Lend3�t No!a�'f�atver.Atty totbearance by Lender in exetcLsing any dght or remedy hereuttder,or ot1�- „`. �.
<br /> t�-� e�srrtse aftord¢d by applic�ble Isw.sha0 noi 6e a vtaiver of or predu6e the exerdse ot mry sud�dght or remedy.The proaute� '� �`'
<br /> � �a �.
<br /> x �, . . .. meM of inswanoe or the payment ofr.texes or atitsr Iisns or cha�ges 6y Lender shaU rtot tre a vraiver or EenQers dght tQ acceter-
<br /> �;.' '; ; `,•_;:, ; ', �eB�ema�u�yotttse(ndeb�securedb�►thisDeedoiTn�t .°'-L.^
<br /> • (fS�$tt�OSSOY8 BIEd ASS�$Z19 B�W�;SOIfit 8tid SSVBf�118bffi!y';CSp�B•7iU3 OGYBpd!!iS 2tld 8 h8T@Ut C011- �a_.
<br /> �:,L .; , � ab � . �_:;�.
<br /> ' `' � tatrted shall bind and ihe dghts hereundar shall imu�a to.tlte respecHve sucoessers and assigns ot Lender and T�usbor.AII E-, •.
<br />�'_ ' `.. .°` , .`� ,' cavsrra�rts and agreemenb af Tnismr shall0e jaiM and sev�ral.The caphons and headtngs af the 1�9�Pfls of this Deed of �:=-=�
<br /> � -�'.`�` Trustaraforoonven(snceonlyand�cenatUobeusedtainterpretardaftnethep�ovFstenshereof. ;� �
<br /> � � (e)Rpqaest tor Hotices.l'he pactles hereby request that a co{ry of�ry noUce af defauii heretmder aad a copy ot any�ottce y�:
<br /> �. ..' . af sate hereunder be maIIed La each pariy to ths Oeed of T�ust at the addrass set forth above tn tt�e manner presc�ibed by �•rS"4
<br /> � . �- '�
<br /> . a�p1Icable taw.Exwpt far arry other nottte requirea u►�BrapN!�s law to b a gNen U anotfler manner.an y naUoe Dmvlded for L
<br />� . ..` in thi&Oeed oi Tnist shaii be gIven Dy maHing such notfrs by certifled mafl add�assed fa the other pa�ties.at!he add[ess set � �
<br />;�:. f�rtl�above..Arry notice prmrided fos in th�Q�d of Trust shall be e�e uAon mailing u��se manne�Qestgnated frerefi.ff �;��:
<br /> ' . , � . .,''� Tn�UOr is mo�than one pe�soo,rtotke setdto tt�adQress set foAri abava�he notice t�d5 surfi P+E�sons. �= :
<br />�:: '.���.'�.,' ,� '; d
<br />�, . :, .,: ;� . ($insF�4ton.tendet may make or caose¢0 6e made rerasos�ahtB entrtas uDon and ira�diotta bf the PropettS►.Provtded e�;:r
<br />�,-�'=- •.-,::-.ti,�':.`<:`: tf�at L e n d e r s h a t l g i v a T r u s t�r rt o tl c�p d o r t o a m I s u c h(n s p e c t l a n s p e c i f y i n g�a a s a n a bte c a�+fherefor ratated to Lendsrs iAOar- �._f
<br /> estln the P�operty. �. .
<br /> �. .: � . (g)Reeoaveyane�Upan payment of ad sums secured by Ws OeaQ of Tn�st.Lender s�A requagt Tn�siee to recamey the
<br /> _ ��'t ' � PropeRy�d shall surrender thts Oee4 of Tmst and aA ndies e�ldencing tndQbtedness secure�by this Oeed of Trust to s''
<br /> �,' Tiustee.Tnistee shatl�convey the Properry.without wartaniy arM wfUwut charSe Oa the petsort or persans tegaifY entibed -_-_..
<br /> � :•�.�� �: .... .�...�_:� .
<br />�:.� -, �-. .. thereio.T�shati pay ell costs o'6 reoor+datan.H any.
<br /> �♦,'::�:.. .',_:;..:._.���:; (h)Pe�sonaf�roperty:S�su►i3YA8raen''.�5.As eddiUonel ssaurity for ihe payment oi the Note.TnisOnr here�Y B�►� �,,;:
<br /> Lender urMer ths MBbraska Undarran Commezia�C9de a secuilry tnterast in aA fndures.eQu:AmenL and a�er persomat Ot'oPeRY �. :.
<br /> �•�• "'..�'. ` � •' use0 tn canr►edton with the real e5,�a or Improvements located thereon.and rtot othe�wiss c�dared ar deemed to Qe a part of �;.,,
<br />:�_ . �,- �' the real estats secured heraby.�aisWmeni shalt be consWed as a Sec�rity Agreerts�^tunder satd Code.and the Le�er
<br /> •:;:. :.�.,.�,�.�..:�''�•�.: shail have afl the dght�arid reme�o'f a s�arced party unQer said Cade IA a�itton to the fights and remedles aeated under. . �''`
<br /> `.`` � ana ax�dedlhe Lender pursuant to Ih�B�cdTn�s�DrovtdeA that Lendefs.Aghb apd�emedies untler thTs paragraph sha(1 �._�
<br /> �''�.� ,�� ��• be atmufattvve with.and in no way a iMitatfon d.�.LenQofs rtgMs and remedies urtder siry otAer seourity agreemant sJgned by � �,
<br /> �;,. :. , � . ..,:��• a e ' ���'`��
<br /> Tg, �. . �".`;t; Bortower or Trusstor. �
<br /> u
<br /> ' � (�b[ens an�Etteumbraneae.Yrusta hereby warranb and represenb that there is rta defauft under t4�e provistmts cf any �F�=
<br /> ,�..•-•
<br /> '�= .��� � ��,�''`.�• � mo�e.deed af trust.leas�or purct►ase contract Qescr(bIr.gaU or any PaR oi ttre Pro�►.or othec aontracl.instr�-:�;'t or.
<br /> � .. . , . ���
<br /> . . agmament canstitu�ng a lien or enoumbranae a�tnst ali or arry paEt oi ths PrcpertY(�QecBveN."I.ieas'1.extstta9 as afi the �-_-_
<br /> �:�- , � ••.... , date of this Deed of Tnyst,artd that airy and ail axisdng Uans rematn unmo�"x�f ex�pt as disdosed U�LenQer in'fnisLots wri� .. ---..
<br /> �,i� • ... � ten disdosura of Rens end encurnbrant�s provlQed for heretn.Trustor snail timety perform a1t of Trusto�'s obRgatlans, ;-;�f_:.
<br /> ::.;. , � .' � wvenants,reRtesar�lIans and wartentfes un der eny an d e 0 e x i s t ing an d fl�t u r e L t e n s,s h a l l p t o m p f i y y f o N V a r O t o L s rt d er oo p!es ��
<br /> � ot e11 nnUaes oi default seat ia coas�on wifh any end all existlng or fuhrre Uans,and shall not u�i�thaN LenQefs prior vrtitten
<br /> r� ' . • ot oraUaw future advanoes unCer arry existfng atfutu�Qens.
<br /> lons �:-,�
<br /> . eonsent in a�ry manner modiFy the provls enll '
<br /> ' � • (�App![t�tton o4 Raymanto.Unless otnetw(SS requheA by lauv.sums Daid ta Lender tuerourtder,induding v+r[thouc Umlt�Uon �_�
<br /> �_ ` , . � paymenta af pdnGpaf and Irnerest,insurance pracesds,condamnation proceeds an0 rents and profib,shall be appiied by _,-
<br /> :��� .�` • � ' L e n d e r W t h e a m o u n t s d u a a n d a w i n g f ro m t n r s ro r a n d B o r rrnrrer tn such order as LenQ2r In its sote dbcreUon deems ctes(r- . ,a-.��=.'
<br /> Y • �> r abfe. • -__ .
<br /> #, (k)8everabflity.N any provLSlon ot thls Desd of Truat c�nfilas witb appqcable fativ or(s dedared ir►valtd or otheruvise unen- �� ��
<br /> � � ' toroeaWa.such oonflict or inv2(id,..'y shall nat aNec!the otAer provisiona of thls Qa�d of Tc�:st or tha Note wh1cA cen be gfven �
<br />,�i.., ��r��:.
<br /> ,.,� • effect v�thout the canflicting Q-��ion,and to thts�nd the pr�avlslons W tMs Oe�d of Trust��e Hate are dedared b���- ��
<br /> �. � . � ',•` erabte. ' �
<br /> �"i�
<br /> �:'.Y',., . '• •.•�;' �'. (�Yom�s.Tha tertns?mstnr and`Borrouuer shali InduQe Daih singuiar and ptural,ar:a when Ma Trustor and Borrower are ,
<br /> the same person(s).tAose tertns as used tn this Oeod of Trust aha11 be interchangeabte. �'-��
<br /> �;,�`� � . �: ��;. .•. �.��• (m)Govorning Law.This Deed of Trust shali be govemed Dy the tavus of the S�te o!l�braska. �`--�±
<br /> _ . .. . .-,•,. •
<br /> . i ,':'1`�'�, -
<br /> ti' , ..
<br /> z_.i .
<br /> f','S''- ' .',1. � • � , , , { .
<br /> ( .�
<br /> . . . . ' ! ., 1 . .
<br /> :. .` .. . " � .. . . . � . - • "
<br /> t ' '• �'. � .. � Trusmr has executed this Q�ed ot Trust as o}tho date vrritten a6ov�. . . �. , _ - ..
<br /> ,�.r . . .
<br /> � _ . � _ . �/' �.�..� .���
<br /> .� `
<br /> - , � . Clarence L. Shuda Trustor Veronica K. Shuda Trustor ;
<br /> _ ,��.. . .. .
<br /> ?' , �. , .' Trustar Tn�sU�r � .
<br /> �:� . • . • .
<br /> . � a
<br /> - , ;
<br /> r-y� . . .,. � .
<br /> 5! .
<br />._�._'__ ...._ . .. . _�_ � ..
<br />.`� ' '� ' � � �. � �.
<br /> - �,
<br /> . . . :
<br /> , ' • ��—..�_.�_..__�.t �_�.�-,- '_ — - k. , •~�'�Y s ,i� 3 '.y. .�. }. � - .
<br /> •",uV,��.t�.._ ....�...�._.��_�w�.��_..��ti.Yi:_: .. .. . . . ... _........ - -. .'... ..... .��.. �� .... . . _... ........... .... ..:��. .. .. _ .. ...... .. ... .�...._. .. �'�:,..:�_ ...
<br />