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<br /> D�ED�F TRUS'i 16�d��ti�tl��DVAt'�C� '� ��.>
<br /> < . ' "� . �� s� �
<br /> , � .. --
<br /> � THtSDE�OFtRUSY.ismades.sof�ne 20th d�� November __,i8 97 .byandearong� � =�r ` --�
<br /> , � Clarence L. Shuda and Veron�ca K. Shuda, husband and wife G� .�f�
<br /> �,.` • -_-
<br /> � the T�ustor, -
<br /> _ :_ ` � �-
<br /> �. . ��gm�n9��� 1004 Worms !td Grand Island, NE 68801���n-Ttus�o�,yuhetheronaormore). __
<br /> ; � � ,�� r
<br /> ' tnsTn,s�ee Five Points Bank, a Nebraska Caraoration _ `
<br /> � NE 68802 �'=� -:
<br /> ° ��m��ga�� PO Box 1507, Grand Island, meretn°t�ea�.ana � *t ._
<br /> - y" ' Five Points Bank, a NeDraska Co�poration � {
<br /> � • ���' the s�eflctary. �"�. . --
<br /> ' NE 68802 �
<br />- _ _ �,:',,� , PO Box 1507, Grand islartd, ��,� `�� ,�
<br /> . . . whose ma�ing addr�s is ���A�
<br /> , ,.'rr�r
<br /> , FOR VAf.UABLE CANStOERATION,induding Lender's extenston oi credit Idantifled herein to `_v_
<br /> Plaren P,�L�h��c� and Veroni�a K h�d ��;�—•,
<br /> 4� , (herein'8arrower.'wt�ther one or more)and the t�ust herefn�eated.the�e�spt �;�
<br /> ':: .,J.�_:f: :.._ �..::, of rvtddi is hereDy acknorYfeQged Tnisior hereby(navacabtY 9ranb.tr�f�ss.comeys snd sssigns to Tcuste�.!N TRttS'f,�"iTH �-�=°�--
<br /> �• ' POWER OF SALE.fo�the benefit artd sea�riry o!Lender.under and subject to the terms and conQiUons heretrtafter set torth,the ceal �- �
<br /> ' -.`. '. D�D�Y�ctibedasfoltovus: �1"`
<br />- f:.,,... :,:;;,. NE6RASKA. ��T
<br />— .<. ��:- —
<br /> _ .. : , . ''- �,�-. -_-
<br /> � . 1'ogetherwlUi atl Dutldings,impravemeRts.f�cdires,sG'eets.atleys,passaB�Ye.easemenLS,dghts.prtvileges and ap9urtenances _
<br /> ' • toqted t�areon or in anywiss�rtalNng thereto.and the rer�.issues anQ prafits.re�rsions and remainders theteof,and such Qsr- �' -- ----
<br />`'' �::,`' .: � .. sonai propecry fhat is attac�ed to tl�e improvements s�as to constltute a fi�cWre.inc�u�ing.but not limited to.heaUrtg and 000�ing equl�r .`""„ -
<br /> - � menfi�an0 together with the f�amestesd or marital Interests.if any.which'snteresfs ere hereby r�eleased and watved;all of whidb indud- Y,'i+�;' :'—
<br />� -• ' • tng replacemsnts and addiUons thereto.ts hereby dectared to be a part oi fhe resi esfate secured by the Iten oi tlJs Oeed af Trust and . ':=_
<br /> a1t of the foregotng being referred to herein as 4he`PropeRy'. � � —;- �``'�'�T'
<br /> . � This Daed o!Trust shalt sscure(a)the payment of tha pdncipal sam and intereet evldenced by a pramissory note or credit agre� � �
<br /> � � " mentdamd Novem6er 20,_i9�7 .havtngamatu�trydataoT Nove ber 20_ 1998 "`�'_���� ��
<br /> �=,.
<br /> ��'� ` tn ttv�odginal prficipa�amaunt ot$ 35,020.50 _,�d any�nd aU ma��atlons,extenstoris and renowats � -�Av,
<br /> ' . ��•� • thereot or thereto and any and all iWture aQvances and readvanoes to Bortowar(or arry oi them if m9re than one?hereunder pursuant �'�'
<br /> � . � to bne or more pr�missary notes or credit agreements(hereln cal►ed'Note"};(b)the payment oi other suma advanoed py Lender W � _�
<br /> � n<, �` - --
<br /> ::�,,..,:;�.. �� proted ths security o!the Neie;(c)the pedormance of ail covenants and agreements ot Trustor set foRh herein;and(d)all present and _ `
<br /> r ':'.: • • future indebtedness and ab':r�lons oi Barrawer(or any oi fhem if more than one)to Lender whether direct.indirect a�s o t u t e or can t i rt- �.,�,�
<br /> � �� . • gent and wheti�r ads�ng by no4e,guaranty.overdraft or otherwise.The l�dte,thla Deed of Trust end srry a�d atl other documenis �hat �. y,�_ r.•.•,r
<br /> • secure the N�or otherwise executed in connecUon therewith,Irtde�ding wlthout IimitaUon guarantees,security agreements alM . -
<br /> � � assignments o!teasos end rents,shall be referr�d W herk311n as the'Loan tnstrumonts'. ���,:
<br /> ' � • • TrusWr covenants and agrees wiih LenQer as tollows: ��'""°""`�'"f"
<br /> ' � 1. Payment of inQebtednoas.Aii Indebtedrtess secured hereby shal!be paid when due. � •"=-. :
<br /> � . � � �. 2. Titte.T�ustor is the otimer oi the Property.has the dght and suthodry to convey the Property.and wanan�that the Uen c�reat• ._,,
<br /> �+ � � ed hereDy is a fiBt and prior Uen on the Property.except tor Nens and encumbrances set foM by Trusior in Writing end delivened ta ����,'. : .;::,°:
<br />''`" ''. Lender betore execWon ot this Deed oi Trust,and the execuUon and delivary of this Deed o!Tn�¢Qaes not viotata any oorttract or . .::�;,;��,�
<br /> - other oDligaUon to which Trustar is subJecl. ' � � . .
<br /> � 3.Taxo3.As�ossmente.To pay betore detinquency a0 taxes,special assessmenb ertd aU other charges sgainst the Property . ' •�' r
<br /> � ' � now or hereafter levled. � -
<br />- r � � ' 4.insuranee.To kesD the Property insured against damage by flre,hazerds inctuded wtthin the tertn'extended ooveraga'.and ,
<br /> . � such other hazards as Lender may require,in amounts end with coreqnles accsptable to LenQer,naming Lender es an additlonal . ...
<br /> ' � ' ' named Ir�surd.with toss payable to the Lender. tn case ot toss un�..�r sucfi poticies.the Lendei is authorizetl to adjtcst ooilect and • ,
<br /> ' � compromise,a�}ctaims thereunder and shali have the op0on ot apptyng all ot part ot!he insuranoe proceeds(i)W any inQBbtedness �•
<br />: • � s2cured hereby and in s�ch or�der as Lender may detertr�no.pn to the Trustor tu t�a use�for fhe reA�r or restara�on oi the ProDertY or :
<br /> � � � � � �ui)for any other purpose oz object saUstectory to LendeT without allocting the Ilen ot this Deed o1 Trust fai t�ao tutl amount secured �
<br /> - • � � `� + hereby betor3 such payment ever took place.My appltcatlons o1 proceed to Indebtednesa shall not axtend or postpone the due date
<br /> � of any paymes's under the Note.ol cure any detault thereunder or hereun�er. �.
<br /> � 5.Escraw.Upon wri�en demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,in sucb manner as L�ender may deslgnate,suffictent � .
<br /> � ' • sums to enabte Lender to pay as tiney become due one or more o!the tollowMg:(i)all taxea,assessmenb and other charges agalnst ..
<br /> • . � . the Property,(ii)the premtums on tha property insuraace requlred hereunder,and(ili)the premlums on arry moRgage insurance . . .�.
<br /> . , requlred by Lender. ,
<br /> � • 8.Malntena�sce,Ropairs and Complianee w(tt�Lav�s.Trustor shall keep the Property in good conditlon and repair, ahaU , . .
<br /> � � prompBy repair,or reptacs any improvement whtch may be damaged or destroyad;shall not commit or perm(t arry urasie or detedore� : .
<br /> . �' � tlon ot the PropeAy;shail not remove.dematish or subsmntiaf;y alter any oi the improvements on tha Propariy;shall not commit,suffer •
<br /> . �� or permit any act to be d4na In or upon the Propedyr in viotaUon of any taw.otdinance.or regutaUon;and shali pay and OrompUy Ei� . . • •
<br /> � • • � charge at Tn�stors oost and expense atl8ens,encumbranoes and charges tovled,impased cr accessed against the PropeRy or any . .
<br /> � .� � � paR tAereoL ' '
<br /> :• f� . . � 7.Eminont Oomain.Lender Is hereby assigned atl compensaUon,awards,damages and other paymonts or teliel(hereinafter � • :
<br />�� ��..• • �. . ��,�•- • av�ussaeiumnaas�a�ef�mvl9B • - ,. ��.
<br /> .. _;. ., ..-. _ ._ _ ..--� Otusxar.yemralcunmamrna�mesa+m��ts.aro-.a,.�wc+Nimruu • - : -- .- '�. � .. .. •
<br />. •' . _ . �. .---. .___" . . , �"",.�, -,.�' �-.-___.`�_.�._____.�.__` __"""'-._�t�.y�+�-�+���..n---�.�_ ,.. l..f...�..----•-•._�.�.._�� ..J �� .•-�.- , -
<br /> .
<br /> �--� .-
<br /> • �w.nR�r.�. __ ��' . .
<br /> �
<br /> . . . . .
<br /> . ._""` � '_.-`- • �
<br /> __y .. _�� - . .. . , .... .. .ar.. . .. , _.�., .. ' '�.� . � n��. . . , .. , . . .�.�_ .. . . . . .
<br /> -- ._ . . .. . _ . _ . . . _ , . . _ . . _. �s�_, ••*� . . . .. . . .. 'c. -r' _. ... _. ..i. . . . . . .
<br />