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<br /> „�, . � lnia Ma►tg�e sacurea a loan made by Camrt�etciat Fcderal evidenced Mr.�17 � ,witf►interest atgso initiai rats af --Q `�
<br /> '�`-� � -::�-".-� �� A nota dstad itw rs�m dai9 es 9�1a Mortgage irr ffie artwia+t ot S i�� ��.�nalg itwiii baas�aued 61►fhis Mait988& -LL-
<br /> �,4. � per annum.containsthetertns for repayrtient of that teart.tf tAet note is euec changed or tsytaecd W _
<br /> �� � ,� � 1 pramiaethefofiowingthingx ' . _°—
<br /> �:;•".� � ;� . . 1. AI{paymenta on any nate or other de6t aecured 6Y thia Mart9age an114e Pard�en due.
<br /> t��• •• . - --
<br /> . 2 An insuranee pofieltfor fire and extended coveraSe vn'A be kePt in force an the PmPanY in an amount at Ieast eGuaS to the debts secured ti}I this , .
<br /> �` .. .. , ��.. MortgaBe P1us enY aUter martgaSe�Gsted in paragrapb 6 betaw.The insuraneoeorapany must 6e saGsfacwrll m Commerciai Federa4 end _ -
<br /> Commar�iel federal wi11 be a aa^ned inmued an the'pd�aY _--
<br />� -,• �'.� ,
<br />_ ' 9. Ail taxes and essessments on the praperty wflt be paiC 6efare they 6ecame de{incluent •_ :��,-. ..
<br />-' ' • � .. .,.:;; 4. No Waste wili tre committed on the property.end it wfll tre kept in good repair. � �.,
<br /> �.LL . � • . � ''��.i� � The propeny wiD not he aeid(inetudingby tand canuacl3,teased.and no intarest in it viliil be assigned in anll wa'i• : -�"s`�-
<br /> : .;-.. ,y�
<br /> ' � F'�S�' 1� LT.L3�3L7 „, :.$.
<br /> �..`• 9. t awn theproPe►tY freB end alear ot any other mortgages or encum6rancas IXCEFT � --• ;.':.
<br /> . !-�.�.,�.. ' __
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<br /> �;.•`.' � ��`. ' 7. No other mortgaSa or lien on tha proyerty will evar be afiowed to be in detault or ho forectosed. ' ---- _--
<br /> �:• .. , �
<br /> �a�d- " � . .� •
<br /> �: If erry at thaso pro�ases are�o!koDL�1e��61^����deral can daciare all 01 ths debt immediateh f Que end pa�2bte withcut advanca notica
<br /> �� . Ex�qpticns may 6e reqaired by law The interest rate wZi�craase to 18.00�6 w any le-.�.or a1 the m�imum reta allowab'a by iawat that tlme,end thia � : -
<br /> 006
<br /> �` � • mortgago can befo�ectased in accordaneewith appIscabta taw.H tfie detst is acceterated•then�ais°assign e�Y rent ot a9fer inwme imm thep roDsnSl ta
<br /> � �Commercial Federal. ?ME PAATI E S A G R E E T l f A T T H I S C O N S T R l 1 T E S A COLLATERAL RF1U.ESTATE MOHTtiAG�PUASUANT TO 30.OAKOTA C.L 448-28 �� ��•. .r _.
<br /> �'� ; � - N T 5 ONL . tn the evont ot arry dafa�dt in tha mahing ot any paymont a�In keeping tury eovenem heBin,t h i s M o r t 8 a 8 c m a Y O a , „ ; -. _
<br />;�: t: 1, �., torecto�ed 6y aetion,or by advartisomem as pro v l de d b y s t a M o o r U�e c u t e e o 1 p r a e t i c e r e l a ti n g t h e r o t o,e n d t h i s p a r a g r a p n a h e ll t�e deemed as authoriring and -.=F.'-,, _.
<br /> ' ' ����q�e ocvumr ot saie cs rtmnticr:ed in eaid stetute or r+Aes end enY emendmont theretc end may retain staUrtcry costs and attomaY tees 1 S D,W Y,M N.
<br /> ,;-��,, OK.end Ml cesidents only). .
<br /> M' CnAain emoimta can be paid by Cammorcia�Faderaf and addad to tha dabt secured by thia Mortgaga Ineluding�if taxes or insuranco�hav�e0teed�+ :G'
<br /> �} .: . �. Pay6utfai�a�ttomayffees�courle�an�iMdc�hthelawmi9ht��if6ommorciaf Fadpreatlhays�togoewcourte�galnstW o oeeoilect4fod bt rg�e . .
<br /> � � . proroc�this mortgage.H any of these thin9g hapAen,then the additianal debt vuiil accrue intaragt at the sams rato as the rest c!the Habt end tnust 6o paid . •
<br /> ,.�.' . itnmedi8tafy. eda of tha fatdnp ..
<br /> =�t:;':•�° � M thia proporty is evor eondomned undEU the Pawor o1 aminont domain or arry aimiWr metfiod a1 takin8 ProP�'�Y fo►Publia use.any proct�
<br /> du
<br /> k�':•' "� ' will ho paid w Comrtaereial Federel up to tho tull amount af the dobt secur�d _ _
<br />'ti:' .
<br /> ,. .�- �•.' � gcrrawar waives ell right of homnstoad exampUon i�tho ProDafi/++nd tut�ae tn�hr°9 ail righU e1 cadempUon,exemprian Ciatributivo aharo end dawar. • . .
<br /> � � ' Notico m Bermwar(tor Otdahoma ro a A war o!eato has eoan 0►er�tud in thia MortgaBa.A var o!aalo m allow tho Mo eo to tnko tfio ,,;{
<br /> . � ' � mo ro s o Bom eou n e o oaure a on on au o�rowor un �� o a o. ',r �.,
<br /> ,• •
<br /> • 11 35 �9 MARK A. D� x �„ � �1 �i�cei ,
<br /> +.'•� � eo ra igeaturo ,�Q
<br /> t • • Tod a�ato Bortawe/s 4ypad Name \���� .
<br /> ;� .. � .. �� Ti D�' .�„�I : n[ /l �le. ,n . . . '
<br /> !•,' Bortawo/s Typed[�Wme ignatute �/� .
<br /> � , :' '.. ` ..
<br /> � � ' . 2229 N. PAR�� 7ffid1DID. NE 68803 .
<br /> �� . , ' . : Bort a Adarass :
<br />,4 ,. .
<br />" ' . S1ATE OF � J ss. �,.
<br /> '.x..,.' . . COUMYOF HA�+L 1 � ,
<br /> . � . On thfs � daY of .19 97 ,batoro mQ o notary puhhc in and for said counry, porsonaly camo
<br /> :�: , Z�A� � �� �� y]j@�� to mo known to ho tfio idanUcnlOurson or paraon�whcsn
<br /> �- � ' namo is or oro oHizad to tho abovo moAgago,end thay,ho/aho/thay sawrally acknowlndgcd the suid inattuiffant und tho ex�ution theroof to ar
<br /> � vofuntary aet anddoed.
<br /> "- -_ • . WITNESS my hand and notanal seal tho da}r nnd yoar last written abovo. � � ""j,(�_
<br /> � • • hty comm�s3ion oxp�res: - ,
<br /> � �
<br />_--__,._-.. ..-----•= QSV-107? (07/97)
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