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<br /> y _ � Pls�'i�S:ThIs�Deed of Ttust is snada on ne25oH8R�iM +ao� .amang the C,raMOr. — -
<br /> — . re��°t.�- � .�
<br /> ... p s-�-
<br /> �`_ nRgt�m n Ana _ Y►�oP �
<br /> �p }Yr .��as. .'.
<br /> � whose residente a�dtess ts oe aesc �ncL rm�.+Ta*A�=++a a-,� _CAUn►Y.Ne6rasice t'Trustee'1,and the BenafietarSl. ,�- _
<br /> �: .e emPoreUon c*8anhe9 `G " --
<br /> ` I��nennaQa WhOS98QQlB8S18 771 ROtSTR T.O!`fTQT SRR2S82'� -
<br /> • �.. � . BIt�BXISfIlfe Ufl�t119I81N8 Ot �e�d�■F �:,, _"'_=__
<br /> � � V C0111VEY{:l�Et�»Wr va&e reeetve0,Barrower iRevocebN Star�s and eonveys to Tnutse.in�ust�Pcwer af sate,ths reot pmpeay,af which
<br /> . .�'� therea3t end 8t1 dgfsts-of-vray. �.
<br /> Borrbwei Fs lBwfull/selzed.de8Cribed�faw end all buItdIngs,f+xdues.esr�exisdng end tuture imyiovemerts F= . .� -
<br /> . ._ easemorrts,rer�, issuas. Atofits,income. tenemsnts.heredtiame�rta. Privdages a»d eml 8PA�nanees ihereurrto �atonging fall cal!eA the .}—
<br /> " � 'vmII�Y'1 ,�xT s+r �•'°,•,'*" * .n�•*� .tYekrasica 6a9e� --�,. ----
<br /> _ �.. �StOPEA'[Y AOnRES8:._�ea_rt� • � . a��u . �.-_ . _
<br /> ' LSitALOE3CAIPTION: �"`a° taM _.
<br /> � �=-:�--
<br /> _:,r.� :`'`' � < ` L4Y'.80IItt (4). IN SLQCK TFIO (2� IN RNIC�HM THIAD ADDITION TO TSS , . �
<br /> . - . � - CITY OP GRA2ID 28LADID. ID1I+L C8II1�FP!!. NSBRASIQI. • - -__
<br /> .. . �:d -_ -----�_
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<br /> � AAiL _ CDU�IL�I.aaarasr�. . �%,�'=�
<br /> tccated tn �"?':-
<br /> ' ' '' TtiLE:Boaowet covenar�and warrarrte tttte to tha D►oAertY.exceDt fm � , •, � � �-=s 1_M
<br /> SEq1RID pE9T:This dasd of trust seeurea to Lende►reDaymeM of the securmd deLt and the De��anee of the cflvzna�anA a�eemer� _v_•=-_ -
<br /> ��..+�_ aontatned in thts Oeed of trust and in any other docmrtert incorporated hereln.Seciued debt,as used fn thfs deed ot tnr5t,inctudas a�emourKa • „�,:
<br /> Borrower owes to lvnde►unde�this deed of bust or urtde►any instcumant secured by this dee4 of trust.an0 sU modiftcadona,ex�ansios�s and , , :x
<br /> ' �.�..': �eneuvatsthereaf. ' .. ..
<br /> T he sacur�ed Q e b t[s e v i Q e n C e d b y(�e 1 f I n s tr u m e M S e n d'a g r e e m e n t s s e a u e d b y t h i s deed at�rust artd Ltie dates thereof.}:. . , �'.�;�
<br /> ... �.
<br /> : • . �FuUQO Advancos:The abnve amount is seaured even though ail or pert o?k may�ot yat.0a advaneed.Wture edvanr,es are ,.:�. '� :•��
<br /> corRemptpted and witl bo sec�ue�to the same esctenf as If maQe on the date thls Qeed of trust(s executeA. ��. •.• :
<br /> u .„ _
<br /> CI Rewtvtng ftne af cradit agreemem QaLOd .witN inlUal a�e,�:e1 imsrest rete a! 4b. - ,f; =•
<br /> � ,.
<br /> Ati amoania owed under this agreament are secured even thougf�ail amour�may not Vet be aQvanced.fUQ1rB SdVq7iC09 tlild0t .i�
<br />- �...., _ .....,�. .
<br /> ; ... - � � ttio agreemsra are cartemDTated and wiU 6e,secured to the samo euten2 es N maQa on the date th(s Qeed of uust is oxecuted.,
<br /> � . . . . '�ha.above obtlget[on is Que cnd payatfe an e�°mA°° A° �en� , � ` . ,. . .N nai Daid eadier. � �
<br /> ' � � The tatal unpald batance aacured by thia da�d of trust at any one tlma sAafi rtot exceoa a maximum pdncipaf amoant of `
<br />: ' ' . . . ( �,r:cra�o�rwenrta*�+�. •�^,••�°" ':�wq• nue �aj�ne - --QO1t8t818 SV enQ 9e b P'•'•�shRefBSt. �y ,.;
<br /> �,,.�__'
<br /> � � � plus any amounts distnvsed undet the terma of thia clbe0 ot trust to proteet tha security ot this deed of trust or to Derfcrm amr ot�th3 ' _
<br /> � , . , eovanar�ts caMatned in t?+is dead of trust,with iMerest on sucA Eiab�uesme�s. , .
<br /> ' � ❑VsrtaDio Rato:The irtiteresL rate on the obtigation secured by th(s doed of wst may vary aceording to the terma ot that obilgatbn. :.
<br /> ' • ❑A copy ot the loan agreomeni eontaining the tmma unQer whicb the interest rete moy v�ry Ia attechad to this deed ot truss ena ' � '�:•
<br /> � made e paK horeof. ry � , ';`
<br /> - ,' . ' 8lDFR82 ❑COt11ti1B[CI91 � nlR47[;A i's' AA RA.rSTA_ U ;
<br /> �. . - Q�.GNAT[ON OF HOMEBT�AD .
<br /> . � ' � Pursuant to ths Farm Homostoad Protectiqn Act designatlon of homestead O is eitazched to this Qeed of Wst and made a pan heroot �
<br /> ;:•ei.
<br /> . . ❑ has been dtsciatmed;ths disctalmer is atmct�ed to this deo0 0!trust an0 made a part Aeraot.
<br /> r" batow.Barrowtr a�qreo to o mrma and covanarrta car�minod tn thio dac�oi trusL tnetudittp thosa an pae�2,and(n � �
<br /> . SIGiBATURES:By sl�in9
<br />:.., . esty�1Qar � d ve a1gn0 Borto r. � �
<br /> . �. � TIN R 8C1�1RBOROU(3H TAMMY R OROUdH .
<br /> . � � ACKIYOWLE03MENT:STATE Of NEBRASKA. T T - County es:
<br /> The torogoing inatrumont was acknowiedgud beforo mo on trila_ �±4'r -_ day ot eLTe9g+�. 1oA7 ' �
<br />- � � .� , by MaATitv R RCrRRAROQ • « ^(�IAROR�VAH� vrfenn*Tn nLtf�WTf7R — . ..
<br /> . Rmab))
<br />_. . � Caoaatea �i�'����2b INemsotCOmallonaPUtr+ar�1 . �
<br /> ' Oertnar9UD � �
<br />_ � •. aer„oNneagmcm e �m�,� p�y gg 4 on behetf ot the corparaUon or partnorship. ,
<br /> . , MY commtssion expiros ���d ' ��c, .
<br /> tsee»
<br /> �- � Thi9 instromont was Oreparad by.�*^ , �~^�1R (t�C�!f�A ��p, .
<br /> _ p1888a�REFL95VSTEtd9.WC..9T.CLOUD,MH88301 I1�H00397•93e11CORMOCilNT6NE6t1891 ApBL# 00039465 �papo f o121�:�y4Gp�lp�t�pv
<br />_ CCD# O100A9Z168 � -. "-
<br /> �. . � .-- - - , �- - . — -----,.._.,.--_—_.�_...__—_.J..�..�..��_ . - . . . .� . . �� .
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<br /> ._...�.�. y�� �y� iu v�e.r�,a�.. �,&xSS+X.�Y�!�?�Y LYfll��6h�ilRft!r�.V.'�i1tJl� �..i!- . � �-'..a�s 4 :'e..�- r4.�c`�•- �'� a':i.
<br /> -- - �- �'S-fty4�`'L13�'4�1+'3Hi3�.i� - � � . . .'t[. - --- . . . _ . .. ... '� . . `�! i1..
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