.. �..�_a�'..^y`�a.r _ � : _ tx. "'A_- l. �C;_, . K" 1_"H _ � G . . �cFy . t dj�,�..:...
<br /> . _ . ..
<br /> ... .O .i-_._�.::..rS'..:,: --- '_.4.�._1.�:.... ._. ;�. :.t^ .._._.. _..-f ';.''� -a.�-` K _a�. _.:,::afM S ' __
<br /> - . �r � ._. . . — _.. .--� -- � a' ��~ � - - _
<br />. . /' -.. . . '.� '� .�� t _ . l . � r ^ - ;VS'N �
<br /> 4 r aY u .
<br /> -i.-,..Y.htitR' -�.:- c.. }� ����. _
<br /> , � f . t M 4 �,i -� `y. -c . � `„r _.� �t '
<br /> :.' ': . 5.��:�::. '•- 'i. . , .c .. :-:•-�k •u•'�Y " - .L�.
<br /> i "p r ti -4 _ r " <
<br /> '�I� �`' � _ . __—
<br /> - �r. �-.{:e ;�w;� . . .. �;.. _ . _'�.` _.
<br /> �-Y: �.. ���..q. COV�V�� �i..R! �b�QDiirYT� 4�'� 4��( y
<br /> �c�.� fl� •�� _.
<br /> ` . 9.Paycrar�. @orrower egrees to.maka aQ�aycnents on tha seaaad Q90t whan�e. Uniesa 8crtow�r and Londor agroo othorwise, eny •�; '.h .� .
<br /> ` ��.; paymes►m Lender reeotves tram 6orrower or w Bcrrawa'�beriafit will Oa sppfied flrst w eny emou�Bonowar awao on tho eeauad detu , r` - �,:; _
<br /> ,,� ,�-� ex�usiv0 09 t�rest ar prtn�paL set:�sd ta tntaresL and then tc pdnctpal.if paNal prep,aymesrt of it�secured debt occure 4ar arry reason.it V�(!1 <:s"' "� :.
<br /> ��b S�- �':•:T�• f10L tBQttCB Ol AEQISS�iS►8C�(QGUIBd Qt3}fRtBIRtRIfII UIH 88CUfQ�QB�i IS QBHI IA tUll. " 'F'��` �•:��
<br /> c, Q SS , �-:.
<br /> �� 2.IXaimo A}y�tnat Ti88.8on �e�ili p3y aU fa�cva,essessmar,ts.m�d oUser d�arBes ataiDuteCie to thaproyerty when Qus ersd wf�!Qetond titte ' r�'° ° :
<br /> T
<br /> � �` .� to tAs pro�a afist enY���1�Tyt�wavid taWeir the Uan ot Ws deod ot uusa le�nda*may re�uire$errowe�to essi�+anY dgMs,ctatmo or , ��*�, "' ..< :
<br />-,,•.:. °,..I` �' `• detanses ivhic��arrower m�►t�avo sgFttnss Dartiea who supDh►laber or matartats to un�ovo or mairttaln the proDc+rcy. <
<br /> f,. ' -.a..-
<br /> r . . ..� 3.tt�r.a.Borrowet wil{keeD�P�A�Y tnsured under tcrms aeceDtebie to tenQer aL Borrower's e�cponge tmd for Lehder's battefit AO � `;° �,= -
<br /> •.` p' . < tn�urarfee po8etes qs�hyal�l(ndude e sta�ard mortgagepdpausc►tn tavor pt LenQer.Lender wiU he nemeA as icsa payea or e�tAo insured on eny au� . �
<br /> `� cr�a enc ed deErt.i�f Lon�r�q�u es mot[gaSe t�istua�rt�or owe�r�es m ma�im U�efi�klsieifu t�fOt es�gng es F.e�r�e$at�dtdes r�D�Y ' �s � .
<br /> . `< �:.
<br /> � ` 4.�caygrty.Barower wiD keep tne propertl►U►Boad eandiUon and make sD repaUe teasanabty necessary. � '` � ;
<br /> �•�
<br /> 6.E�qenae�.Borcower a 6es to paY aU lenders e�anses inetuQing reasortnbta attomeys'Tces.i!Bnrtower 6reaks arry eovenenie tn this Qeed } �"� T,
<br /> • t�� of trust ar in anyr o6Q�n secured DV d�is dead ot trus��ortower wiii pay Mas9 amDUms to Lender es pravlde�in CavonaM$of tlils Qead ot -�. - -
<br /> .. < WaL , 'e. �`"==.-.
<br /> L ".�.•` ` .,..' 6.Prior Secwtty 6tmreab.Urdesa�Bmrawer firct abu�Ins Lendef__s rrritten wnseM.Barcawet wiU tsot make or permft any cnanges to smt prior • .� �. �_-
<br /> b I �
<br /> t _< , sae�uity Intesests.6orrawer wIIl psrtartn all of�otrawers obUgauons under atry Rrtar mostgaga, deed ot vust or other seciuiry agreamenL :
<br /> - �� indud�rtg BortoWer's covenants to make paymss►ta When due. ' , � -_: �
<br /> ..,''. , 7.past�une�ot R�ta aRd Pro$fs.Barrower asstgns to tender the rert�and profr�ot thn p�raparty.Unless Borrawar and lender have agreed � � _-.
<br /> �. _ _;:�. otherwi"se(n miting.BoROwat may co4ect aad retetn Ure re�ts as tong aa Barrowar is not in Qefaari.if Barmwar defautts.Lendar.LenQer's ' , t -- ---
<br /> ��� agent,or a court appoLrtad recetvarmay take possesston and manage the proporty and cot:ect the raMe.My rerrta Lander cotlects sfiaU be
<br /> 'F ' '4" •eppRed fifst ta tha costs`of martagfng t��e property,inctudinS oourt eo�ts And attomeys' feea.eommiasions to rerrtat agenfe.and any atl►ev -
<br /> � , neeessary reiated expenses.Ths remahilng amount of rerrts will than app[y to paymertts on tlie aec�ned Qebt as Drovtded in Covenam 1. ,•
<br /> ` � ` `— 8.L�sehatd�CandmntnIurrts:Wennad Ua3!Qavatapmer►te.B�rower ees to w !y with ttse provisIons ot any Israse it this dee0 of uust i9 an 2.` � _.� �
<br /> ` a feasehatd.i Utia Qeed of trust is on a unh in a condomintum or a p�anned unit�evetopment,Bar�ower uviU yerfarm all ot Borrowera duttes � '°,�
<br /> ' •��x�; . undet tha cavanattts,bY-lews,or reaulatlona of the condomWum or planmed unit Esvefopmen4. ^�
<br /> �` ,``• 9:At�hortty af LenQar to Perfarm 4or Batrowes.If Barrower taits topa r[orm any ot Bcrrawars dutJes und6r tlUs deed of trusy Lertder may
<br /> :;f• � OeAorm ths dudas or cause tS'►am to 6e pedormed.LenQer may sign BKrowers nams or ay or►y emount if nes�ssery►for pe�formance.It eny . , -
<br /> • cohstructJon on�heD fs diseortfiued or not oarNod on in a reasonabte manner,len�er may da whatever is necesssN L�ptotect Leaders _.
<br /> " � - . �� searftY trtterest in the prope►N.This may indude camptetfig tAe constructiort. •:�,r�. --
<br /> ;�:"-,::.;._.:c°.:h��::.- Leaders isiture to Detfoan wD1 nat predude lender ham exerclsing any ot its other�IgAm unRer the taw or tfiis dsed of trust. .�,-:�`,'-
<br /> ... ;;`�� .. :: ,'.. .- AnY ar#�ou�psi0 hy lonac►to prat�ct landa�s ses�atty irs*.etest wif!be secured by this deed ot trusL Such amounffi Wifl too 4us on demand . --
<br /> a
<br /> ane�ndD bear i�rterast from the date of the Dayment urtU7 paid in full at the ir�4erest rete in effect on the ssc�es detn. v
<br /> '� 10.OstauT4 and Acce2eraKcn.If Borrower tafls to make arry paymert when due or trreat�a eny cover�artta under'this desd of trust ot any
<br /> �� � ebOgation seeured by this deod of trust ar eny pdor mortgage or deed af trust,Lendsr may aeceterata the maturity of ttm seaued de6t an4 ;• , __-L'�
<br /> - - �- � demand imme�ate payment and may tevafce the power of sate and aqY other remedies permttted by apyficabte law. _, _-_.-
<br /> �'� ' , ~'''�` � �`�� • 11,Requeatfm Notice af Dofe�dt�k is hereby�equested that coptea af tha noUces o!detauit and sate be seM to each person wfio is a perty `�" �-=
<br /> :w;.: • • � ` heieto.ffi the addtess ot eaCh such pe[6on,as set fotM herein. ,':;�;�T
<br />��,�� � � 12.Pawer ot Sffia.N ths Lender tnvokes t�e power ot sate,tha Trustee ehaH first record in ffia oifice of the.regisier of deeds of each caimty ' '•T%' = --
<br /> �'., : , wharein the trust PruPe►tY ar some Asrt or parcel thereot is situeted a naUeo o!detauh cantain(ng tha intortnaUon reQuired by taw.The Trustee ';;:�f��'_�_=- -
<br /> ;r ' sheii also maii eopies nt tha naUee of defeutt w tne 8ortower,m eaah percon who is a parry hereto,and ta other persons as Frescribed by �
<br /> � •� � • appiIcabte Iaw.No!iess than on0 month eft�tAs Trustee record9 the noitro of datauit, or two morKfts if.the�ust property�s not in ar�y �F�a
<br /> '�• � incorpareted city or village and ts used in tartnin9 o�pera t i ons c�a r r ie d an b y t fi e t r u s t or,t he 7�u s t e e s l�a t l g i v e p u b i i e n a U c e o f s a J e t o t h e p e r sans�
<br /> � an01n tha manner prescs-�d bY appplicabie law.Trustea,without demand.on Borrower,sha0 sett the proparty at puDlic auction to the hi�est
<br /> . •• rarm H mastead ProtecUon Aea,7�ustee shal!oNer the Rraw in two sepazate ea�es as required by applicabte law. ��•?���-�''—
<br />_..4;; , 6idder.(f required by tria o
<br />--- Trustee may pos�one�flt aU or any parceF of the r�:o�Ly by.pubilc announcessn3nt the Ume and ptace of a�y previousty acheduted aete. �,�`
<br /> ._� _ .. .. Lender or iGa dasiB�tae mz�+purchasa the Property et ar►y s�te. �"' ��'•--Y=
<br /> � U p o n r e c� of ent of ffie p rice btd,Tmstee shaif deiivar to ths p�chaser Trustee's des0 comieYing the Property.The reatlais corrtained[n �-�� � �
<br /> - • • TrusteB's�ad sh�be prima tacte evlQfence ot the U�uth o f t he atatements co r rt a i n e 0 t Aere i n.T n i s i e 9 a t�a l l a p p l q t h e p r o c e e d e a f t#t e s a t e i n t h e . -
<br /> • :
<br /> . � . foifowing arder. ta1.to ell expanses ot tha sate, inetuding, but not Iimited w, reasonabte Trustee's tees, reasonable attamay'e feea end ._ :._._ .��•�---
<br /> � � reinstatement tees;(b)to a0 Btuns 88cuted by th18 Q88d of ttttst,and(c>the batance,if any,to Uie personss tegalty enthted to recei+re it. ,.;:,;;�: .-�`��=
<br /> .��,. ;-�-__
<br />- • � �, 13.Finaa[asute.At Lendere op8on,thls deed of trust may be toteclosed in tha manner provlde by appiicabto taw tor foroclos�vo of mortga8� ":'t•,u?'�.:.
<br /> . onreai property. � •�'•-�• �s`.-
<br /> .�;w..�._�_-
<br /> " � 14.InsD ecdon.Lendet may enier Me praperty w inspect R if LenCer gives Borrowor nottoe baforehand.The notice must state the reasonaLie -�_�.
<br /> � : . cause Tor I.srtGers inspecdon. . __ - - _�.
<br /> � , � 76.ConQo�aRton.Borrower assi�n s to LenAet the�roceeQs of any award or ctaim for Aama�ge�a connected with a eondamnaUon or other ta&ing � �r -
<br /> �`.+ � . of a11 or any part oi ths property.Suct►proceeds wfll be applied as provided in Ccvenant 1.TNs asslpnmem is subiact to the tarms af any prior . _�
<br /> �� . security a8reemen� - _,._
<br /> `� _.
<br /> � � '" 18.Weivss.By exercising arry reme�v avaitabie to Ler�Qer,4endet does not give up a�ry rights to taLer uae enY other reme0y.By not exerclsing __
<br /> y'` • � airy reit�ad'�upon Bonowe►'s dofautt,Lender doea not watve any dgM W later consider the event o defautt H it happens again. -'-""
<br /> ,�-.
<br /> ���:� � 17.Jatrn en0 Sowsrel LlabIIttv:Co-algnore; Suceesuore artd Assigna Bound.All duttea under thls deed of vust are joirtt an3�verol.Any � �»;•,; _.
<br /> Bonowar who co-signa thia deed of iruat but daes oot eo-sign the undertylng debt insuumentls)doea so onty to�arrt er�c4 nvey that �`�
<br /> ��: . • '"� Eorcower's interest in the property to the Truste0 under tAe terms o?this dee�f oi trus�M addition,such a Borrower agreas that the lender and , � ,
<br /> r°� • :� anY othet Bortower under thls deed ot truat may extend,madify or make any other chanBes in the terma of this deed of Vust or the securad ��;;,, .;�-., � •
<br /> debt without that BoROwer's consent and without�eteasing that Boaower nom the tertna o1 tlils deed of vust. �
<br /> t.�.. ' � The Euties and benofite of this deed of Vust shall bind and benefft the successora and assigns of tsnder and BoROwer. , '
<br /> • 78.NoUeo.Un1BSa otherwise required Isy�aw,an}►nat�ce to Bortowet 6haii 6e given by Qeiivering it or by maitlng R by cer8fted ma3 addressed to ��"°
<br /> Borcower at the properry adQress or enY ottmr adGress that 8orrowet has fliven to Lendor.Bortower wHl gIva any notico to Lendar by certified '
<br /> .•� � mail w LendePa oddress on paga 1 of thia 6oed o!trusZ o►to any other andresa wAich LenQer has designatod.Any ott�er noUco to Londar ahall • � �
<br /> .-7 . Ee sent w lsndere uQdre�s as statod on pago 7 of th:9�ed ot uuaL -,
<br /> � . . Any noUce ahall ba Qeemgd to have bean given to Bonawer or Londer when given tn the manner stated above. •
<br /> � � � � 19.Transia�ot tt�c Proporty m o Bcneflclel lntores!in the 8anawe►.tf a8 or amr pan of the property or any iatorest ln it is so1C cu trensterr�d �.' ..
<br /> �• without Le.nQer's prlor wrltten consent, lender mey demand ImmeE��payment of the secured aebt. Lander may atso demar.d immediate �
<br /> ` � • • paymont it the Bonower is not a naturat Derson and a Eoneficlal ir.:rrest in tha Borrower is sotd or trenstened. Howeva�,lenCsr may not ��." . .
<br /> '= �, ;•� ' demand paymeM in thg abova situations if R is prohibitod by tederal taw as of the dete of this deed of Vust. � � �
<br /> • Z0.Reeomroytmco.When the obllgaUan secured by L`:s deod of Vust has boen pai0 and Lender hes no further o5ligaUon to make advancoa •
<br /> � " �� � und�er the insVumente or egreemertts secured by this Caed of trust,ths Truateo sha]t upon written request by tt�e LenQar,reconvey the trust •
<br /> obttgavon so s�isfledSBo�nower�sha0 paV eny recordaUonBcosta er'e successor in interest,the Vust deed an0 the note or other evldence of the
<br /> i.
<br /> • . 21. Sueeassor Trustao. Lender, at Lsndor's opUon, may remove Trustee and appolnt a successor trustee 6y flrst,mailing a copy of the �
<br /> � ' substitution of uustee as required by applicaEte law,and tnon,Dy tiling the substkutlon of trustee for record in ths ofNCOpf the register of deeds � �-
<br /> � ' suc eed to eilytfie pawer tdutlss auihor�a d tltle oi the T u t�ee named in tdt�ie deed ot�ust and of any su�ceet ssor trus�ee of the propa[3y,shall . ' ,
<br /> . � , . -!- .
<br /> • • � . : ,. � . , • •
<br /> � • . � • _ c• ... , ..
<br />:s , � , . .
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