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<br /> FS" . - � l f � � �'�.� � _hC 4 ���.
<br />_ t°� ', G`y� ,C�.1D F r `�� �k s .c� ' �. . ,c �` .. .-� st C` c `�.� 4-� Q
<br /> _ ` ` . , 'G. �� � � ' .. �� . , t . c, r�� � .t
<br /> `` .4t �' . .�. . `t-M1;: 'i°. • . ` �. i�, , ,2Yt ��`' � ' r E'.
<br /> � - . :Re . . . F• / f<<t<' l ' _ �c . . [` � 'i� {; '
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<br /> -.R,. '�_1.�.� . ' • ���r
<br /> 'f. ,
<br /> _. . ,'.'�' - - �;'
<br /> abandoned Pmperty. Boirower st�ll atso 6a ia defantt if Borrower, dmin& the toaa spp�icabiun pmoess. gave ; -c.:..
<br /> :_ ;;�� . ma�risity fat�e ar iaaccmaoe in�ation or statemea4s W I endxr{�f�ed to gmvide L�ter wilh a��a1 ` r:
<br /> � � . �onj m t�a�+na wif��e ioaa eviden�ed 6y the Nate, �g, firt a�t limited ro, rq��seaffitions �� -"`:
<br /> —�— � w • 'e A. ,.«.. 1 K i M e C o n t r�i l a �ncZTA7i1Pii!' �' A 1 i A e.-�
<br /> r � DVililttiGS o t7NAL�fA1L.j tn itS�tvWas� �o�� �. f _�
<br /> ` ` �:`� Ieas�tanId,Bnsrawer s�aA c�pig wit�e tl�e paavisioffi of tbe lease.If Boaower acqnir�s fee titls to H�Ptopectq,the� � ��`
<br /> � ,.f �S . �,. ,'
<br /> Ieaseflold SutZ f�ttde shaU nnt be�o n l e�t�a d e r Sg�ees to d t e mergec i n w r t ti n g. ��
<br /> .L . , �;: 6.Conde�tlon.lYie pmce�s of aay ava�erd or�fnr damages.�or cans�¢�ai.ia�wish •. s�
<br /> '` "r ,f; �-"�
<br />� :4 ; aay caademnat�on or.oti�er�tng of any part of tt�e Pmpeity, or for wmreyance m p1a¢e of condem�atian► as , _, -
<br /> � ��; `° . berebp assigaed and shaD be psid to l�er to tLe eateat of tbe foll etn�t of the imdebtedaess that rema�ns uupaid M ;� -
<br /> s uader t�e Note and tHLs Sesuattq Instc�eni. I euder sLall applp sact��oceats to 6�reditctTian of tT��neclnes4 �. `� `
<br /> ., .�r..:•' . ,. .F..-
<br /> mider the Note and tbis Sec�ity tnstcmneut. aay deli�qneat �PP� P �Y:.,.
<br /> ;. fii.st.to amntuus in tt�oidear mvlded iu �- 4;�
<br /> . �°-::. :.'� pa�agrapb 3,an.d Sieu w piep�yme�t of p�Indpal.An9&PFlisxr�aa of die proc�ds to the prinelpal sball�ot extend ar � -
<br /> . �, ,. � . pastgone�te dne date of the mu�Iy paymems�w�are refea�ed ro in patagraph 2,ar cbange the amaant af sach -' '=:
<br />-` ',. PaYmen��• �►nY eaa�s Pmc�ds aver an amoQnt required to pay a11 oa�in8ebtedaes�r a�fer the Note and tLis =
<br /> �• :��` �ecar�ty Insuumeat st�a�ise paidto the enfitp legailg enti4te8 8iea+eto. � f�:
<br /> :: ,�°�=<.. . . ...'�. CLarges to Borrow�r�d�PcBtecNaa af i�2r's B�gLfs iq thz Yeop�. Barmvrer� sbatl PaY aIt ef< .-
<br /> .�' guvec�men2al aA mmdci�al charges.fines and imPosidons that ate�oi incds�ded ln parag�h L.Buirowec s 6 a ll pap t� �;
<br /> �� :,:• ,�'<',;•._:
<br /> , St�se.obligatinns an ttme directty m dae eataay�hicd�is owed the pagmens.�f ffaitnce to pay,wa�r��rasely aff�t ;. �-
<br /> : _ h
<br /> . , :� .,a �
<br /> ` .. • •'' tiEIIdes'8 31lDeiCS[ i11 QIe P1COpCrtj►► �oII I�eI'S Ie�llest BO�IOW� sha11 p�Iplly fGImsh W�eI I2�etpiS '' ;� .t s
<br /> -�=�:.—.,::-,! , . . . Ylt��r
<br /> ..,..,,r;_ . .��e Pa9menis. . , � : -
<br /> :�$f Botrawer fails W make tfiese payments or Qie PaY�����Y D��Z.ar fails W gerfa��ey a�c ` Y `' °_
<br /> , �? � _
<br /> '`` coveaams anrl ag�aaents co�taed in tbis S�ty Inst�ament,ar tbe�is a legal Praceeding that map significaiuip ' ? -
<br /> ;` r ��.s s:, ena s . �.� -„
<br /> .� :°�;� affect Lender's�hts ia.tbe ProFest9(sac�ag a gcoe�ed'mg itt b�,for cflndemnadon os to enforee laws or. . ` ,,� „<
<br />-=_ �.,��; a�,*�LYions). t�en I.e�sler map do ans!pay wt�atever is neoesmty w�tratect fhe valne of tiie Pmpeity sud I.endet's - . .��3.-
<br /> � ��` y �; mg�ts in the Fmpecty.inr�adiu$p$yaient uf taxes.bazarr�inso:ance and other items memtmned in par�graph 2. �
<br /> - Y. S'� Aaq smounts disbuised by Lender nnder dns puapaph sball bcx+ome an addltional debt af Barm�aver sud 6e '�'"`°`}
<br /> . , . i., nde aver _
<br /> �;_x.:
<br /> secared by th��ecorIry Instniment.These amo¢nts stiall bear interest from the date of dis�sement.at tLe Note�te. �- ,�.;.... .,,
<br />--, �. . i` � an�at the opdan of I�ende�sbaU�ie iunue03atety dae and payable. ' � � <.�,�. .
<br /> _ , i; .
<br /> ,, , t : Boreowez sbati prompity dissharge any lien wbi�C Las prFosiry aver�,is Se�ty Iastnm�ent anie�s Borrower: ;. ,.
<br /> ., , ; -�-.
<br /> , (a)a�ia v�riti�to ths payment of the obUg�tton secused by the lten I�a man�r aeceptable.to Lender, (b) � -�-��-�.-
<br /> . cuatesta ia�ood faith the 1£en by,or tlefeads against enfom.ement of the llen i0. Zegal pmc�edings w h ich i a ti�e ' � =
<br /> • , � �. Lender's apInion apeiate to prevent the enfo�aent mf t�e lien; or (c)secuces �rom the holder of the lieu aa ;..-:��
<br /> _ �.,. s : :..����
<br /> . a�r�ement mtisfactory ta Lender sabord€na6ug Qie liea w this Secariry Instxtunent.If Lende�detelmiaes that anq patt _�..:::-=�.
<br />_ . •..:�.': of the Propertq ia stib�ect w a lEen wt�ch may attaia pslorlry over this Sesaiiry Insaument.l.ender maY gtve�orrow�r ' `�.:�:�:•
<br />� . � . a notice ldentifyin$the lien. Borrower sbaYi satlssfy the llen or take one or mnre of the actions sec fortb above witHin . '�����.,�„�:,,
<br /> e y
<br /> � . } 10 days of the giving of noace. . . . _ _�""�"�>
<br /> ..1� ; 8.F�es.Lender may caltect fees aad cbarges anthasized by�he Secretary. , � � ..�-
<br /> ` 9.GmimdsforAccelermtioaoYDeb� - -
<br /> .. � :� ` . E � _
<br />_ . .. .: .,a . (a)Defantt.Lender may,e�cept as llmltefl by reg�ilatlons issued by the Sec�etary,in the case of paymeat ___ -
<br />_ .. ;.. ..
<br /> °_ . . ,;,� . defaults,reqaire Immediate paqment in fiill of ail�vms secared 6q mis Secarity Iast�nmeut if: � ��-�-_.-,;,
<br /> . ,. .:�"E� . . (�Boanwer defavlts bq failing to pap in fall any mo�Iy payment required by tl�ia Seauity Insuamevt -
<br /> - ;, ::�.� .�' . prlor to or on t&e dne date of Qce neat monthly payment�ar , --__-
<br /> • ' � � � (ii)Bonawer 8efautts by�1ing,for a period of thirty days,to gerform any otber abUgadons,contaiIIed
<br /> • � in tbis Securiry Insnameat. " _� .
<br /> . � N)Sate Withmrt Credlt Approval.Lender shall.if Qem�itted bY ePPlicable taw{including Section 341(� � -..
<br /> . . of the Qam�S� Gemnatn Depository Institauons Act of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 170]j 3(�)anA wIth the prior
<br /> �. . � � appmval of the Socretary.req�ure immediate Payment Ia full of aIl smms secaced iry.tbis Secarity�nssnmtent • '.
<br /> '� " • . .'� � . .. .�
<br /> - .
<br />'..1'� .. . ��-4R(NE)teao» v�e a ot e w�� • '
<br /> j. . '" :. . ��� . � �
<br /> . �
<br /> ��� � .. . . . 4t
<br /> . . . . ' . . ' . . ;.. .. . ;�,-', �. : ,. . .� ' . ' ,'•. . . . .
<br /> : . . . . '. . . ; . . -. � . .. ; •. , • .. .
<br /> . �,. '. . . . ' . . � . . � • • . - ' � . � • �
<br /> ' . . ' , � . . '., , • : . „ '. . ' . .. . . . .. . . . �- . � • ' '.
<br /> , � . . . _"_='_"°"'_'`.•. .. . ,. ,'....,�.'�..._. . . . . . _ , _ _ �._ _. . ;.. - � -..;
<br />