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<br /> t`_.�� . of�oa�wer's cavenants and a�nts.nBder ti�is S�nrlty Instmment and the Note. For tbis puapose.Boanwer � � �'�
<br /> � R � itt�vocablp gtants a�tl camiega ta the�us�.in tcast,wItb gawer af saie.the foIIowing descn'b�d pmPett�Ia�ated � `
<br /> -_- -==,= W�� ' C�t;..,..�:^.�^�-. . -� _—
<br /> - , LO'� SOIIB t9) YN �LOCK t6L�."VSN (11) �T C81�8LE8 4f�l8t�t•8 ADbITIOlI ,R'0 '� CITY 08 _ �~ _
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<br /> ' ` ` �8 I8 A g�C831SS f10NSY S�CQR=TY =NSTRaLiBt�T. -
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<br /> ^�;;. '_ TAR $TAq'E{�iNTS S$OIILD H8 8� TO: ND89?SST MORTt�Attf� �tC.. P.O. 80� 5137. DE$ --
<br />.;�` . , MOYN88. IA 503065239 ' -==_-
<br /> 4 � .
<br /> 1 f " �t��'�� Y-�``..
<br /> , 1..."� _ ' .. "wbic&It2s ths address o� tS19 � DMBIOA, t�RANA SSLiSND " [��,�91. ` , - -
<br /> , ;��= • NebiasSra 68801 I�n��i ('Progerty Address'). � � --
<br /> � `���';�<, . . . � . , . , . . . , : -
<br /> �.`�t-''s;", ' � �'OC�1T�R @�iPtH aIl thee s�ovements now or hereafter e�ected on f6e ProPerts►. aad ail easeat�at�, . . Y_,.
<br /> . ' •i;:J}-.'. ' , ,.�,_�s:,,._
<br /> �.� . apgurten�u.e�sf,,and Sstar•e,.s, naw or I�emaRer,,a part of the per,ape.cqr. Ail mglacemenL�and addittnns sl�alt a�so be . ,
<br /> ... . .'y�.'-.•.y.r� � '� ' COV��I.WiD S��i1i���.sus��fuG a����I�1GiiW�au�.7�J+mrauuu�r�+►i�u�c e�efy�,•o .. ...-�'n�;�—
<br /> , •�� - - - . . ana�y���sy �sn�.�:�.=�.-�--__
<br />- ' �� ' _-.: � Bm1�RQW8R COVENANTS t�at Borrawer is fawfWlp seiz�d of dre estat�her�by camreped and Las @�e stg�t to , • � �-�.�.-:,;
<br /> . . ` gt�nt ai.�II�„-o�y�Piapeiip aud�t the Propertp is�.eatept far�pf reaud.Bo:moua : �.�:'_--
<br /> �. . � � -� � �� �t d�`�. �enetall� &e dtte W tf� Propeaff� s$�tst all cdaims and �idss�nbject to aay � . —-_-
<br />- '� --
<br /> * � � ea�a�s of m,�m� � � . • `
<br /> �, ' .. ` TFIIS SBCtJR1TY INSTRUMEN�'c�mbiaes nmfoffi cuz�ars for national nse an�aa�uuifoan cave�ants '.'==-
<br /> �:. �"
<br /> • ���
<br /> w • wi�Iiudted variadons bp jarisdiaioa to vonsatuce a rmifosm secaritq insaument covering,real pmperty. _=-�-..
<br /> " `�.� . ._ . . :.�,�,,.�-
<br /> a�� .. . Boaawer and Lender cavenaat andagee as foltow� � �'�'"_
<br /> � . [1NIFORM COVBNANTS. � . . �'
<br /> • . ��w�r.:�.
<br /> ,. . ' ` i. Pepm�i o�Prluripal,�rest and Late C6arSe. 8armwer sHall pay w�ien due the �rtnclpal o� and �-�=}'':
<br /> �"' � , � , . ��iatex�st on,the debt evIde�ect b the Note and fate " -
<br /> { p cbarBes dne rmder the Note.� :�,���
<br /> �� ' � .; 'i •�� 2. Mottt�ily Payatart oY Tases► Instn�rece and Ot6er Charges. 8o�rower shall Inclnde ut eacH monsbly =�.
<br /> �'� '� , , paYment.Wgetbet witL We princtpal fmd inte�est as set fart9 in the Note and any late cbarges.a sam fo:(�taxes aud .• . ' .�'`��
<br /> : speaal ascess�ents Ievied or w 6e Ievied again..M tfie Prope,rty. (b) Ieased�old paymenfs or grannA rents on tbe '
<br /> � >� : ;..�, gmpeny,and{c)piermnms for insurtmce reqaimd ander pazag�apb 4. In any pear in�vhicb the.Leader m¢st pay a � . . ,-.�-,r
<br /> ��_: � ' .- mort�e iusuravse�remivm to Q�e Se�iary of Hou�aad Urban Deveiapment(•5ecreta�q'),or in any year in � '..
<br /> ��..�::�. ., �. . . �..,,:_:-"�;.
<br /> . wLicL surfi pr�tum wa�Id Lava b�en require�if Lender stlll hctd the SewrIry Iasunu�nt,eacti m�unmly gay�nt -=--
<br /> . � : ', . � sha13 atso inetude either.(i)a sum fos Qie a�ual martgage lusmaace giemi�to 6e yaid Ey Lender to the Secretar9. � . � ' -
<br /> � ot('�i)a mnnIIily charge instead of a mortgage insuaanse premium if this Setarltq.InstRnnent is held by tHe Secre�y. . ....
<br /> � � ia a reasoffible atnoune to be determined bq the Secnetacy. Bxcept for the monmlq charge by We Secretary, these ., .
<br /> . .. it�s are called'Facrow Items°apd the sams paid to Lender are ralled'Bscrow Fauds.' . � „._
<br /> . . � `< . Leader may,at any tIme.collect and hold aacounts for Escsow Items in an a�8ceb+ate ammmt not W exc�A Qie -
<br />- � ' ma�m amQUnt tDat map 6e reqni�d for Bomnwer's escmw�.roumt uader the Real�state Setttement Pmced�es � .... .,
<br /> . . , . Act of 1974. 12 U.S.C. 5ecaon 2b01 et seg.and implemenring re$ulations, 24 CFR Pai¢350�.as they may be � :.
<br /> - � . � ' ; � amended from time to time('RESPA'),�except tbat the wsluon or rese:ve pemutted bq RBSPA for unaadcipated • ' , .�
<br /> � : : disbwsements or dlsbarsements befan the Bonower's payme�ts are available in the acconnt may not be based on ` _ �
<br /> : � ' amoan�dae fas tiire mortga�e insmax�so prema�. . ' � �
<br /> '.. _.. �. � • ��4R(NElleQOU �Zete tr�u�y2� � - .
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