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<br /> ' ` . a�so�nspmte the Fropa�ty cuvered 8y the Se�rity�eacr 6m't�mg mat�s.aFP�aad g�ods of cveeq � . � ___ ---
<br /> ' � nauQe whatssoevea now or h�r lecated in,on,ca nsed,or inteadrd tp be ased in connecdan wUL the Pmpea�rty, -
<br /> � . `��. �- �uuciuding,bpt Adt�ted ro:d�faF�e pu�poses of sUpplyfig us dts�b�ng he�n8,mo}�sg.etec�city.�. . ----
<br /> : • "�3 water,an and Hght,t`ae p:eveatian and e�ctin8�8 aPDatadrs.s�it9 and acc�s conlml agparam�.pTnmbing, -_
<br /> `'..� '� 6ath tabs,vraLpt heatcas.�z etosets.ss�ks.rani�es.sios►es.te�amrs.dishwas�►eax.dLsposals.a+asf�s+dty�s. --_--`-
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<br /> replace�neata and addidons therexo.sbaD be daemed w be aud rema�a a part of tlt�Yt�opeaty covered by t�e SeaaIty , . �` -
<br /> ' ` . �C A1i of tt�e farc�oing tngethca with the Pmp�ty descn'be�tn fhe Secmity InsOra�aaut(ar tUe Ie�kaIc1 . '""T Rf
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<br /> � � � - cbange in the use of the Fr+opeaty or im zoning classifrceS4n,aales4 I�ea tias agieed in anssing.w tQe cfiange. �';�.� �,;o::_.
<br /> ` :� .: '�, ; Boriowc� shall comply with all 1aws. or�aaces, regniations and �neats of aay goveanmental body - '�
<br /> ` �'i� • • applicable�O thePrnpeaty. � • . ..II--�.:
<br /> ` � . C.SiJBORDYNATE E.�TS. Excepi as peamiue�d by fede�al Iaw,Bmrower slmll aot sliow asty lie�infeaicu . � �'
<br /> . � ` �_ • ta the S�mrity Insunment m be peafected a�insi th�Fmgarty without LEndea's pr�or ariGcan p�ss�on. � - "'`�'-"--_
<br /> _ � . . . D.REl1iiT�,t3SS IIVS�TItANC� Bmmwed shall mainta�n in�rr�c�aga�st rent io�in addiaon to the other T�:�'••.::_--:
<br /> � dazatds fflr atuch insu�ce is requ�red by Unifo�Cove�nt 5. ' � ' `
<br /> � � � '• .•� E."BO�AOWEEt'S Ytd(iHT TO REIPIS°I'A'f'E°DEI.�"I'ED. Uaiform Cov�ant 18�S Qeleted. -__-_
<br /> � : . . , , . F.BO�tOWEB'31BCCUPANCY. Untess Leaider anA Boriowea otheawise.ag�ec in wiitinng. the first ' �.,`�'�s--
<br /> �. _-_- - .
<br />_ � . � senteACe in Uniform Correnant 6 eonc�aning Homswed's occugarsy of tLe Prapeaty is de2eted. All rernainuig . . -T;=�,=�;;�,t.-�
<br />°,,•.` � coveaants and a�eements set forth in Uaifronn Covenant 6 shall�irr m effect. . ' , . ,;;�_' . ,
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