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<br /> - � [ t " '`�; "4 f . . '.!<<«. i. :� ..fi' � � . . �� ��. ' . "yr� �- t .t`�
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<br /> t, �%.i..f a } ` k- .•d ` .a�. `-,� - ..
<br /> �T }: `- ',:� a. : — . . <� �3i�8m[��` - . . � � • 4—
<br /> � :�� ,o' _� � �� ' ViFi.Y� 81� �1A�II�8� .j<.
<br /> ' 4 ` ��-�vTt��� ii� s��-sstect��.a� �r�here?� eeected aa the pro�err9. and �•
<br /> r. ,� � a snd�iatures naw or hereafter a part off the pmgetty.All repiscements and additior�s eLaII also be.covere0 ,
<br /> �0�' Ipst�+�ntes the"Propr.rty.•
<br /> ��� • � . bp this Securitq Instrumea�AlI of tt�e foregning is reYan+ed to ia tlue Se�wttY �'�--—'
<br /> � " BORROWRR CQVBNAN'fS that Bormwer is�lawfutlp�eised of the estate hereby coaveyed end has ttie.right t�o ��:`,:
<br /> Y ' .,� ,�� • grant and canvey the Propercy and that,the Pr�petty ia uneacum6ec+�.eacePt for eacumbrances of reoord.Bortotser �. ;...
<br /> .,��--'��4 . wansnta gad wi11 defend geaerally the titte to tha Propetty a�aiast ali cla�ms aad demanda,aubj�t w a�y encumbra�aces �.�,_. .
<br /> - ,� ofrecord. � , , <.�
<br /> 'THIS SECU�tTf Y INSTRUNI�N'f wmbis��iform oovenaats for national use sad aon-uai�orm covenants wit6 '�
<br /> x , } F .. _` limiUedvariana�by ju�sdictian w cc�asritutea uaiform securit9 ipst�nn�t covering real propertll. .
<br /> � ;'', . UNIPORM COVENANfS.Bormwer aad Lender covenaat siid a�ee as follow� wheu due � ,
<br /> r��- . . I.Payment of Ptiaclpal nad Interest:PrePayment aa�Lete Charges.Bornower aliall promPtiY PaY -`=-c=.
<br /> fABAt 8nd 18te Ch8cgeS due uII$Ef E�e Nats. r ,
<br /> theprincipat of ead iaterestan thedehievidenced by theNote andanY P�PeY =�
<br /> . ` Z.Fands 4or Toses ead Iaauseace Subiect to ePP2icaBle la�or w a v�rittea waiver by L$nder,Horrowet sball .
<br /> �'�.� . , to Lendet oa the day moathly IsaYmeats are due under the Note,unt�Ehe N�te is paid ia fiill,a s�tm("Funds")for. :.,:4
<br /> ��Yearl p tases and as�es�ments which�ap atminp 'ority over tbis Sec�rity Inatrumentas e.lien on the PtoperlY;�bI ��«:�
<br /> .'��:
<br />_ : yeariq leasetvnld payments or grau�d rents on the Pr�operty.if$nY:(c) Ye�ar ly h a z a r d or pr o p e s t p i n s u�P r e m i u m� _�:,:
<br /> . ' , ` (d�Yearly ftood iasttrance premiuma,if as►Y:{ey Yeaslg mortgage insnraace P�remiu�s.if aay;aad(t)aaY aums Fay�b2e
<br /> -�`�°�.� �f , ° by Barrower to Le�der.in ac�dance with the provisions o4 pszagrag�&�lieu og tfle paym,ent of�nortgage iASUrance _ -
<br /> ` , premiu�s.These items are called'F�cmw Iterms."Leader may�at any buze,coltect aad hold Fwids in aa amount aot ;�:.��
<br /> � u
<br /> F `;�"-,, _-. ti : . . to eaoeed the mssimum amouat��Iender for a federelly related martgage loan may r�uire_for Baxrower's escmw ...
<br /> accouat uuder the fedatal Real�Slate�Setttement Proe�w�es Act of 1974 as amended from t�ate to time. 22 U.S.C. � 2.
<br /> a._.-_.�,�:�_:__�.,"°�..r` Section ZbQI et s e q.("RF�PA"i.ut�less a�t�r law that appliea w t�e Fua�s sets a lesser amQUa�If s�.Leader iaay, �•
<br /> at aay time.aollect aad hotd Fuuds ia an as�loimt faot ta e s c e�l t h e le�amo u t rt.I.e n d e r n n a y�s t i m a t e 4 h e a a t o u n t o f.. . .E;_--=r
<br /> � . 4 � .,';�� ��„ Fuads dUe aa the 8asis oi eurren�data aad reasonable estimates o°•expe�dit�nrea of futura Fscro�Items or otherwise in ;.
<br /> in •
<br /> t ., socordance tivitb applica�le law.. • � , -�,-
<br /> ` :•,,� �' The Funds st�all be'held in t�a isistitutioa whose deposits are iz�sured by a federal agena9,inatrumentalit9.or entitq .
<br /> . • . .(includimg Leader,if Lender ia such aa insratution)as iu anq Fedetal I�€ome Loau Bank.Leicder aball app3y the Fuads to �� �.:;;.�-�
<br /> _ . ,�_•h� _.;:.,:; _; the Fuads, s�ually anatyz�ng tha � . �-, .
<br /> • � � PaY the Eserow Iteme.Leuder may aot cbarge Borrower for Iwtdin�_�d spplpiAg n ,.i .:.
<br /> ;,,. '`'� � esctow accouab or v�rifqqiag the Fserow Iteme,unt�ss L�ader paYs S�der iater�t oa tha l�uads aad applicabt�law . ,`' : :,,.
<br /> rif 7 _
<br /> ,;..,: ' .. . _ � permits Lender to make sucH a charge. Howevet. LeAdeg map reQuis�Bosra�e to gay a oae�ime cl�aarge Yor an ,.:.:': . ��,_r;':
<br /> 5 F indepgudeat real estate tag negor6ing service used by Lender in conne�tion witt�tius loan,ualess applicab2e law providea . �.� . ;._ ;f_y-
<br />���� ��' � .;�`.`�� ' ' ath�erwise.Unless au e�rae�►em is mad°ar�splicabla law iequires interest.tfl be paid,I.ender shall not be•requtred w . �
<br /> �'. �;_?.;
<br /> tlZatinte;est .�. :` , •�r`:
<br /> � ,'.�` , � PaY Borra�ver say r�.ereat or earniAgs an t�.�ada Borrowet and Ler..ser may a�ee ia writin�,however. .
<br /> . •. . �'� .�•. ..' shal!be paid on th��Fua�s.Lender ehall give to Borrower.without c�^�,an anaual accountis�g of the Punds.sh4wing ; _.
<br /> ,�� : � cradita 8ad debits to the Funds anri the purpose for which each debit to the Fuads was made.The Fu�ds are pledged as . :':.
<br />�-.,. �� , : additloaal security for all sums sec�ired bp ttis Se�urit9Instruiaen� . . ¢�..
<br /> � '" "' ,�'.. ,' � If the'Funds held bp Lender egceed tiie amatmts pernnitted to be held by spp2icabte law�Leadet shall accaunt to.
<br /># . .. . '� dance witii the r irements a8�plicabie law.-If the amount of tiie Fuads held . �,�''�_
<br /> . . Borrower for the escess Funds in accor �N ���-�.:
<br /> -- :...�, -� . by LeAder at�y time is not sufficient to pay the Fscrow Itesna whe�Cue�I.ender may so notify Bortawer in writing, • 4_;;�,
<br /> . aad,in s u c h esse Borrower s1�a11 gay to[.eader the amount uecessarn L�o make up the deficiency'.Bnrtowef sLall make �
<br /> : . � . . � up the deticiency ia no more thaa twelve monthlp paymenta�at Lender's sole discretion. ��'- T..
<br /> P.A PaY reYusid tcn.�3orr+�w�r • �. .:,,
<br /> . U o raent in full o�all sums secwed by this Secunn►Instrumen�Lender ehaU pron'ipilY . t
<br /> anp'Fwtda held by�.endes. lf�und�t paragraph 2�;Lender ehall acquire or sell the Psopett�►, Lender.Fr�as.ta the_ .
<br /> � as sate as a credit � �.T�-:-':
<br /> �� ' ���;.�• acquisition or sale of the Pmperty,eha11_apgly any Funds hel8 bp Ler�.'sr at the time oY acqiusrtson
<br /> ,F, . . � against tha sums seeured by thie SecurltY Ins�umen� • � . . ��'---`"'
<br /> � 3.Applieot�oa of Pc►yments.Ur�lese applicable lam providea otherwisa.all payments reeeiv�d by Lendea uader.: , f�.
<br /> � � , ParagaPhs l eud 2 AhaU be applied:firet�w any prepayment chargea due uader the Note;secoad�w amouats paqable 4°�
<br /> ��. . . • and to an Iah;c1,ar es dus uader tiie Nata �• _`_�:
<br /> under paragtaph x third to i�fterest duo:fourth,to princ�pal due; last. Y g g-,.::
<br /> . . , �� 4. Chasges; Lieas.Borrower shall pay all tases.assesgmerts.cha�rges,�nes and impositions attributabYe to the
<br /> '' property wiuch may attaia priority over thts Security Inswment.�.leasenold papmeam or giound renta,if anY- _
<br /> �•�. . '�".. �' '' . Borrower ahall pay these obligatioas in the maaner pravided in paresg�Pb 2.or if aot paid in that manaer.Borrower
<br /> : , � � shall paq them an time directly to the person owed paymen�Bonozver Ahall promptly furnieh to l�aader atl notices o4 .
<br /> . amounte ta ba paid uader tbia paragraph.If Bonower matses the�se paqments directly.Bonower ahall prompQly 4ursueh
<br /> ` r � . . � to Lender receipts evideacing the paymente.
<br />. . .•�• .5.�. l
<br /> � Bonower shail promptly discharge ar�y lien which haa prlorltq�ver this Securitq l�ment unless Bonower:(a) �. ..`
<br /> - � . � '. .agrees in writia�tm.the payment of tha obli�Eioa secured'by tha fie�dn a manaer accepEable ta Lender:(bD cont�ts in
<br /> � .' . � gaod ta�th tha li�e by,or defeada against e�orcement of the lien in,legal proceedir�ga which in tha Lender's opirrion � ��t
<br /> � _ operata to pravent'tha enforcetnent of the lien;or (c)securca from tha holder ot the tien ea egeement eatistactor9 to
<br /> • . Lendet subordivating the lien t�this Secvrity Instsument.lf T.ettder determines tbat any part of the Propest�r is sublect
<br /> `' ' � • " to a tien which may attain priority oves th;s Secwity Instrument,Lender may give Bonocver a notice identifying tha
<br />'`'` lien.Bonower aball satisfy tha lien or take ona or mase of the actiona set forth abovo within l0 days of the giv�ng of
<br /> . ' natica.
<br /> ' •� .. ' .. fara� 3U2Q _9/90 "
<br /> . �-8R(NEJro:��io� oano�o+e ►n�t�atx�Gll�
<br /> � , . � �""�.'�—..� �__,._.---�—�.---------------. .• � . � , , � . .. . . . , .
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