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<br /> ,._.� •. _ . moaoporared�m amd sLaII ir�dee�ed m amead�d Supplemeat ds�Mnrtgage,Deed of 1Yast ar Se�tuity Daad(the ';��-:,.,
<br /> - - "Sacauiry Instrmmeac�of 8ie same date givea by d�mtddeasign�(tke'Baaower")co sec�e Boanwer's Note to � :=�..
<br /> ' t :� � �.-
<br /> �' . •.`' ��~ • HON� F8D8RAL SAVZLTt�3 6 LOAN ASSOCIATZON dF (3RAND ISLANID �'_'
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<br /> I ' n.,:..• - DOI3IPHAN. I48BRASRA 68832 ' ��,G.:.._�.
<br /> • _, . (P�ogerty Addtess] -,-•*"'
<br /> ' l .4...�Lc. . . _ ' . ' :i._'
<br /> "s'�` i-4 FA11'III.Y COVENApiTB. In additinn ts t�e coveaanm and agreem�made in the Seauity�aot, � ';t`:
<br /> _ :r:`:,r� , �:";..�. Bon+owea and Lea�d�farther cove�uaat and agree ag€�IIow� � - �:�,,:'�
<br />``;� ';�`��'`'�'�` � :�i' ' ' A.AAbYi'[ONl�.P'R0�7'Y SiTBJECI"�O 1`�SEC�.�tIT1f INSTBUNdEMf. Ia addifiian ou the •': ; .
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<br /> :.�. .�� r .•: _.,,: Pnogeity d�en the Seauiry Inswmeut,the follovring ite�as fue added to the Pml�eatY d�s�ip�n.aad shall �;��•_-�
<br /> �:� ;;.,;a: ..�-r:.._;�� � also cams6mte die c�veaed the S Iastrameu materiais aPP �� �Y. . . . - �
<br /> e_�. �,s'� . .i� �P�Y �Y �Y ��$ s r1aDCCS AIld Of C4 +o-`.,+:
<br /> �r . . nanua whatsa�.w�naw ar��located�n,on,ar ased,.or mte�ded to be cued ia connaction with the Pr�,pa�p, �.`_"
<br /> ;' =� inclndmg,6nt not I'imited to,tt�ose�or the P���DPh�&ar dismbut�ug heasmg,caolmg,ed�Y;8�.• `� `
<br /> �= . � • ,` � '�`""-L"
<br /> w- .. .: . ��` water,air m�a r�bt,�re prevention ana extm�$�s,s�tyr ana access caa�ol apparams�vIimmp�g. —"�'��_
<br /> , � 6aih mbs.water heate�s.water closets.slnks.ianBes.stm►es,retrigea�mis.disha+asheas.diagosals.washeas:dry�. ; ��:�.:�
<br /> i.t Jfld'�
<br /> �� . . . acvainga:srorm aindflws,storra daors,sa�ens,b3inds.shades�c�mc4aias and autain mds.atr�ched mimars,ca63nets,
<br />•'i' .r,:r£: ,` anellin aad af�tch � .t�,�
<br /> � P B. ed floar covermgs naw or In�after attached to the PtoPettY, aIl of wbicb, inct¢ding ' a',
<br /> t y�;}�j;� ' replaCe�ents 8nd addinn�ts the�eto.shaU 6e deemed 4a+bs aud�mam a past Of�Eropeaty Coveted by tDe$�ry � f, ;;'
<br /> ;, :, ; � � Insaument AIi of tha faiego�g mgaher with the Prop�rcy d�ed in the Secasray Instrament(or the 1e�aJ�d � , � s '�
<br /> rt,�: �� • .. ; estate if tha Seasity Iu�t is or►a Ieaseho2� are referr� t�r ia this i� Famity Ridar affi the Sec¢city � ��.`��
<br /> •f`-'�
<br /> �`• � � Inshvme�t as the"8mpesty." � . � --,`.�;,��;
<br /> ��;�� . �
<br /> , ; B.�I3�OF PROPEEt7'Y;CONSPIJAN�EQV�TH I.AW. Botrowet shaII aoi seEk, to or ui?Ye a ' a��
<br /> , .� �1' . chaage m ttie use of the Arapetty or its zonmg classti�firaiion,an2ess LeuQer has agm�d in� ,>��xa
<br /> rriting to the c�e. .�x�.
<br /> ,-., Borrowa shall campIy with s1! laws, ordinanoes. regalatimis �d mquiremcnts af any goveaamental body: �
<br /> '.. . ` ayplIc�ble to ihe Ptopetty. ' . °
<br /> 5�• : � C.S1JBO�INATE LIEf�iS. Gsr.ept es pet�aftted by fedetallaw.BosraWea shall not allow any lien inferior � --
<br /> . . „. EP �.
<br /> , , w the S�urity 2nsuamea�i ta be peafe�xed a�tfi�tst ihe Proyeaty v�i�out Lender's priar written pcamis�Ioq. °."--�
<br /> "�� G '... O RL'A�T L03S D�iS�NCE. Borrower shatl maintain insaiance agatnst rznt Ioss in a,ddition to t�e adie�� � ----
<br /> ��•�,.:, . . `c� ` ha�ards far whfch insurance is;equued by Uniform c:ovaiaat 5.
<br /> �'� . :� - . :.1 E."BORP.OVVER'S RIGHT TO REII�TSTAT�'"DEL�°i'F•D Uniform Covenaat 1$is de2eted. '
<br /> �`��� �� � `? ' F.BOItROWER'S aCCIJBAPICY. UNes4 Lender and Bmrower otherarise �
<br /> a,�ree in wridng, We 6rsc
<br /> �` : • .� � sentence in Unifmm Cove�ant 6 conc�niag Bolrow�'s accupancy of the Pmpeaty ls deIered. A11 rema�ng
<br /> __;• : . . ' � � covenm►ta snd agreemar.t�set forth 3n Uniforw Covenant 6 shall remain in effect . . . :
<br /> �- . ��� .
<br /> '; �. . . � MUL4I9TATE 1-4 FAt�ILY EitDEp•Fannlo 6�adFroddte Il9ao Unitorm taotrumont Farm 81708f93 ' -
<br /> ;•���• - PaQa t of 8 ,
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