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<br /> ° '•��� � Commencia{Federel Ban�P.O.Box 1103,Consumer Loana,Omaha NE 88101.Braach phone number :
<br /> ._�. - ___________� ----- — s�aeeat,o,reausrmero.c�a�e� �����37$� . ,��
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<br /> ��� N3w[a oT Indebtedness !av►Acnaurt Maturit�l Oate Initial h►ffirest Rata r-,''
<br /> .:.'� �:c,�-,. .
<br /> - . _ .. . •��,'-',.
<br />_ . ,,,:;� . Consunrterl.osn 20.00O.flO � �1/16/02 7.99� :3.
<br /> ` ` . �, �I�A u► 2�d 8[� L 8� � ' .. �ey:�
<br /> , • f herebY9���FederalBank.aFed�atSav�sBanY(`Qommereis�federai'}.vrhoseaddceasLsP.O. ffi �03. ` � =`
<br /> _.�.E�., �r � 68101 r�ase�tMp�powet af sata�oF 6+e toL'oaAnH P�?Pg►tY ta8ether wi91�t improve�nenta nawar .r
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<br />. �_. � ..:.ti-��, - � . - � � ' . .. , ��r
<br /> � � ' H more than one peraqn si�es lhia MaRgage 6�e vuqrd'{'meana'�ve.• . R�"'
<br /> icxsi
<br /> - Thi�MartgaBo seaues a Iaan made bl/Commatciat Federaf evfdm�ced '�"'�
<br />'� . `. AetotadstedthesamedateesthisMortgageintheamoutttoiS�r.�00_AO .wid�i�r�tat8�einiti�tateot.��9s � �`_:=
<br /> " � psrennwrpcantainsthetermsiurrt�paymm�tdlthattoan.Hthstnoteiaeverchangador*eplacedWanewnote,itwf116esee�uedWB�iakto�t9age. . . -�_.
<br /> . � {pmmfsethetQlfowfngUim9g . , 1e"�
<br /> _'}�=,. r�,t ,+
<br /> - L Nl payments an anynote ar ather debt secured by thia Mortgage will ha paid when dua.
<br /> -. • 2 An inseuance po1'iay(ar fire an�axtaadaO eavera8e will be kept in foree on ffie proPerry in an amamt at temst eqimf to the deE�senured bY this . `'r'_--
<br /> ,' <.' � , • '� , _
<br /> � - Mortgagu ptus t��/otl�a mortgages Gsced in paragraDfi 8 betaw.The insuranceeompeny muat be satisfaatmy to Camirtareial Federal,en9 _
<br /> _ . • •'r�.: Conunercial.FeQeraiwifl6oa namedinttwsdonthepaliaff• � ��
<br />-- ..-�; . 9. A►1 taxes and a2se�xvnente on tho pmp�rtywi0 6e paid bafore they become doiinquent; F•-
<br /> — 4. No wa�-b'�:.i�:a:.a��:�ass the prop�riy,an�il•.•4n tiw�ram in good repeir. ` "r
<br /> . . L
<br /> • �' • 6. Thepropertywillnot�esold (inetudingbyfandwntraat).teaso0.andnointerestinitwillbeassignedin anyway. ��_
<br /> . �._..
<br /> '� 13RT1�1'!1'PAT. ��_ `.- ,
<br /> _�. ,.:_,.,���.� 8. 1 avm tho property fiee a�1d dear of any othar mortgage�ar encwnhrances EXCEFT -�--
<br /> . e . r=-
<br /> _ ;`;>:� . J tVo other mort�ago or tien on the pcopmtywfli aver ba allawe�w be in deteuit ot bo foreelo.s�, . ��y;�_:.
<br />-- ' tt arry at ffiase promisa�aro�ot knpt U�en Commer�isl Faderal can declane aD of fAV deDt immediatelU Que end payahle.wttttcut advanagnotice. . ��:�'
<br /> � • • 6ccepttor�smay ba requirad by[aw Tha lnterese rate will increasc+to 19.00%or tv►y lasser oi tlte m�imum rato etloxm5le tsy tawat thet time end this .: �;
<br /> ny
<br /> _^ • �; �;�.', '. mortgage can boioreciosod in aceotdaneowtthepplicabte(aw I1 the dabt ia aooetorated,then 1�so ass[gn a�ryr rent drather incamafrom tho roporiy to
<br /> �� _ • � • �FON SO.0�1KOTA tiESIDEN[S ONL1n. In the svent ot any default i�tho makin8 ot anY PaY��t oc ia R�qing eny cmrtmant herein,thia Martpage may be
<br /> � foreclosed by actton,ar by adverUsemant ae Praviaed all staMe or ffie Mas of practice rt�atinD therea r�sd t�is paragrayh eha11 be deurtred as euthorf�npand
<br /> _�� ' � conStituting a pawe�ot eate ea mentloned in eaidstotute m rules and any amondmant thereto.end may zshaia atatutary eosts and attomoy feoa(SD WY,MN,
<br /> . OK,ertd�Ilt residents onl{�. ,
<br /> � Ca�tain amqunta can 6o paid by Cortunercial Fedorai and added ta tl►e debt aecured 6y this Mortgaga tnctudingarry mxes or insuranW 1 havo ag�ead to ,
<br /> - , pay butiait to eny attomeyfaw ar ca�ut w�enaes Commeroial faderel pays i!it is►r.�a party et arry Iegal sctian bmupht by somaone also concantfig tho
<br /> = proporty,and any attomeyteas or ceurt e�enses which tho law mi�h!aROw R Commercial iederal has to go to eaal against mo to cofleat tho Qobt o►
<br /> " � forectose Nis martgage.It eny ot c':�thinga happen,then the add�tional Eobt wili occnn+Intarest at the same rate as tha rest of tfiodebt and must bo paid
<br /> � . � Immodlatety. � • . .
<br /> .°��• � - � M ffits proporey ia mrcx wndors�!undor ths pavw�r at eminerst��main or any almilar mothod of mking proporty for publie usa�any pcoeeeEs of ifiC takinp �
<br /> � � , wiil be paid to Cammerclal Foderai up to thefull emoant of tho deht secured. . �
<br /> ; ,� - . . gortawer w�ivas all dght of homestead examptlan i�t'+o propeAV and tuture walva9 al!rigfiteaf redempdon,mcemption,disbib Wvo aharo and Qawnr. ',
<br /> :•`��. . � . • IVotioo tn BoRawer tfor OWahome ra o A owor of safo has bonn in Wa Mort e a A r of eato m aliaw tAo MoRgo e to teko tho
<br /> -.•v mo o mpo on aa w o cou n e oro o�re o n a rmwer w er o e
<br /> ,,, .
<br /> . � � il 1A 97 � A�
<br /> "� �� Tod o Oato Bmrawe a Typ e a Sigrtature ' .
<br /> � L � �o,�:.�� n�. o�t,:�,��,�� .
<br /> . ' - � eortaw,era Typea nJan,o eor.ovwrs signature ° : .
<br /> � . . - . . 1�2� �C AT1L' t�itl�I� 7ffi�T . NL 68803 �
<br /> . . Berrowe s dro�
<br /> � • STATE OF 1� )
<br /> ' COUMY OF HT�LL 1 �
<br /> • On this �'� dtsy of � .19 97 ,6atoro mv,a notary ptmlio in and for eaid county, personaity�vna
<br /> � � A�SI!$ EI+A�L � .to me knovm to bo u+o idantinl paraon or porsons whose � �
<br /> � � namo is or ere affixod to tho ohovo mortgago,and thoy,ho/afio/thay smrcrraily aeknowtedgad ths mid inatrumenYand tho exacution thoroot to bo thoi
<br /> , � ' � voluntary act and deal. � ''
<br /> ' � _ . W!?NESS my hand and notarial saal tho day and yaar fast writton abovo. �
<br /> � �' My cammiuion axpiros: � _
<br /> _ - '._.._-._° --
<br /> `��1��� �++�
<br />_ ,. '. ; . � NE-IN-WY-tL-SD•NII-AZ-MN-IA JLNM�Eq L GCtiW1NDT 0{�l-1077 (07/97)
<br /> ''" �t CcrrYn. 24.1999
<br /> .
<br /> _ ._ -_ _ - -- �L.�:�.�-_-... .-�,�4.:e �. .. .. . . :�....1.:�-.'s���. �••.i'..,..... :i.�o . ..,..-i:. . . . _ . .. ,. :+,• � ._ , - '.i .�f'_?'.'9 . ��,. 1�';.���5�i. .
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