, �. _ —' . • . —+Y r<'^i T_} _� G. . .a
<br /> � ...�- 'R�_. Y _ `. .�.. _.c^+,...e�. ,, .. ��f.
<br /> -. -. �.. "'C . .`i" ....: 3 5__.� .--
<br /> .� c�'�--�K�.. -z�...�:,.c - .. ; - _-,,.:,.- r'=' _�:���.1......,_.k�'� . ��b��.:..._.�:.s'_��.IQ,tc �_•'_rs.. ..-r.�. �-.__: ,,�r_ y __'�
<br /> � _i �-- a.� �r.? h-' �.E t - � ' n tc��y � -- �� °cs fl� a� F x r , �.
<br /> _ �`
<br /> } ` . �..
<br /> `r- � �G� a.
<br /> ...i`.F':� ?"� ,�� �'`' � .4- �. �e �r�s k t � .,� r .. t ,S_ � r "f
<br />-'..i''• „i�'*�Zr "�'..
<br />. `�' j ' { � ' .C�
<br />- rC�(<p�`•O,` l��l . ` t � ��� ���� . F`'}
<br /> J..
<br /> ����`:����;:;4 c ar; '�c¢aQsg tn oannst�with cortdemnadlon or ather tsking ot ths PraDerty m part Nss�oL or ior convsy�ce tn Ue�c of aonQemnation: � °
<br /> -;�,��. • l�dsr shat!�ra e�ed eY Us�Son to conunanoe.8AP2$T dfl Sfid alDS2CtdA If1(�S CWi!�R8ft18 HJ1J►8L1IOA OT�t0008d1l1$9.end shall etso
<br /> ,:` .� �`<°F..<< 6a etrtiUed to make ar�y oampromtse at settterrtsr�in r�nnec�at�wif�sucn tatdng ns damage.tn ths event�ny poRion Qf tt�R+apc�s[y(s . . `
<br /> ',;•{�;�;. . � so la�Cen or damaged.lender sha!!have the opIIon fr�its�cts and absalute dt�attnn.!4 spply aU such proceed�.'after Qed�cdbng ��-,-
<br /> `:,;'� tl�Drefrom aD�b and expanses Gndured by ft Irt ooimactt�a�w19�suc3�Pca�eds�.u�on any[tndeDtedness s$aure�her2Dy and tn sud�. .
<br /> ' . '.`:, � oater es leriQar may datem�fc�s.or b aRAty aH su�Pt�cse6s.after eueh deQui�lor�s:tsi the�r�tlan o!tAa ProPeRy►ugon auc�uora �t;`�,
<br /> , � °.°�:.' d�tons as Lender rttay detatmtne:Arry ePAlfcaticr�ot Psoo�e6s to tts6e8�t�dness sftaN not extent!or postpanra QKe due Qate M anY pa}�
<br /> , . '��.�. :s.;',: marRs under the�fote.orcu�e any defautt iheceundar cr Aerevnder.A*�Y una�DQad funds shaU bs pafd to 7'n�sbor. � , - _
<br /> ...::.ti �T� 8.Rerf�manca by Len�Upon the accunes�ce of a�Evert of Qs'P�ili here�mder.ar if enyt act is takep or isgal praoeeEing • --
<br /> -:;•.��,� ;� � wms�en�dvshEcb materisRy a'�fecb Lsstd��'s I�Oe�est in fh�ProDertS►.i.+ender t�y in ita ciwn dts�ars�on.but w�haut obiigation to Qo sA. .
<br /> •� � '• `�'�, aild viithnut noUce to or dRmand uAon Trustcr and wiB�out reteastng Tnrstor trom sny abfigatbn,do any act�°fitefi Ttu�t�r ha�egreed �,
<br /> � ;;�,,,r:�-�-°�. but faited ta du and may slso da any cther�ct tt deems necessary to pmtec4 fhe secin�tty ftereof.Tnrstor sAail,tmmediatsty apon �
<br /> ""'"�.. demand Biarefor isy Lendsr.pay to Lender e0�sis and expss�es Uusurrad end siurs enpandad tixJ.�ender in connecffon vd4t�tl�e e�cer- .}
<br /> °� `__ — ���y i:ei�derat�he fo�egaiag dghts.togaffisr v�ir�tetest tiiereon afthe dafaidt�aie provid2d in Hia l�Ia'[�.wt►it�t siiaD ti9 adQed to
<br /> ��� .the���tess secar�ed fieteby.lender sha�nat irtcuretry Qab�'ity tre�cause of at►yWrtg it m&y Qo ot amit tQ do fieteur[Qet� � :-
<br /> .� _ • 9:�lazasdo�s�BateriaTs.Tcustor shall Iceep Me PrapeRyrin compUar�e vvtth aU.ePAUr.abta taws.or�tnances and re�Qa�ans. ��,.'
<br /> � .��.: �; �,^; retating tn trtdusMal t�terte ar emArdrima�dal proteclfon(wQecBvety referred to fnerein as'Ernlromnerifat i.a�vs�.Trustor shall Ic�sp .
<br /> 1he PrapsdSP tise frcm aA s�stan�es Qeemed to be hamr+dous ar tcxic unde�arty,Em�ironmentai Laws{eolfect�ery referted in here5� •�'
<br /> . �'•'` . �� ag'Hardtdnus Materfa(s).Trusflor t�erehy warranb and represents Lo tenQer that 9hare ere so HazarBous Ma�ettats on or under the �=:�
<br /> - .. .,. � rrapeny.Tnts�or narenyag�ees to IndemniCy an0 nolQ flanNess Lender.its cIIr�ctors.oflicers.emptoyees and agenLS,an0�suCCe� `
<br /> - ---"``:��::� � �s tD t.endds i�res�fjam artd agatnst�y end a11 d2.tms.damag�,los�s ertd lisbQiffes art5lrtg in�1tlte�ttnn wUh the ptasettoa. r�`�'
<br /> '�.` � ::..,:, .��•.; use.dfsposal ar transpart af eny liamrdaus Materlats an.under,from or abaut the Prcperty.YHE FORL�OlNG WARRANiYES A9�iD �
<br />� ��`v:�_. ..`•.y..f .�_
<br /> � �;, : . �coHV�r�c�o�n�t�u�o�n�usr. . _� ._
<br /> :�` ,� _� � id.�signmoa4 ot Etenta.Tius�or hsreby asstgns to LenGer.and grants Lertder a sacurity tr�er�st fn.atl�psesenR futurs$nd �`:
<br /> �: �.;;.". after artsing nent5.issa�s attd prof�La at tt�e PraA��Y:PmvlQed that 7nu�rshall.un�l ftte occurrence of en Event of Q+e€aul�heteundet. -
<br /> -� have the Agtit to coflecE and retaln suae rents,ts5ues at�d profifs as they become due and paya�ie Upon ihe atx;urrenc�oi a�Evert at �-
<br /> � Qefasdt Lender ma�etthsr�tn petson ot by agent wit!►orwithout bringing anyr aWon ar proceeding,or by a reoetvee�ohroed Ey a �
<br /> . [I co�ut and wttlwut regard W fha adsqus�7►af tts seairiiy.enter upon artd teke passesstan oi the PropeRy.ar arry part thereof.tn its awn ��`-
<br />. . ��.aY.':,,•."� . -
<br /> name os in the name of tise,Trusbee;and do arry scts��it deems naoessary or desiiable to presenre the value.martcetabildy or ^
<br /> f� .. renttihiGry aF 6�s Prop�rtp,br any part ihereof or frneres!therein:or ta.increase ihe�ncome therefrom or protect the searrity hereot and, 4
<br /> ,. , ' wflh nt wflhout iaking poseesston oith�Fropeny.$ue foror otherwisa t�otlect the renis,tssue,s and proft�thereaf.inciudtng those past �_,:�=-
<br /> � �� : , .: Qas and urtpald,by notifytng tenants to make paymeMs to Lendec L:ender maY aAAh►��,tssues and pra9i�.fess oosis an0 e�ens-
<br /> • •.;::,; es ot aperation and c�'�etlfon tnctuding attomeys fess.to atiy indebted�ess secured nereby.aA dn�uct►orrder as LenQer may Qeter- �..
<br /> . ""*�`�"�"'� mfne.The enternig upon end taktng pa�ssessioe`ai H�e Praper[y,f�e cailedion oi sucA rer►Lg.tssues and profib.snd ffie appGcation
<br /> ' � tt�ereof as 6focesatd sAafl not cure ar vaaIvo any detauft or nottce of Qefault fiece�irtder or(nvaIIdate arly ad done(n ce5po�e to sueh �;"'�
<br /> .; ��° :� � . � defautt or pursuant ta sud�noUaa ot tiefault an0,aotwithstanding•the oonttnuance in possession of fhB.Property ar iha coIIectfon. �,'='�:
<br /> .. � reaeipt and app�c�tian at rents,issues ar prafits.Th�fee and Lendar shalf be er�itled�o gxen�,se evary BghE provtded fea tn arry ot the �'��_
<br /> `.: ,, l.oan Insbum�ents at try taw upon aaarfrencs of any Event of Qefault frtdaQirts wi�hnut Umitattan the ri�t to sxenlse ths�awer of sale. -
<br /> ' Furthe�,lencter's Nghts and remedtes undar this paragrgpb sha0 Da cumuladve wtth,aiM tn no way a Umf¢aUon on,LenG�a�^s�Ights en0 a'=
<br /> � • wmed�es uralar any assignmeirt of Ieases and e~�.r�corded againstYhe Prasp;rty.Lender,Tnistea and tha recetver Niall bv tiabte fa' , . �''°-
<br /> ' aocaunt onry for thc�a�n3s actuaRy received. � �=`` �
<br /> , •�-% . 11.Events a7�autt Th�foltowing sha7 cons�tute an Event of Defauft under this Deed of Trust
<br /> ` ' (a)Fatture t�pay any L^asbVment af pdnc(pa1 or inierest or any other suen securad heriaby when due; �'
<br /> .°;�. '� � � (ti?A breacfi M or defau5t wrcier eny praviston oontatned tn the Note,�nis Oeed of Trust.eny at the Lean Instnunenb.or any ---
<br /> . � ��• �� other lien or encumbranca upon the Property; � �_...�.
<br /> —_=-T-=-==„ ��`�R ti►in vi v�ccwuun ar ei�Ctcnitrotti oi et�y►sirtliiar piGCes9 Sheti be eiitered eg8►►1s[Tius[�vuiticiz ai�an ioewme e 6en ot1 �_:,,
<br /> �. . : � ihe Pr+operty or arry porilon thereof or interest fherein; ' �
<br /> s: �-;�� (d)There sha0 be fited by or.against Trustor or Borrower an adian under any preseat or futiue federaf.state ur other statute,
<br /> . taw or regufation retoting to banknrptcy.InsoMency or other�eitel for debtas;or there sha0 be e�potnted any trustee.oeceivar or � ':�
<br /> � � . ltquidnmr of Tnistor or Borrawer ar ot all or any part oi tha Propeity,or tAe�ents.issues ur proftts�ereof.or Trustor ar Borrativer ' � ��
<br /> _ .� . � � shap make any►general assignm�r►t for the benefit of txeditc�s: �°��
<br /> , ' �� : � <�� (e)The sate.transfar.tease,asslgnmen� conveyance ar fuAher encumbrance oi at!ar any�art,of ar erty tnterest in the
<br /> � ` �•';: Proparty,either voiunlariry or(nvotuntat�ly.wtthout fha express wr(t�wnsent ot Lender,provfEed that Tnistor shatl be pemUt � .
<br /> . • ted to execute a tease of fhe Property that does noi contain an aption to purchase and the term of whtcti does not exceed one
<br /> . , �, . year. -
<br />_ . : (�Abandonmant oi tha Propatty;or � '
<br /> . . :;; ' (g)If'irusior Is not an indlvtduat,the tssuance,saie,transfer,asslgnment,conveyanoe ar encumbrance af more than(i9 A '
<br /> • � corporatlon)a total of percent of its Issued a�d outstanding sLocic.or(if a parheership)a Wtal of per-
<br />_ . � � • ceM of parfiership interests.or(N a Iimlte0 liability aompany�a tptai of percern of tAe itmited llabllity oompa-
<br /> . ny interesb or voUng dgfits during the pe8od thls�eed of Trust rematn3 a Uen on fhe property. .�
<br /> , � . 12.Romodies;Aceeieratian Upon Oatauti In the F,ver:t ot any Event oi RefaNt Lender may.wfthout n�Uoe except ss required �
<br /> . ..� z; Dy tavi.dedare ai!indebteQness securad hereby to be Qua and payabte and Ne same shail thereupon become due and payabte r�ith- �
<br /> •���� �� } ` autarrypresentrrtent demand,pratestornoUce alany klnd.Thereafter Lendarmay: '
<br />` ��: �• �� ;;�� (a)Demand that Trustee exercise tl�e PONfER OF SALE granted 9�rein,and Tn�stee ahail th»-eatier causs Trustofs tnter-
<br /> est in the Property to be sotd and the proceeds to be distribute0.all In the manner provtQed in fhe Ne�raska Tmst Oeeds Ac� •
<br />- • . : ' (b)Exercise arry and a1!�dghb provtded tor tn any W th� Loan Mstntmenb or by law upon oc�rrence ot any Event ot .
<br />_ • . :�� . O�fautfi and �
<br />_ . (c)Commence an astic�to toreclose thls Deed ot Tnut as a mortgage.appoint a receiver.or speetticaly enforce any of the ��
<br /> • . wvenants hereoi.
<br /> � � � No remedy herein car.`erred upon or resenred to Trustee or Lender Is inten�ed to be exclusive oi any oih�r remedyr here(n,in the Loan ..
<br /> � tnstrurtrenis or�y law pravided or pertnitted,but e�ch sha11 be cumNative,sh211 be in additlon to every o�er remedy givan hereunder,
<br /> • � IR the loan fnstruments or naw or hereafter exisUng at taw or in equtry or by statute,and may 6e exereised concwronUy.InQependentty
<br /> : or succeshrety. .
<br /> � � '. �• 13.Yrust�a.Th�Trustee may reslgrt at eny ttme witha�Z cause.and Lendar may at any Ume and without cause appaint a sua
<br /> � . ' • csssor or substiwte Trustee.Trustes shaA nat be Ilabte to any paRy.Inctuding vQthout UmitaUon Lender,8omawer,Trustar or any purL
<br /> . ,• chaser oi th�PropeRy.for any loss nr damage unfess due to recktess or wltttui misconduct,and shatl nof be requlred to take eny aCtI6n ,,,,
<br /> • in wnnection vrith the enfareemen!ot this Qsed at Tnist untess indemni�ed.in v��`'iUng.Tor all cests.campensaUon or expenses ad►iCh
<br /> • , may be assaelated therevnth.lo addlUon.7rustee may becume a purchaser at any sate of the Property(jydiclal ar under the power of
<br /> • . , saJe granted herefn);postpone the sate oi all or any poNon of the Propedyr,as provided by taw;or sell the Properly es e whoto,or in
<br /> - . separafe parc$Is or lots a!Trustee s discreUon. . � .
<br /> � � _ . ' 14.Faea and Expenses.in the event Trustee se0s the Property Gy exer�tse ot power oi sate,Trustee shall be ent3Ued to appty
<br /> � ' any sate proceeds flrst to payment otflil cosis and expenses oi exercising pawar oi safe,induding ail TNStee's fees,and Lender's end �
<br /> . . . Tnistea's attomey's fe6s, actualfy fncurred to extent permitted by appftc�bte taw.tn the event Borrower tlr 7nistor exerdses any�ight
<br /> � . prnvided by law to wre an EveM of Default Lender shaU be enBUed to recoverirom Trustor all casts an0 expenses acdraily incurred as
<br /> • � a resutt ottreistor's detauit,inctuding v�ithou�Itmita8on all Truste0 s and a�omeys feas,to the e�dent pertnIttod by appltcabte�aw: �
<br /> • '. • 15.�uture Advancos.Upon request oi 8orrower.Lender may.at its option,make addfttanaf artd future advanoes and reaQ-
<br /> '• � vanoes to Bnrrower.Such advances and readvances.wit�Interest fhereon,shalt bs seeured by thla Oe¢d ot Trust Ai�o dme shall the
<br /> � • . . � .
<br /> . . '�—��� —��., ..�..s.... .,__ _ • ".�...,y,» .•r—�r^r�•�— �, . i '•lt' ._.-<�.._ -�.
<br /> L k:
<br /> . . ... ._. . . . �_. n�� � . � --•- .. . _ ��t. .r_ - . ._. t �.. ... � . � � ,.. _. : h� - .. � � . . . � . . .. ' �_ � . � . . _ • . . ..
<br />