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<br />- � K-c Y t � � rtG'R��YS��' ��If�� � 1 � ��� '.. f
<br /> °` `' `�� • .21.t'AL�CC114i�C�97S.Toftfaext�ntps�dt►Ytaw.t{�ar�regresstopery�cadcr'�raasana�osand�:sb.ls�tn�tig�6utncfIIrnL�to; `�• `
<br /> . F f 5. ,�E�1.BII�CQbCII�STH�Il�3Ell1QO�E�'Q�JY�M�sudtn�wRha�stUmitatianp e8ut�,�and�ngsdtan�:vmath�otnetsucAamQrneyardg�xrt� '•� . , �;.•
<br /> �t Q 6N
<br /> - �..F�: � an emptoyas of ' er.vfi1aA e,c�tnances)by Lan r tn aaIIectfig•e�aihount Qub o►onfcr�4rtg any ht or reenady un4or ihta D��d of�•J. �. ��.
<br /> - wltetAef ar noi suR�DrauSM.inWadfng.Cut na!Umtis�d�.a!I tep and ea�6�anBd an sAP='al.,t� .and for post�ud9mcM colte&t�On
<br /> ��� t PPd1�YfAL B�LE�8L tiandar may rotsaa ifn Uitaros!tn a partton oi ths R;operty execugrtg end�ecardtng ono ar mara?ar4tm�d ot � � '.
<br /> , , F , r�yanq ebthout�p�r�tts tatase�t Ut tnr�rom�irsln�Dartdon v!tlio i�p�y N�9 horaTn ehml�.�d�amed to ab1�LanQer 4n cetea� .
<br /> � • �� �;�-,.. < ` of Hs tn4xe�4a t�a Paopan5►'(a�CCaDt aa requtted urtQat Ps�egrsAA 37►,not et�afilead:t 6�abLg3i6�to R�iaasc�a�ypEtt ofi3te PropoRy ff�3tar��r -
<br /> ��t" ' " � • • n d�undQr this Dro�ot 7rusL TRe Ite�ena r,a tntorast cresmd by tt[a.Cs2d at Tnisst r�matn in affeet with rospoct to Yhat partton af iho %• s�;
<br /> .;`�.�..�..� �pp�rtY,tz�doftnctlGnth�t�edalTtusf,�tatisttatth�cubactofthisdrar►yPaRLJ�edafF�eomroysnco. ° � , ,
<br /> ) .�' . ` �q J /� _J �,,..d '_
<br /> __ _ . . � " � �=�i��"..1ppww�r W ��-i�i:�� Q��[4#��Vb �$Qt�Q���'�11M���W'�sy�Qt���.I. . �.
<br /> e�l� �%a�i�r��t sU� ��,g�;ci�..,m�.�.`�rr
<br /> .�;':..� .� r�ta tram� ►�tar as ariyona aMer�an ui eau a.�aNer ai @��sg C� ans or A r�aWot on one atz�fan eh.all . -
<br /> . = `�"' �nart oo arratver on�y otherocr,astan:Cirar�r a Oblt�on�unQor thls 0ead of TruatshaU nat bs d B Lendarmrrtonds,aompromtsea,
<br /> � ,.,•��': exchtut8es.fait�to exeroi�e imp§t�s ot reiebsss anY af thQ Ob(�tiarts tretongJ�to atry G�t.8ortewer or thtrttp�y or a_n�ym tta 8gtt�e agdnst �=-��-
<br /> �'� e r ry Q m nmr��brto�r oc t�boa�y or e r ry at tha 6�o¢o rt y. lcnder��U�e m instst upon sffet peri��m�ut�ot eny"o!�tCe O�ttga�ons sfiatl Rot be , � ,.'`
<br /> � ,_�x s.� deamCdaviatver,ar�IBndershallhavethert�►tetarryUmothecaaftQrtoTnstetuponstrtctportarmanco.
<br /> a . 4 , . 8�8US8i1'�UTE YHatISY� In e�ss of tho dcat�.tnt�i(Ry,retueat tn act or abssnCe oit�o Yrusioe irom ths astv wherQ the PcoDarry(a tocatOQ ar k► � �
<br /> ,.Y ,casa ti�e hotdar ot ttta Ob1�o rts egha0 Qesire forat�t wason to[amave tRo 7iostao or mry subs�trustee as trusfea he�eundsr end toapp�int a
<br /> ".. novi-�tnhtsp&2�oarod�.fAahoIdaroithoObliga8onaisheiobygrasrtedtullpovrartcap�SalMlntivriBn�asu0sti0itetruateatorseidTnastee. <
<br />- . :: artd ttte svDs2fiuta ttustev she0.arhen�ypa7ntoal.heaoma saea3ss�r to�BgAb ot Tnis9ao hereunder en0 4he scima ehall becam�.vest�d tn him te► -
<br /> � �, F . tftopu�pa�os8n0oDjQtlao}@►ts0eedatTrustvrifhoUffiapowerdu�osandobtlg�anst�rafieontartedonthoTiusmo. � ::.
<br /> 9t. S1ICC�RS E�d1.SStW�i9. fiis Desd�t'Tmst ahal!do Diriding and inare to tho baneGt of Qranmr anQ Lertder miB.their respecti�o '
<br />- � su�essots,asslgns.�ustees.reeei�aw.eQministratote.Dersonal rsprese�h3$9i699�1d d8YI3989. �
<br /> � �� ,�+32 tt071C�4 6c�opt es ctherv+fse iequfr�d BU law,a�rtatice ar other wmsnuniration ta Oe pravlQed unQsr Ws Daed df Tms4 shsU 6a in vrrf�q �� -�.
<br /> . } ' _fi�:.� +'�n d ssnt tn�a paRiee at the�esaes dosaitsod tn thTv Oaed bt Trust or euch othar addreaa ast the psutisama7t designsYn tn wri4ing fmm ttme to r� ':-
<br /> .� `�ma.p�y sut�noltp so�and ssnt byfirst cia�m�t. sta8e P�A�d.ahatl ba Eeemeq given thq eaAler at threa(�.�aya e6ter eu�fi notfc�t9 .�-, ..:
<br /> --k '� - �serftortiahan'cec�tv.a4Dyt�iaparaentovRicm�straot2cats�sing�Iven � � .
<br /> , �..' : �` `�SEVEHABNTY. Vfienav6r passibts.saN�pravfston of this Qaed of Trust��alt b�(rtterProteA so aeto Ds e4facHve arA vaUd undnr aAP�s • ",
<br /> ,� .�.<'F fi` `., fanv. B any praviston of trits Qeed af Ttust Ma(ffies tRe tzw ot is�rtertfot�aeaDl�.ffie test ot lhis Ooett ot Tr�t dt�ll cartt(nae ta ba valIt!and
<br /> < . �, , pertfo�2aLla. • ' �� '
<br /> ' . -�.r30.APai,tCAB1E LAVa Thts Desd of Tn�at shat!Ea gav�med by tha taws of8►e s�vmero tl►e Pnparty ia tecameQ.tJnbassspp[icaDte tm�v pravld�s � _;:
<br />_ • "•..�.� q ottcandta�.QrantoroonserrtstothejuAsdic4ianandvenuaota�rycourtealeCOedbylender,infbeote6tscrenon,tocatadtnthatatate. .. �-._.'
<br /> �� eeeaaas���S�.tt87ilIRD�Ft�7YRdtitti�.Hopart�nisorshsDbeaWr�arty6en�y oferrypcavistanofffi1sQeeQofTmst AU piovfstonsaFffitsUeedof �
<br /> ' ` �'� • �tnrstln fat�ar ot Lend9r ere Imm�dodsbtety for�e baneftt ot lender.ar►d no th!td party thal)Oe etttt9ad to s�ums or eYpect t�at Len��r v�waive or �
<br />- . 4-.,° ,' .:�``• wnsarritotherhodYdaWanofar�prm�tsiono}thl80eedafTru$t,InLendefasotediscreVdn. . � �..
<br /> ��� �--�* 3�.PAEfik'F�1►ATIAIU OF t1A8[lilY/IND FRIOi�iff. WitAait eFteatlrrg$ie I�biitty oi 8omawer�Gtantor,or any guarat►ia�o!ths Obtigottons,at ..
<br /> offnar parsar►(sxwps a pereon exptessly tet�tlssd In voHo�ti tor tha payrtrant aml porforma��04 th0 061�{ons.and wltfitout eReo�n�tha a8rtn�o ! �.
<br /> ' Lender�vfth aasRect to arry Ptopsrty no2 sxpress2y retea^e�in wrfHn$,end wRhaut IrnDairirrg tnar�y vray tfta pAority o!thb Qead o!Trus!ovor tna ' r `:
<br /> b .i<< w e
<br /> - U►t�ro�ot anyparson acquired oc tfrst eviQencedby recordtr►g s�,6ssAue�ft to tt�s�cecordfnS of tnte�aed of Tasl.tondar may eftlter trefine or afta► F �;_
<br />- �� 1fte mstur�ry W the C61t�aGons,art�vrtthaa!notica ot conseat reTeasa erry�erean IlaDte tor payment.or perfartnanco of ail or erry pazt of tAe -.
<br />-` . �' . Obiig�tion�make aayagteemeM altedag tha terms of.Paymertt or perfarmanca ot eD Ar a�ry part ot ffie OTHigatton�axeRJs9 or refteln fram '''k
<br /> ... exerctsing ot wphra anY d�ht or remady tl�at L�mBer may haca nntlerlAts OeeQ�ot.T ac�e0t eddiCanal sec�1ty of et►y Idnd tor s ot tfi9 �
<br /> , ° . `'-.;. . Qhft�ort�m retesas or oihenMsa de�mflh an1►�aa��arP9�P�PORS►geemh►9gre Ob1 Aay rt ao�fd�g or�eoordtng evl�en�af _ .. � '-
<br />- � � emr fMorsst ofar►y rtaNre(n the Pcoperty ahatl bo desmea.hf►eari+idng suelf.irtteroat ar recording any�oB Mareot.to Aae-s conserded to�ti or , . �-,_..v
<br /> . . er►y sucA sc��eY ienBor.
<br /> Sl.p�6�. Upon tha r�and performanc0 tn full ot a11 at tha ODi�atlans,Lender v�itl execuLa end deiiver to(irarttor tAcse Qacuntar►ts . � -
<br /> ..;� . thatmaybscagy,�ebtorelaasa sCeedotTnisto}recard. Granmrshatlberosponsibtetopayemr�teof�ecordafion.
<br /> 3�.._CCfSSi�UCi[O��LCAt��'Thts Qeed oi Trust ia a�naWatton moKqage under tha UnNortn Commarcta!Carta,sn mwre�r►obl�atien . _
<br /> �`� tncurre�farthe canstruotion of an improvement an Isnd,indudieg tY►e saquTsiBOn aast�04 Iand. Thts Qaed a!Tnlat secures a wi�sOructton(o,an,end. -
<br /> f : it v�311 ba�ubjectto ttee terma ot a wn�uction Ioan agreemmrt Ee�rreen(irantor and tsnQes.Any mstedais,equipment or supR."cas used ot it►tended . -
<br />- . — �r use 1n tt�eosrUvcBqs+,davato�rsssn�oi oyer$UOn o1 the Proper4y.whether stored on or off tno Proparty.ahsil atso bs BubJeot to the Uen of ffiis _�.._
<br /> Daed of 7[usl. • 4� �
<br /> � �� •��. 3�J.�YAl1f�7.QW H�EIESTEAQ AP1D OT!!ER ED�L7FTtOt38� Qrerttot hereby watves al�homestead and othur exemptiona in tne Ptopttrty t4�vhich ��-�
<br /> � -� --� GrSretartvouldofhetwfsabeottlftiedurtdElT�rtyti,.pl(t#tlfi0law. - - -- =- - � - , � n
<br /> � 40 h713CEWltiE0U8:Qrantory ertd tandara�ea ihat�me ts of tha essence.t3�antor waNee resontmenk der�nand tar�&ymertt,no�ce of di..ehonor , -
<br /> - ' . ` Q�ru pm�,�eir ODIf g�ati'ona st��l 6o jotM and s�eve�ral.Th��Deedi�o�f TN�t�wpres�enffi U�ie��pi�irna�g afed undears�ndlr�g bet�iveen!3 anmr an�d
<br /> • Lender pertainfng Yo the 4etms end condr'tfona rtereot. � ��.`
<br /> . . 41.Ji1FiY TiilAl llJlilVF�i.LElBO£R ARf�GBANTOA NEE+tEa�!VJAIVEAtbY RiCsliT YOtR/JLL BY dllNY IH kN1f CNIL ACTlg11 AAfSWt3 OlJ`t CF� . �-•`:_�
<br /> _ � * .'� ` �:. OA.BASED li�''t.YHiS OEm OFTitflST. � � =-�-
<br /> � � � . 4�AODIYIQLfiR1�4�tiPdS: • � . �''.
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<br />- Q: . - . .. �_
<br /> .,. , . _
<br />-'�; � . . . -
<br /> �', '! . t�ttantar acla�sv�U3dgasthat Qfar►tor has tedd,understand9.and e�ees to the terms and wnditlons of tfits Oeed ot Tnist,and acRnmMedges rccdipt ot • •
<br /> ' anexactcopyo�came. . �
<br /> .. . • .�:.: ...
<br /> :r,.. . . �
<br /> • : Darod�his 31s� tl�+oT oato�or. 1999 , . .
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<br /> . - �. . � cF,arrro� eaaon D Peaas
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<br /> � � . eraon 8•aas Pa r c P Penae .
<br /> . . sAaNroa cwwroR . .
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