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<br /> . ��� DEED �� 'PEitJS'T � � � . �;
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<br /> • f� '�FdtS Q�ED OF YRUST lS DAY�D �lOV�f1f�9ER 99� 9597� qmong [6lARV[N F BEBEANIS� end KA1tHERiNE i�i ° -,�.'�
<br /> .. „�� , � , • . BEEdS�. 8aif4�S UNMMRf�D IN�MDUd1LS;d•�it��s 8ddresa te a39 5 pWM,i3�iAH�ISlAND,M�. 68801 .
<br /> . � �teteme�bm belovv es 'Tn�s�a°?: UNifED NEBH!lS4U BAPIK. whoae edQ�esm is 7n0 N NIEgB RD, PO 80X �'?�`-�=
<br /> 18,Giii1ND ISl.qND,NE 688�Z(re�ira�d to bet��i e��net�a�"Lond@r"ae�d�ome4[mes e�°�er[�f��tary"p. �;-;:_-.
<br /> ±';:,;.,�:: � : �•,' �rtd UNflED NES6�!lSKA BI�NK,whc�e r��fdresa is 700 N WEB� ROAD.PO BOX�98/GWAND t�LA�1D,PiE . �'":.:�-
<br /> ° , .. 68802(rotemed t�b�l�w as°Trustee°� � �°'��
<br /> _� ., � �,���.r.':: CpHVEYAttCE AND GRANT. Fcr vaouetite�natQaratton.Tn�siot eonV�to Tta�slee in hust,�lRN PaYlEA OF B�f.L,tcr.1�ba�m af '� —
<br /> � � LenQer as BEnaikte�/.ail of Twtafs dgM.6Qe.artd Mterest in and to the faBawtr�dssatsad a5�1 Dre�edY. ta8ether wlth a7�56nD.o► � '.:'
<br />:�: .,, ' . sutr�pueniry erecte0 or eftbcea buitdtngs.tmpravemenb and�durus:a0 easemerds.r�of way.an0 aDO�nencea;e0 w�.wat�r r�t►�ana L�,.,.,-
<br /> �fich dghb pncluding stad�tn�vAth dftCh ot krfgaUon ApAtSt):end eA othsr QBMs.�royat��e�and r�fib r�a9nQ to tha t�Ba!D_t0yertp,Fndudt Y;.
<br /> '' ' wiNaN QMtatlon all mineraLs.00.6as�Baomermal end simitar matte�s,tOCII�6d fD FIALL COUQt�►• $� O!I�lB'1ff�ita(tfi0 "�8� . ....,.
<br /> `+� . ,. , Pro�er�►"}: -
<br /> �' � LOY SIX(6j,t�f BLOCK ONS(1),lN Qf�EHLER PiACE,�N AODi110N�O 7HE CIN 0�QRAHD ISUlWD, _
<br /> . . HALL C0411�lY:NEORASKA. � _ �
<br /> �. �� The Reaf Rropeety nr ita addreafl t�commo�ly F��vm a€i�39 9�3.11lR7,Gi�Al�lD tSLA�1D,NE 68Q01. .
<br /> ':� � �.. ' Trustor pras�nfly aSStflrq to Londor(also known as Bonsftclary in tNs Oeea of Tnisq af!01 Trusto�rs Aght.tfCe,and IMOr�t M an0 to d1 pr�or�ertt�
<br /> tuture�easas of tho PropeAy and eD Rsnb iram tne PropeRy. In admeon,Tntstor gr�tnts lender a tlNtortn Commerctal CoQa securtty tM.�r�1 in tri9 .
<br /> " . � Rert4S�.�thg Persona)Property deflned befow. '
<br /> .;�;��,�. ' � OFFIHJtIOHB. 7ho(o4ovAng wards sha0 have ihe faUawing meanings when uso0 in tR1s Oeed of Tiust Terms not othervAss de9ae0 M this Ocod aT
<br /> .�; � � . 7nrst ahaU have iria mesnirt89 eltribUted to sucb tems�i the Untform Commmatal Ca� Nl reterertoes to doitar amounb she11 meEtn amounb in
<br /> .� � IavAW mortey of NB ttr�d States o!Amertce.
<br /> ~ . � Banefletery. Tho wara�enaftdaN'monns 4;VITED NEBRASKA 8+4NK�Ib suecessors artd assigns. UNtTEO NEBRASKA BANK elso fs
<br /> ' ' �' � �eSert�d to as'Lendar tn tAts Qoe�ct TrusL
<br /> � Oeed of Tru&!. The v�ards'DeeO of TrusY'mean IAis Oeed ot Tnist among Trustor.Lender.and Tnstee,en0�nctusas tivtUaul MUtaUon aD
<br /> � . . � . ' essfgnmaM and secur(ty interest pr�visloas reffi�g to tA9 PersOnat Property a�0 Ront9. �
<br /> . duatantor. The ward"tiuerarrtor means end.t:�fudes vuithout 1►mitaNOn arry and aU gueranta�s.sius'tfes.erad accommodaUon pertt6s U. •
<br /> . • �' � cannecUon wflh tRa Indsbtednoss. _
<br /> � ' ImprovamEnt9. The word 9mprovsmenb'means and 1nduQos wlthout Qmitallan all e�s1i�cnd tuturo improvemerds.CuitQing9,structiues.
<br /> � � � moblte homes affbced on ths Reat Property.tac�s.aQdiBons.re�cemenb en0 ather construcUan on tho Rea1 Praperty. •
<br /> ' � (n6abteQness.TAe wora RndebteQnesS'means ell pflncipal and IntBrest payabte under th0 Note and erry emour�ts e�anQod m nd��anced by �
<br /> ' Londer to dlschar80 obltgatlnns of Tn�star or e�er�Inamed by Tmstee ar Loncfer to entorce o4Ugatlorts of Trustor undor thi�Dcad ot TrusY.
<br />- • _ �� togethe�with Interost on such amounb 3s proNded U fhis Oaed of Tn�t. •
<br /> ' � ' LBnder.The wor0'LQndcr mear�UNiTEO NEERASltA BANK.ib suooassars en0 asstgrta .
<br /> 'r��� �' � Roro. Tho tror0"uote"mecne tha tiote Bnte4 tvovemDSr 17�t997,(rl tfl0 ptinClp8189�t0un!04�i5,7�9.97 trom Trustor ta 1.ond�. �.
<br /> -• . + together wtth atl rsnewats,extonslons.mad'ficarions,reflnar.cings,and subsUtWo�for the Note. The maturiry dat�ot ihLs Oeed of Tnul Is ,
<br /> -� • --�- --'...� Novemhor 17,1892. -
<br /> . :< Rersona�PtopEr4y. Tt�a words'Personal Prapery'mean etl e utpment,foQure9.and otrtsr ertictes ot pa5ontfl properfy now at h�teafter
<br /> p fo ure9
<br /> ; -,�;�• ---� owne0 by Trustor,an0 nmv or hereaflar a4tacitbti tri Bf"nxed to If�a Re�l Fra��s!'f ta6�r'xritk s!8�€"b.sa!��ne fo.ep __
<br /> v t�. ' •
<br /> . . . .i .
<br /> . ; ..
<br /> . . . ,.
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