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EXCHANGE BANK <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) ss: <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />My Comm. Expires: g <br />SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE <br />Exchange Bank, PO Box 760, #14 LaBarre, Gibbon, NE 68840, Buffalo <br />County, Nebraska is hereby appointed trustee under the trust deed executed <br />on the 30th day of September, 2003, and recorded on the 2nd day of <br />October, 2003, as Instrument #0200313138 in the Hall County Register of <br />Deeds in which O'Connor Enterprises, Inc, is named as "Trustor ", Exchange <br />Bank is named as Lender and Beneficiary. The trust property affected is <br />legally described as follows: <br />PARCEL 1: A part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section One (1) in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten <br />(10) West of the 6th PM, described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at a point at the Southeast corner of Section One <br />(1) in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6 P.M., running North one hundred sixty five (165) <br />feet parallel to the center of the road along the East section line; thence running in a westerly direction two hundred <br />sixty -four (264) feet parallel to the center of the road, along the South side of said Section; thence South one hundred <br />sixty-five (165) feet to the center of the road along the South side of said Section: thence East two hundred sixty-four <br />(264) feet to the place of beginning except a certain tract deeded to the City of Grand Island recorded as Document No. <br />83- 003893, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />and <br />Part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section One (1) in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the <br />6th P.M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said SE1 /4, which point is <br />165.0 feet North of the SE corner of said SE /4 of said Section, running thence North along the East line of said SEI /4, <br />165.0 feet, running thence West parallel to the South line of said SE1 /4 of said Section 264.0 feet, running thence South <br />parallel to the East line of said SE1 /4, 165.0 feet, running thence East parallel to the South line of said SE1 /4 264.0 feet <br />to the actual point of beginning. <br />PARCEL 2: Lots One (1), Two (2), and Three (3), Setag Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br />Dated this 19th day of April, 2013. <br />201305189 <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on the 19th day of <br />April, 2013, by R )-I \c„ <br />nr) , ���� �� � � of Exchange Bank, <br />Beneficiary. <br />i <br />Notary Public <br />RM. NOTARY <br />KIM t - State ivlvo Nebraska <br />My Comm. Exp. August 6, 2015 <br />C CI) <br />D O n M <br />n N <br />r <br />0 <br />c N o DTI <br />a 1 77 <br />00 -77 ni <br />CO <br />r (....n C/) <br />r) -I CO <br />c; U C.0 <br />cn ) cn <br />10 ° ' ° <br />F "tl <br />-1 <br />0 <br />