.� . : � �
<br /> _ ,.�
<br /> . . _.. . . .. <<....,, < -r:, .. ,�. -�_•. ��-_ _."`;�5.'s'��_� �;f._.._....��:-r�*•'�... �.,{:^�r• < ,.,_;,f x_�._ c.�
<br />. . ..
<br /> i _._' _`�a y._.-.4 � __ r� f_t ._ ._ � _ f'. .. -- i- �-. ` h ... , �tS.h f� t � c: � .
<br /> :.. _ . t f.<<�.tt y� ° � ` 4 S lcC \` �-f �£ _ y., i t cr ..t � �..
<br /> ,s-'c�-✓' k5.�k .�-�r _ .<_ 3 t s. t� 4 . . F _
<br /> _ . ` � ,3si,.4�f
<br /> ' . . . ..�:hL7f-;�,
<br /> :�`_ ; • � ' . ,. ;.
<br /> ,`«� anta on ths seaae� d��whan due. �ntess BonoNrer-end Lendsr�gree o �irtlse, arry. • � r `'`<
<br /> 'E 1.Pa�ctutnt�.BArrower ffigres:s tO mtike 81! paYttt � �
<br /> � ,:�-�-._�-r �Syme�tar�ar.�ee.�vea fr+ma Bcas,nrer or.TOr Borrowe�'z b�fit vrUt bs appIIed first�a anv emawrt�BoROwer awes an L'�e sec�ed Qatit
<br /> cxeNsive af interast ar principa),second ta inccues�ar�d then ta D�P�lf partTaT prepaV+�ar►2 ot S►e secured lfsbt oeews for anY reasan,it uv319
<br /> 4'<.' . -:�._ aot reduce a exeuse anY�chedutoQ Oal+mxret�uutt tha eec�ued deEt t$pa10 in fu�f. . . ' ` • � ° "
<br /> . � ' ...��-,--...._....; � •_`, : _
<br /> �� '�' ..s` 2.t�aiaf.t 7i�A�cnuar�i4lEi;ya� s.essessma�RS.and cthet eharges attr[butm�te to tP�e ptdyerty whsn duo and wilt�efettd titte _
<br /> •� ' • to th9 P�DY��H�'��Wtm Wbi�a�3t� tha Itsh af thfs daed af�ust.i�rtda inay ret�utte Botrovtst to assign BnN�i8fite.c(eJms a► , .
<br /> • F:��` .' .' Q818t1389 � BQ►'�Olf�Qf�i�8y h�s9���vt�o suppty te5or a materlsls to impaave 4r maiMatn the pro�serty. '. • ` '
<br /> �� .
<br /> 8.�po,1 Ba�owa►w�1�9p�h0 pfop�:t�;►gr�nsiued under torms ecceptahte to Lendes et @orrowe�a eupense and tor Lendefe henefrt.AD � �T
<br /> ` � `'t tn�o po�ett �l1n1►it Sc�Bt��p�Ce de maQy ba agp ptbd,wfEhi�n ��e d�i8v�e�oi�Z tO eiU�ier d�i0aestor�aUon a�p��tlto damape P oD�Y ` = :
<br /> °�{, . • w to the¢a�u s d debt H Lendor re�uises martgage tnsurance.Bortower e9reea to matntetn surfi(ns�uans�fcr es tong as Lender�equires. � . :...�_:;
<br /> � ` r `�•.�r•.:-,���[� 4,pray�eey Bot�rowet w71 ksep the ProAertV in goad conditiott and make eil repahs reasonabry neaassary. .
<br /> �'�'�� � 6,6tpartac9,Barrpwet a�tees to pax�ll Lende�'s expeast+s tnd�d'ing reasonebte attomeys'feea.if Borrower Ereaks any eovenants In this deed
<br />�N : - . .. cf treist ar tn enY obt�gatran sae�ued uythis deedof nust.�orrmwer w�l pay tAasa ama�rts to Lcnda as provided in CovenarR 9 ot Mis deed ot ..
<br />.. l'� r: �. ��. . . ,.G t•"`'A'.
<br /> t ! .. 8.Pdm Saaui2S►tr�reste.ttotess Barrowus fuat obiains Lender's writte�consent.Bortower wUi not mako or permit arry chan9es to any pdar r
<br /> sBcueity Interes�.Borrowe►wiii berform all oi Bartoware obfigaUons under any prtor mortgaSe.deed oi wst or other security agreemer►t, '��•
<br /> .. Inctuding BatroweYa cownants to make paymants when due. . '•.,,
<br /> w...A..�wnAr MI{Iirv� '.
<br /> ��1 � T:ASSi�tflf�7t Gf REi1�!aTid Pt05ffi.BaROwet 8b'6s8�s io%e,:.�...�..�......��_�. fHv�I M�w�qn�arty ltnlaGq Snrtewes and t endei hauw anmg+4 �
<br /> ° otneryvrse In writing,Borrower may coliect and retain tAs�e[►ts as tong as Bartower is no{(n defautt.If Botrower defautle.Lender.Lendet's
<br /> ,�:�;�---`.,` aget►L ar e couR ap9o��d reaetver mey tate possesston and manage the praperry end collect tAe rema.Any renta Lender colteets shaU De � ri
<br /> :� eAPlied first to tfie casts of mane g h tg�t h e propercY.fic W d t n c o u r t e o s t s e n d�f e e a.e a m m i s s i a n a t o r e r t t a t a geme.and a r ry atfier �_-�
<br /> ` .�,«:.. .' necessary related expenses.The remaTning amourtt of rersts w�l then appty m vaymerns on the secured Aebt es pro��ICed tn Covanant 1. �. -<�.
<br /> ' ' 8,L e a�e h o J Q.r C an Q e m i�.�^s,�ptcrascs!Unk DeveS o D m e�rt e.Bnrrower agrees to eo�IY witt►the provisians of any lease ff this deeA o!trust is on ����:"
<br /> ` ' ``�`, a taasehotd.i�this Qesd ct�sst is on a unit i�a condomi�um or a p t a�e0�it avataDmeM,@onower wiU psrform alf of Bonower's duttes z�s:...,
<br /> �s•',�, , � • under the covenarts,by-taws,or regutations of tha eondominium or.ptarmed unrt devalpyment• � � • �°;"-•-=--
<br /> . �:,.,:.
<br /> . • ����:..:
<br /> . ��'� 9.Authortty of Rsnd�r ta Perfartn tas Bmrowo►. It Bamowai fa�7s ta�periarm arry of Hortow�r's duttes.under this deed of uust.ienQet.may . �
<br /> perform the dutees or cause them to be perYarmed.Lender may aign Baitowera name or pay amr amautR N nscessary:tar.performance.tf aml
<br /> "ti� eonstructlon ort the property is discorttnued or rrot eartied on(n a re�anabte manne4 Le►�der may do Wh8t81rei is neCe88ery/,tD DrateGt LBnQer's: _,
<br /> _ . .,..t sequitlt imerest in the OroD�l►.This may taStnde comDtetfig the eqr�struction. . . • �-+ '.� -
<br /> �;- };. . . b
<br /> , ` � Landers fatiae sn perform witl nat prectude tender iram exerasing arry ot its othsr�ighf�under tfie law or tflfs deed�ea�st. . , _-
<br /> ��:�: � ' � H-
<br /> �`` � �� �.' �` Any amnunts paid by lender to Droteet le�dera sec�ity hnetest wH16e sec�uet!by ttds deed of t+v�t.SueA amourus wi!!ba due on demand ,. . -..
<br /> ' 4�. °` and an'il bear fnterest from the date of UES p$ymerst uirot paid tc►tull at the interest rate in eHect on the s�cured deb� . r _
<br /> ° f`. 10.Oetautt and Aeeeteretlon.tf Borrowet taita to make eny payment when dtfe or 6reatc�eny eavanants under this Aeed o�uusi or sny .
<br /> '..` :. ; � demand lmme�dia�DaVme�rtdand�im�ioke tl�e power of 8ate end a�r�ydaUmr i ed�tesdpermiKed hy ap*p� b��ta a���me secured Qebt and � �_
<br /> tr:- . .�y:_J .
<br />.. �..-,..--°--i'-.� � . . . _. _. ,. . . . � - - .•:r,�„�.
<br /> . � •�:� �11.Re�est tor Nati�e af Qetmiit.It is hereby tequested that eopfias of tha noUces of�defautt snd sata be sent to eacn parsan wha Fs a party ;.__„�
<br /> . heTeto,at tha adQress of eacfi such person,as set torth herefn. �;'�'-�'t'-.
<br /> � �, �� �F 12.Fa�7�'r Sa1e.ft tt�e Lender invokea the pawer of saie,th�tnistea shai{Arst record in the offlce of the register of Aeads of ea�eaurtiy ;;=__
<br /> • � •� � wherein�a trust proyertY or same part or parcef thereot is situated a natice ot deta�dt carrtatning ths intormation re�uUed by Iaw.Tha Trustee k�...- =
<br /> " � ��'�� ehail atso mei1.copies af rhe�otice of defautt to the Bortowet,to each parsan who is a party hereto,end to att�er persons es prescritre0 6Y .
<br /> � � "'�i� eppiicabte Iaw. lVot tess than one month after the Trustee recorQs the noUce of defautt,or twa montha if the�t praperty is not in 8ny
<br /> incorparated city or viltaga and is used in farming opereUons carried on by ihe Unistor.tlr�Trustee s�all give putr�3c�ot sate to the persarta ���•"
<br />- � . � ;: and fo tl�e mannet prescribed bV�appp8cabte faw.Trustee,wkhout demana on Bartavca,shatt sell ihe praperty at pi.+.+uc aectlon to tha highest .� ��_
<br /> • -t bidder.ff tequired Oy the Farm Itomestead Protectton Act,Trustee ahalf offer tha property in two separetB eatas as,raquired hy epD�bto taw.
<br /> -� -.�`' Trustee may postpone sate of all or arry parcei of the property by pubtic announcemern at tha Ume and place of any previousty s�aduted eate. � '" '
<br /> • Lender or its Qes�gnee may purchase the prOperiy at any aela. . -
<br /> UDOn teceipt of paYment of the pdce 4�id,trustee shall 6eliver to the piuchaser Trustes's deeC conveytng the property.The�ecftials conta6►ed in ��
<br /> TntstCS'8 dee0 sfiall ba prima taete evidienoe of the truth ot the atatsmecus corttaU�ed Lmrein.Trustoe shatl ep9ly the proceQQs of the saie in the
<br /> toilowing order: ta3 to all exyenses of the sa1e, fnctudtng, but not 1'�mited to, reasanable Trustee's fees, reasonabla ettomeYB teas artd
<br /> • .' reinstetemerrt tees;(b�to ell sums secured by ttils deed ot trust,ena tc)the batance,if arry,to the persarts tegaity entkled to receive it. . e„
<br /> • �'` E 13.Faretdosuro.At Lendor's oDUon,tMs deed of trust may be toreetoseJ�n the manne�provide by appliceble taw far forecfosure ot mortgages ��
<br /> , . � oo reet property. __.-.-
<br /> • '' 14.Ina�eetlon. Lender may enter the properq►to Inspect it tf Lender g(vee BoROwer notice beforAhand.The notics muat stafe tA0 reasona6fe ,. .
<br /> - • esuse Tor Wnde�a inapacdon. . f ---
<br /> - � � ��•, 16.CondemnutIon.Borcowet assi ns to Lender the�roceeda of eny qward or ciaim fot Qama ea conrtectad whh'a conQemnation ot othet taWng -
<br /> - . ot a11 or any par[of the�roparty.�ucb Droceeds w111 be apptiad as pravideA in Covenant 1.�ts essignment ia subject to the teTms of any prlor _
<br /> _ , ...,.� securlty agreemen� - ,
<br /> .,
<br /> �� �� , � 18.WaIvet.By exercising any reme ��itable to lender,Lender doea noi give uD any rlghts to tat�r use any other remedy.By not exarcis(ng _ - :.
<br /> _ . , any temedy upon Bonower's defauit, does not waive any rlght t�tater conslder the event e defauN if it happens again.
<br /> " � � 17.JaTm enA SeverW UcLt��y. Casipnora: Suecesaors and Aastpna Baund. AII duttes under this deed of wst are joint and several. Arry
<br /> • • Borrower who ao�signs tltis deed of ttust but does not co-sign the undedving debt instrumentfal does 80 only to grartt and comrey that _: - �
<br /> � Bottower's interest in the propesty to the?rustee under the terma of thls•detrQ oT vust.ln additlon,sucb a BoROwer agrees that the Lender end r- � _,
<br /> • a�►other Bottowet under thia deed of truyi may extend,modifv or make any other chanaea in the terms ot this deed ot trust cr th�secure0
<br />=- � ° dobt whhout that Bmrowar's consens�d without releasing thatBorte«�from the terma ot this daed of tru9t.
<br /> �'.�,°�` `• ' h tA birM and benetft tho succeasora end assi na of Lender and @orrower. �.''� -�1
<br />- Tha dutie9 an0 Eeneilts o1 thia deed of wst a a B
<br /> _ . � s_ .
<br /> � • 18.�toflee.Urtlesa othezafe reauired by taw,any noti�a Bonower shali 6e given by deiivaring R or by mailing it by eerdfled maii addrassed to � �
<br /> ° • � Boaowet at the propertty address ot any othar address Yhat Bonowet has gtven to Lender.BoROwer will glve any n:.�ee to LenQer by certHled �
<br /> � � ' . � �� mail to Lender's address on pape 1 of tt�1S Q88d O�VUS7,Of t0 8lltif 02118f 8ddress which Lender has designated.Any oU�or notice to tonder ahetl _.,.
<br /> • � � � ba sert to Lende�'s,address ae�stated on page 1 of thls deed ot Vust. �•��`°'
<br /> `; . . � E, . . .
<br /> �=': ., _ .•_ s.; Any noUce 8ha11 bo deemed to have 6�given to 8orrower or Lender when given In the manner atatad abovo. .
<br /> � .• ;' 19.Transfor ot tho Pro�c�ty or o Benoflcia)Irrtoreat in tfio Borrovrer.N all or en p �
<br /> �� y part o4 the pro erty or any interest in tt is sotd or transfened •
<br /> s• �� without Lendet's prior vti�:�tten consent, Lender may dema�d immedlate paymant o!the seaured debt. Lendor may etso daman0 immedlata
<br /> �� . • :i paymerrt If thA Borcow��is not a naMat person end a beneflcial intorest in the Bottower is sotd or Vansterred. However, Lender may�ct
<br /> � • i demand payment in the a:ava situations if it is prohibitad by 4ederal law es of the date of this deed of trust. �
<br /> 'i- ,
<br /> '�; 10.Roconveyntteo.�UVhen tho obiigation secured by this deed ot trust has been paid and Le�der has�o tu.-ther obligation te�r.z[�advances .
<br /> � i under the instruments or agreomenta secured by this deed ot trust.C!s Trustee shal�upon vuHtten request by the Lender,rec:r.:ay the truet
<br /> .. �,,:. �,. _ � property.7ho i.ender shall deiivar to tho Barrowar,or to Bonower's s�scessor in interest,the Wst deed an4 the note or othor oviAence of thv
<br /> . , � obiigeticn so satisfied.Bortower ahail pay any recordation costa. .
<br /> � � • Z1. Sueeasaor 4rustao. lendor, at Lender's option, may remow Troatee and appolr►t a successor trustee C7 tsst, mailing a copy of tho � :
<br /> subatituilon of trustoo as requlred by appflcahte law,and then,bV tilmg the substitution o!truatee tor record in the c�,ce of the registerZLQeeQe _
<br /> � • �� ot each county in which th0 trust property,or some pFut thereol,is situated.The successor trustea,without eonvayance uf the propettyi shatl .,
<br /> . • , succee�to all the pawer,duties,authority and titto oi the T�ustee�amed ln the daed ot Vust and of any successor vustoo. �
<br /> j IPage 2 Ol?►
<br /> - - � BANKEA95YSTENIS.INC•.ST.CLdUD.MN 58307 IU80639�-23�U FORM OCP�tATQN6 81/8J91 - ' •�
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