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<br /> - � . e '�<� •
<br /> `�, . . ..�. �...
<br /> • . � ... .. <i,,,
<br /> . ThQ North i�elf of the �tor�hwes� Qu�r�er tiVE/2 4eS�i1/4) ai' 8scfiio» .
<br /> .�.
<br /> i' 4 .. ,.�.
<br /> ° , ��o�y��y-Four t24), TacvnaMip Ele�ver� �il� Northq R�nge ?e� t10� Wes� of the . . ,
<br /> _.�... �,.:
<br /> ' ` .'` 6th P.M. q Mal Y Caun�y, Nebrsska and $he� p�v� af �he �outh Ha19' o�P � e —...
<br /> ,.: :.=��, . .
<br /> .�` ,=!-�^�r'-'.. 1�ar�hw€��� Quarter igl/8 NWl/�) sg ��c�ion Twe�y-�aur t24)9 Yown�hip E1�tve�
<br /> ,� � t l l) N�r�h� R��+ge Ten t a0I ►�est o� �i�e Path P.t�e�, �ah ich l��e North of N�w ,. : .
<br /> ` ,,�� i y �-` U.S. HigNway N30 i» H�►11 Coun�y� Nebsrastae, �excep� all v4' E�aatgage 8ubdivi- _� �,_-_
<br /> �... .. . .�'. E .
<br /> `. £� �ion exce�� ei i of hlestgate �ourth �ai�div�sion and al i o� bdest�ate Th#rd .,
<br /> , ...� <. . . $ubdivia�on AND Exceptiwg ��eref�om a.�r�ct of ga�aund �aore par�fcularly ;-',�x.
<br /> — _ _ descri�a�_ as� The East�Thirty��Three ���AfFiov n lii) Nor�h,��:�R�8e8 Ter� •� _ _
<br /> tNi►Jli�i aec�ion •.r�•.dy • �- � -� thet�?$��9m � �_
<br /> ' t 10) We�t of the 6th R.M. Hai l Coat�ty, Nebras ka� ex c��s t i m g . `=
<br /> . `''�``r �ract of ground mo�re �taY^ticula�^Iy descr��ed sg� A �ract, ot' gamd 1¢ca��a3 !n `..�; , i
<br /> `".`"' . ' 4�' .the �ou�h H81� o� the Northw�st 0uarter oP 88etiow 24� 'Par�m�hip li Nar�h� -,
<br /> �`'t Range 10 We�st of the 6th P�.M.� Hall Cou�Ysafd�5�c�ion ��f�the»c�8 asesterly r �
<br /> �. ;...:��s�..r •;;: Referring $o �he center quav�ter cov�n�r o . .
<br /> - ::;:�: on the 8outh l ine of the .Svuth Half oi' the North�aes� �uar�er of said �e�"
<br /> ' _ �io» 24 a dis�anee �f I9�38.3 �eet �o tha p�i� of b�gi�ivt�; thesrce con- , ,,;'..- .
<br /> �inuing we��C�riy on said 8ou�h li»s a diBitanc� c3f 3a9eA faat; �hence r�rth- -- _�
<br /> `�`��� erly lA9 d�Arpes � minutae a�ighfi a distance o� �s 71�,i Y�et; $hev�a »�h- �
<br /> :. 5 �rly� 4� degrees 41 min�tas l�ft a distanee of 362a 2 f�t to a poin� 33.O ,�;, ,` -
<br />- , . `" . � � fee t c�e s�e r l y f r o m t h a E a s t lina e�f eaid 8outh Half BP �he Northvaes� �ua�- .�, :_+�i-_—
<br /> � . /"°:�-~ ter� thance aast�rly a diatanca of 33.0 feat .�o a poir+t o» �a i d (�a s t l i»�� ,
<br /> � the»ce southar�ly � ssid Eaa� lin� g diatanc0 a�' 899.2 feet� thonce sou�h- , �,� y �
<br />_ .` � . .. , � west�riy 59 deHreas �S mi»utes right a diatar�c� of' .I,�►30.i fe�t to the �:ti,>>'.., -�
<br /> � � a
<br /> �''��: �� ':.���'f, poiv►t n4' beHir�in�, al�o axaapt i�g theroFram � tract oP i�nd mare part icu- �_ '
<br /> � � - r,, -...
<br /> . -';��s...� larly deacribed ea foilow�� TP�e We�terly Yex� t10) gr�a�� �of tiaa eas�er.Iy �
<br /> - . , . - �r -Thres t43� feet of the Northe�st mearBer o4' th� f�orthwMotR��e en �'r :' -
<br /> � �y► -
<br /> � � tT1E1/4 I�9Wl/4) �f �ectio» Tc��»ty-��ur� Towv��hbrssk�@@}ac�p$it�g�therefram a = - ___--.
<br /> � � t10) �dss� oP the B�h P.Mo, kal! Co�rrrty9 -
<br /> ' �� � � � �ract of grvund r�ora partieularly descrfbed ac� follo�aa3. � _
<br /> � A trast of le�d eomprisi»g a part o�' the Nartheas� Qaawter o� tha Nartfiwa�t .. --
<br /> __:,, . . - muarter tNEl/4 NWi/4) a�' 8ectio» Yar�r�y Faaar t24�9 To�e»€�ip �laves� til� "� t_ --
<br /> � Nar�h� Ra»ga Tev� t 10) ttilest oF the 6�h P.M.s Hal1 Couvr�y� Ne��aaka, more - ,_;�,..�.•n
<br /> ' '- ..:, par�iculariy d@scrl6ed +�s 4o�lov�sa � �"����'_
<br /> • . Begi»»iv�g at a poiv�� os� �hQ »or{ch li»� of' �aid 8ectiot� Y�ee»ty Four f�4�� � �`�'`-'.. :'y=
<br /> YI .
<br /> " � seid poi� b�aing Forty Three t43.0! fa�� w@at oP thv n�h0ast eorr�er of � �,� . _
<br /> � ' said Morthwes� f�uarter �IVW 114�� �hemc� we�teriy aleng bhQ nar�h line o$ . ---
<br />- �------- said Seatfo» t••.:�s�ty F�ur t2�+�, e dis4anea o4 1Vitne Hundr�d B iK ty t 9 6 0.0) -_ . w. °_
<br />-- . 4eet; �henca degioeti»� left 89 degroea 42� 30" �rtci 'r�anni�A southerly� a
<br /> .. . .' . di��ance o� Eigh� FOundred Ters an�l Forty R'ive Hundred�hs t81�.45� *eet � to � ''t- _-_
<br /> =`� � . the northwes� eorner oP Lot �ovsr►�oar t 1?)s WeB�gate 8ubdivisiosn� thanee. „ ..
<br /> ' ..q-:i
<br /> � . � easterly alosng �f�e nortt� line of said Lo� 8avetr�ea� t17� end it�e e�+sterly •-' :
<br /> :. . �rolo»g�tion� a dis�anea of 'ihrse Hurndred Fifty Nin� �rd �ighty Two Hu»- �.....�,
<br /> ��� � � � • drad4hs t389.88) �aet �o the east�rly lirro of' 6old Road� thotnre �southerly � .. �'�
<br /> ��' � � along the vaat�rly li»e of fl�id Ooid RQatl� � dietens� 04 1Fifty Ni»Q a�d . � � �
<br /> _ � Ninoty Four Hundred�hs <59.94' 9'vob to tthQ nor�hw�at eorv�sr oi' Lot IEight�er ' :'`.
<br /> � . .�� ¢l�)� WaetBete �ubdivietQtn� ���nce eaaterly alomg Bhm v�or�h livio ot' aaid . • ..
<br /> ��`�?�.� � � Lo� EiehtAan �lA), a dis��ncv of Two Hundrod Ni»ety�N�i�e a»d Efghty Eight . �� .
<br /> � � � � Hundr�dtha t299.86� feet to �ha sou�hwest �ornQr oP W�a4Aete Third �ubdivi- .� ��� � �
<br /> , - • sion; then�e northeriy elong the weaterly li�e og satid� We�#gmte Th�rd . .. �. .
<br /> .` � � � 8ubdiviaicm� a distance oF Two Hundred Ninety Nine and @is�4y Rour Hun- �. �
<br /> =L: . � � dredtho �29�.6�b) peet to the nor�hweat aorner oP seie9 M�a�gra�e Third gubdi-
<br /> � ' � • vfsion� thanca eaaterly Alo»g �he nor�hariy 81no oP oaiii t�e�tgate 'Third � �
<br /> ' . �. �. 8��bdivisio»� a dintanee oF Tc�o Hundred Nirte�y iolin� and Eight TQmths t299.8) � ' � :
<br /> � feet to �ha v�e�torly line oP Cla�de F3oad$ thence northQrly elong tfie west- .
<br />� �:Y .. . eriy lisne of �aid Cleuda Road� a dis�anee oP Five Hundred 8ev�nty and 9iK4y
<br /> � � ' � Thrae Hundred�hs �370.63) fe�� to �he place of begirmi»g. , .
<br /> .:- . .. . � . � .
<br /> . . . . . . . • . � . . . � ��: . _.
<br /> �.. � � • . . � . . . .. .. . � „ . • - . . .. . . .
<br /> . . . , � • . � � ,
<br /> . �: � • , � . . . . .. � �. ,�. � : � • .
<br /> `.� . . .. . . . . .. . . . ..:j._._.�;.:��...._- -_� �- -
<br /> -� . . �'���1��..- .:r�'�
<br /> . , � .+�...�. ,
<br /> _ .. . . ,
<br /> . � � .. ,
<br />-� s__ ..: • .... ., _..,..�_ ._.. i ...-. ... .... .. . ... ..•.... .,, .:.�_..._-.,�..-.. , . . . _ • . .. . .. _ .J� . :br'.��ar.�,.+�-.- ..., _.__ �i ... ....._ ' _ .._�..,,_.i., . ..�.. . . � ..
<br />