. E ..�: at�.� ,_ . . _ ..-'",- ; .i. .� - . •4 ..- ., ^:r a,�.—? ..�,._ �t. . � s7`_ tt _ '�s:t.y. �.-
<br /> W-.'..Ye�3,�" ',_ _ ' '.�t�.'"'"._."_._.'., _ •• ._._..' ._:'.' S"'..'At_. .1�� :,.... -'..'"._. _. .._G...
<br /> � _.� _ - �_ _ .l c 4 - ,o � ���� - -�f�Stitr� ��^ � �+ X � .°. .,
<br /> �r ! _— r P _ S cr � _ -1 L�` r.. 'Ys� .� � � -4
<br /> -z � -aT ��� r c l4. �+ r t �i--� fi � y`^ :.kc E Y_
<br />... . 1:�'f(.t _e. . .. � ' . ' ��G�� ^g.,
<br /> � �.<�' t•.��'ijy!t • '�)��' . ' }'`'.}' .
<br /> ' `, _L � �o� ����SO ,.
<br /> �S 'F�' e("��Y�-.
<br />_ v.�4�..�.�ai � ,:.. .,�,.•��e i
<br /> •�� �:$ 1,poyrt�b. 8orroinrer a�reas to make aSl�aymeitts on tl�a se�debt whon d�. Untess 8aaower and agree otherwiss snY . � �;<:. �,.�` ;"_
<br /> .. ysyments tsndet�at:eivas fiqm Borrower or or Borto�ar'e be«efit Ee eDA�ed fUat fo e or!t�ha se�e�ued d�eL��t a�tar e�iry��as�an,h�vAl ' `
<br /> 87(C111,9IY8Q�b1t8tflStOrQ1h1C�2F,�b'F:CCIid_tff�l1[OfBSt.'8tldthBRtOQlIF11'�p81.IfQ8Ri8}P�AaV� ` ,�. � 'f<. �r
<br /> �. , Ui�t3li�i� d8bt Ie gsld i[1 ftN.
<br /> � :`� nat reduce or excuso ���d�airme�t . '
<br /> " S!.6tu�Aag��ne�gt aTi� : .�811{•��, ,•� and atner dtar$as eitributa4�ta to ttm apnrty when dua end un'II datend tf8a ,� _ ` .�..
<br /> ��°�'� Qafens�whtch 6atrow cesy have c&{ro o�$�s �1t labc or madte�ttal��tmDra+ra arc�mal��e prwopertlF gn any rtghta.etaims ar .
<br /> °,`c S.Qasutanee.8ortovunr wfU keep tha�raDSr4f►insiued under terms aceeyta�te w LenQer at Bonowere e�anse and tor Le+tders 6enefis.AU �� :o ° � .�,r�
<br /> �4 ,� � (n s�r a n c e p o i l e t e s sf�U Inctuda a stanQard mortgaSe dauss ta tavar ot LertE�r�tan�dar vvill Do named as tase payee or as tEe tnsurad on arry su� �
<br /> � insuteete QoUCy.MV insuranr�Aroeea d s may 6 e ep p t f s d.v t rt tl�T n L e r W e Ys tl t�a n o n.w e i t h e r t h e r e a t n�a t t a n a f r e p a i r o i t h e d a m e g e d p r a p e rt y .`-i:' 4 ' � '`
<br /> ` nr t4.tho eecwrad Qobt.It Lenffer raqulres mot�age irtattrance Barmwer c�ees to rt�airrtain such inswanse far ea tong ss tender requltes. .. � .
<br /> ,,�•:,. �'.u�.�� 4.Ployariy.Borrower wf►1 kesp t!�OroPertll in good eondldon srtd maBm sil re¢airs�easonabty ns=esserl►. ;,� �, '��- °�:,.
<br /> 4 ` ��,,,,�.��• . . , 'ny .r .
<br /> "- '"'�' S�ansaa.Borrowaragroaa to payr a0 Lenders expanses,induding reasanaLla attomeys'fees,if Bonower breaks enY cavenanta in this deed <<
<br /> - ----- �trerst a�!u�tt obl�8eit�n sec�ed bY Hds dee0 Of wsL Barmerar wiU pay these emourKs to LenEer as Grovided in CovenaM 9 Of thi8 deed of r r� _ ` _
<br /> • . ,,°,. �:-, - �� . ,o- .
<br /> 4 ' &RrIm Se�fnta:e�.Uniesa Bortower fLst o6talns Lendera written cansenL Borrower wAl not maice or permit any changes to anY Pdor � �: �o:�°'°:�.���
<br /> gcctoiry interosfe.Bort�vsrer w�I perfarm 8q of Bonowers obYcgattnns unCer any priar mortgaga.6eed af u�t or other seeurity agreemert. . •_
<br /> �. ine[ud"�n8 BorrowaYs eovenarrts to make paymetrts when due. _
<br /> � c :�� . 7. ot ReMa�Pto�.BoROwer assigna to Lender the rertts end profita ot the DroPertll.Llrftesa Borcowor and LenQer have agreed r ;. �
<br /> 'f ott►�v se In writtn8. Bor�ower may coltact and reffiin the rerts as tong as Borrower is not irt detautt.Ii Bmmwer defauJts.Lsnder,L.endefs �•
<br /> - aa�t,ar a court aooainted receiver mav take onssession ane manage tha OsQDant►a�rd,eQitea the�.Arry rems Lender calleats shall 4e -�. �_
<br /> ep'ptled Trtst to Ute cnsls af mana��P�aDB�7l.mdu�court cos�arro aaorneys tees. rammismmis ro ramei a�e m s n erro arN omer � ,,-,-
<br /> neeeasary retated expenses.Ths emow�t ot rems t then apPty to Payme�on the seutted debt as pravided tn C o v e arft 1. -
<br /> 8,L�Seh��Condamt�dwmas�anne�ihsit poveloymerps.Borrower agrees ta ccmpIY wit�the Pravt�cr�a of amr Iease if thls Ceed of t�ust ta on � ' ` *::��
<br /> v `� a fe�sShoJd.lf this dfled o!trust is on a a�it fn a condomiNum ar a prmned�unit deveiopment.Bortawer wUt perform atl pi Borrowets dWes '' , --
<br /> :<�.`� _ under tnB covenarrts.6ydaYSta.ar regrDatic.�of 4its conaomini►un oT planne0 unit Qevetopment. u �°
<br /> !.AntNmltll of Lemde�to Perfarm[or B�ra�wer If Bmrowvr fe�s toy erfamr arry o!Borrower's dutfes undat thfs deed of tnraL LeaQ�may `<'�_ •-;
<br /> peAarm the dWes ar cause tfiem to ba periartned.Lender may sign Borrovvers name orpay arry mimurt if�e�sssary far pertarmamrs.If any ; .
<br /> �. an .
<br /> . , � ��,;`,,� eaneweUon on thaDro Den1►�s diseor�inued m�mt carr[ad on tn a reasonabta manner,l.ender may de vuhatovet is aeeessary t�o protedt tender's _
<br /> seartitN irrterest Ihthe OroDeRN.T h is maY i n d u d e eomRt e t t�g t h e e a n s t r u e tl o n. ' ` ---
<br /> � . _ I,endera taiture to F��witi not predude Lendet from ezsrcisin9 anY of ita other�igMs under the law ar this deed o4 trvsi. �,�•'. �u =
<br /> 4�;� � qr�aeriourts paid by lender m pra�et lender's se�'sY Grmrest wiii 6e seWred by thTa Qeed ot truat.Sueh amourKS adtt tra d.x�vn Qemart4 ---.
<br /> �,. , and wil!6ear iaterest trom the date af tha payment�Caid fi fid!at the interest rate in ettect on the secured dehL x;
<br /> s,.. : . 10. Oaf�ft ana Q+:ateration.It Barrawer fe�7s to cr�e atty Paymern when due or breaks any wvfmaMS urt�this deed at uust oret�y �
<br /> vm
<br /> , `. . •:N',',; . d�emar�id i srtunad�ia e p�alRneM na d may�imroke U�ie power 6f e�ate and e�rrye oNi�r�emed�i8ap rrt�Rted bY epn 2 b��te Imaa..��y+ot the secured Cebt end •, .Y n•_�_
<br /> . , .f � ; �.
<br /> a.:,.W._.:-_...-,..,, . 11.RA�tes4 to�($aYIco of D�It L4&ereby r6qu�cea�ai coo�es ot ma�ronws o�e�amc a�a 8�ee Se�s�o escn�►gon wao+�8 v�eti► ` - _ _-
<br /> . ` �* • heretv et the ad�ress of earfi su person,as set fo herein. r
<br /> • •- � � 12.Power ot 8�e.tf t�a�nQer imrokes the power oi sale,the Tnrstee sAatl flrat c,�td tn the oNiw ot the regLtar ot deads o!each c:ountlt �:,__
<br /> ' . ,4` wttetein ffie 4ruat p►opett�n er sortte part ai pmn:e{tAereof is ertueted a noNce of Qef�:�[�atrtainfig tha irdormadon requTre�6y Iaw.The Trustea �'.�`-
<br /> sAatt aLso maSl copies of the naUca af detautt to the Borrower,to each person who is a party f►ereto,and to other pa�sons as prescrfbod by , . ---
<br /> � •� apDqcabia law.Nat tess than one ��atter tha Trustea records tdo-notfce ot Qetautt,ot twa caru�ths ff tha trust proAertY�s r�ot in arry, �;�
<br /> � ' � ineatporat�d city or vlllags and ta use0 m farmt�oDeradons cartied ors Ey the uustor,tpe TrusOes�t!ghre puLRc notice of satet��persa� , s � -
<br /> ' an0 in the manner presui6ad Ey�epypdcabte taw.Trostee,without demand on Bonowet,ahall seF1 L're yroperty at pubiic auetton t�C�fiiah�i � ` -
<br /> 6ldder.li requhed�y the Fartn Homestea0 Protectton Act,Trustea sha0 offer the property in two s�a2e seies as requUed hy ap�ti�bte taw. +� �
<br /> " Tn�stee may postyons c9is ot ell ar any parce i o t t he proDe R y by pu b flc ann ou n c e rt t e n t a t t h e t t m a e n d p�a c e a f a m l p re v i o u s i y s c h e d u l e d s a�3:. "''' .. `'""`� -"
<br /> ,. . Lender or tta Gesigrtea may p�d�sa tha pmpeny at�lrsate. • • .. ,°.. -�-
<br /> � ' ... Upon receipt of pa�m eM of tfie prlee Otd,TNStee ahaiS�liver to the purahaser Tnrst�a's deed convsyfig t�h�e pro',�.-y.The recWais corttata�d in� � '��-�'�`. .•
<br /> �-.. b
<br /> _ � _ • _.,T::;.• . Tnistes's Qead ahai�be 0►ima fado�vidtenco ot the uuth of the statemunts corrtained�herein.T[u�sfiau aDpty the proceeds of*he sale in the �'��.�� .,�
<br /> . = otn�temettt t88sS�ID w��811 s�imia s seaaed 6yuiis iteed otnw�st,and tc)tha 6aTenoa(f�r�m�ns le�gal�ti e�nUUne6�io er�r,o�et�es and --,�, ,-_-=
<br /> • . ' -� �aa -�;_,�
<br /> � � 13.Famdosum.At I.enders optton,thls deod of trust mey be toreclosed In the ma�c-.r�provlde by appQcabte taw tor lorecfosure of moRgagea .�� -
<br /> ,� �=
<br /> . on reat property. '- _ -_.
<br /> _ .ii . ,. ,.. -
<br /> ;' +��'° • L � 10.1n�pee9on.Lertder may entar the proyerty to inspect it(t LenQer gi+tes BoROwer rioUUce berorehand.Yhe noUCe must state the reasona9ie . _.� �__-
<br /> 0
<br /> . . ,:<.i' causa far Lendefs inspectton. 4�.�-�',.�.
<br /> y�
<br /> . ' Z. 16.Condamtm8an.Bortower ass�n s to lender tha roceeQs ot any award or ctaim far damageu conneeted whh a wndemnaUoa or other taking •� , •
<br /> of all or any part of the property.-Sucb praeeeds wiP be eppUed as provlded in Covenam 1.This assignmaM is subject to the tecros of amr prlor ,
<br /> „.. . ''' . :: securiti►a emern.
<br /> -- .: :�••.f: � . ;:_ -.-
<br /> - -•-- �-�. _
<br /> . �' S' 18.Watver.By exarcis(ng arry remedy evaitaDte to ler:�er,Lendar does not give uD e+Y�ghta to tate�use ar�r other remedV.By not exercieing F -
<br /> :,. � . ,. � ' ;� ar►y remeQy upon BanowQr's E6fautt,Lendee doea not v�arre eny right to fater cons[dr•s the event a Aefault if it haparess again. "'T ��,-
<br /> -�� -
<br /> � ' � ' ' ��,.►oiM mtd Ssver�LinbIIitv;Co�aigneia;Suoees�and Aaslgrrr Bourtd.AA audes under this dee0 0!trust are joint and several.Any ' -�
<br /> � �;. BoROwer who eo-st8ns tAls daed o1 wst but doea nat easign ths unAerty�ng dabt instrumerrtfs) does so anty to grarrt ond eonvey that _
<br /> BortoWers irttetest in the ptoperty to the 7rustee undet the terms of tAia Qaed af trusK.fn aQdiUort,such a Bonower a�ees that the LenQer anA —
<br /> � � any otRer Borrawet undet this deed ot trust may extend,mad'fir or make any other ehanges in the terms of this deed of trust or Ufe secured __ _
<br /> ,,� . � . aabt without that Bortowera wnsertt and wfthout�rasing that Bonower irom the t31ms of thfa deed ot trust. '• � " -
<br /> The duUes end Eenefne of thta Ceed of trust shall bind end benetlt the successora ertd assigns of lendar and BoROwer. '
<br /> � � • 18.Hafrc�.UNess o2herwise reQuUed hy�aw,anY noUce to Borrower shall be given by delivedng it or by maiting it by certlfled mail addressed to � .
<br /> . Borto•rrev et tho praporttl aQdress or ather aUdress that Borravear has�tven to tender.Benower wtll give any noUce to Lendsr by certlflcd < • ,_ ..
<br /> � maii to tendor's addroas on page 7 ol�s deea nf trust,or ta any att;er addre5s wt�icA Lender has dotsignated.My other notica to tranQer ahail ,
<br /> � • be sern to lenders adCresa es ateted on pago 1 of this Qeed of Vust. . � .
<br /> . � Any noUce shati bo deomed to have been given to Bcrcawer or Lender when glven in the mannor stated aDove. . . �
<br /> • 19 Ttansfer of ffu3 Ptopariy ot e Banaflelai trrtaraat in th�Barracnm.lf all or any part ot the propenv ar eny interest in it is sol0 or uansterts:f ,
<br /> • � witfiout Ler�ar's prior writton conserr4 LenQer may Qemand imme�ate vayme�ot tha soauad deb� LenQe►may aiso Qomand immediaLe � � ..
<br /> � , •• payrnera i!tho Bonower Is not a natrual person ertd a beneficlat interest in the Borrower le sotd or transferrad. Hawever, LenQer may not ,
<br /> � _ deman0 paymeirt In tho eDovo sftuaticrts?f it is p►ohibited Ay taderallaw aa ot the date of Mts Qeed oi trust. ,
<br /> .rr. ..
<br /> '':, • 20.Racmnoymfco. 1Nhen tho obtigation socuted by this deod of Vust has been paid and lender has ao furthor oLtigation to mako advane� �
<br /> undar the Instrumertte or agreements saeured Ey this daed of truaL the Ttustee ahai�upon wrltten reauest bv the lender,rutonvey tih0 ttust
<br />: '•.�: . � proporiy.TAo LondBr 9ha!1 deilver to the Bonower,or to Borrower's succcssor In interesL ths vust deed and the note or other evidence of tAa . �
<br />� obi(gation so saUSfiaE.Bottowor shatl pay any recardaUon costa. . .
<br /> � � . � 21. Sueeessae Ttustae. LenQer, at lendar's option, maV remove Tmstee aM appaint a succassor w�toe by fust, maiiing a eopq'of th9 . •'
<br /> . � � � substituUon of vustee as�equUed by appticahto taw,and then,bY fidng tha cubstitutian of trustea tor reoord U►the oHiee of tha registar.ofjdeeQs
<br /> " • ot naeh eounty in wtileh the trust property.or some part theraol,is s�tuated.The successor trustee,wiihattt comeyancs ot the property,shal! , • •
<br /> . , ' : • ; sueceed to ali the power,QuUas,autharity►and tiUe oi tfie Trustes namad tn the deod of trust and o}eny successor trustoo. �
<br /> , . ( ` '.. � . ..
<br /> � . � �."�
<br /> . �
<br /> ' ,- � � ,
<br /> • � . , • .. . �
<br /> � � . ' .� • .
<br /> . . toeDa?of?J •
<br />� - .. � � . '� BANIIE0.5SYSTEIttS.WC..ST.CIOUD.1AN5630t1UC00097d3411i0RMOCP-INT6NEA/19.91 . _ • .
<br />, ' � . ,, � � .- • � ..
<br /> -.. �
<br />-°----_ - ._._,. ._._.. _. . .
<br />_ •.• -.. _-_ „� - --,� �- -� .
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<br />