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<br /> ;;;`' f�r good end valua6te cansFdeiattan ta ft tn hand paid by Cammorclal �iadaral @PlopQgago Co�omratla� .'�'
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<br /> . ... , . . .L'ustea, �_ ,-,.
<br /> . , Eated �d,a�ee�7tboP 'IRtOt _.1997 :'covednng Me toVowing dest�ed P�P�Y in the�County �of' �:'��,
<br /> - -� . Kali�„ .state ot i�ds@araska . • , c ..-
<br /> ,' �:..;•; Lo4 Fifree (3j,�tock�tve (5), ia�the Osiginaf'�avm. �eow City a!t3rand Isfanr�� Na11 Cou�ty. 6Qs6�raats�. -
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<br /> �• :._ •� and fifed tor record in the Oftice af tha Registe►of Oeeds of Hat! CouhtY,N6�r$slta . . � _
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<br /> .. . ".:5 -/ wftlr the note(s)ot Indebtedness desc�ed in eM secured by the tnstrumEnt atoresaid . . ,:..
<br />� • � TO HAVE IWD 70 H01D the sama unto tt�e satd Comme�Cla1 Fe�,�7rat Mo�gn4� CorRoraaiaa� �
<br />_ � ; ' ,and unto fts successors and asstgna torev�r. � _�
<br /> � , • �? 'fHiS{6S51QNN1ENT IS AAADE e��essN sufoJect ta and In aceardartce v�tth the wananUes and repres��css of Asstgnor With � -.
<br /> _ • • :'? Assignee pursuarit to a certain Mortgage Loan OdginaUon Agreement between Asc►I�or �nd Assl�ea,e copy af.whicS�Is prt fiTes t� �,,,_�
<br />_ • . . •;; the O(flce of Assignea . �:.
<br /> _ � � .� .. �� ' . � . E�CU7ED AND DEUVERED this 14th day m NovemBer . 199y � � �-}�
<br />- , �' -
<br /> ;.�{�' ; � A�qT � Yha Ovo�fand 11latlonal Bank _;
<br /> . '•'� . Grand fsfar�d ��•.''
<br /> _ .. ' ;= By: � /YY1��-'�1 gy; `
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<br /> ,_.. . ..._ , :. _-
<br /> �
<br /> t°�,;,•.: ;: : :; Titte: �ta✓V.� �cc Title: EXECIJTIVE VICE PRESIDEI3"a`�SR. I.ENDER ... •.
<br /> __ �. ��_'.,; STA7E OF Nebraska
<br /> �� ' � �f COUNTY OF Hall � sg. . :
<br /> � . ��.
<br /> -. � �� The foregoing InsVument was acknowtedgea before me this 14th day ot RfOVOmbo� ,i S97 '
<br /> ' �� by,,_, C,ARY L KRUSE AtID JO M HOGGATT � ,oi Tho Ovorland Naticna� �ank.a! Crand tsl�,nc9
<br /> � �� � ° • ' . �.]: .the asslgnor, a Hebraska �
<br /> - � . corpomfion on behaH of the corporation. •
<br /> 1 .
<br /> .= WITNES9 rtry hand and notatlal sea�at my offlce In said H811 Caunty et�ranc9 tstand .
<br />, . this 14th �ay ot Navambor ,1997 , �
<br /> _. � . . �.. �Zti�►� -
<br /> � .� ��,�sr,aaR�tsr�r�t�:�� �ot� ��
<br /> ' , MY COMMISSION EXPIpES: t�i'YA'�Jl'CY`
<br /> � ; t"icamm.r�a�itQ►�1
<br /> F1E93.L1d0 t70l97] .
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