G:. .
<br />- •.:_r w:.'--_,,.. _�. ., _ _.. .. _: . __ ..:�. u.E._ �'. ' .::� f '�A�-
<br /> ._ ;�, .£
<br />- :-�-�---T.=-z-_ .- `� ., . — ,,;. - -= - _- _ - -
<br />--_ ��. � i.� - .., 'c. _ ,s .: N t:
<br /> C� ;.3�, ` L ` � .4�` r T r ..� c . �E} si.: y _.
<br /> .. � ... _.ti` _ � t-.S. .�. � 4 . .� .. .Y:r,' l ., 1rr.r.. Y,� ,_ t;, _ ° �< . � ' ;..
<br /> ' - F ��:.c_�Lt�.,�. ._..—._.._�_L�'�� .�.�. o�
<br /> .. , , ��r .-F4-`.
<br /> � ,`[ k
<br /> �, .a- ' ' � '—
<br />_t4 .' ._ . • t�`� `
<br /> ` ._ � �;: '� ." 18. BorrOVrer"� �i�i'itt to �eir�4&4�. H �arrov,sr rt� earmi� eondrt/m�. eoiravc� shae Ravc� ttia Qqnt to t�ava ��'...� .''' .�:-
<br /> � � '�. r . . 'e(dOR'8i tP1$7t O�f�1L9�f'i11fQ�/�t1�tYtt� d�SCQA�ItIIBd 8Z 811y �fllfl pfEG/�O�18 E1�'l�c1l 0*i9�b Q8jt8 �Q!$�1P•N C�V#�. QfJ�Od Q9�0��3 �� ' .�
<br /> E15 . <
<br /> ''` , 'k' ' , tavr may spectty tar te�sffit�ment9 Oefore sab O!the ProD�f►Pursuant to tuty pativ�o}asiv Conffifie0 b th�SCCUtAy tnstrume�or ` `� ��.' •
<br /> - -- ;...T:: ._:s:_<._.�_.._�<°,
<br /> ... @)entry of a judgrrtent sMan�9 thb S�►u�f+tns�urte�t Thoss eond�ona er�Mat �orraw�:(o)PaYs ttn�r aD suma efi�thcn _, <z.-r-.
<br /> `- . . : ,' vr�►h!ba duo und�tteSs�ett�l U�triut�rrt en0 tAa Not�as B no��n 1�d o� N)ew�et�Y �s1 anY otA� • ' T . :.. .
<br /> ` .r
<br /> S '� ' ` : Y t� cavenant or e�emn.mts:(e)Pz�ya e8 m�onses h�urred b c�!arc�thb S�xuYlyr fnsbum��hc4rdtn9.but no!fa�d to.c�sa�D� . . �
<br />.>�� .'� t .
<br /> attomeYS'[es�:ead(�f�ce9 st�A actlon es L��t m3y rtiasvn�N�4nEro to a9surD Nat tPte�n oi thb�r U�urt�6 LErtd�a . `,r
<br /> " � ��'` ° �.. �Ats t�ttte Proy�ly end Bamaw�fa��attOn to pay �B stsn.s esGUrs��i►this Seaa6y►Unstrtunsnt sN80 Corttfiu0 unei�tBeQ- u0on
<br /> - • r . wtns�temsnt by Bortarrr�.thts�rByt tns0umen!mid fAo obl�ana seas�l�3Y stiaft.�NEy elCectsre 88 B no ea�et�an ' • °
<br /> 8 Sn� � . �.,..
<br /> Aad ooeurted. Hocmwsr.Mts rigNt to roinsmte ahatf nat e�Aty tn ttro ces�s of ecee�ratbn��r psteg►aDh 17. • • r, ,: `•<__
<br /> - , � . 1g. Seie o4 I�o4�; Change oi Lron�ServBser. The NotB or 8 pertt3l tntsces4 h tho Notm (tog�th�d w8h tAb �Y .
<br /> ':.-�--:, tnstrument)may be sotd one or more ttmas vr�Aout prtor notice w Bamcwer.A sat�may�esu@ h a oh�r�ga tn the�ffiy(knovm oa me �, -
<br /> '°:�"`"��'- 'Lean Serv�thet co�ota mocrtl�y Paymsnffi due under tAe NoD�ea0 Mis S�ur$q b�s�urtronL 7kero e�o may E3 ane ar mord s ,
<br /> ` -- - changss or tAe t.oan ssrvteer un:e�tsa m a sa�ot ths Noto. Ir fP�r�t3 e chsnga of tDa t.oan S�vt�sr.eortawGr vfl7 ao gM�tinS'tl�r+ _ "
<br /> F � '� notk�i ot fhe ehange�eceardancs evAA para�apA 14 sbova ena eppt�aDta�+n. 7ho nottee wID slato tlt9 narrt�and addRtsa af tAe � - �' �
<br /> � ; . .��..', new tnan Servxer and the addrass to urhkh paym�ta shovld be made� The nottce arID etso cantsin eny 6th�hfam+atfon rs��&A Ey � <
<br /> , �`- .,}. . eApllc8bi9 tatw �
<br /> °f� -'- � � 20. HB�TilouB Sub8�1Ce� Barrav�er sAaD nat cau�e or pmnR tlts pr65�rtca. �cso. dktposnl,ato�ar�.�ot�y► • •
<br /> - `� HE�tQOUS S11bSt8tIC88 dtl Ol ht th9 PIOQERyI. BOf�OW�T 8hE3D ROt d0.t10r 8'�OYJ Bf1yDrt0 8�50 t0�.8t1Y��0�9�0�D�Y� e'1 ,. ' ..
<br /> _ W '•
<br /> -"`�..�-,, � -� fs tn vtofation of erry Envtan��l Law. The O�effin9 two � si�aH not epDy m�e Pr�ee��sq, or stor�on tno � , .�"�
<br />- : ,.•f,', PraDer�►o!smaS►quant�tss ot ltaaardeus Subsmc�ces thffi ele�rte�aoY reco8nhsd to ee e�praprta�to naime!�esidersNat uaes end to � ' . ---
<br /> ` ma6Kenant;e of the Property. � <�,
<br /> � Bmrower shaII OromO�Y 9�Lender wr�tea notlee of enY hv�stlqauan.et�bn.demana taYreuR or othsr ecBon by eny g�nrt�t � -_
<br /> ,;� . - ar regutatory 8gar[�y ar pMate paRy fnvoktng the Prop�riy end airy HazerQous Substertce at 6iv�onn�esftel Law of vfita4�8ertaxrer Aas . . . - _
<br /> - , �.'r; . actual knorAa�gs. It Barrov�er teams. or ts notBfed by eny povemmente!or te�rtazcry euthof7�y.that erty rr•mavat or other re�r�edta�on �. -
<br />-- ot any Ha�rdous Subsmnce affaeting the Property ts necessery. Borrorrer rhaU prornptty tekci efl aecessary r��at �ns � , � -
<br /> - .`�:'�.. .`s,` exotQanCe wftA Envtrortrtrent8i LBw �. � _ _—
<br /> '•4 ` ` As use6 in thfs paragrapfi 20, 'Ha�rdous 9ibstsnaes• ar0 Nose su6sfenCes Eefited as Lo�ds or he�rdaus sabstottces by �
<br /> .. '_ . . Eavtra�ial Law and the foQOwing subsmnces:pso6ne.kems�a.oUrer ltarnmaDi9 or toxi�Detroi�rre WOduets,tmdc Oes�m�d _.;.;-? :._.
<br /> -. - --'v herbictdes.vo�e solv�ts.metertab wnffiining asCestos or tcrmatdeAY�erM radtoacWe mateAab. As used fn tAta psrsgrapA 20, --
<br /> r'��Y ' ` �' •` 'Envbonm�ntal L,ativ" means tederal(aws and iaws of tha luAsEfcllon wher�e tha Pro�ll► ts bcaLed thut reYite to hea9b.sefo4yr or ,.� - ..";_:�
<br /> �• , � � �' —
<br /> _ r. �.�: : 'T mtvhonrRente!p[oLeCt[an. � .;-:_�--
<br /> _ _}�..
<br /> � NOi�i-UNIWRM COVENAMS. Bortower end Lb�der Mth�Covenant ettd egre0 es t�ffows: • .` .�;:;��
<br /> �. �j 21. Aeceletci4ton; Remedt�. O.endler et�ett gtve eatice tm B�rrowe� prlor to accel�reHon tallawi�g �_ -
<br /> � Borrowee'� bpeac� ot es�y e�veaant or agreement in Ws Security Insbniment (but �ot prtor to _�
<br /> `�``� . '` �� acceteratt� unser pare�pb 17 untesa eppiteebla IaVr previde�o4�pwlse�. '�1te notice ehai0 �ecify:
<br /> ���''" �� (a� the detaui� (b)the��an required to ture the de�wt� (c)e dat�, not [eas fhan 3� daya flrom the � `
<br /> ��� < �'.::;;"� '�• .. � �. —
<br />- , d�the noUce Is gtven�o Borrower, by wNeh 4he de4eult ntast be c�aeed; anc9 (d)that faiture G� ca�ra � .!�_ ,�.;_
<br /> = - : the detautt oe� or betare tha d��te speei�ted in th¢ nottca mmy roauit [n aecoteraitan of �eo eums � '���-� �
<br />