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<br />- • ' �` . �t, ��� .` �:l�Ft ` ,�i�- .a` p `1E .. ` e rr `5'�'. , a � , t °° '
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<br /> t - ... �- `G �c � ;; L � C. .,r . I 'c ,� . c _ _ . °.' .-c � 'r < 4 .
<br /> ' -� .t_ . Y a. . . .o �.r . ,�r. -i� . �� . ` , .� < � _ h- .
<br /> 4. 1 `'°' `c .� , `'< � < . �r•. .,c :
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<br /> ..r ''�. ,`_ .
<br /> '�, 16.Baitower's Co�y. Bormwcr shaU be givm aae oonformed copy of the Note snd of this 3cx.�ity Ins�ne�t. ; � ,:°�.-
<br /> ., 17 Tsansfs�a�l�e Property or a Benefcek�l Iat�t ta Bosmwer. �aII ar eay part of the Piciapeny or say i�uest m rt is .� :F` �. .
<br /> . sald ar uausfeared(or if a 6ene�iaal'mOerest in BoraaHea is soW or uansfcrted and Bo�awer is noi a�at�alp�san)wifhout � : '. < :�
<br /> • Lea,d�'S p n a r writte�consent,Lender maY+ai i�a�on+reqwre wumed�ate pa�mr�t in fn11 Of ari sums s,eraaed by thi�Sec�tSr `.' _------
<br /> � (�._�_ Insnnmen�t Hnwn�w• .this optlon sha11 not be exaased 6y LEadei if ace�sise�s proh�bir�d 6y fed�al law as of t he date of this ��;
<br /> ..F_ 7.... S�y JWLLW�WM _ .._. S__.
<br /> `�� If Leadea ege�cises tI�is aptian.Leadea shaII 8ive Boaower aouce of aoceteaation.lhe notice shail pmvide a d of not tess ` .
<br /> ce �y s�by this Sec�iiy �':, .
<br /> � than 30 days fmm the date the aoqise is delivere�as ma�ed wittin whicD Bonawe�must ati sums `.:..
<br /> '� - - .� Insmuae�t.If B�ncawea faifs tn pay tF�sunos�rinr ta dte expi�ation of this pe�iaa,Y.eader mayr mvoke any remrdies permiued < .,
<br /> .. � 6y tl�s Sec�iiy tnst�nm�t w�wut ftather not�ce or de,maad on Bortower. _. .
<br /> r ' �- 1R:Rnnr►w�w+a Rioht it►ReinftQat� if Boaowe�r meets cectaia oanditions, Bo�w� sbaII 4ave the right m 6ave ' �-�,;.
<br /> E _:_.__ . . `.. - --__•._ _ • __-.
<br /> enfaQremeut of this S�r Iustmmeai d�scontinued at any mne prtor ro�e earuea o� (aj 3 daqs(or sacb ou�pu�a; :�
<br /> . applicable law may spewfy for remstai,�t)bef�e st�te of the Pmp�ty.g�suant oQ an3►Dowea of sale oontained In t6is Sec�ty ` .�, _ _ r_
<br />- I n s�fi os(6)e.a u Y of a,�tgm�nt e�f�g this Sec�iry Ins�maent.Zhose oanditions are thai Bouo�ra:(a)p Ix�der aIl , °;.��-- ��_
<br />_. '. � • �whicri thea�wonId be dne�mdear ILis Se�t}►Instrrmaeai a n d t he Nate as i f no a c c�l e r a t i on h a d n c c�;a(b?��Y . 'Y'�:.�?`�`_
<br /> ' ' def�h af eay othes ooveaants or agreama+t�(c)Pays a II��i n e a fa�cing t h i s S e c a m Y�s�u m�L inctudin g,6ut -. �Y
<br /> . nat I�itcd m�.reazonab2e att��eys'fee�aa�(d?t�such aadon as Leatder ma�r reasnnalaly reqaire to assure d�at the lien of this � _
<br /> ` Se�iiq �nstr�ment, I,eudea's right4 m die t�ropeny and B�ower's obligannn m pay the svms secored by this Sec�ity �
<br /> ` 4 L,.�. Instc�ne�t sI�afil oonmmie nne6�ged.Upon reaas�t by Bamswer,tbis See�airy lnsuuna�t�d the o�ans secu�ed �
<br />- � " � �aeby s6aII mmain fnIIy effective as if no accet�tion Lad acaured.Hewever.d�is x�g6t co reiastar$s6ag nat m We case of � t 4 .
<br /> . �,,. .`� :
<br /> ., � . ,. ' -� a�xelera�ion tmderparagrapb 17. � , . ,� ;;'� : ,
<br /> ' � i9.Sa1e ogNote.Chaage oY Lvan Serv�er. 'i'he Notc ar a pffitial inte�st in the Note (mgethea with this Secarity � A _�;�r
<br /> _, .. Instcum�t)may be sold oae or mare fanes wi�iaut prior notice to Borrowea.A sa2e may r�snit m a c1�nge in the�tity(�mawn �..� ,z,
<br /> t � ss c'tre"i.oan Se�vvice�Wat colte�ts monthty payme��rmdes the Note and t6is Sec�ty Instrnmeat�eae ats�may fie oae or
<br /> mdes
<br /> s `� � �etse dmuges�of th�I.oan Serncea ametared ou a sale�th�Note.If s6eae is a c�&e of ihe Loan S�viser,Buaowa w�i be -- _
<br /> �'. � ,.', �; S�Yen writ�entice of the chan�e in accordance with paragraph 14 above andapplss�ble law.'Ate notice w�l sCate the name at! -
<br /> � �. •.� ,�,�_=,:a- address of Rta new Luaa Secvicear aad t6e add�w v�ctich payments stwnld be made.'Ihe aotice w�l also contain any a� ���-
<br /> , f;;t��'.:; � mfalma�on r�quaed UY sPPlic�ble Iaav. �. �'�.--�
<br /> . ... � :, ,�. ; ?A.Hazardons Sabstaaces. Borrowea shaU not canse ar pecmit the presenr,� acc, �po�, st�e.or ce3e�e of any r �. —.-
<br />` � . Ha�sdous Substances nn ar in the PropectY.Bmmwea shall nat do.nar aIIow anyone else to da.anythmg affeAmg the Ropeaty �„� �
<br /> ���.� � . � t�at is�a violatton of�Fa�vaoam�tal Iaw.'Ihe precediag two se�te�ces shall not appty w the preseace.ase.or st�age an the ��s,''-___ - - -
<br /> i{�I ,� Pmpeaty of s�raU qnaut�ees of�Sabsmnces that are genera�y�ecognized to be agp�w nozmal msIdwtial oses ��.-�.--
<br /> . ..,•
<br /> •i�:;��� q and w mai�w�soe of the Prupeny. i�- _ -
<br /> . °%i,!': ; Borrower sLaU pmmPilY give I.ende�amtte�no�oe of any inve�gauuan.claim,demand,Iaws�ait or o8ier action by�:y � '� --
<br /> , g� .
<br /> -•• � . . . �� gov�nmenml or regutamr�+�g�cy ar private party involving the Pmpaty and�y H�ardons 5nbsrance�r Favironmental I.«.. .
<br /> � (` � ' �E which Baimwer has aaual Imowledge.1f Bonower I�or is notified by any goveanmentat or regatatory�;ui�y►�that azry �:�"° --
<br /> _ � ''` �aval or othea reane�ation of aay Ha�ardous Sub�.affectioag the Propeaty is necessary,�mmwer s6a11�romp�ly take aU .._�; �- _
<br /> �, �; ne�ry►m�al actions ht aaordance witb Enviro�.�.s...�l I�w. ,. � . •---
<br /> . As nsed n this paragraph 20, "Ha�dous Snl►s�cces"are those snbs�aces dePmed as toxte or hazasdaus snbstances by Y�'�' --
<br /> ''�i��`.� Envimnme�ntai Law and the foltowiag �6stances: gasolme, kerosea�� other flammab2e or tmcic peuoIe�unpr ducts, wxic �`"�' :-.
<br /> t -- - �siicId2s aad hea�sidde°,vo1at�e s�veats,m.�r�ats c.�nt9inin�achesws ar farmatdebyde,and iadioaaive materlals.As used in � ;:`�'-'*,""- ��-.--
<br /> �`,+..;�: : � � this pa:a�sph 20,"F�vira.:�ental Law"means fede�211aws and laws of the jurisdicCOn whae the Propeaty is tocated that�1ase � . _.
<br />-- . . to healtb.safety os envim�tal protectioa ��`. .}�._ '�
<br /> .�r
<br />:. .• �.A�[�eSv'4:.- -
<br /> � ;;t` . NON-Ul�'IEaORM COVENANI S.B�are�m�d l�da futWer covenant and agree as foliow� • ��,;, --
<br /> L'� ;
<br /> � �� � 2L AeceYeration;Remedies.Leader s�give nottce to Borrawer prlor to acceieration ta�owtng Borro�wer's breacL of _ . ,�--.
<br /> ' �- anp cuveasat or aapcement In tbts Se�rtty Tnsb'ament (bnt not prtor to accelera8on ander paragrayh 1T �e� � �''
<br /> e aa se
<br /> . �. , e;qpticabte iaw provides otherwise)•The nottce sbaA specffy:(ay the defaaIt,@)tee acttan required to cuted�e c4e�anl�(c) �� __
<br />- � �� � � �a Qate,noi��than 30 days fram the date the nfltice L�given to Borrosver,6q whtc�the defanit mngt Be arred;ead(d) ': _: _-
<br /> . a Wat fsiiwe Ca a�se the defaalt on or before the date�p e c U t e d i n�no t lce may r e a o l t i n a o c e l e r e t i a n a!t ti e s u m s s e c a o r e d ��.� .
<br /> . �. � 6y tbLg Secaritq Instrament enA salx aff t�e Pmperty.7'he notice sbaD P�t6er tntorm Borsawer oY the etg6t to refmstate . ,..
<br /> ' ��``"' .' ` aiter ac�oeIeratton an8 We right to bring a comt actton to assert the nua�au�nce ot a defadt or any other detense ot
<br />;�� , �. . . . . . .
<br /> ffiorrower w acceierattan and sate.If 3he defaNt is nat c�ued oa or beiore tfm_cEate speciited in the notice,Lender,at its .
<br />_ �,;;;.�-;, _ '. optton,mmy reqnue immediate p�yment in fall of ail sama s¢cnred by WLv S�ct�tiy Instra�ment arithont f�ther demaad _ _____ "
<br /> '��;��,' . aad may iavoge�he panver af satc aad any other remedies permtt�ed by applicabte ta�w:Leader shall 6e entitted w cNieet ;
<br /> . � �`>� ` ap p�pen5¢s fncurred in pursaing the�mediea pmvided In thi��are9reDb El,Inciudtng,bnt uot timited to�rea�QUbt� •
<br /> / , attorneys'fe�and oasts of tifle evidence. . . •
<br /> �� ' IP the pavrer of saIe iv invoked�Trastee s1�a11 record a notice ot detaait in eacb oo�tq in whic6 any part of the � !.. ..�
<br /> � - tlraperty is Iacated enA aha0 m�il copica of sac6 nottce in We manner prescribe6 Dy app131�abte law!o Barrower an�to the
<br /> r
<br />. ��+ � : other persons prescrtbed by applicabte law After the time reqaired bY BPAllcab�e taw,Trastee sh�D give pnbt?c noti�e ot � . �
<br /> . � �� sate to the persons end in t�e manner pressn'bed by applicab2e iaw.'i'rastee,witflmrt demand on Horrower,s6aa seII t�e , . ' �-
<br /> � . Properry at pnblic aaction to ttce h1gliest bWder at the ttme and place and u�der the terms d�ignate0 in the notEce o!sa3e . . �
<br />- . . . Form 5028 9/90 � � .
<br />-. ' � �-86t�NE)taz�2).o� Paga9otB Initiaix ._--- . .
<br /> .�' . . ' � ---��----•-� -- ---__.—`_ _ .__ . . —.._._�_ ;-- . .. , -�---�- ° � . .
<br /> _ ' �� , , [ . • . , . . � .. . ', ` .
<br /> ' ' . � � , .. . � .. .� . ' , . -t�,4�, � � -----+^..—.-:...;�, -
<br /> . t., ` : ,� - .--""."_"' .
<br /> ......_-.'.= �_..-�r . . • • .. . . ♦... . � _. ._ . ....h � . . .. � ...r 4. - .. . _.-- �-J �. ..,1-�i.,.r.�•.4 .. L'y_ .•a.. . ,r.L�-. -S-+.3,ti�>:1}�.'►N•-t�y .x-�zk. _.z��..
<br />