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Fora 4, � Rev. � -63 <br />>~ a <br />� Y <br />GAS LINE EASEMENT <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS$ <br />4 r p, <br />That Animal *tin&* Of Brand X11004, it partnorsbip � <br />GrAntor_,q of the County of Hslt and State of <br />Nebraska s for and in consideration of the sum of <br />i <br />one an , Dollars* <br />receipt of <br />which consideration is hereby acknowledged, and the <br />further consideration of the- performance of the covenants and <br />agreements by the Grantee, hereinafter sot out and expressed, do,_,,, <br />hereby grants remises conveys and relinquish. unto NORTHWESTERN <br />PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY, a corporation of Hurons South Dakotas <br />Grantees its successors or assigns* the rights privileges and <br />easement to construct, install* maintains renew# teplaoo� and <br />operate as gas pipe line and appurtenances thereto, oversaunders <br />upon and through the following described lands situated in the <br />County of £ Hatl And State of x2braskal <br />to wit! <br />� tl A <br />A pore *l of land in the Souttw *st Quartos (SVII or <br />$** %ion sous (4)r Township 114YO t (il) North, Range <br />Nin (9) Vint of tb* dtb P. Not Hatt. County# Nebraska# <br />and more portioularly 4000ri0e4 as followst Co"*nolnd <br />at art irom Stake loq#t*d as yellow #o Vogininins at 0 ' <br />point om tb�o Worth line of tb* Sir}, $a d point boint ti4r <br />*sot of the Northwest gornos of the $V11 tb♦ns# south <br />and pars lot with the Vast tine of tb stiff Thro Hanged <br />S*vontywloveo and Sight 't*ntho (377.$ loot tak the point <br />of b*gianinol tb *noo toot and paroll*1 with the north, <br />lino of Rains Subdivision Two Hundr *d Sighty -nine (8890) <br />to*tr thonoe north and parallel with the vast tine of tb* <br />avt a distant* of One Nundrod 11tty -00e (1,310) 001 <br />theno* V st and paroll *l with !6e North line of Rains <br />Subdibiolom Two Mundt 4 SightyNino (2$9a0 tb na* <br />South and parallel vith the Watt line of the SWf One° <br />Hundrod iitty -Ono (131•0Y toot to the point of b *ginning; <br />as indieated on the plot attached to this ossoalontt <br />no, said soN pipe lino ao4 opputtoo*ooes shall be installed$, <br />maintained and o orated sloo#j wole and through a strip of land <br />six toot to, "WHO# the **ater line of whiel► is described as tO14 <br />lows o Bed nning at a #*tot orb tbo nortb tin* of tfro above dose <br />griped propostyl $aid of IWO$ throe 0) foot east of the <br />northwest *or"#* Of $011 roporlyi tb*noe running foutberly aloag <br />4 line tbto♦ Q) cost oaot of And pasall6l to the watt itn* of <br />said property totb# $04*1► 11041 of said plrop*vty so indiaatod on <br />the p10 ottfoh*4 to t"11. zas"000# <br />