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NN 6vrrT w Sfv4 S ,rc. 4 - j' / /iSl, - P.9 W <br />CNN,. <br />2 <br />U <br />40, <br />Plat of 3 tract of land comprising a part of the Scuth•,cest euarter <br />(SWI) Section Four (4), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) "est <br />of the 6th P. M., Hall County, Nebraska, and ,:ore ,particularly describtd <br />as follot;t: <br />3aAlnning at a point Forty (40.0) feet East and ;hreO 9'lndrt'd <br />seventy -saven and Eight Tenths (3'1.8) feet South of the Northwest cur- <br />nor of said Southwest Quarter (SWk ); thence South and arallel to the <br />Nest line of Said Southwest Quarter (S'4 ) a distance of One Hundred <br />Forty -Six and Five renths (146.5) feet; thence deflecting left `(,o 051 <br />and running Easterly Two Hundred Eighty -Nine (289.0) feet; thence deflect- <br />ing left 890551 and running Northerly One Hundred Forty -Six and Five 'Tenths <br />(146.5) feet; thence deflecting left 90 0 051 stid running ' «esterly 'wc <br />Hundred Fighty -Nine (239.0) feet to the paint of beginning. <br />Centerline description of a Six ( 6 ) foot wide easement: <br />3aginning at a point on the north line of the above described pro - <br />p,trty; said point being three (3) feet East of the Northwest corner of <br />said property; thence running South along a line three (3) feet east of <br />and parallel to the west line of said property to the south line of said <br />property. <br />I hareby certify that the easement ss shown oa the above plat is_ <br />ftoo an .accurate survey to the best of Ay knowledge and belie£. - <br />'�� 1. i. {J l ";•, / <br /> L. JOrd.trl IN 118, <br />MAAS 3 3&NJAMIA S< CL AYfO X - G :1CI144EAS AND ARCAl resc rs Y i�•5�1�5���733 r <br />GAA09 ISLA30, 393AASKA ,;' '...... <br />.. • ,� <br />3481 Is 34' llsrcit 21, 1153 <br />fi�el for record J1� 13,1 G at�sC A�� :�, <br />Regi 'Tier of Deeds, Hall County, XEM... <br />PI <br />o <br />