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<br /> �.;. ' ;,��� � Fmperty d�ed in the Seauaaty TnsC�umenb the following iteans ar�zdQed m the Pcoperty descrigdon,aa�shall , � � .= :_-----
<br /> . atso consdwte t�e Ptopeary oavaed bq the Sec�ity Insaumen�baiIding mai�iaL9,�Pliaaces and goods of eve�r �� -- -
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<br /> ,�.,: awamgs,storm whtdaa+s.sm�dooss.srrews,blinds,shades.
<br /> �.' ',�. '. .. 'i paaeilin8 �d anached tZnor oove�3np now oi hereafta auached w the Pcop�ty, all of whica'4. iaclud�ag � °� ,
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<br /> i. re�]acQmenm ead addidons th�;n.svaII be deemed w be and m�ain a part of the Pmperty covaed by the Secauity ., _ __
<br /> � n�,�,... ; Ins�mmemt AD af the fasegoiqg togethea with the P�oyes'ty d�scribed in the Seqarit}t da�swme�t{or t h�l e a s e h a t d W„�-s--
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<br /> ' ,H.US]E O�PdtOP�YtTY;CON�1dAN�1AJ17'H LAeD. Hotro�r sball aot se�tc. ag� ro os make � ��R :'=- '
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<br /> �v ` r�`'. - S�j1�1C'd'��t'itOI�16p[Oj1CIh/. .�i�t ___
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<br /> r=.:�. ._ �. � , eovet�is attd a�reeme�ts set fanL in U�ifom►Covenant 6 sbaU remaia in effect. � , . . � ,f,-.';-`-
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