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<br /> �•�'��': �.. gaY�eu�maY no Wager�reqtrireaf.at th$ap�on of Len�.if mongage�ce coveaage('m the amoant sad for the periad �.:. ,. ,:_.
<br /> �<<'.
<br /> � d�at I.euder neqtrires)prnvid$d bg an�a�pmved by Leudes again becomes av�aflte and i4 0��.BoaaFwet shall�ay ttue _ �:<':.".'.��",_�.-;
<br /> • �iums requ�e�!tn maintaia taortgage iasuraace Iu e,ffect.ar tn Pmvi�e a toss resave,unt�the r�t faY ma�gage �" , _
<br /> F ,:� insmance eadv�acr.�rdance�ith�ny written agoeemeat 6etw�an Bosmwer and I.eadea ar applicable Iaw. ` .
<br /> ry t :_- - 9 jnsp�a�. I.end�ar i�s age�t maY maks�soaabde�tqwn�in�erdioais of the Pragerty.L�endea shaII give r __ _".
<br /> � • � Boaoweanntia�at�drae of oa piinr w an inspec,don s�secify3ng reasona6lc cause fos the inspecann. � ; Y<�
<br /> i•� ' :.
<br /> `: 1�.�:QIid4IIiiIt8l�iJa. �C pI00t'Cd3 Of flDy SWdYd O!C�31TA fQI dffiii$�Ss�CL OI CQiISeQU�dlt�8ls iIi CO�UII WI111 3II}► '�� .;,�
<br /> condemnarian ox oth�r ta�tng of any g�t of the Paop�ty.ar far canveym�ce in li�of cunde�narion.�1�ebY a�ed�d .4: F , �„°�"=-
<br /> r � Y i �F _ _
<br /> s6aU Ue paido�Lendea. T° .
<br /> .. . Ia the evea�t uf a mml ta�►g of the ptopesty,sha praceeds shall be applied to the s�uns seaaed by this Seeturty In.grr�eat. " ':
<br /> M1 . ,,: '
<br />-_ �t�►.q��ua�fi�e;wid►am►exc�s oaid m E�aawe,r.In dte eveat af a�6ai ta�ing of the Fiopeny in whic�the fair m�ket — ----
<br /> � :� . , �f walne of tLe Pcmpeaty immediateIY befase the taYing is et�al to or�reatra ti�n�e amounc or me smns sewr�a oy mis s� � ::-
<br /> � . ��, 1ns�mme�t#mmedit�t�ety befase the tat�ng.anless Boaawea and Leader otheiwise ag�ee�n writing,the srans aea�ed iry t�is =
<br /> �:, :�::� ;. Seauigr Ins�t staD be�ednced by the amo�mt of the pmceeds mnit�tied by the foltawmg fracaan:(a)the mtat aIDQUnt of �
<br /> � d�e sums s��Y before the�akmg.divided bY N)the fair masket value of the Paopeny�Y befare the -
<br /> ta�ut&At►Y bal�ce sLaII Ue paid ro Bormwer.In the evegt of a panial tak�g of the Ptopeaty ia which the fa'v market vaUie of ttu� :.;,:,,:
<br /> . � - �P�Y ��Y Defate ihe�¢tg is Iess than tY�e amo�at of ti�ss�ss secaced immedisteIy b�'ore the ta�an3, anless �: _�-;�;,<_.
<br /> , B�rawa and Lendea atherwtse ag�ee h►w:iting ar ualess applicabte taw atheiaise pmvIdes.the psaceeds sLaII be spplied to the , . •`- "'��- ;�-:.
<br /> .� sams s�ed 6y dris Sec�ty Iasttum�t�attethca as not the soms mce tL�du� � y_
<br /> ` , �� If the PtoPerip Bs abandoned by Bozrowea,ar if,aftes�ce bp Leader to Ho�rowea that the condemnur�eis m make� � �� --__--
<br /> • award ar txtde a cTaim for damages,Bm�mwr�fa�s to tes�ond w Leud�wItbin 30 days aft�s the date die aotice is gt�+w.I.eadea � ;.� ,..,� "..: _- ---
<br /> , i�autkorjzed ta collect and appiy the isoceeds.at its optinn,eid�er to restmanon as-cepair of the Prop�ty or to t�e sams seciaed :.� ;-.-.--:
<br /> � . . by tbis SecarIty lnstrtuneait,wh�thar or noi the�dae. � .
<br /> 4 �4.' .rr,; --
<br /> .'_..� . UnIess Leader aa�Barmwes otAeiwlse agree in writing,aa�►aDPliearioa of proa�eeQs to�rya1 shaD not exte�d or postpon� • ,
<br /> , ' � �e dne dafe of the mwnthly►PaYmeuts refeaed to in�ragraphs 1 aad 2 ar chaage the amo�mt of sncb yaym� .�"��'--
<br /> , . . � , ��` - 11.Horrower Not�ieleased;Forbe�reace By�d�r Nota Waivea E �nn of 16e eane far pa�rst ac modificadon .' _
<br /> ��.. `. ; of amo�adon of the sums s�by this Sec�arity ins�rameat Sanied 6Y L�oder ta anyr saccess�in��est of Bormwer s�s►Il , _" .
<br /> �..-
<br /> -. ;, �r,y..;r„t ,:� � not apeaate to release the Ilab�lity of the orlgiaal Baac�wet m Bticawe�s sarcesso�s in inteaesl.L�dea shail not be reqnaed m .r �,
<br /> ,:r .•. ;: '',? cammr�ce pmceediags against auY saccessor in mo�est or refuse to cxte.nd ame for payment ar othesa+�se modify aiaaiti�tan of ,�-=t„�--
<br /> � tfas s�ps secured by t�is Seauity InsWment by re2son of aay de�and made bg the origiaal Borrowet ar B�wer's saccessors '''��`• �'` ---
<br />�`? . • in in��Any f�ea�tce bq Lender in exeacisutg any aight ar rea�tedy sha114rs be a wanea af or p�the ex�dse o�any ' :_�
<br /> - -.'`(+�. •`-�` . . ..•=�:_,..
<br /> tightorre�medy. �' .�ti�•:
<br /> - ` � IZ.Sucae�ors and.Asstgas Boand,doint aa�Several LiabNiy;Casigncrs. 'It�e covznants aad agreeaneats of tlus ��.;'`�f " :: _
<br /> � t� �=�
<br /> �� � : a; Secarity Insaument sha11 bind aad bemeSt the snccessors and.assigas of Lendea and Bomnwra,snb�et w the provi�ons of �,. ���.�.,.,.�
<br /> ,' .. , . . ae���
<br /> : Paragraph l9. Boirower's wveaants and s�reem�ts shaU be Joint and several. Any Boaowa wh�co-sigas this S�tuity ��' ' � _.�,
<br /> .. ,..'.,, . ' . _ .�
<br /> �.''..`-� Insuament but daes aot�xecute trie Note: (a)is c�sigaing this Sec�iry tnsaau�t only to caurigag2,�aua and casiv�y� !'` -.--
<br /> exe �._
<br /> � Borrowea's interest in the Prnpercy mdet the t�ns of this Sec�ry InsWma��(b)is not pasanaUy obligated to gay the sums
<br /> � � s�ed ttds S�iry Inswme���d(e�a�s that Le�nder��any othea Baaower may agtee to exteand.modifY,farbear ar . �_ --=-_,__
<br /> by � �: , ---
<br /> • , ' make any aacoma�ndadons arith ie�rd w the taws of mis Secarity I'n s a u ment or t he Note w i t h o a t t L a t Burmw�'s c a n s e n t ,:}
<br /> . . � � 13.Loan Charg�. If the loan secured by this Se�ityr Tnslmmerit is snbject to a law which sets rna�dmum 2oau chffiges. ,� �°'� T=
<br /> �� � � ... and tbat law is fa�ally iaterpmxed sfl obat the inte�st or othar io�cbarges colletxed or ro be c�llacted in connectton whh the loan - �"'-"�;':� '"`
<br /> te�
<br /> ... � ° •�'`�',� exceed the parmIued limits.th�:(�any such loan charge sLaU be redacxtl by the amomdt necessary w redaoe the eliatge to the ..�°':s„�.-,_
<br /> `. • peamitted limi�and(b)any sams ahea4y colleexed fmm Borrawer which exceedeA geaatiVEd I'vaits wW be rafancted L�Borrowea. ' :A-�.�,_
<br /> ' ' . ` I.ender may chaose w make tLis refnnd by reducing the principal owed imder the Note er by maldng a d'uec� payme,nt to . - . .,..
<br /> the r�oa wiU be tresud as a a ent without anY PrepaYment charge � .:°""`
<br /> . ..., • Bo:mwer.If a refund reduces princiDal. P�P�P Ym -_ . .
<br /> . '•� ` . . anda the Nate. '.� �� ' .� .
<br /> � . . 14.Notice9. Any notice w Sorrower provided for in tAis Security Insaumcnt stiaU be given iry Qelivedng itor by mailing it . .. .
<br /> • �. :. by first class mail unless aFplirrabte law requires use of anothea methad.7he notice shaU be directed tu the Pr+�periy Address os .
<br /> - - --. --_.- any othar address Banowa designates bY notice w Ler�der.�uy uotice w Lcadcx�fia#i ba givea by fust elass mait m Lendes's --- ---
<br /> .,•�;,.�. � .. . ,. address stated heaein or any other addresg Lea�der designates by no6ce m Beaawer.Any notice provideA far in this Seauity �
<br /> � � � Instrument sball 6e dermed to have been glven to Borrower or I.ender wheae�.�n as ymvtQed in tPfiis DaragraDh•
<br /> ' � � . ` 15.Governing Law;Severabiltty. 'Ihis Sec�iry Instrument shall be govesaed by feQaal faw and the taw of ttte � .
<br /> � . . � jurlsdictioa in whlch the I�operty is located.In thc event tha3 zay provlsinn or clm�se of this Secvriry Inswment ar ths NoLe . .. ,'1:;..
<br /> , � . conflicis with applicable law.such conflict shall nnt affect olhea provLuoas of this Security InsUUment or the Note which c�n be .
<br />: _ i given effect witlwut the cflnflicting Drovision.To aius end tha provisions of Wis Securiry Inswmea�t anA the Nota ere declared w , . ,.
<br />�f � � �., � � ' be Severable. .
<br /> � � . Form 8028 8/90 . . , .
<br /> , ' ' :. �j �•8R(IVEjtez,2�.o� Pn9e�me ien�au: .. ., . ..
<br /> ..�- 1 � � ' • � � � .
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