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•, . �, I' ;c 7- <br />i. ?e Government Sr. all rest assign► t_M3 lei in a,y ererrt, aid AA not subilA. tts detn!" <br />�retnises ex -CA&Pt #A 3 d'yskirable ter'arlt, asl frr 3 y' uar yt'urposs, and will LS+tp' nit the r,;ke of Bald <br />;.�r- r i &es by anyone ocher tx.aa the r eserrrn <_r�k, such rAII -Esm— arid +he nig trits �d ;ervaju of the <br />rLli ELt, of of "dill Su }lEBS£e. <br />5. This ?ease may, at the option of the Go1'ern.m"t, be rune ;rrid ftrxa year !* year at a rental of <br />t.�lrty -six dollars ���.�°4), <br />,nd otherwise upon the ter£n3 and In'rsi�i�g <br />,o 'lie Lessor at least t-Ibirty (30) days before twi lease or a.ay rLkewal thereof w,.rIA <br />ot.herwi&e expire: ProvidE'd that no renewal tke -Tocof &M1 extknd the of owipaLey of the <br />prcrnis s 15eycrrl the tMrtiatct day of ;,JU9, 1W. <br />6. The U_�ssor shall furnish to floe duirg tke oo(�uranty of 2'a!d premises, +i.Cder <br />:he terms of this leas?, as Fart of the r�rttal fo g asg: <br />6A Ths Gi-reirarnt r-eserrss t_.s right to ersst scth P0169P c'a'#io antsmAs, <br />tra- slrissiOn 11res acrd gay wires as usceezary for the optratiois of tis <br />said _adio Zortitorirg Station, rrstiAssion 1Lrss aryl all otbor wines <br />will be at a dean height of tuelrs (12) feet abolo tb ro . <br />63, irrs Lessor reserves %* right to 0C.0tiDri9 to a,s or recut, tka 1.arrd for the <br />purpoas of rsi$ hay or crops, <br />�>✓, Tts Lessor agrees that ?;s will erect ir,il�Slxgs, pol4s, ts�oes or other <br />strustarss �m #�s prsndsss T+ithont iris xrit!Aa�t of tbs �olforment, <br />6D, TLS roverna►ent will hays right of way, A tgprez4j6Vi #s uoC'gaaarjr <br />for sreetian acrd maiatenar,.s and repair of autftraa arA t- so"ni.ssion 1Lrrsr, <br />Except gsy 'sirs 0414&�sstii <br />Thy 1rm►i.Yi0n5 of itch $, will be awlioabls to an parties <br />to harre Un o farxLaS agt•ssAonft for ttbsss� prtAises, <br />7. The Go, err tnent shall pay the U5.5or or the prerai s s et�t .ale the folIV�var�f' <br />Th-IxtT rix dollars ($36,00) per s,rsu:;n in noestUy .1�stal,imsnts of <br />three dol?ars ($3.00), ?AMt shall SO aLppoYtior .arid sltill bs paid ixp <br />to a,nd insl -Ad r_g tto last day of the +.Ara, r]as�tbsr or yaot it o i�as last <br />day of a calendar month, <br />Payment shall be trade at the end 4 ev it r3QaP.Ft r99J�Tli 98 ,li 5S 11 lHSW17Z& A3 PP�r.1Z i'lS, <br />S. The Go, eminent shall have the rigbf. during the of iMs Ifu.0 1A naaise a iterat�9xi"x MF ,�. <br />attach fixtures, and erew:t additions, st.rncttuvs, or ,c_'grL& in car U;)gu the ps'exa�se$ :iaerxl�y 1va;, <br />t roe idcd such alterations, additions, structul•es, r)r sigts shall rrvt be detl'i.crg-o.W to pr <br />iii, tLe rights gtauted to Aker tenants can the j4Wk,rty cr in the 3ottildtrg a , YM pr�rn ;�t3 <br />are l x area) ; viuch fxturap, addatic•ns, stnuc ulrs bo plrsed in or upQn s>r sfbsr d to the mad <br />z rem ises shall be and reirain the plvpru y of the (;oxej-rlreut and _may be 3 xss1 lhn'efrvcn by <br />thi Go, ernineut prior to the terinination of this leas'' asd the (.%verntr eut, ).Y lee. <br />sc.r, shall, before the espu ation of thus lease or rk-aeu al thers@.q. r,stwv axe pmnjas ,s to the same <br />condition is that existing at tl:e time of euterirg j;y) 1 the mme undex W4 i�ysi,Se t�s�iz a�Je clad <br />ordina.r - ,t ear and tsar and datcagts by the ek neuts cr ley seise uznst�n oa' r w l%h the (: ozv)r%2- <br />went has no control, euejOad: Plvvided, hosevte. that if jLe it ess9�?r xyy�sl rs Staid o3Et `9th, tb$ <br />Lessor shall give l ritten notice thereof to the (.; 1'k-_ ULL-tI t <br />the termination of the lease <br />�0 �7'3 <br />l�! fts s 03) days bYios s <br />i.23 <br />