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<br /> E
<br /> � ` , : Faymeats maY iW[as►8a'be re4ui�d.at the aytion af Le�dQr.�f ruart�a,gE�nsu�aace cov�aage('m the amouut�d for the peadad � a � . �
<br /> �} �
<br /> � ` thai Leadcr re�eSD F��bY���ved by I.eudi�rr a�in bacom�ava�sbtc and is obtained.Baaower shall pay the �, ., �
<br /> t p���ui��mamtain moitgage insivance in effect.�tn Pmvide a!o�zeseavc,�the reclai�meat for maitgage ��,°`��, `_.�. �:
<br /> r` , �s�aee ends in Eeoard�oe with any writtw ageemetyt betev�Bonawer a�td Leadei at appl'tcab2e?aw. ,
<br /> .-.�: ,-<<<". d •�^S�
<br /> �� . ����-� 9.I�sy¢�+an. Leadc,r or its ag�t may maTce t�asQnab3s e�uies apoa and�ons of the Pmgc�cyr.Lemdea sbaIl give .
<br /> f -_ .._ Bormwerttotisseatthetnneuf orgrior tn an inspearon sPe�fYi��reasonabie c�se farthe inspearoa ;_---z �. , '
<br /> '.°. I0.Condeffinatlon. Tt�e pmce�ds of any award ar claim for dannages„d'aect or wnseqaeatial..in conneaian �tnh aay
<br /> . � . � c,.�on�,nde�mnatinn a*r Mot�h�e.a takmg of any part af the Pcopaty,or for ooaveyanoe in�seu of cqnd�nation,are he�ebY a�mid :-,`-�:' _
<br /> 4 �j{Qy{V���i11�dWW� .' ., , l
<br /> � ` tn the eve�►t of a mtat taking of the Piapeaty,tbe proceeds shaII be applied�the smms secared 6y tbis Secadry�as�ument, r., ` ,�. "
<br /> ',s: whether or aot then dae.with any eacess paid m Baaovrer.In the eventof apatial tat�g af the Ptogeaty m whicb the fa�r market �` ` _
<br /> �..,...v.ue r�..,,..+..+,....,,.�rot lwfi►r+�,rlu�takin�is eEmal m�sr meater than the&tnotant af the smn.4 secated by t63s Se�tity - =
<br /> �o.�,...,�..,....-a^-h Y ._.
<br /> ,. Inst�ume�t immediately T�'aie the takmg.�mles4 Boaowea and Leader oth�wise ag�ee Ia c�Gong,the sums s�by_tb'ss
<br /> ° Secadty In�mmeAt shall be reduaed bY the amount of the praceeds multiplied by the foIIowmg�ian:.(a)ihe mtal�aount of `. . ��.�_,
<br /> "�:`�, :�`,. - �e sums sacured immediazetY befare the tal�g,divided by(i►)the feir market vetne of tLc Propeaty Imme,diaLety hefote tfle �• y_�=---
<br />- � '"��?`� fa�ing.Any batanoe sha�Ue paid to Baaawa Ia the eventof a paitial�ng of thePmpaty in which the faa madsei vatue of the ``,. `. .::� _-
<br /> . �Y �Y befare the lakmg is Ies9 than the am�nnt of die snms sec�e3 immediatetS►be�a�e the takiug,milrss =-:
<br /> , $osio�ver aa�Iender otheravise ag�e in writmg or aaICSS appli�ble law otheawise provides,the pmcee.ds shall be applied to the , , ;
<br /> � • , ` �.�t . -
<br /> •4 sams sec�ed by this SesttQty Insrrameat whe�or notthe sums arz4hea dae. . �•
<br /> �. �'� � �f the Fro�aenY is a6andoned hy BarroR�,ar if,after nodce by L�dea tn B�rower tt�tDe a�ndannor off�s to make aa ...,; --__
<br /> , ,e
<br /> _.:�:,�;;�•� ":. .
<br /> a � .,; �r�;..�; awaN ar seWe a ctai�for damages.Boaowar fa�s w�ond ta I.e�de.r wit�30 days at�the�a the narice is�ivea�,Lectd�- `�_�, �--
<br /> .�,;• is amk�z�w coIIea and apply the praoeeds,at i1s optinn,eithe�to�on ar m�aa'u of the Property or to the soms secared -___
<br /> re �� :
<br /> ' � by tlus Seca�ty lnsuament,wd�hea arnot Wea dn� . „`r,�:� �`M
<br /> < . :` —::
<br /> ` tln2cs�Ir.nda and Boirow�a atherwise agree hi arriting,anY aPP�tiOn of D��m Pn°��nut ext�d or postpane `�vj�'Fr� r ,-
<br /> , ,': . .:M:.�` lhedasGateof 1LecaonWiypa}rm���oiu paragrapbs 1 and Z orcT�ge the amouatof such�ayments. . ` ? ___
<br /> �< >,� -�,_
<br /> il.Boma�ver Not�eleasett;�asbea�ns�e By Lgnder Nat a Wafires E�cte�sinn af the time€ar paymeat or mod'�'ica� ��
<br /> E
<br /> ��; � «a��av�non of the svms securad bY tbis Seaairy tn�mrat g�ted by LeAder to ae�y�in ia�terest af�arrower shall. -
<br />- . .'::. .. ' nat opesate w mlease the Iiabilitq of the a�al Baimwer ar Bmmwes's su�s i�mt�est.LeAdet shaI!nat�se�reqa�ed to _-`G.'-`.�'__ �
<br />-- " � cum�uce D�aceedin8s a�t m►y sa�z3 iaterest oi m.fase m ext�d ttme far payment or otherar�se m�►arao�s�an af -�;,.,,,
<br /> . ,.� �,��:., . .
<br />-_ � tGe sums secared by tlps Sec�uiry 1as�t by reason af aay dernaad made by the ariglnal Baisowea ar Barmwe,r's sncoessoia �.-�__—
<br /> _, � . . in int�.Any fosbeazance by I,ender ia exescising any rIght or re�edY sbaII not be a waives of ar p�lude the e�dse of•any ;:.�;�;�:.`.`_�
<br /> � . righia;taaedy. ,. � - _-
<br /> a
<br />_ .. � j2.Saoc�ssors aad As�igas BnunA;dotnt and Several�.tabitlty:Co-�ers.lhe c4venauts aud �ca�ts of this .:,,_�`;;. ---
<br /> Setauiry Iasorameait shall bind and benefit the successors and assigas of irender and Bormwer. sub�ect to tDe pmv�sions of� ';�, ;_
<br />- � , �` � pata�raph IT. Bomowea's covenas�ts and agreeanea�ts s1�aU 6e joint and several. Any Bo�rower who co-sigas this Se��nriry .,.,.;� �..;
<br /> . ', Instrnment but does not e�cecute the Nut�:(�)is co-signtng this Seasity lnsttument only w mortgage.gtant and convey tLat :..n�' �-�';
<br /> � � � Borrawda inte�est in the Prape�ty undea the tams of this S�ty Instrumenfi(b)is not paso a a l ty o b Uga t e d w pay�h e sumg � ,�„:
<br /> - -- - -= s�by dris Seanity Ia�t:and(c)ag�es that I.ender and any otfier Boaower may agreE to eRteAd:madify.foibear or �_:._.:�-:_-==°�-
<br /> � � . . mage anY aocommodauons with reg�d to�e taa�s of this Sec�uity Insuumeat oi the Note aitthout d�at Batcowea's wasr,nt "" ;—
<br /> , 13.LoSt�CDarges. 1f the toan se�a¢ced by this SecuriYy 1nSWme�tt Ls sabjeet tu e law wh�ich sets maximum Ioan c�ge9. � :� µ-..__
<br /> .. and Wat law is fmaDy interpreteA so that the iateaest ar other Ioan charges colleacd or w be coIIe�xed tn conneaion witb tha to� �
<br /> eaceed the peamiued limits.thea�:(a)�►Y such lnan ct�r$e shall be rednceA by the amoont necessary on re�uce the charge w tDe �Y
<br />-- , .. permiued limi�and(b)any sums afreadY coltected from Borrower whicfi eaceeded peamiued tunits wU be mfuaded to Sormwea. `•"°�=°�_ _-
<br />--- . . � Lender may choose to miake this refand hy mducing the primciyal owed uAder�e Nut�ar by making a d�rect paymean w .-_-����-_
<br /> . ' Eorrower.If a refimd redac�s primcipal.the reduaion will be ueated as a p�tia1 prepayment withont mry�repaymeut ct�ge ''�w�=_
<br /> � . under the NoLe. '. :
<br /> " lA.Not�. Aay natice to Horrowea pmvided for in tlds SeamitY Ins�meat shall be givea�by deliveaiag it ar by mai�►g it �;
<br /> '. : .� . by first class ma�7 w�less app2irab2e law requ'ves ase of another methad.'Ilie notiCe shall be dir�ted w the Property Address or " _ _-
<br /> . � any otha addies9 Bomnwea designates by notice w Len.der.Any aofice to Lender shall be givea by 5rst class ma�to Lender's . �:
<br /> -_-_-----= a�ldress sla.�d herein az ar►y other address Lender designates by nodte to Borrowca.Any notice pmvided for ui ihis Sec�iry _ _ •_ _",
<br /> . . � ' - Insuumwt shaII be decme�tn have be�n given W Bmrow�ar Leader when given as pmvided'ui this yaaagraDh � � - -:
<br /> --- � � iS.Govemmg Lavw,Severa6ifity. 'l�3s Security Instrum�i shall be goveaned by federal Lzw and the taw of the .
<br /> . . . jurisdiction in w6ich the pmpeatY ls tocated.In the event that any pmvi�on or ctause of this Sr�riry Inswmcat or the Note � � . �:
<br /> . conflips wirh aDpiiable taw,sach canflict sLaU not affect oil�er pravisinns of thiv Seauiry Instrument rn the Nute which can be , .
<br />- : � � . given effect withoat the confliaing yrovision.To thls end the provlsiacss of ttus Secutity tnsunme�t and the Note are declared to ' � �
<br />.- - 6e severable. , . .
<br /> Form 80Z8 918� �
<br /> ' . �-8R(NE)(92tz�.ot Paaasole Imtlats:_.u_ , ..' .
<br />__ . -- _..... ----.--,,--^ . . � . . . • ' . : _ . . '
<br /> � , . , . � . . . . �
<br /> .. -_ . . _ . .. - . � . . .. � - ...
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