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E A S S iii E N T <br />WHEREAS, the City of Grand Island, a municipal corporation in <br />ball County, Nebraska, contemplate the constriction of a sanitary <br />sewer :,rain and desires an easement, or right -of -way, across the <br />tract of land hereinafter described on which to construct said <br />sanitary se�,,er rain, and <br />r�HE�EAS, the jra_ntors, Harold J. Brumm and Kathryn Brumm, <br />husband an,1 wife, for and in consideration of the payment of One <br />moll -3r (.$1.00) an, other valuable consideration in hand paid, the <br />re ,-eiot whereof is hereby acknowled,ed, do hereby grant, bargain, <br />sell and c-nvey unto the said City of Grand Island a perpetual <br />easecn-nt over, alone; and :.cross a certain strip of land described <br />as follows: <br />11 tract of land twelve (12) feet in width and sixty - <br />four (64) feet in len^th in the Southeast ^,.carter of <br />the Southeast yh arter (SE- i,,SE) of Section Twenty -one <br />(21), To•.anshi:; Eleven (11), North, Ranze Nine (9), West <br />of the 6tn P.M., Hall County, 'Nebraska, n_ore particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Eeginning at a point six hundred seventy (670) feet <br />east of the so,zthwest corner of the Southeast quarter of <br />the Southeast tivarter (5E4,SE4) of said Section Twenty- <br />one (21) and one hundred seventy -seven (177) feet north <br />i'rom +he south line of said Section '%enty -one, said one <br />hundred seventy -seven (177) fe--t also being parallel to <br />the east of said Section 'Twenty -one (21); thence <br />w =st parallel to and one- h;andred seventy -seven (177) <br />f -A north from the south line of said Section Twenty- <br />one (21) for a distance of sixty -four (&) feet; thence <br />south oarall ,-1 to the lire of said Section 'T=wenty - <br />one (21) for a distance of twelve (12) feet; therce east <br />parallel to and one hundred sixty -five (165) feet north <br />frem the south line of said Section Twenty -one (21) f:r <br />a dicta .ce of sixty -four (64) feet; thence north parallel <br />to the east, line of said Section 'hwenty -one (21) for a <br />distance of twelve (12) feet, to the point of beginning. <br />Ft, is understo -d and agreed that the City of Grand Island <br />shall have the unrestricted right to enter upon the easement herein <br />described for the purpose of constructing a sanitary sewer main <br />only. <br />It is further understood and agreed that the City of Grand <br />Island, its a-ents and employees, shall h?ve the right of unre- <br />str_.cted in7ress and egress to the land herein described for the <br />ourpose of maintaininL, or repairing the sanitary sewer main constructed <br />upon said land. <br />y/3 <br />