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<br />_ . . BonrawedaadLenQesfwthe�wveaantmiAagteeaafoltaw� � � ';�., *��:'�
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<br />" ' � . "��; Property d��che Secarity Inswmc,at,the follow�ng itc�s ffie added to the PraF�S►desc�don.and sball :;:' "`. �--,;�
<br /> ,.. . . .
<br /> . . ' aLm oansaacte tLe Pc+ap�y coveded by the Secariry In�amea��bm"iding ma�iats.aPFliances aad goadg of every � -_��`a.-�
<br /> �,� . aarma whaisaevca aov�ar h�Iocated i0.ou.or tued,ar iat�nded to be used ia wnnedio�wiHs�ss Pragesty, `����-'��_
<br /> "� :; inctad'mg.6ni uot timited to.those for the pwx�oses of supplyiag ar disu�submg h�ng.coolin8.e�ticity►.ga�+ :,��`�- -_
<br /> , .� ,.�: ` : water.air and lighb&re prevea�tion and exdnS�S aPP�,Se�itY and access o�nl appffiatus.plmnbing, ."��-'s:�,'r—
<br /> . , ` batb ffibs.wau�a Aeateas.watea closets,stnks.�anges,smves,re5ig�emrs.disbwashe�s.¢'GsPu;aL4.wasi�cas,drY�s. �. ,�.��'i .:_
<br />�%'` ,. • awaings.smrm wtndows.sturm daora.screEns,bl�ds,shades,cautai�and cartain rtids.atfficfied mi�s�s.cabme�, � .:.'�:.;. '` �-�'-
<br /> . - paae�ng and�sitar.hed fiflor caveaings naw or heaeaftea att�ed oo the P�ogrrtY. a1! of wiricb. inclnding , �-;�`�"";�'.` ___
<br /> � � '� repl�aa�ts and addi�ians d�erew.shall be deeaned to be anA sematn a part of the Propcny cavered by the Seauiry �'"�`
<br /> . •� e•�; lnstrumeat Ail of the foregoing to�ether with the Property desarIbed in the Secarity 1ns�umeut(ar the leasehof� �;� '--�—
<br /> .. .. : estate if the Se�uity Inswment is on a �eased�ol� are refe�ned w in tLia l�l FaauYy Ridea m�d dce Securiry `- __�':'',--,�`:a�-�-
<br /> , �< --:�;,���
<br /> � inswmentasthe'"R�upeaty." � ' 4 _';A�'�z - -
<br /> . , - , .� B.USE OF PISO��ATY;CON[PLIA1�tCE WITH LI!'W. Boirowea shall aot seek, ag�ee w ar make a . '-' '.•• �.�
<br /> • a .•_.��_
<br /> �,. ' � � cl�ange in the_aus of the Pmperry or its zanu�g class�r�tlon.un�e,cs L.enda das aip,reeA tn wrI�ng to tbe change. � ,�:_--�: �` -
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<br /> � •. � ' Bmxowea straU.oomply with aD taws. oidinaaces. regutatians and requ'aements of any gavemmeafal body � -- ._�,�,,r,,:_"":
<br /> . . �bte w the Pmp�rcy. � --
<br /> . . , .._
<br /> - --- C.3lJBORDINATE L�TS. Bxcept as parnitred by feQe�al law.Bmrowea s��ot allow erty liea�infertor �;`, -_
<br /> " . to the 5ecurlry Instrument w be parfeaed s�:.-�st the Propeaty whhout Lend�'s prior wriuen�aiss,taa. . � • r
<br />_ _ . D.FtLNT LOSS II�1SUd�A1VCE. Bmrowa sbaU mainta�n insa�amce against reae toss�n aHdidnn w the othe� - -__--.
<br /> •.� . 4a�rds foswhicb in.suraACe b reqaimAby Uniform Covea�t 5. . -
<br /> . , . E."BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REINS"PA'�E"DELLI'ED Unifaim Cove,nant l�is delet8d. ' - : ,;. ���,.::`%'';
<br /> . , . F.BOR�tOWL�It'S OL'�dJPANCY. lJntcss l.cnder and Borrawer oW�wise agree �n writiAg. the fnst � �, _ . . °
<br /> � . , sea�tenoe in unifo:m Cave�ant 6 conceaning Barrow�'s occupancy of the Frope�ty �S deleted. Al! remaining , . � .
<br /> : . cavenanrs and agrecm�ts set fc►r�h in Unif�Covenaut 6 shall nemain iu effect � �� � ,;. ,� •�_
<br /> ' � . . ��UI.TISTATE t-4 FAl�1LY 81�E8-Fannto f�nQlFrcddlo�7ao Itni(otm loatrumont Form 8170 8109 . � • �
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