<br />t A '
<br />Cherry CjrQe�c Blook - 1137
<br />`
<br />d Ij� n
<br />' n t 014 AND GAS LEASE 1.
<br />PRoopGfi R R, t ° S «. NI w 1
<br />#0 640
<br />ItEM 7 +
<br />aI �GR�tEMENT Dladc and entered Into the � �� ^ day oft April t M � - ^ o ^ _ 1Q 6� ^
<br />b�andMMtrd e� t0 ,�ie �f►gple» aAd Be881.0 E: %pplopil, hl ;eband and wife
<br />*f r ^_ i
<br />i t , C�isX�:{r��r�fA hcremafter called
<br />y s
<br />isor ore matlins addrei! 4 +t Y» °' • s r tt (whrlhtrr one or mare), and ��'� MO�nrilselir �
<br />0� » _ - Iscreapafttir called lAssee
<br />3 » Sixteen and nbf 1� » Pollan,
<br />'( 1v N IT\ESSETtf f71ai theesni¢'l�ssot for and let eonsiderabon
<br />cash 10 ]land pad, the ,�eglo of whlgli Is hereby acknowtoilt4, and of the covenants and agreement# htn wafts, r cuntuned on paA�of nests to be paid king and per(umsrd
<br />w'i sat Xran)sd dtmixdl ljaseds ant let and by tbeso Prgsepts duty grant, dtmtP lease and let unto the said i46"0 for the sole and only purpose of exploring by genphysaal
<br />qPl! ollltr mtthuds of
<br />and oper4tsnR fur 94 and gas and of laying of pipe lines and 4f f)yildsng tanks power stations and structures thereon to produce+ save and take
<br />State of _abraAa _
<br />l�
<br />F said products qII tbafl certain trait of lland ssiitau�attejd�to the County of Zai1» s r I Y k Wk 7 W i$eai t ion` ribed as follows to wits i 4 { ( q 3 t r J
<br />4 u+ { 4 + '
<br />�i» _ acres more or less
<br />+ Sgclion , Township z 3 Range and containing ]. »
<br />Y
<br />It s age }sd that lhtr lease Shall remain in farce for a terra d 10 yeart�froiripthY date and w long lhucatta 145 oil or bas qr eithu pf them A produced from
<br />¢ s;oA lalndt to from lands with whsfh sand land as pooled thtrtwith by lesscfi, � s
<br />'Vfq IA Fonsul ralwn of ,the prtmxy the said feJsSVP Cplenaots and agrees
<br />e .' ra) To deltscx to the credit of ltasur free � cost ripp the pipe line to whlth lesx0 may conneM has robin the t4ua1 one ei6hth part of all oil pnaluced and ststd from the
<br />ijiased priories or ai ()Ie time I; opbun, may fbpy�_W tine lassur for such pas ei6hlh royalty, the morktK price for OR of like grade and uraysty presading on the day such oil
<br />x pN sin Info the pipe line of mtP aturl6e tanks
<br />ifs) Tq pop lessor fur XIS of whutwevu rlat(ire or kind proslucad and sold or ustd off the premises or used to the manlsfa4lurc of any prpdut4 thurfrum tune rl6tith
<br />% tba marline prcV at the will for the gas sold, usfsl qf( the prtsaues gr All thb manufacture of products thcnfrum
<br />s
<br />1 (r) If a gI will eapable P[ prptdtictng gaf ��nly and located on the above described lands or ore lands with which the abovb described lands or a portion there are k
<br />tgrnit dd or pnttsf�a is it my tlme s11 !t in all &t$ IiAt Vi uro to told le tust,die off dea, the oto be a wellroba dthe land' ove d scnbt Q lads produyngaLasaingpa7ling quantities pAnd uthis
<br />( serlhal'ss ;u,l shut in Iris wt. 1b p h
<br />* le ise sh 01 c olysnur in fur$�e dym all the time or times while 3u uch w,11 4 shut �s hashut tll Uutlhhalt lino unduanot obi c tsunrtoi +'na kttl'su Primary gaf unJii Ilnns�cundrtw Use a uracsrcumai 4 +
<br />II),ulce tq ip inks t toll bas c 1 ahfe of bung producrd t m @nY i },
<br />anEtK whlcht in Lasstrts 1uJl Melt cgrcWd inrgood ialth, are gut for the best mtrrts(s of bulb f�essvr ant fcsscb s
<br />` thcrepf tf there be a rental paling dale
<br />s rx Tho It rot 'stag d 41(c' as used in this paragraph r1ta# mean any rental PaYing data rihrve spry dateis of ihi� 14uentlfnmppru yry,cb stlnd dale ,hue he on the aNuve dc-
<br />0' t if o0 r ittal it1)11 6 it all Is sPVNfxd i(l this h Ise, t ref stated rile shalt mat an any h or a ill d one ar murc sueb 6145 wills capable of roducu,g I, is only and no
<br />i sgrillt d lords or oft Im4sAutlh whwh the abpsts described lands or portion t trpsf }Ire pus d !+ �
<br />is his la n sold air Al usad front) any of such gas hells pt any lime during the twtive months period endue with such sthbd aptA if the abuse ldtacnhadelandsacgse(•rd
<br />t� aXjsb 1001 dill Jtaf loch tidbit dPt4 Pay of tender to each owner pi the right t0 negate royalty use t?)e gas p educed from any
<br />tj this it Ise on soyh st led dde at ca h such owners afdreps as last owa to us ee who thb credit at each such all b i the dtpostlpry bank named htrcin in the man
<br />a �t pruvdtd htfun Ior pa7mtot gf do iy Qprtnlglst a shut to K,4 ro)ally for such Pe will,
<br />shoupt m gal loyalty shall be 3rttyrminrd as tolluwss
<br />? i The t bthl �tnlsbwi b lhlitd ti dr rand <)uha' itch aw rids ssh ,�oe} tx lie l shall lies tt thnrraf whY )! si Isdl told p One roportion told Eh g no) I tyh cr gige otttr1A n said 1 and 1Lilrrsc to the
<br />f14 , ud b ,ise n
<br />o tsbtal ournh tr }rf icru d land txncriit byp cpeb h ise nit Such I in dam lerwedse howeytr that b It such stator taste thus y %ut A bring mamty as in force and effect
<br />idhtrwiw th iR by rr ism (if Inv such slut its 6141° will or stjut m gas wells Lrasce shall not IIr uhbµd la paY to bdt7 my inch sum of musty as shut m Ras royalty
<br />k t �b lmguliet A CIS) ill ciaibje of producing gas Drill as uuP in thlr StClinn 3(cl shall mean b d n g1tide a well capable of producing ratural �a1 only or a well
<br />capable If producing ndurd gas 'ind,or condtnsate or dgtdl le or A well cla ;sloes as a gas Y y Rnvtrnsrltntal authority pr any well m which the gas oil ratio
<br />f' n# so high that a Gpsatrnmennd iulhonty will ,lot apetmit liquid hldrocarbagt to be produced that refrom PPess the Rv is an rkt5rd
<br />If pi tf "u't (6 t1,p drubs of a �stll4 for oil or Fns ire oat cgmmutad or it there is no oil or Ras hung prtductd tin silo land it on acrcaRa periled lhutwilh as
<br />4 1�itr muiftooYTosidsd obi or b% for* one Stnr from the dilte ht4ofy this Up e shall termmgto as t0 both parties units the hssce on or h fore thit date shall pay ur itndtr
<br />% the lessor or to the lessors crtdsl in the SItate B&nX of Cairo -I Bank at Cairo j YebroLaka
<br />tit
<br />Its ,suteasson, which sbtll continue as the dtposlt ry fofor rtntal re},ardless of changes in the owotrshlp of sa1lf lands the sum of - -
<br />t s F-Orty SM loo /100 - .. - .. • • w r. w �. � .v � . • .. .r .. � . � � � DOLLSAS
<br />M 4k r e Q » s s )which shall ,ixrltq as k rental and cover did pri%&ge at deftrnnot the commtncemrnt d operations for drilling of a well for twcl e
<br />sk" n�nith} irom said rite In like miw1su and ll' bkb pa7lnants or t }ndtn the cmnmtncamtut of optrabons for drilling of a wtll may be further dvftrred for like panods
<br />4f, the anlb numbs# e4 months stuc,ssist)yf %It paym its or tendtn may be made by chide or drift of itsxµ or any assignee thcred mnrkd or tlebserrd on uF btfure the
<br />1441, the p nlb dale It 15 undtrsbad and thread lilt the rnn)ultnbon first recited htr in the down p1 ymtnt eosin nut poly the prnih6e Granted to the date wntn sod
<br />s first n1S(yl is q thje of alort,iud but iIsq the lesser t ng Y of nreintal that or ro a uu as 1 a an >s dab an 1 book and ocated so the rights me county7ewntb shelf irstoamrdsihailt hdue
<br />yt rt tits? crust wltfjout a success, r its ta. or s.4 Issi6ns an. d posit i > l !t P a
<br />s' npc� tsf ouch d posit to bg ma Isd to lts{or at lay known address
<br />r s g 4 gat ro)albts) at s agreed that the trmlmltun of a life estate
<br />NIt s to' lolly PPSment of d the r16ht receive delay rentals and nlalttes (including shut s
<br />It term sniriyrtt mttrrR or AUltr pretrt�rnt -it to! whorthy the T.tssor %ball crisis Into pnssesssnn or use of an mttnst m said land shall sufipd to ill the prptisions of this
<br />tease bee},mg tfftcbse from and rifter the c del whin such Lessor shall hase furnished saltsf100"Y esidance to t,a ate shnwm* the termination ito of such life estate nrit
<br />i Most sal orb Tait or other precedtnt state but for a�l athtr pnropusl tits lease shall c'atef such Inttrest as and when )he Lessor shall so corns Into the possession or use of rt
<br />'i (ti fhsice t� its Iphun tt h rt)Y Ri�atq the nG11t sail power lP QTinon nonlinear c rrshme he lord cntrcatj by tMtt lease or any portion linens( or formations Able ttod ns r as to 1
<br />3^ 6r�Y ddsee pS>rif I(Ibheralees later I enso s r ipdt stro ucDo ^ofwwhuhts untndsimd a to tilt rx~saw th rieprcisto isuch uthtriland rltase or Itaases n ;uch P� line totiIto 'o 0 „
<br />will unit or uuitf not exeeedtnt f "rev e40) %cre, plus ad tcrear'o t)%rance at kn per tent ( 19%) of forty (40) acres for oil end not axcciding six hundred and forty
<br />640) knits, phis an tcreage t4l rinyp of stn ter ant (loll.) tit its hundrttt and forty (.640) unK for Rat except that larger units m y be ernotad to conform to am
<br />s tyng, e r will unit psttarp that mail ha preeenhrd 1iY gnstnimental autht+nbel bVIIN )on diction no paobn in our or more mit -trio +s sh iH not exhaust the n6hts of {f
<br />I i sir 1x11n ore ip ppt+l tss la llE partiants tbtrco, si (ur nations thertundei, mtq ether unto Iws ee +h'ill tx(cutr m wnlmR and pier of nn If In Rise ill
<br />{tv ut sir hs uleuhr' Q 1 t de�nbAL0 pnes'I to acreage It' f"rrtan dnllmR or rrworkng nixritmna in)where on a unit which mclud s all or a PiA d this lease hall
<br />lr �ba� )r gbYl s of A rem Pr uttlonfdnlsnR or rcitnrkm0 ^p�nnmss mldu this lease Ip lteu if the rn)allies (Ixcept'nX shot III Gis rn)tlUts) el awhire holm prcif,td
<br />wswr shi_I�rtotlsr fmn3 a�unit xi fjstvt}rd Rplv'.1.uch ptsAlnn If the royalty stipulated iserem as the amount of his acreage placed in the unit r his ro)a1tY ntenst therem
<br />Arst to tlhi!!'' total AcretGe as pv)lyd t partial tF amt mvnhed In the absence Of production J.assee may itrminate and umnaed area h) fdoX of record nstice of
<br />�alirnnaAi, u`ph,s the In tnument�,ok nstntmepq s ,ptifsmg and dtcePbing Thos unibred area contain prosisions for tersnsnatlP11 upon artun contirgtncics
<br />r z if ppn,1 t0 dss set id tl x aa3 �ri sa and tut on acre`tGe pooled thercwuh,. lesser should drill a dry boll 0r hnles thereon w if after dlscastr3 of oil Tar has prudut
<br />n tharcafatr sltnul(1 tgtsr for anv Muars this leaatr shall rid l4rr+tmatr d Sesser txlmmrnexs ad¢rtsonal drilling or reworking nptraisoos tlithm axq tool Jafs thuriftrr
<br />(,if
<br />it 1b� wdhin tTr prim iry treat varimrsscrtll or ri%unus the pa3mtnt of tcildtr of rental Pn or before the r nisi pa)mX rite met rot being liar the txon sal I three
<br /># ( ) n one, fr th the i r of ctrmplrtsi�gp�, nF }y dry hold or ei st itlnn of production If at the eaplrabon ,d the pnmaty term nil ar Ras is n A hrinR pr, rocs d pa slid 1 end , r
<br />-r a eretla JIMA thcH bth�iinvltthrii'rFll thheretRtr comtltenandiitvrth PO pcerssa {nnofalmprc thirpe1slxTyie00 )sconsecutneada)s anIt
<br />sthry Xewlt ert`e0pruduclun ifhdl
<br />$y Alter (In ,lsto At", 1s3
<br />enll # sl�iat l` iFi(s 1U' ft ritaul lit tf�rtt limit thntaflttr is ntth production rcoonnucs
<br />t t �,4y lftaitl ltsluCCp wgf alias satirist m (Ass' pMne de At;t tl l,md than the tntlre and undi iclel ire simple estate therein. then the royalties and rantals htnm prosid d shill i
<br />x 4 TsLt Ppid 1111 ltisn nil h pmpmtina sF& Misl� interest iseap to the whole and undssldrl frr Any sparest id the production from ills lands boon dtscrbtd to which the
<br />n rest g$ I5joy easy % s+ +ct hall lie deijucSed fror11 the Malty harm rFStd+rd r
<br />t r 1'e"Wt(sea)! r,Fa� Ner� ir�..�.hl to ust4ef of � sass .4 and waltr produced A sand lands for lessees operalloih thereon except, wAter from the ),ells of lessor
<br />rt`ptCin 1ptly,,r1�ilisee 'halls'bury lessees papr„ hires belo* plow deptltf -
<br />x �rnl� k�i tbtiRtk seam th -4n 200 fret to the ho"ukv tlr'hvrn sI,PW on said premises wslIkout written consent of lessor
<br />ssrhfihtfl ?Y faro ittmal{Ss caused by )essee1 optr�ttgns 1p hrPwlnli crops on said land
<br />i' ay es "she {bill.111-0 t4right at any time to Armov£ alt machmcrY and fnxturcs placed on said Prtmues including the n1 ht to draw and remmV ca m6
<br />p 1
<br />if the Vitale of tit i lbirly hereto s ps'igned -sail the pnvlle t$ assigning thaielanor o pis Rnnunts (if Yntalµirdro) lti�sah411 1H alm,rmg ill An thtiiI ss eluntil all ir
<br />aclmsnt'tratnri suepriiort or w1orpyl hilt net chan6e ig the pwncrsh,pt 1
<br />' {be leiw�r has thB turi+l bed with cert led Mpt}t oC munmunu of bile tlgrangmnX blh fro" is ;Tart and it is htrvby isrrtgL ihtt m the as Tat this li 1 t hill ht n fin d
<br />:< 1. of )0 a alt or as t{f �t++ffAs atd the alI0Y0 i(r'Fnl}}t d i mill met that assl6n b pgr asnXnets n( such Part or P at# sh dl fad or m Ike d f it' I ill the p is n t Tat f t1 a pr p rti In
<br />s XA t{ ti n nnfs durJroUt Mm 0r t)trmf a�tttl dcitult shall u t narrate to dtfttt or affrct this le *0 in so fit n5 it coon a aA ur pints d slid lads up n which tit vIt i1
<br />an assiXptl' tltrnni shalt mak! grid pyment of aid rantal In case lesser assi6nli this irate in whole or in itsstr shall he nhtstd (If tU uhliRlh ns with ,
<br />e to }K of l ;r llsiiRnrd porlmn or portions arising its sequritt tit the date of asnti nmuA 1n the ev rnI of death a ryt Parson per os t0 rent di h r o , r it , e ma)
<br />Q rinds* such rtnhlE tgehhee credit ut tlsr rite tied ur the estate if that deceased until such brag it lassre A fumishtd with to per tsitisna if the upn)r t Tat and lush
<br />1 (sSStt,Pn of m gxtcutor or'Idmlgtrlratts of the retain or if ttstrq he Ronr then until lessta is furpished with avdtnce satuitetoq is it as to 'hr hors Ir tls`Irstlus £srtltn
<br />tfi ct awd' if aC any tlnlg M0 or wfoM pertPns Ise tntitlrd to Pa"1101" tr ip lhf resttll ps)ahlp rrunddd }r Tit site may aaY ur tender bud 1 std nml, to nth Ps IV top
<br />a )P ltbi t urdtt to the tit aOStti of said rental# la whi lt, n
<br />itory n#mt d ken in of at Lessee so t ectitint th pro portion , Par, bit portion � the sint kli lit reond,ir oball na I, a this
<br />fa tt tfi Ilan w par lllly, or tp Ms uparlte credit sn s yd dt pmuory. and pap m, nt or U s lq
<br />4 } , lease as (o such paAicitsaPt ,
<br />B
<br />if lasitlyb may al any time and from tirnb to tone, execide and delivrF, to ifispII ar plane elf rtcord a release ar releayspcotvennX rithsv a full uittrtlt or an undl Id
<br />x tut nisi Ill all or tnY Part of Ihp leased priories ar IV anp one or snare zones+ (nrinantsnt pr demhs untjrr)vmR alt ar an of tole kastd ur im+ s aid tlunupIf hill
<br />rthtvrd t1( all ul,ht rbons lhrrcaf((r to acvruo with sat to the Ana zones, form(hans d Allis )r }indisded anises k cpvrred by such eel air ]n the +suit d a re
<br />S" ise if this f %iP a to rill t th r its only a Part Of else Ana embraced in the Rased Promises or " to in undkided mlerrst to all formations sn All it a part of slit leased
<br />l�sr sites „ehirtaft r they, delay senttir btremalrme pro'lded fat shall ke reduced p 'Po Y s r fire
<br />fi }t ile n rnllinp„ pr,i tl£) n air u �tnkr +oil ffrrrnrc¢rs w,t�iV w�orkrnt % fanilure 4I carrrra rs to transport Ior labor iilr facdits'" afar trans A AwP 0( ?nY pr aiuttdl!�siialntrd hire
<br />a�it , 'A If n,�ixlinn uuuira n n n ovemmrntal aRtnC' Unc111e1mg but rid
<br />fi u
<br />d, I, it�lt f As 011,41:101 ores al'(lctory market ill Lessee t Daimon for the oil 0r gas Prpducrd. or as a n suit d an order 4f any K
<br />s a
<br />i'
<br />� ry' rr i t i ss i r
<br />I _ J. �
<br />