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<br />!F Vl f
<br />a
<br />t i tx 1, , 'a s t t' zt + "jr r s , ! . SAgStUgPltfNfCOjItG r
<br />OO � a $ sy r , t° 4` C� g +1' il.t'j� \I lObi�irllli�I
<br />PROPUC0 g of { R a t O 1 L � Dt V,{7 { E �}
<br />ZrJ ii�j r a.y g �', Y "•lt,�' s
<br />R4g4 i F'Fp'r r t s E t s r 1 }a
<br />s4t REM Made d entered Into the# is v + dW w �$tl p jr ^ - + F^ x ► F at �i » }9 # _, .
<br />f 4 4 3 '{. T +r ^� ” �f} A _ 4 .emu
<br />a `�
<br />Is .�aY ' * ±y_ kta i + ,, % rr
<br />wbg* rar In� �ddloss tip ` Q dh MlYrlsl�� ft SYlE~� i v R j F � y d j ry -k _ , bere+niY�t� a �5
<br />s{e Iwhrthvt rtk or momi� ands @�I�C 91 j R (� a r r
<br />1..k.,+.+ f ,II I al. I i m -1, r .i- lj,i�$�c sL .1.. 41.1' .. .. c- 1. er r^ # 4- �! A F v �' {a , t Fr^ - ., 4retnaflo� falLlyj Lei f,{
<br />N IT-, SS Ijt $that tho ni lessor for and In epnsi alt d Allot w�� "a a � "' • i • '� + 'r
<br />,pills tp hen¢) hid, the r ice set #which is M}j by ackn ledjle ds and of the DVe nq and yagrcemen}}�p hcrc n�f " gon�tmed oR pa4 of IWO to be path, kept apt perforoh�:
<br />blip 'grant 4e scj% It�Sfdyand lei and b� tiles# presrnb der s grprit� drmisee ease and iE� onto thin $aid ]tsy#e or die $alt pnd�arhf purpa5f of t9leiring by gcophywor
<br />Aid uth lime`h �r, 11) Uing 44 opErattng fof oil and etas, and 21 laying, of pipe imOs, pi 4 building tan )cs po1ur�ttattopr end slruelur9t{ there" to prgdype, save and ta�l
<br />cart OF pay! Rroduc all tbnlycertalp tract of land situated is�tia Ctounty eit.Falf `40 Aif f alo r � , t Stpte d 122 rf t�
<br />i desClib ''s 0AWs, Wwtt agS53i`f r,.G.Qxi. .1s7 �: 1.2 r �� "- ° ` I , ^ ° w ✓ "�c A .. ^N- ^ :-s ^ -•-
<br />IF r
<br />r t�c^
<br />Ei� egGQA y » x , Towrlsbip _ _ n Range _ and ontatmng r7 SL51 ^ T T ' acres, #pore fN less.
<br />$ Itt�(t agreed that tit's leisq shall rematp in force Joe a tt rm of tt� ^ yearn front this date, and as long'tlJ" aftcK u op re bas or erthoe of them N produtsrd from
<br />set land W frogs 1Ands with Mhlcb sold land y puole¢ tbuvWitlr, by,lessep s r 5 r
<br />A
<br />ionp1 crptwA E the gntratstt the said lesskp Wvenanti and aj,reem t 3 t
<br />(p) T`e? dtivtk to the credit Ems lesssse, ftgo of cost /a the pipe line to which lessee moat' gonnqo hµ wells the Equal one - eighth part of oil oil produced and saved from the
<br />lepseAA prgmixs, EM at titp lei s option, mpy pay tp tM lesstd for suck one -eight rot tlty, lhd MR et price for oil yf 1114 grade apt gravity prevailing o n the day such oil
<br />is rug At the Pipe JIUe or in stpragq tar"
<br />(b) Tq pay lesser# fpr g't of Whictsoeyor nature A km'¢ produced and sold„ or used off the presnuet, of used in the manufacture of any products therefrom, onet,tbth,
<br />a! the n(tir]p4 pace at the 'AtQ for the �a# sold, ufret off tbo }#re fined oC in the mapufaetufe of p(oditets therefrom, t e ,
<br />I% C) jj It gap ail} c+pablp of ggrodgqt rig get onlyP acrd located oq the abeivp dcscnbeA lapdi or on lanQp with %hlch jhe abpve d seabed lands or It portion thereof are
<br />ppp1, cy ynlns,d If, at 'illy tints sbut't and rig ct)i lhcrt[rom q sold pr used off of the abpve dtscrilied lands, err in t q menu ocher !E nutura4 gasplIgp or etlhw Rroducts,
<br />ncr ell hrlcsi su44fi squ( ro gas +�rU shall. Undrr qN provwartp of thy_ lease he deemed to bo p well on the,ybyvb dtscr set tonne pr acing r m PeyFn 4upn►rGep Anil t u
<br />base
<br />bell untinpq I? jorese tunass uu the 1i1I0 or lm while su k well is 50 shut hey whether } fpfe or attex the rxptrptlug of the Rnmary hello Lessee s all xyse rrpsonph e
<br />delgrnce morktt llie bar capab[p of being produced frgqm any such shut m gas well but shall 1» urges no pbltgalpn to ,market so(. gat undri temp conditions err cucuat ",F
<br />stancelt v Ich, to Irsxr ju gmetit ex }r iced 1p good Samba *are not for 14 best terestt of b Itii rI essa an seen.
<br />' 17s ter slated cute' as use¢ In this 43 graph ball mean any rent PN jcsx data of this Icasp nor any subsequent annhenary thereof d there bq a_ £cn(pj paying dyne, `
<br />bu nB ffsntrl paying aid is specified is t lease, then stated taint s a peeatt any annivgr;ary date r this lose, jf on any such staled dap there b6 oq the Above 4p
<br />& son d o ItD or on lanE o is welter lM abbTlit rise- tlFed lapel' err /sorGun thereat are pooled ii unitittd. on or Moro such gas wells capable ui ralucuFl I only and no
<br />! q�y( to h en snit w used Iroid any of such gat Wgib ut any temp during thtt twgflve month# prnu�l lading atilt such slated slate Taesseb shah hefted t esPtrattva vE
<br />s slat 0 l` du $(ter seed stgkd dpte pay ix lendcf to eye owner of the clot tit rtY'elve roya ty6 u the gat produced from any part of the alcove described lan h covered
<br />l by th IF a oSSf suck stated date at each suck pqottery addres all last knp++n to fesseet or to tM err of card sttc►t owirar to the depositxy bunk gamed herein, Ui the map
<br />P nc� prove hrjreso far, Payment of delay rcntalst a shut to ga; Loyalty for sucb penes which sjru} i Cab royalty shall befdetermined qp follower s '+
<br />f7ie G111t� aQjnwtt of shut ik gut roulty ay able to all such owners shall be determine¢ by mult,plying CStie I)glbu� it p0} by the It d numijar of pony d land covered
<br />by 5410 lEa5# an such t ote d data, and tae# such awne7 shall raeeivily that pad I reof wbKlt a IN the proporti p t , his royalty acnrga i rlert$t ill said land .rears to the <
<br />to ld numb of to % 4 land "Ncn d bs+ such lease on sucb st 1G d daces 1'rottded Jtuwevgr that if on sued �s41e� V(,t,jQ (j+is )else to bell, maintained to force and effeyt
<br />of Ise g,.. by �isga Ed on such shut in uAs well or shut sa gas wells. l; %wj Shall not be obltCed to pay or it ter any suck sui* Of money at shut In gas royally
<br />71W 1 n gel,,,ssshhh gpt w�l) ,apatite of producing (,alt only" as ustd in this SectAO 3(c� shall mean and inelulle a well ,,peels of plpducing natural gas only ps a Weer
<br />capah e r s _X pt}tgal gad and or o de nsate, or distillate or a well etas }died as Call well by any toverprptntat agthori�y or any well o whtcb the gtyt oU #alp
<br />n to tFgl} ltsoC�t Rvtrmgsental aulhunty wtl not permit liquid )pdrocarboru tp be produced therefrom unless iTe gas is marketed. r
<br />4 If of pc IyolM for lharttrlllin of •well hr[ oil or Cat xnp apt commenced or d there » nq tit >f gaf hemp produced on said Bind or oo acfengo pooled therewith as
<br />ht it aft, rtlyi}eltj �oil gr be ore one star, from tM di(e here FP, this haste shall laminate a# to bbtk patties unto +t the less* yp qr Wore that date shall apay or tender
<br />to tbg l�s ok�pt(i the lyssor s credit tR they tSt�4r9 - %rill, Q; L`ailV li ^ Bank at _ Cairo,h
<br />or its So So i�ely�+4�+ iih It it cc tan ye as the de i}}1, 4 few rental regardless cli ch}nget 14 t14 ownership of said land.�the �uas of
<br />1t4ii� i "' ,rr..T4� ?6rTy mt Wad �'1 r E • " t l .. •` • •^ • R 1 ..� * ^ ^ • . r . - • • ° OOLLARS
<br />4.1 00 ^ ` ♦
<br />tf? �- ' � which "shall operate ps alai and cover, the ArivB See of dcfernng the romnsencemen! at operaGgM for drilling, of a well for tactic
<br />mrnrths fromial dine Ii like ntvnlxY and uptrp 17ta pays nq uj tenders the comincnctmrn! of oprraloriit fc* drilling of b well may be further deferred for like enacts
<br />r the sailiq nymber of #gently successivelyf Ali Payments ten crs may be made by check: or draft of lessee or any assignee thereof mailed or delivered on or before the
<br />rental, pa)mg date It Is unlltrstood red igrcrd that the c nsidcrxtisiA first recited herein the dowp,Pa ##tent, corers nut only til�µo, pavtleg granted tto the date when said
<br />first real d I Rayah)et Ut Afprtsads but also %be lessee s nbht of exit nding that Ri.nod As Aforesaid and Any acid eel other fig. conferred Shyuld the depository bank
<br />herrrflr eta wrth'Ut a successor lessee or its assigns may deposit rentals or rroalticM in any Naponal ban1G located m the same county with the teat opined dealt( due
<br />n
<br />Its tr suck el sit to btu mailed to lessor at laskrlcnown addreM t
<br />I Ritk ##+port to that pa) "t of and the n hk to rcTcIX} dgay, rent Ills and ro)alttq (inducting shut in gas ro)altics) It is agreed that the termination of a lire estate
<br />term uumr tut ?aR err uthcr precedes! estat es nerdy tM f,cssur shat Mme into possesslop or use of an mtertst in said land shafts suhmcct to all the protisions of this
<br />1 die rrcprty rffrelvejf o�ir,and,astt tkd ttpte w it such Lessor shalt ha +e furnished satisfactory etidence to Lcssie shown/ the ternFtnabon of e such life ,stater item
<br />m {nerd in ttnsY ut Ulh�r' prrerdepn$ a .lee. but fEirea .,hP furw,opses this lease #shell co "e'; aJlclj lgter sl a} and %hen, the 1x5sorrshaU so cfmp into i"s FSsion 9t use of it d4
<br />R t e s ,t�etx o phun� it, errrhy Cisrrr the n�ht and Pc
<br />'Pt to pool o► cugnbine tip I tsF� cp +E cr y h tµ lriy`se or any portion thereof or jurmalonnyy theretyrso s as to ojlI
<br />rid sat 1�rr rithtq"of thyi,t ei Fxfpre js {rr produclul��et wj h j;ny:plhFt' tapd, a of a w a in Lessee's jodgmcrtt tt 6 necessary at }dvisable I tit so id cyder Io(�
<br />r jr jrurty EkXcl,p Ot opera�p said Pnmises inn Irnspteljvd E wext,x aythority sic tar to this to +tt with nspec� to such utber lend Rase or cases such pocill" to be Into
<br />6 v well,und of puitsenoS edrrs lgft)r (40) pttrs p pd a�reage torrancs d te, per 111 (10%) of forty (9D) Secret, for oIU and not exc Wmg sill hµndred and fort;#
<br />E 640) Krtoxs, plus an screartiip tollerance �s�(( Ito pc7 con (30°k sr till bun jed and forty (640) acres for gas, except that larger urU4 may be created to conform to any
<br />Piung s�.%§ will unN pa titre lb -st ma> 4ip.,prt ntrrd it' IWterryncntal uthant),cf, haSmC JunsdiclFgn, The pooling tq one qr mode Inslancrt shit! not rxhatyt the nghG of
<br />the iAISA. }terinnder t6 Ao lhib f }a*.c of portion$ thereof of rgrmatonF tllcnunde4 iny(ji1 uthrr unlit: I,.ESStyv�� shall execute iQ wnGnq and Pl'ua of record an instrument
<br />'r InstrUFFinnn���'p tdtnlifytn ,lieE�, dddrre���nbmC tM petted acreage PrptIuctiea. d ll nil 4r reworkinit t r�Gons anywllejp� on a unit w (ck includes all or a art or this hair shall
<br />I,a tna *d'r� t� lafilrs,¢iiilS!} drilling or rev
<br />operalurnt µhdrt t ease In Into Elf thlr m)�IGes (excepting shut M ices ro)allrs} elsrwlsrro herein slx�cificd
<br />t ssESr sh l era + f h ]lilt ijjso formed only suck portion of,t� m)pity stipulated herein a1 the amow)t of hell acreage Placed m the unit Or has royalty interest therein
<br />teats test t u 1fk s pi��p+ 1IV the articular rt mvdvea' to tee absence of prpducttod i,,csSee may tgrmmate any umticed area by filing of record notice d
<br />t #nun t , tr y "rjltj I sorr�nts sdrU Yiat; tmdtdt lunst t zop AMR ntaip prtnistoid for termination upon certain rtonl+ngeneucs.
<br />Ea li� i { {{ j� s°
<br />If 1:14r to i(ts t�� e# i�yyttti pit +SQtd land. c» ilcrenge pooled therewst lestis should drill a dry hole or bolts tbLFeOn or if after discovery of OQ Err gas reAftto-
<br />Ism tlMxre,Iftar Owns USX , alt' {yt+s* thy; learte shAll not tinpinate if lessee comrrlences additional dnling or reworking operations within sixty (60) daft tkcrraftt +t
<br />r (if d 1rp �+ 1�u n/� fim�a(rryf r�IiJsain, gn4rj Err rasunseie thll payment or )ender of n that oa or hrfor�s tM rental paying date next ensuing after the tipuation of three
<br />t 9) mEUFtlit Irodt fi 11 acPit Fpm yFtY ,dry -hole 7 ct station elf prndllcdt)a if n! th� expiralutj of the primacy term vA or gat L not being produced on said land or
<br />n u1eaC4poMlsd t 1 .lR hilt {s'+spa ar (keA enFngEA m tllFUing ,�}� rrwoilttnml nRr aito(IS thereon, this lensa shall amain in affect so lung as o(rrraunro are Prosecuted
<br />ether on ill serest 0 nidl e,weff then after comnunot with no cessation of more trap sixty (60) consmuthq days, tan¢ of they result in the production pF pit
<br />r r b'7, 'k. I, �i# ah *r} ern irn ffbcj, 4m fyrnll rthr�tuitcr at suck ylrodUCtiolj cogGnues e s x, rl i p
<br />R If r hssoA" wt 1 pr t abgqve disc cbed land than the enNm and undivided r simple cstgto therein thra tM rgFtjtks and rentals beam provided skate
<br />Ike 01, t 1 ioi/pgll�isl piv v�k his inheres! he rq to the whole and nctivrdrel ire Any In is tlt# proouc�tnc em the Iontts lierato de set' to whisk the
<br />initr"* of its F.11r^ily�tli! SliFn,>l ll ril`d£ductrd from tkd myaity'i heretp +restSv �' E w i
<br />9 Upv Alp bivbdta C�jo sseet� fre& at coA ga "t, oil anti,' water Produced oq said land for lessee, a operatsob thrrfeh, except )+ tiler from the w�lls of lessor
<br />+.Vhe�y rrgoesltd,ly > vo SpstS;fskait� bury dTelwe i pipe lines belgw plow de;I4,A v
<br />\ "o we II sia� use drilk¢ qe r rl4 2 tiro! td t lit fur pt b new said err p w i{Jtout written cup d insect'
<br />w r pe k on ()0 h " era on d rrsti
<br />IA sxtic +�taJl,io5r dlhmn 3 €ruse¢ fix. r,sSe s opelagotia in CreJ.winll proem trl ,said,E
<br />LAsx14 hall tltyai tfie ngh A Etii� Gene t0 FcFV%p alit Mpchiricry sand jtxtureb placed on said premttesr including lM right toxurA and remove casing. n
<br />IOr It IJr a +sal` Elf tithi poesy "l}tretp iii assigned -AcI4, the pfi?eai� p( gscignins im. gliolp K is part is expressIt allywed --tbe covrnanto hector shift extend to their Marx,
<br />unttvis„ sdmiplstrpl?ry pt r$So nr asslCpY but n change ip the ownenbip of t11# IRA q atrgnments it rental or ro)alttga shall be binding an the itis -e until +fter
<br />the le 4 rs 4a4 keep ditlrtat+htd wit Farts {ud co �i:OnFUafpienti of titSR delafRntnW tftl }rani tcssurf and d is tj rhy agreed than fa the the this lease halt he and
<br />is a Its9 �iari!/�t s,► d t ipprt! 1 the abat driil}Irihi [4a lands and tA# asstttilcp or AS igares of s ch part or parts she fag oat• make default to the p I meat urn of ,donate
<br />I 1 i gip eats Up Will ht{sy Or the stte da aoil shag it 4 E errplF to defeat or Affect tp}i!s lie i m s fyr ty d ,ova is a p1R tq Parts Er said �andt upon Nhitk the sold
<br />1 ii eve Pa III, '$signs-* tMtcuf shall ma It dire payinei�j Eri sal rrntaly ifi case Icssrw txsigF� this 1 apse. 1s$whuf4F cr in part lrssrt+ shin be nluved Of �U uhbgitluns with
<br />t +lace tsl the asstgnt¢ portjpsl or ports ryp anujjR stt),srquf,! to t date 9f A.,gamen Ia t1+ft event Et) daatk of an person entitled to rtntilt lttrruniltr lysx# may Pap
<br />err ern f tut ern t) la The credit r t dehastc or tfig a tutor E tM decta}rd tmtil sUCk htae o} lessoo y fulwnlit Niel} pnlot tvnian of the inpoiglmtnt and gaols
<br />icettnq lit I xs�`tj(r i M f�rjepim ;erg {rq the q$Wt (at et I r fpspo ne*. thels upggf 1egce Is form,% ed wale CAIit4 rt, satlstA, tory to t as^ to the be to or lic, its ul tM
<br />(It cease if If dl an pgto l[Mst0 nr more revg4 het nett d tg pyrtt 'Do t 1 Jegii pa} ah krr44pc� f. �' cr May PAK of to der sail$ lntal jollity to such persons or to
<br />thine jaigt cretllt ig the tlelxisduiy itamgtl lttret to SA lafseat tleFtan�, tltp NI l(pna lain of said Ira yes to wbtc�i ft Lt
<br />Participant u rpUthd may be paid Ex stn
<br />delyd to 11+m s parilly Eg W h sop rp prd iA said d posfttr7l an¢�Pa)mr,iia�f stn er to any pdnc�iPapt of hip peAiva of tM naiad benundrr shall maintain this
<br />I. aim As t40 sucy Rglficipa[It, 1 x t +
<br />3,}
<br />1 f #attire may. a4 aP7f Ifgtr and ftortt preys to liitjat eaE cutip and drlLytu to I i s or D plate EF record t� ##leas# M releaser ,porn} q either a full Interest or an uncle idad
<br />+n n 4 la all or any part or Ih4 icast, pre mistyl OF is anji one err jngm ;oricsa !ortttateon! grntbi un(vils ing all, or any part err hiss leased ptemlx7t and the reupoq shell
<br />Tae relµxed of ;¢ ElhhgaGolip tlWrrlf* to act.rUe wltl► rrsPP4 t0 ilia gxret, rim fipliattats drptlij rif undivFC)rd mtertrq c�trred by su h release Ip tho. rveFu of a re-
<br />h tip yIf the 1 }thee as to all, ny,)itq IR only t part of t11M err emhraged OR fM irasr4 prt(nism or list to an undivided 114cfe R is Alta formotiecnp to xU ewer A putt of the It used
<br />premises, FlU aerie# 1110 ?Jay Sa nt iTt 11cre1ntlify prov idy � fpr shalt be tcO%iw# proportionately
<br />111 Nlaq anlling, prE+d0gjinm fit otJlpil nppoerattoritt a» netaayyetls inlerc -pr qr skPBe(11ist t�a�cit iii valves 1iahtir mattnal, inability to ol,tain awss to h ks d prrmists fire
<br />f►tsnyi, viir� nixlJunt msluktYtb a rlj,t stnAe+, diff4wrl with workmen, I Ter» of ctrrtere td eranspott or IUrnish facilities fur ttansporldlloo of any product prnduprd here
<br />Undc,5 Jic% of 0%AA Rif h4 f; spry mayr]rtt, f tip s !,ps n, fof trt9r oft gat prodNCttit %qr of ; rcsult of aasprsl r of any jjp>temmefFtgl �grritg. (+ncllldmg hilt n t
<br />i lit' ) r t f ? j, * F4 xt �,-. � 1 1 a ", e'}t ir� kn
<br />5 ti 'r ° r ,( t 1v v .3 a .°9 r w r ? gt� ' t
<br />{
<br />t E 6f Ex )I�
<br />}�F � i.-
<br />aae)^ f 5 is t'fit t i e wi , d F u't '+ M�>1 4 r wt { q ,� 5 e r 1 4 I s .a s A
<br />%I I
<br />ifr4 �ii � 4 +,i i 3 l xI'r'
<br />y
<br />" } a
<br />