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i•"a• /// At <br />I i <br />F <br />tit+N��S)p Aa ; WS iotY&;';11x1uhdREP" .�VRk'FWCMrxw O� <br />✓OiPK�d . <br />4 O I L AND OAS LEASE <br />REV t ea If ( I J . <br />AGREEMENT hfad and entered into the _ lga <br />by and Ixtwcen 7 - - ' A3Mir'!►�t �'rg dA r -. ^ t ` s vT - <br />q'^ ^! y rte,, t" ,, r c t ^i, t t � fi ' rt" i ,S' <br />whose tftatitng addresi v w' » _ �a✓ Ql ; b��R,a� a r u c? ^ { r _- p -- i m ^ „ _ hereinafter celled <br />Lessor (whether one or more) and _ _ i�(^j�/nLs/��. _s ! r .1t.1_ <br />C # 1 r l t t� t Y t / <br />K i ^,� i "_ "' _ "" �."' , 7,. _ ,* )- .. .. y ,- » _ ♦ bereink.flcr LCASOe <br />1 WITNF,,SSlETAj That the said lessor for and is conaidgrsttioa of _ `wOot �( 1�4 QQ+•,r, se sfaar *„* o xaet se Rsaxaeo sgl,.yt _pollen <br />cnsly m heard paid' the receipt of which 4 hereby ac))[sow ed ;et; and d the covenants end agrec,rtent! herrItio i coptath" op part of lessee to be paid, kept and performed, <br />has grasped dtmutd, ]eased and ict and by these presents does grant,` demise, 1�sw and let' unto the said lessee for the }o)p pntr grvl V yu'W* of explorjni by geophysical <br />and ot?!er n.etluids rain }ni and operating !or p!I ajo gas. aid Pf laying of pIn Hom anti of buil)Iing tanks powur ftjttion/ and sfruch4co tbpyeoa to produce, sari and take <br />cgre of said products, all dept certain tract land situated in the County of <br />described as follows, to wits i v+- , * <br />— — •. — _.r. y. _ r. » _ —e ^'' "t — — — — it •- -•,... _ -.... -tp i.. .. <br />Township Range and Coatatalnt -.. —,e <br />i�A �T T x T <br />of Section 11 A4 _ acres, more or less <br />2 It it agreed that this ]else Shall remain m force for a terse of 10 _ years from th)f dote, and at Iontts hereafter as oil or gas or eiQtej of them u produced from <br />sand land or from lands with which said land u pooled therewith, by lessee, r- „ i <br />3 its consideration of the premises the said lessee fuvorants and agrees, "° s <br />(a) To deliver to the credit of lessor free of cyst in the pipe ling to which lessee may connect bb well this eggd one <sahtb past of all oil produced and saved from the <br />u�ryp to these jx Lneh{eul�pto storage tanks pay Io the lessor for such one - eighth royalty, the market ptfcp� far o of hlu grade and gravity prevailing on the day such pH <br />(b) To pay itssor for gas of whatsoever nature or kind produced Anil sold, or used off tf� prembe• used it the manufacture of any products therefrom, one - eighth, <br />at t�te market price at the well for the gas sold, used off the premises, pr its the manufacture pf ksroducls *Mfrgiib <br />(e) If a gas milt capable of producing gas on and located go the above ascribed lands pR on ends with which the alp ve described lands or a portion thereof are <br />poorid qqrr unihitd a it any time shut ii and nog therefrom is solo Qr used o of the above seem londs�or (p the manufacture of natural gasoline or other produfts, <br />nevsrtheless such shut in gas well shall under all tb provisions of this ]ease he eemag to BO 4 Wolf oa ttyf atbhove,descnbrd lam producing gas in paying qupnUtsn and that <br />It ass sh ill continue in force Bunnt all the time or tittle} while such we I( s so shut In w ether bfforq ( , aEtpt a expirytiop of t" prtpsary tens. Lessee shall .54 reasonable <br />diligence to marlitt the ga ;capable of beml; produce Pram any, such shut in gap welt, but sb U W under no oblsyygttoq to market s ch,gas under terror, conditions or curum- <br />stan� t whuvh In Lt$SLes judgment, exercised in golaa faith, are not for the best (nterestg of lip# LessgF and I:esse% , 13 <br />,Free tsrro stated d the as used in this p ragraph ,hag mean any rental paying dot} ok that least q� any sgbslquegt rnivprsa4 thereof if there be a rental paying diets <br />but�,if np r ntaI pi)uig dates specified in this lease then stated date shall mean any anniversory date elf lids ]ease I( oq an ucb stated dab there be on the above de <br />s.I, fan s or on lands Nitis vs hit the Above described lands or rtion thereof pre (Ized, ors a <br />Ad Fo 1 pooled or urn Ala moro such g ells capablls of producing gat only and no <br />t, is as ern sold or so used from any of such gas wells at any time during the ewe ve months jr nod epdins with suejt stated ally Lessee shall, before the expiration of <br />sixty (60) days afro such stated date pay or tender to each owner of the right to receive roya ty on thg g produced frorp any pate of the above described lands covered <br />b ts ease on such stn ed date at each such owner s address as last known to Lessees, ore credit of eac uqh owner is try aepgsitoq bank named herein, in the <br />net pro lease herein for baymrat of delay rentals a shut in gas royalty for such period. W elk shut its g To shall be de(errp -sped as followat <br />71a total amount of shut in gas royalty payable to all such owners shall be det.Mned lif multiplying h Dgllpr (i100)xby tjse total number of ac of land covered <br />by smd lease on such st1Ud ditto, and each such owner shall receive that palt t rage which s its tl.e pmpgrti0it that hs �rsy Ity. acreage interest sg sa�and bean to the <br />total number of aces o[ Land covered byy such lease oo such sMted dates Provided, hpWevfr that if oa tuck' stated dote that ease u being maintained In force and effect <br />otbt;rwisa than by re son of anr such shut m gas weU or shut in gat wellzr Lessee shell nu! be obliged to ay of tender an� uc sum sir money as shut io gas royalty <br />The 1pnguagt a bas will cnpibie of rodiucing gas only" os used tq this Se�tioe 3(ej shall mean and mglutl�j a well capnbl� producing natural fat only or a well <br />capable of produunR natural gas �nd /or rnndrnsate, or distillate or a well clppssstfiedA as It gas well by ant" govemmenta) autlso pr any well sn which tlu gas -oil ratio <br />is so high t it a gmtrnmrntal asst only writ not perms bawd hydracarbosat to be perdu therefrom unlash ,lib gas u marketeq <br />4 If operations for the drilhn� of a well for rid or S's a not commenced or if there s no oil air gas bSmd produced on sate land or on acreage pooled therewith as <br />hereinafter pro. ided on or pefore one par QQfro``m the date hereof this lease shall terminate as to botli partks, unless the lessee on or before that date shell pay or tender <br />to the lessor oe to the lessors credit m thc$7. 7p 6 1164pF 00z Cs. slra _ _. Bank at Wlboo ](01ett ski - „ _ _ <br />W its successors which. shall con�itn ass live depository tot rental regardless of changes in the ownership of said lane}, the sum of <br />$i.iMts >�iiSd iZoh L,w +ii�e.��i�i- r+ +li��.ai�.a�i'T ll1R/t1R ? +!_•+tx!-lsk s7a fills 9t aR +ttll�At ±w_� DOLLARS <br />(it ��RW ) which shall operate as a rental and cover the privilege of Clefs rrIng the cgs�mencemen! 4f openhons foe drilling of a well for twelve <br />nlonus from said ditb Ice like manner and upon Irks payments or tenders the cnms�enttmegl pI operations for dnlling of a wed may be further Deferred for I&* periods <br />sir the same number of months successively AU payments or tenders may be made by client or draft of lessee or any assignee thereoft mailed or delivered on or before the <br />rtutal paying date It is understood and agreed that the consideration first recited berets, the down pa men,, covers not only the privilege ranted to the date when said <br />first natal at payable as aforesaid, but also the Jesseea not of extending that period as aforesaid and any and o other rights conferred Should the depository , bank <br />htreafttr close without a successor lessee or its assigns rnar deposit lentalc or royalties in any Nationai Bank located in the same county with the first named bank due <br />ne tine of suth deposit to be mailtd to lessor at last known addrem s r ) , it r , ni <br />S <br />William ct to the a" r r t t <br />pe p yifiient of and the right to receive delay, rental and royah ea (including t%sut m gas royalties), it u agreed that the termination d a life estate <br />term mineroi interest or other precedent i;state whereby the Lessor shgU y»pN tab pepsestton or use of As jntgrgst in said Iand shit(, subject to an the pmvistons of that <br />1, asp become effective from and after the dats when such Lessor shall have fumuhe satisfactory evidence to Lessee showing the ternants on of such life estate, term <br />mineral uittravt or other precedent estate but for all other puropses this lease shall cover such interest as and when the Lessor shall so come into the possession or use of it <br />6 Lessen at its gphon u hereby given tlw,,rwht and power to pool or combine the land covered by this lease or any portion thereof or forpsatsont thereunder as to o11 <br />and ggaqs or either of them, eitt sctore or a es( Proe)uction, with aqny nth�r land, lease or Rases when in Lesstts judgment it ts necessary or advisable to do $}o m order to <br />pr,yx rly gavel cep or operate spa premisty and irtes)xctivi ,of yYbetbe�, aut�ionty similar to this exists witt, jrespeet to such other land, lease or leases, such Pooling to be into <br />a well syyt or Brats not exceeding forty t ) acres, plus an acreage tolerance o[ ten per cent (10%) of forty (40) acres for oil( and note lnf sat hundred and forty <br />.640)1 icrex plus ad acreage tolerance of ten per cent (,10',x+) of sit hundred and forty (640) acrei,, fggrr gat` except that larger aptb. rpw A greatgd to conform to anv, <br />piecing gr weiltyn�t patttrrt this may he prescribed by governmental authorities having junsdietioo. The pooltn is oM o{ more instancer a4 not exhaust the rights of <br />the iassfe )tereunter to pool this base on portions thereof or formations thereundeg in sit athe( oohs f.e3sr! sbsit gwvpte iqq wn tng qqnd place of record an instrument <br />it instruments identifying and descnbinf the pooled acreage 1 r uct{orq drilling sir rewor ng operations anywhere on a unit whicb ncludes all or s part of this lease shall <br />Ix to sled ti i{ sttly � prpdycbon dnll1na or reworking operations under this kale In lieu of the royalties (excepting shut iA �fas royalties) a sewhere herein specified <br />Lt spar shall ,re he ro a prut so for:r{ed only sucls pgrhon of the ro)altY stipulated herein as the amount of his acrer ge placed in the unit or his royalty interest therein <br />heirs to vh> t t 1 ]age so Apo {rd in the particular mint involved. In the absence of production Lessee may temunaW any umtlted area by filing of record notice of <br />ttmun thjo ul�ie4 i �d or instruments identifying and describing the unitized area contain provisions for termination uppe certain contingencies. <br />7 If �r K4(t iii fry its pi o} gets on saib land, or ort _gcreage pooled therpwrtly lessee should dnq a dry hole or boles therrpn, of after discovery of o0 or gas proctor <br />sign t t��` s u ce4'�gfyng cause, that lesse ilia not terminals if lessee eomgsfrt a0tkmal dnlling or r1wtirking one yno within sixty (60) days thereafter <br />or f K , ith (1�F, pp 1r.� commences {s resumes the paymirrit or lender of rtntq po or befon"e the rental pa) in dotd 1texT ensuing After the expiration of three <br />(31 raga(tfI�qf rb lt�h., t Ofafiijlelion of a dry hole or cessatiop of production If at the £x@pnratlA of the pnlnpprr terse pit or gr s Holt being pouduced on said land w <br />,n �gsgattt h{s* ill A. bust it ee s then engaged to drilling or reworkfn/ operations tlse"A this lease sf.all t�emsle to effect so gnir gperaUOm are prosecuted <br />.thtr qn the sasssr ate �qr it ,4 well thereafter commenced, wit)& no cessatioo of moral than slily (601 consecutive days, and �f Gee res-u1t u1 the production of oil <br />,r fisy,lMs �1t s1(yilt 11 Witt so worth therreaffcg as s cp production cgn�yeb , a e + ,� ,g r 9 yy q <br />A <br />If in s outs*. a Ic t ,,¢cep the above escn land than the anti!'r� nit undivided fe±r simplit a fi trw1eult their the royalties and rentals herring provided shall <br />be �yi �Tr gnly,id dsh Qrtiyit wblgh his interest �hj�r'grs ti the ,�rhoidfeiaCndd un sided fee ilny;PIeresf it t�ue FAdugtors frosts t�.e lands herein descnlsrd to v+hlcb the <br />9ste r t s �hng rli s�aU,}x prjiucte froiq ie map (>�r `rre#n l�„ Ire - r , a ; v i L <br />st s tR idcuse, (rrq of fostj gp4 off en4 wiflor lvm hu xfl oq spi� and f /;fssef a o ragop thereon} i,Wpt watts frp this welIseof lessor r <br />Wfjei r Iles t al lessofr lessee shall bury lessee s pipe lines below plow &pt } <br />\o well 3 (f (lnl�q rvrare;F 4�jt 200 feet t0 Qlf boyysq tg barn poly qr! said gremlin without written cgnse�st of lessor " <br />Lesstx shall pay far nij.ngrlt cpus�d by aesser t operptsoFnf gfpw1ni groo On tqd japq l a <br />Les we shpil have t¢l�,nght 8t anyatirsy to win <br />gvit ritil h "crx' and fislure,f, 1 oq sett► prfgsises, including this rice¢ to draw and remove casing <br />10 1j[ Its! est see of either pgrty hereto 4 assigned -and t e P vilege p% asngnin j (s' w oil ,pr tq spelt s expiessfy at pined ♦t ^'ilia covenppb hereof shall azMnd o the heir I <br />t smslors aclmmistrat r+r" syacvssors or assigns, but sus� t the ownerrbip of the land, of, assignments of rents or royal% re shall he hindmj� an the ires,4 until after i <br />(`sellr st R� been furnished wilts Frrttfled copies of m nImt:nts of title deraigning title from of, and it u herrhy agreed t at in the event this lease' shit` he assigned <br />bO se�t� ip pperil �[ ttt� shrive descri ed Ian grid the assigner pr assignees of sycIt part or parts sbgll fit or make defaglt in the p+�umnt gf thf proportionate <br />urt of sly remts'eiiµt frprg bins of diem, such dgfqult s �t Sol goer to t4 ylefegt oO�� affect Isis le re to r fy as it coven a earl 0 pmts 4t said lands upon whicb the said <br />ssee or an assignte t ere shad make dui poymesiJ sod rent Iq case mat Alrgri� this ease. jb whole sat in part, lessee shill he mheved of }tU obligations with i <br />I- 'sit cf to the w grit d portion or Po ions ansintl po se wept, W ts q(I assignment/ its t}� g gf geatj� of p person rnhtled to rent tU he reunite r lessee may pay <br />r tender such rentals to the credit of t1N degeaw or tM esTgte t Qtb deceased un d such tPme of lessedili fum.she wit}, proper ev.dtgp! of the appointment and quail <br />fstytion of -in executor or pdmmistrolar of the rstpte or i! there ise nprlei then unto �efsre u fumsshed with evidence satisfactory to st as tq the b"ra or dvvisrrs of the <br />deceased. if at an yy time two or more perso�ss be entitled %p piutICPgIF a the rental p able lWivuler (,�ssee may p or tender said sen4ai jonsty, to such persons ex to <br />the a joint credit i* thir depository named herons qr. at Legset s clectusne the proportionaM part of $girl rentals tit whicb eagjt particepgn! q entitled inny be paid w ten <br />de red to lure wparitely qr to lisle srpgmte credit to said tjeposttoryf and Paymen` or tender to any particip3rvf or ties portloa pf tM TV, hereunder shall maintain the <br />I ise pt In such pprdcsp�al. =t A� L ° q <br />I1 tesseb may at any pale and IrprA <br />Unit, to time e4efute sou 4CI to 4rsser or place of repordia relta�i rejeasse$ tpVenn either full intemst or an undivided <br />ntrresl iq qU ex any part esr he lrared prriPs3}'a or �q any rM ty {j.prsongs, Iopaat(oN q tlepthi gpdrf)v�ng none of any Past d e remises and thereupnp shall <br />IV tritestd of oil ohhgatlnisq teelir kv tp„,ap"a wlt reipec trya anti, zorr formot)Pntr 4jthf thi undivided intelrrstf favfred is such release. In the eves¢ o! a re <br />I fist ep Ihi lr ps tp ail i hp nn a paR of spy ore em!raged Iq the teased Premises, oe of tq aq undtvitied intemst iq sill fprrnat[ttont to all or a part of the teased <br />Prrirl)set i4re�grlthe (�e {ay��rfn ilq �frc b�vp firoyule fill {isal: fM r tuc4 pr°i?ortittnakty w t! 1 ^ s <br />1Z. Wbetp drdlIniir�� ProdtlFtinn eM other DWWIpnt stir (lelayed, I lerRiP(e sat s pied by lael( of water, lghor' rnpterial, inahlijtq to obtasp access la leased preens sue <br />flaiid, w pr rr�tllitln mslttrltiut n, nest# str4lcev dtffarenpjes w tlj �vqr trge�t, of flora q! 4prriFrt trstisM or fttrs.is4 fafilIj for Iran vWptiW sir' gnrl Product rpdu re- � <br />unsissr la�t a! Rvadghje ty s iUcfACtorts m{t>k£4 iA l sD/ s nPiniat, fq! sly }>� gr gap iprp y Qr jl fs )etult a ag 4Mg► 4f sit iovf Mmental agency (in i init�ut not <br />7 Y tlt(J' a avvty ell s w„ rr ra It ua, ,�vyt ail 11a, f, +., <br />a 3 t $, �w , ;" t tilt i s iv r a «_ a _sir f e �; 1st ti s C <br />i — « <br />r <br />t ,ag i d 1 <br />to s t <br />tj• ()j k errs ,, i { �a , 'k � ,, <br />