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<br /> . .. T�IIS 1�FAMII Y RID�it is mad$this zeTS day of Nov�lasR , 1a97 ,�d is �` ,.�-_
<br /> '�` ` ' ' ', � inc�poaa�ted inm and shalt be d�med t�am��and snpgle�t the Mostgage,De�d of 1�ust a�Se�ariry Deed(the � . ---
<br /> ''` � - . � ^S InsO�am�1")of fhe sazne date given b3►ths imdeasi ) Harsowea's No�to _� .
<br /> � gn�(d�e"Hffirowea" to sewre
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<br /> . ' (ti�e"�.c�adea"y , � _-
<br /> .r:� __
<br /> r . r ; , of the samedate and aovermg the pcapcat}t descn'bed in dte Secmity Instrumeataa�Iocated a� _
<br /> P. `l:� jt . __
<br /> R.' • � • -,"�•
<br />%t;.a, _ • .< 1721 HAKGVHR LANS r • %'"::>:-,,
<br /> . <c , .�.•` � ISL�fDID. NSBRASRA 68803 � . --
<br /> ,, , ':; [1'�P�N Add�upl ,- _ _ '_
<br /> ---:•�T,: . � .. . _ � _ - --
<br /> t 1-4 FAMILY COVEN�S. in additiam m the covensnm an�l agre�neats made In the Sec�ai2��"unmeat, �, .^ �
<br /> ° .. .. . Sorrowea aud I�ader fiather cov�iant aad agree as foll�w� . ��; � ,
<br /> . A.ADDiTi0P1AI.�ROPEATY SUBJFC'�TO�S�CU�Y .��...-F,�
<br /> ,', . INSTRIJMENPi:In eddition tu tDe ��;�::�2
<br /> ___ ._. pYpg�tq d��n dte Se�ritY Instr�me��1he f�g it�as�rc addcd W the pr�peatY d�p��a.and sbaIl �_':��. _ _
<br /> '• � a i so cans6mte the p c u p e a t y cave�red by the Se�airlry Tnsuumeux 6w'Iding maDeaiaLs.aPP1iances and gaods of every '��"
<br /> Q; �. . . a�ue wt�aeves now ar he�eaf�er lacated in,on.os usea..or Iatendc�ro be nsed�aanneqinn ceitb the Ptoperiy. �� ;-��`-_`
<br /> � � . insdudi�g�but not Hmite�w.thase fas the p�uposes of suPDh+�S as disu�utEng tie�iu�,cbo3mg,el�tY.� . �-�.
<br /> " wa� sir and ligW,6re piev�n aad e�ingaisfiin$appa�ams.s�u�iy►an�a�ccntml appatatt+s►Plumb�ag: `�'"'��---
<br /> �� �,,,.}� ` 7w ,,�,,L,, ppp� ��e�e �}��{?�� a N
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<br />�'�. ' " awaings,swrm windows.stonm►daore.s�eems.N�tda.sLaAes.au�ns and ao�ssin mds.attac�ed a�cabin�ts� .• :,�';._°'�-
<br /> ri, • � � ',:,; paneIImg aad auacl� ftoor coveaings aow or he�eafter at�acbed w the YmPertY, au of a+hi�, �nelad"mg ^,� _
<br /> •,;: >� .r .:� replacements and addiiloas th�eto,aha11 be deemed w be and re�sin a part of the PtopeRy cavered 6y the Setauiry %'W
<br /> sc:. 1 _�_,;:,..
<br /> Instcum�u.All of the foregoing wgether with We PmpertY cte.srn'bed In the S�cani�r instrame�t(or the IeasekoId ��...��.:,_,;=•
<br /> � . 4 a.:� e.9tare if the Sec.nrIry Insoramea�t is on a teasehol� are refeare4 w in tbis 1-4 Faauly Rider and the Secmrity eb,.
<br />- . � . : 1nStr�uIIeIIt 89 the"F[opeaty° ,�Y"�,'..-
<br /> , . , �,s �.US`�OF PROPEItTY3 COMPLIANCE WITU LAW. Bannwet shaU nat seek. agree w or malr�a � :" _
<br /> k ti� •. , '.;..� c,tt�nge um ttte trse of ttte Pmprity or its zoning c�sv�tIon.an2ess Lendea has agreed in wrI�g to the change. ft�,:�
<br /> 1� ... ` Botmw� s1�aD wmpty wIth a]1 iaws. ordinances. aegnlaifans and requfi�nenm ai any goveannteu�l bady . -
<br /> l�Cab2e W ihe Property. � �� �
<br /> �°�• ... , � � C.S�JBO�DIIVATE L1ENS. .Bxaept�La�tted by fedeaal law,Bmmwea shaD aot alIow amy lten inferior l ,� �
<br /> � �JB � ' z,
<br /> � ,:,. , w the SECUrity 7nsmm�eau w be p�rfected ag�d�e PmDerry wlthout I.e�dea's ps�or cvritten perndssion. , -
<br /> mr
<br /> �� D.I�N'i'LOSS INSUYtANCl3. Bom�wea eLall malntatn insur�oe a�tinst rent loss in addidon tu tke other .
<br /> �;:: .� . , '� da7ards for wtiich msur�ce ls reqaired by 1Jniform Coveaant 5. ._-" `�_
<br /> �.:. ,,:.�:,-.
<br /> p.` . . � E."BORROWER'S 1dIG�P�'O REINSTATF,"DEl.�I'ED Uniform Covc.naat 18 is deleted. --
<br /> �;� ; � . F BORItOWER'5(ICCUgANCY. UWesg Lend�a and Batmwe� otheavvlse agre8 In svritng, the ,first .` . ��
<br /> • sca�tence in Uaifom� Cavenant 6 concaming Bmrower's accapancy of the Ptope�ty 1s deleted. AU r�nain�ng .
<br /> . .:;.;. ., cavca�aarts and agreements set fost�in iJniform Cove,r�ant5 shaU retnain Ineffect. '�� ���. .;,�;:
<br /> 4' , �
<br /> . � . �. : = P�ULTI9TATE 1•4 FAE�lLY filOER•FanMo E9ao/Fraddto 49aa ifittorm tnatvnmoa�t . F�m 8170�J83 -- =
<br /> � . PepvlotZ '
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