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<br /> -r - ' < <:r.., , .f.�v,x. � -, f . .<1� ._ , .� .. ' ` H, . -„ � , c•� ' . iF`� '.{r:
<br /> r� c ` ��' � / � - . ' 1a�y..0: `4�.5` \ O'• �:
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<br /> . . `� .S;T�. ' .. . .
<br /> . ,,�.e :( • paym�ats maY no toagea be zeqaised.at the opti�n of I�euder.if moscgage insivanoe cove�age(in the amo�t and far tte�periad , � .•
<br /> .; ;�� _
<br /> - :.-�.� . .".YT, t- �t�.:t
<br /> ..�:�:.=-=- �f p�te�uires�m+uvided by�in�uer appmved b7t I�ender aS�in bmomes ava�able�d is ablae►ed.Bormwer shaII pay Ws ,... ;:� .._
<br /> . :.r.: _ � reqmred oo maintain mort�age �ns�nce ia e�e�.or w pmvlde a toss r�seavc.unnl the regutremeui ior mmt�ge ' ._--4�..— -.
<br /> �`Y �� �eads m 8cc�deaoe with�►y w�ageem2ffitberiveea Bormwer ffiW Iendes or applic�b2elaw. ,
<br /> ��� 9.Inspect�m. Lender or its ageat may cnalee�sanab2e eutries upon�d�ections of the ProgertY.I.mdea shall give ..
<br /> -.. `�:.. ' in rea�abisc�efar the insp�. � ``
<br /> Basuwer nodce sithe t�of or pRinr m aa�insp�Ion sps�fY g �. "
<br /> � '< lO.Caade�atton. 'ihe gmc�ds af m►y aw��r cisim f�damages.d'uecc az cans�q�eati�al,ia con�ctirm with�Y < � � 4 _ _
<br /> :;` aondemnatioa ar ath�r tal�g of aay pazi af the Ftaperty.ar far aomeyance m lien of candemnation,ate heiebY as4gned end `` ° `'
<br /> �,.�
<br /> � � �: sheil begaid t�I�uder. _�.
<br /> � � : '� In the eveut of a mtal taka�g nf the Pc+operty,the pmc�eds sSn�D be appiied w the snms sea�ed bp ihis Seiauity Instrummt, �,; :
<br /> ' _` uf m afiisA dte fait matke,t "° �'-
<br /> . whetha ur not ihea dtte,a►itt►a�►Y exc�ss Faid to Bortower.In t5e eve�t af a gactial�g the PmpeatY� ; _ -
<br /> - • - vat�a uf the P1ope�ty imm�►bef�tIIe takiag is e�aal tn ar gceater thaai the�nount of the sums sec�eed by diis Sec�urity ` ``� -------
<br /> ' ��-� Ins�umeat immed3ately befare the ta�ing,tmtess Bmmwea and Iander vthenwise agree in wnting,the soms sec�ued by this
<br /> °, , Sec�uiry Insmmae�t shaII be reduced by B�ama�t of tDe prooeeds mattiPlieB by die foltoeving fiacaon:(a)tbe mtat affiomn of .`'` ` _`�
<br /> '���� ' die snms seiaued immedia�dy befare dte taIrmg,divi+ded by ib)die f�market value af the pcopeaty iuumediaielY before t�e , ..
<br /> aued . • �
<br /> ' ` � `. - ta�ing,Aa�r baianoe sbai!be paid to Ba�awea.In the ev�t af�p�ai tal�ag af QteP�opFaty in which the fa�r ramrkctvalus of dte ,:
<br /> ,;, ._...; I..'� �, '. � Prapeary �mediatety be�fare d�e ta�ng is lesg thaa ahe amam►c of the sums sec�d �media�rd9 be�a�the taldng, �I�SS `:. ,� ;
<br /> .t��.�
<br /> . .��.'��' Buaawrr aad Leader othetarisa agree m wrhing ar uWess�pH�1e law atheawise pYavidcg.the pmcc�ds sUatl be ayptied to the � <�. <<�. _
<br /> ' ' . sums se�+ed tty t�is Sec�ity Instmnneaat whe�tha oi not the sams a�e thea duG •
<br />°ry=. ,- . .. �f 8�e�8rupea�y is ahaadoned by Borrawer,or i�after notice by Le�dea oo Borcawer that the oondemnos offeas m make aw _ --
<br /> � �. L,' �I'^ award ar seuie a�laim for d�ges,Baaam+c�faiLs w respond to Lcnda witdin 30 days aftea the date the aotioe is giv�.L�t d e a :�-�--- -_
<br /> . . � ' � is authorized to coliect and apply the pcacee�,at its aption.eit�ea to resta�,ariaa ar r�pais of dte Pruperty or to the snavs seau� ,- �-?'�- --
<br /> � . � � by tfis Se�arity 1�ostmm�eat,wheth�r ar noi t$ca►dae. � . _ .
<br /> �:�
<br /> . � . Unlesss I�ender and Barcawer othawi�agcee in wriring.anY appl�c�ian of Procee�s m Pr�1 s�aii acst�d ur pastpoae -- -
<br /> n s
<br /> . �� the dne date of the mondily paymeais ief�ed to in paraigsaphs 1 and 2 0=chaqqe the awamnt of sach paymeats� � ��;�r,�
<br /> ' 11.BorrowerNo3�Sefease�;Forbeasaace By I.�desNo!a l�atver. Exteadon of die tn�ce for payment o�mo� 2 �
<br /> ' � ��` '• of amot�.atioa of the saws seaued by tLis Sewriry�ns�mnent�by Leudea m any succ�i la bnt�st of�mtow�r st�31 ' =-�
<br /> ;.w....�.--. -��:
<br /> � . ._. '. 1 , not�to re�the liab�iry of the�rIgival Banrowec as BoAOwear's sacc�.ssors in in�etesL I.eud�sLaD aot tse re,qaued to F'.,�'��
<br /> ;t commeace praceedffigs�t anY s�cc�sar la interest or mfnse w e�cte�d time for paymaat flr oi�sc madify amoltizat�a�a� ��,��--
<br /> � the sums seauEd 6F t�s 5�ad�!►Iastmme�i by reason of eny dcmand made by die original Boaowa or Basmwec's success�s ,�,�,.�t.�+M�
<br /> .. �;, ' ', in iat�st.Aay fm�nce by Lende�m ex�g pr►y right ar�nedy sl�all aot be a araivea cf or preclade the exe�cise of any. . . _-
<br /> � ``�;;-? �o rtghtorremedp. . =��x::; �_-- --
<br /> {;,:.:..�: :• . ':;-Y�-� f_;,� �
<br /> . 13.Sueoessors a�e�3gns Boasd;Jofnt and�vera!Lin6i�i Cw.�gners.�e cove�ants And a�eements af s�s .._
<br /> � Seca�rity Ias�ment s!�bind and beae&t ihe su�ns at�d assigns of Le�dea and Hatmwea.sabiect to t6e pmvLsions af i���,._.�
<br /> .. . .. ., Pata�aph 17. Boaawds covenauts and a�reeffiec�shall be laint and several. Aay Boaower who co-signs this Seauity � _ �-�..�__.
<br /> . , :�.� � � ��, ` Instrament but does not execate the Not�(a)is co-signing this�r�amry lnsorument only to martgage.g�nt and oanvey tsat .`,v,%.�
<br /> . �.:,.�_`���=
<br /> :° , ';�. Borrow�'s�...a�zst in the Prop�r m�dar the tams of tbLv Seaaity Insuume�(b).is nat persanaiiy oblig,ate8 w pay the s�s ,.°.'�;fl �,�
<br /> ' serared by @iis S�Insaumen�and(c)agrees�at Leadea and any other.Bmrowa may ageee to eatend.modifY.farbear or . _�.��_ r.-� .°
<br /> �� � � make any accommad�s�regarA to the tams of dris Sec�uiry Instrumeni ar�h,:Note wi�hont that Borrawei's cas�seat � ; ' .�L --
<br /> ,.. � . • 13.I.�sn Che�es. L�the Ioau secured by this Secauity Iustrmnent is sub3ect w a law whitci�sets max�mnsn Ioan�harges. � - ---.
<br /> 'ect I a ,��
<br />"�`�•- � ..'.,: .`.`• and that law is Saa12y insapreted so t�s�he inteaest ar ah�taan charges coUeaed+a�w be 'ce�ia coan�tion witb die loan �, .,.`�'
<br /> � ,� �,'! _ '`. exoeed tt�e yamitted l�raits.the�:(a)any such toan charge shall be reduced by�e amoumt c�r m reQuce the charge tn the . =- - ^.
<br /> __ ' �. � per�iue�1imi�8nd(b)eny samg aheady coIIected fmm Bomawer wtriCb exoee�sd�eimitacd l�:�v will i�e refnaded to Bomawer. :. .: -��_-
<br /> � �
<br /> ::; . l�ender may cLaose tza caake tLis refunA by reduc�g the priacipal owed vn���e Nnte ot by malsing a d'aect paymea�t un ����`N:�
<br /> ;.' ,. �`: . . . .� .,,,----
<br /> .. • , ° Boimaer.If a refond rafices�al, the reduaron w�l be oreated as a pardal prepaym�t wi4�out anY U'�l+m�et charge ��°-�.,.
<br /> . -• - ander Qte hc;�. . ,` .. . .
<br /> 10.N�tf�s. Any notice ro Bosrower provided for in this Secarity Instrument s1�aU be givee by deliveaing it or by ma�tng it .
<br /> • . by first claqs ma�unless applicable Iaw requites use of aaotha method.The nodce shall 6e directed w the Prapaty Address or °• , .. �`•
<br /> _- = aay othea addresg Bea�wer d�ates by noticce w Le�dea.Any notice to Lc,mda shall be given by fi�st class mail ro Lender's _ _
<br /> . address starad heceb�a3�y othea address I.cndea designates iry noflce w Bmrower.Any notice provided for in this Securiry
<br /> � . Insuument shaall be deemed W have�ecn givcn to Borrawer or Lender when givea as pmvideA in thL9 parag�aph. � . ,
<br /> �• � 15.Govesatng Law;Severabi.ity. 'This Security Inswment sba11 6e gavcsned by federal Iaar and the Iaw of t�e . .. .. � .
<br /> ' jurisdic�on In which tI:e.Pmyeaty is tocated.In the event tbat any prnviston or clause of this Seciuity lnsuum�t os tbe Note •��-�-.�=--x-.
<br />.- ' . � c�onfllqs with applicab:e laa.such coMict shall not afPect othea provisions of thiv Secauity In.strument�t�e Note wh�ch can be . ._,: ..
<br /> :;.`' :� ' givea effcxt without the wnEllcdng provision.To this e,nd Q�e pmvisians of tlils Sr�rity Insfiument and tte NaZe are declamA w � ,
<br /> : . � be sevaable. . .. �
<br /> . ' .:5- �..
<br /> • - � . Form 3040 9190 � . .
<br /> , . �, . ��BR(HE7cs�al.Ot Papoaof8 initub:_�_._— .. ,
<br /> � . . .�- "a� ` .� {J •
<br /> • . � ., , �_._...�____�_.-,_ . . , . . . � .
<br /> :, . . . � . . . .. . � . . • . . . . .
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