r �
<br />OF3DINANCE NO. 3862
<br />Grdinance directing and authorizing the sale of certain real x Q
<br />Gr 4 O�trt belongOg to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, to Bernard L. Ya ,
<br />andfi Ha riet K. Yax, husband and wife, of the City of Grand Island,' Nebra�
<br />a,
<br />,',,d�scrI ed as a tract of land formerly being a part of a platted rogd. lye-
<br />adjace t to and south of Lots Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13) in Gecr $ab,
<br />,
<br />;�dtvisi n, now an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, va?' tec
<br />-
<br />b
<br />"Laid C ty of Grand Island on the 2nd day of Vay, 1962, by Ordinance No.�
<br />f�
<br />x H 3845 "of said City, which is more particularly described as follows•K best
<br />ginn)ri at the southeast corner of said Lot Twelve (12) , thence= r uin
<br />our
<br />olongation of the east line of said Lot Twelve (12) for O''diStanC
<br />' Forty
<br />o
<br />40) feet to the north line of Lot Thirty Four (34) in pai(, GeOr S
<br />15-
<br />divi 1 n, thence rur_ning west on the rorth line of said Lot Thi,rt* Four;
<br />X4
<br />f'0 istance of One Hundred Thirty Two ( 132) feet, ti-ence rt4inir� nort
<br />3
<br />n on, 41, olongation of the ti%est line of said Lot Thirteen (13) f9j a dista
<br />a
<br />co
<br />a ofd Fog y (40) feet to the southwest corner of said Lot Thirteens (13) z th
<br />not
<br />4 v�rWf4MI east on t�,e south line of said Lots Thirteen (13) and 'Twelve (12
<br />,
<br />s� t{ �< for•' a istance of One Fundred Thirty Two (132) feet to the POnvv or
<br />x
<br />te41nn ng; providing for the giving of notice of said sale anti jsiving th
<br />Y �terMq hereof, and providing for the right to file a remonstrance agains
<br />{ k such 6 Ie . as �
<br />,, 4
<br />r k
<br />W
<br />;} ir` r NFLMI AS A i ' :
<br />,
<br />Y
<br />y i
<br />s � S CTION 1. That the sale of the real estate t 4 escribed as a tractro
<br />` Hand f` rmerly being a part of a platted road lyirg ad jacert to arid, -sout
<br />,
<br />15f
<br />* =Lots elve (12) and Thirteen (13) in Ceer Subdivision, now ark MaLitioit
<br />q
<br />the CI of Grand Island, Aebrasla, vacated by said City of Grand Islan
<br />or,
<br />y y° the 2n day of Nay, 195?, by Ordinance No 3.905 of said City, "which 1,8�, m
<br />a r � laxly described
<br />re'
<br />partld as follo .4s Beginning at the southeast corn rfof
<br />3� Saidr t Twelve (12), thence running south on a prolongation 9f the east
<br /># l Ine o said Lot Tiielve (12) for a distance of Forty (40) feetF; too the no
<br />tie,
<br />°T rst , link o Lot Thirty Four (34) in said Geer Subdivision, thence r11 rig W
<br />st
<br />`f � on t�9 north line of said Lot TnIrty Four (34) for a distance of One Hun
<br />red
<br />lop � F Thirty Two (1,32) feet, thence running n' Qrth on a prolo ation of the wes
<br />4
<br />1144 of said Lot Thirteen (13) for a distance of Forty 40) feet to the
<br />s' spiuthwest corner of said Lot Thirteen (13); thence running east on tho
<br />, '"*'south line of said Lots Thirteen (13} nd Twelve (12) for a distance of
<br />Orin
<br />,c" y H�zndrpd Thirty Two (132) feet tp tge- point of beginning, be, and th
<br />�
<br />rk same is hereby directed, authorized and coilfirmed unto F•einard, L«¢Xax -,
<br />a4d H rriet K. Yax, husband and wife.
<br />h a x
<br />"rr +' ECTION 2. The terms of the sale of said real estite'are as follow
<br />• #Y`
<br />In° a hangs for the property to be conveyed by the City to the- ga.ntees
<br />IVIred
<br />*, llerel named, said grantees will convey to the City of Grarld Islant� the F
<br />realstate described as follows The South Sixty (60) feet of the nort
<br />"Four Twenty( 31,x and,Eight Tenths (426.8) feet of Lots Twelve (12
<br />and Thirtepgt(13)j, 1nV Geer* Subdiv %lion, now an Addition to the City of
<br />C3rand' f lays "e,,ragya. , The
<br />,- City sbaij not be required to furnish an
<br />Pbstrac of 3 Titl fblp' thj' psxopgrt�, tai be conveyed to the grantees.
<br />S TZ 3 "; s,•pprov ( ed by ldw, not ice of such sale and the terms
<br />u
<br />thereof sball b #P ublis ed for, thfete (3) consecutive weeks in the Grand
<br />Island a ly Irk , c ent','a anewspaper� tA�ltshed in and of general circu-
<br />lation Said,# It�y.of G,raAd Island, Immediately after the passage and pub.,
<br />licatto df this ordinan¢a,. and the City Clerk is hereby directed and in-
<br />"
<br />street c 'tip- prepare ^andtpublish� sai4 notice,
<br />< M 4 f �s x k jF ,
<br />x a� I t ..y
<br />SECTION �4 At� ihpxity *hiss)Ve�ehya granted to the electors of the City
<br />i
<br />o.r Grand; Island; t file(a "reWn$ trance against the sale of the wi thin
<br />described al¢eitatd�o,4sign,ed by jegel electors of the said City equal in
<br />number to fbo"lasboe�,G?tion hrty 4¢)� der± cent ojj •the electors of the City of Grand Islandk
<br />voting air held i said City, be filed with the City
<br />Counoi]� t6 3d)
<br />w)thin rt; days af�8rt the passage and publication of this
<br />ordinances such prop rpy; s�ali Wb then, nor within one (1) year thereafter;
<br />he sold r .
<br />errs '• - "�;a r t
<br />