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( <br />tR a'A 30.3 76 � C,�:�twid) <br />aw Ostanot of Forty (40) test to the A►wrth lines. of Lot 'Ahirty.foLr, (34) <br />is acid Gear wVbdtvistoni thc•tct ruric3 nt east �'n the ft.,.-rth liner of said <br />Lot 1''ACV -fvuv (A riz-v s A*WCa of .t.xty -aiv (66) testa the "nce ranAmS <br />.iortheasterly for a iiatancs of "overnzy wavCct a:sd `N-o `Tenths We?) feat <br />0 the avit' %esoterly toner of Sad Lot Ana, (9)t thoncs ramntvr est <br />tha acath tine, of astid Lots Vine (9) .mot Te,a (lo) far a Ji*inca of 0m4 <br />;3tandred lhirty ,'«o (132) feet to the r�aint of tf irniner. b�+e ani the ear:e <br />is hio cbj,;toJp a.ut?v>A% 4 &A oonfimc'3 unto rdvi rd 1. 1, AMA In'l <br />Josephin e AS Mv3si hu ba�'A' AA Atop arA :•len;ry .4. i'h;C°3 AM tortttls F'hr.M' "ar <br />nxsba.ri �tn•i vrita. <br />S�QTIA �, iha ttr '1s of tt;e st31e of sa14 real. eat-ate %rer as follow at <br />Nrchajor a h 'sa4 3�'1.664' t* convey %Into t=he► .itr of Crams' T!'Iml t'he "real es- <br />tate ?e•2cribed a f 0 l'xia t 1'h4 mv% ': ixty VO) feat ,of E')t 1"h' r4s (3) and <br />the► 3041 Y ri:xtj (60) feat of the north FOOD 11� Ored' `f:, ent-Y We ar;d *ight; <br />Z::zt'hs (� �`�.�) teet> p!' tsts �Lne (9) a►nsl 'CEA (l0) all it �° est "ubdirisSc " »� <br />�.i ai, tl3itit�ii to the City- of C'rand t land, Atrask4. Th 3dittioa to t%O <br />land, ti� be 2 ,av*j", t,y the City of Oramrl Island to, t.b-3 purc`vissrs t:ae .sty <br />s'zs3.1 ' e rf.,Tjirod to py $aid pUreh3S#rs then sane Of Covr 3', n<Ired 00113ts <br />(z*1400000). ihs City A311 &Iv# Vis purche:�er3 a ,'xtt CI 0-1i CO4 for said <br />pe�;eiso3, v-A the City shall not be rtquirod to -n '.tstrasat of title. <br />FCT`�S is ;muted by 1"k-'et notica ^t sr:0h smis :gad than terns <br />t7t:arvof shall Gei ,publis�od tOr t!irea (3) oomsecutive weeks in the Cry id l;�lan-i <br />vaily published in serl of gereril a#rcalrAttcm im <br />ali City of Cr l-$ Islaadt L%xediitell After tt:e Pselcs wnd publica:tic -a <br />Of this ordinl� cep a '14 O's City Clerk is haroty^ -Ai noted tad instr eted to <br />prepac's aad p blieh sxil notice. <br />:CG'PI':.1 rte tuth'�rtty Is care'Cy grimed toter eleet.ors of tl-e City, <br />of Cta.t:4, IsIa,n1,, to filer ar ruonstraa =3 #piast tats site of t *e vithim <br />dascribc,J re'sl satatei an•i if a rm*xc.nstrsnc• spieat the rits,uf the denim. <br />de!scritod. reel estates stied t.y legal Pleat -ars of tbl s said City equsl in <br />mA ter of thi,rV,(�*) per cent of Os ail otarsr of the City of Grarjd Islandp . <br />voting at the least erleetioa hsld in said ritpe to itiedd with thew City Coc.aicit <br />within thirty. (30) days after the pasaaga s;rd psblicati -om or t'hte :rRru.ncr# <br />WO proporty ahail not than, n- r within, ona.(1) 1e40 t¢eraafterr. ter sold• <br />